The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 133: There is another sinister conspiracy in Chanjiao, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos follows

Chapter 133: There is another sinister conspiracy in Chanjiao, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos follows suit.

Hearing Wude Xingjun's words, Li Jing, Nezha and others in the main hall all looked at Wude Xingjun like fools. Many immortals and gods took a step away from him without leaving a trace. They all said in their hearts: "You are a late learner and you are really shallow." , this person will definitely not end well."

"You ants, if this wasn't the 'Lingxiao Palace', I would have slapped you to death!"

Seeing Wude Xingjun talking like this, Master Huanglong almost exploded with anger. How dare a mere golden fairy boy talk to him like this?
  In an instant, Master Huang Long looked at Haotian's son. Wude Xingjun, an ant, must have been instigated by Haotian. We can't live with ourselves!

Wude Xingjun's face turned red when he heard this, and he said angrily: "You are still making such nonsense above the Lingxiao Palace. Do you still take Tian Tiao seriously?"

This sentence made the Jade Emperor frown, not to mention the real Huanglong who was close to the explosion.

Nezha, who was also a member of the Chan Cult, frowned and wanted to send Lord Wude Xing away.

Just as he was about to take action, his wrist was firmly grasped by a big hand. Nezha turned around and saw that it was his cheap father, Li Jing.

Seeing the Tota King shaking his head slightly to signal him not to take action, Nezha thought about it and stopped moving.

It's time for people to grow up, and the naughty child now wakes up. He doesn't have a good impression of Chanjiao or Taiyi Zhenren. Even this cheap father and his two brothers Jin Zha and Mu Zha don't have much affection.

"Wude Xingjun, you are finished, do you know? You have offended a Daluo Jinxian, and I will make you regret what you said today."

With a trace of reason left, Master Huang Long roared and said in his heart: "Just wait, you really don't take my teachings seriously! When I meet several senior brothers, I must let them stand up for me!"

After being on the list of gods, this rough and arrogant Daluo Jinxian also had some scheming ideas.

Chanjiao's lean camel is bigger than a horse, and there are three emperors on it, as well as Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren and other Daluo Jinxian peak masters. There is no need for him, Huanglong Zhenren, to stand out!

The Jade Emperor frowned when Wude Xingjun spoke, and then his heart moved. He did not stop him, but carefully looked at the immortal officials and generals listed below, and took in their expressions.

The Battle of the Gods was originally to deliver immortal gods to the heaven. The Jade Emperor was very ambitious and always wanted to be the supreme king. Who knew that the saints were shameless and issued the edict to seal a Six-Road Heavenly Emperor and give him his authority? Divided.

Nowadays, Buddhism is booming, and people in heaven such as Li Jing and the four heavenly kings have unclear relationships with it. The Jade Emperor has to figure out for himself which ones truly belong to his lineage.

After basically determining who was a loyal minister and who was loyal to the three religions, the Jade Emperor signaled Taibai Jinxing to come out and smooth things over.

Seeing what the Jade Emperor meant, Taibai Jinxing hurriedly came out to be the peacemaker: "Huanglong Tianjun, Wude Xingjun is a straightforward person, and I am not insulting Tianjun. I will ask him to apologize to you."

Receiving the reminder from Taibai Jinxing's eyes, Wude Xingjun had no choice but to say: "Wude said something out of line, please forgive Huanglong Tianjun."

"Hey! Easy to say! Easy to say!"

Master Huanglong naturally didn't mean to make big things into trivial matters, so he responded with a neither salty nor bland tone.

Afterwards, Master Huanglong strode away without any intention of leaving the heaven. Instead, he went directly to find the Antarctic Immortal, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

Haotian caused such a farce, Huanglong Zhenren, Antarctic Immortal, Taiyi saved Ku Tianzun, and Chi Jingzhong immediately gathered together.

After hearing what Master Huang Long said, Taiyi Kutianzun slammed the table and cursed: "Haotian boy, you dare to insult Junior Brother Huang Long like this, you must teach him a lesson!"

"Junior Brother Taiyi, there are so many elite soldiers and generals in Haotian who are not assigned to them. Instead, they have found Junior Brother Huanglong. I'm afraid there is some conspiracy!"

The Antarctic Immortal said calmly.

"Haotian boy, I'm afraid he is still thinking of a conspiracy to kill people with a borrowed knife! Does this boy think that a mere conspiracy can plot against us?"

Chi Jingjing sneered again and again, talking about conspiracy and tricks, they are the ancestors of Haotian, even the most prosperous Jiejiao was ruined by them, Haotian's mere boys are far behind!

"Since Haotian doesn't want to be the Lord of the Three Realms, then abolish him and replace him with someone else! Let Haotian's son have a walk in my netherworld."

Taiyi Jiku Tianzun said fiercely.

"What Senior Brother Taiyi said is absolutely true. This Haotian kid would only be reincarnated for thousands of lives if he doesn't take our teaching seriously!"

Master Huang Long was overjoyed. He had to look at his fellow disciples at the critical moment.

