The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 134 Unless hell is empty, I will never become a Buddha

Chapter 134 Unless hell is empty, I will never become a Buddha

"Our coach will not be involved in this matter."

After a pause, Li Yunjing saw Guang Chengzi's face turned ugly, and said with a smile: "However, we will not meddle in your teaching matters, as long as it does not involve the interests of our teachings."

"Senior Brother Chaos understands what he means. This is a good thing and will be of great benefit to both of us."

Although Guangchengzi was dissatisfied with the reign of Chaos Dao Lord, he could not control it. As long as Jiejiao did not cause trouble, they would naturally have a way to send Haotian to reincarnation.

"Since it does not harm the interests of our religion, no one from the top of Jiejiao will get involved in your affairs."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Li Yunjing also gave a vague