If you, Haotian, dare to insult me, I will be happy with you from now on!

"This matter is not something we can complete. We still need to find Senior Brother Guangchengzi to study it and directly set up a trap to destroy Haotian's son!"

There was a hint of cruelty in Chi Jingzhi's cold voice.

Even the relatively simple Master Huanglong trembled. Fortunately, he was also a person who explained the teachings, otherwise he would not dare to face these three senior brothers.

After deciding on the strategy, Huanglong was not in a hurry to go down to the border to quell Qin's rebellious behavior.

The Antarctic Immortal secretly went down to the world alone, came to Guangchengzi Dojo, and talked about what happened in heaven recently.

"You bastard! A mere boy next to Dao Ancestor dares to plot against a fellow disciple of mine!"

When Guangchengzi heard this, he flew into a rage, thought for a while, and then said: "Master Xuandu doesn't care, the matters here have to be settled between our sect and Jie Jiao. Without Jie Jiao's consent, Haotian We may not be able to get the benefits of reincarnation."

"Then the Chaos Son was born with loud thunder and light rain, plus the hatred between the two religions, can he help us deal with Haotian?"

When the Antarctic Immortal mentioned Li Yunjing's name, he obviously hesitated and said doubtfully.

"Hahaha! This matter is also good for Jiejiao. Without Haotian's son, the heaven will be divided into two, and Chaoszi will not refuse to agree!"

Guangchengzi had a smile on his face, he was a figure in charge of a great religion, and maximizing interests was the most important thing. Gratitudes and grudges would be settled sooner or later.

"What should we do in Buddhism?"

"Don't pay attention to those traitors! The one who calls the shots now is Duobao. The Buddhists have always been eyeing the Jiuyou Underworld. When the time comes, they can let the Buddhists enter!"

Guangchengzi sneered again and again, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"Now the Jiuyou Underworld is composed of the Wu Clan, the Shura Clan, and the Jiejiao Clan. The four forces of our interpretation and sect are mixed together. If Buddhism joins them, will it turn the world upside down?"

The Antarctic Immortal was startled. He didn't expect Guangchengzi to be so ruthless and do such a thing.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist Anji, our religion has declined to the extreme because of those traitors in Ran Deng! In all directions of the underworld, although Junior Brother Taiyi incarnates as Yama of the Tenth Palace and rules the underworld openly, in fact, Junior Brother Taiyi's orders You can’t even get out of the Yama Palace! If that’s the case, let the Buddhists come in!”

A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Guangchengzi's eyes, and he said in a sinister tone: "What's more, the Witch Clan and the Shura Clan are not easy to mess with. The greed of Buddhism has just caused a fight between them. Maybe both of them will lose. We can still make a profit!" "High! Really high! Guangchengzi, your plan is very promising!"

The Antarctic Immortal suddenly realized it and sighed secretly in his heart. It really made sense for the teacher to choose Guangchengzi to take over the teaching.

"Hahaha! Fellow Taoist Antarctic, leave the rest to Pindao. I also want to go to Xitianling Mountain to meet my defeated general Duobao!"

Guangchengzi turned into a stream of light and headed towards Xiniu Hezhou, and the Antarctic Immortal immediately entered the Jiuyou Underworld and joined Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun. The two masters immediately arranged follow-up actions to plot against Haotian and Buddhism.

However, it was said that Guangchengzi used the technique of "Longing the Golden Light" along the way and arrived at the foot of Lingshan Mountain in just an hour.

"It's ridiculous to try to cover up the truth with a mere heresy! And those traitors, after the great rise of Buddhism, you will make you pay the price sooner or later!"

Guangchengzi came to the mountainside, slapped the Taoist crown on the top, and released the three flowers on the top to celebrate the clouds.

Not long after, a bhikkhu came down the mountain, bowed and said, "Amitabha! A distinguished guest has come to teach me. The Lord Buddha has specially ordered a young monk to welcome you up the mountain."

"Thank you, little friend!"

Guangchengzi smiled calmly and followed the monk towards the Lingshan Mountain, which was hundreds of thousands of feet high.

Daleiyin Temple faces south, like the head of a golden dragon winding around. The river in front of the temple gurgling like a curved bow.

There is a mountain in the temple, a temple hidden in the mountain, a river in the temple, a temple in the water, and a myriad of things. It truly lives up to its name as the center of Buddhism.

Along the way, Sakyamuni passed down the teachings, and there were many Arhats along the way. Naturally, the monks would not stop this expert in teaching.

After a long time, after twists and turns, Guangchengzi followed the little monk to the Daleiyin Temple. In this most important temple in Buddhism, Sakyamuni Tathagata and Guangchengzi sat opposite each other.

Different from the period of the Conferred God War, now the leaders of both religions have beheaded a corpse and reached the realm of quasi-saints.

"Fellow Taoist Guangchengzi, I wonder why you came to Daleiyin Temple today?"

After many years, as the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Buddhism, I met my old rival Guangchengzi. Even Taoist Duobao's character was a bit complicated.

"Hahaha! I haven't seen fellow Taoist Duobao for many years. I didn't expect that fellow Taoist Daoist would have a good future after leaving Jiejiao."

Seeing that Taoist Duobao was indifferent and still smiling, Guangchengzi said to himself, what a pity!

I originally wanted to hit Taoist Duobao so that his mind would not be perfect, but I didn't expect that I underestimated the character of this defeated general. They were all top big shots. Seeing that his plan failed, Guangchengzi said directly: "Something is about to happen in heaven. , your Buddhism cannot participate! In return, Jiuyou Underworld, I will remain neutral in teaching, and we will not care about your affairs!"

"Amitabha! Fellow Taoist Guangchengzi, I already understand your purpose of coming. Heaven is the Heaven of the East, and poor monks and Buddhist leaders naturally have no interest in participating in Eastern affairs."

There is no core force of Buddhism in the Heavenly Court. It is difficult for Li Jing and the others to control the overall situation alone, and Jiuyou Underworld is the real fat. Since Chanjiao does not care, it is time for Buddhist forces to enter Jiuyou Underworld.

"In this case, Pindao will take his leave."

Seeing that the plan was completed, Guangchengzi was unwilling to talk to such a villain, so he got up and left Xitianling Mountain.

Leaving Xiniuhezhou, Guangchengzi flashed his light and headed towards Nanfanbuzhou.

At the foot of Wuyi Mountain.

Just as Guangchengzi arrived here using "Golden Light", a loud shout sounded from behind him.

"Guangchengzi, you still dare to come here and act wild? Give me a stick!"

Suddenly, there was wind behind Guang Chengzi's head, and it was Yuan Hong who came out to kill him and hit him with a stick on the back of his head.

"Junior, you are still far behind! Pindao came here this time to discuss something with your teacher, Dao Lord Chaos."

Guangchengzi smiled slightly, flicked his sleeves, and a strong wind hit him. In just one blow, Yuan Hong's full blow was interrupted and he was knocked to the ground.

"Okay, Yuan Hong, please ask fellow Taoist Guangchengzi to go up the mountain to meet me!"

On the top of the mountain, Li Yunjing smiled softly in his "Palace of Chaos". His disciples are still a little immature. If they want to compare with top figures like Guang Chengzi, they are still far behind.

"Yes! Disciple understands!"

Originally, because Chanjiao had sent six of his sworn brothers to the list, Yuan Hong was extremely jealous when he saw Guangchengzi, so he wanted to use the "Xuanming Shen Iron Star", an innate spiritual treasure, to attack Guangchengzi.

But the teacher's voice came down from the top of the mountain, and he was able to suppress the anger in his heart, get up, and reluctantly guide Guangchengzi to the "Palace of Chaos".

Different from the top Taoist temples in Western Buddhism, this Taoist Taoist Temple of Chaos is all in the style of Immortal Taoism. It is exactly the same layout as when the disciples of the three religions gathered in "Kunlun Mountain" to learn Taoism.

Seeing the familiar scene, Guangchengzi couldn't help but sigh. The disciples of the three sects were once harmonious and devoted to the Tao. But later, the disciples accepted by the Jie sect were all feathered and horned people who lay eggs. This led to the separation of the Sanqing family. Taoist friends who had been strangers for many years even turned against each other and fought each other without any trace of friendship.

"I've met Brother Chaos! I didn't expect that many years later, you and I would meet in this way."

In the Chaos Palace, Yuan Hong invited Guang Chengzi in, and Li Yunjing waved his hand to signal the disciple to go out.

When only two people were left in the huge palace, Guangchengzi sighed.

"When it comes to major events in the world, if they are separated for a long time, they must be reunited. For a long time, they must be divided. It is the truth to divide, separate, and unite."

Li Yunjing smiled slightly, motioned Guangchengzi to sit down, and then said: "Nowadays, Buddhism is so powerful that even the three Taoism sects cannot compete with it. I wonder why Junior Brother Guangchengzi is here?"

"Senior Brother Chaos, Pindao is here this time for the sake of Haotian's child."

There is no need to hide it, Dao Lord Chaos is not an ordinary person. As long as he wants to investigate, he will naturally know what happened in the heaven. Such a big conspiracy cannot be concealed at all.

Guang Chengzi directly revealed Haotian's temptation and plan to kill Huanglong with a borrowed knife.

"What the Jade Emperor did was not what Mingjun said. I wonder what Junior Brother Guangchengzi has planned?"

Li Yunjing still acted like he didn't know anything.

"It is said that Haotian is subject to the calamity of reincarnation! Heaven cannot be left without a master for a day. I explain the teachings, and the Jie teaching adheres to the will of the saints and educates all living beings in the three realms. If there is a problem in Haotian, we and the other two teachings will be required to help!"

When Guang Chengzi saw Li Yunjing pretending, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart. There was no longer any friendship like before!
  (End of this chapter)

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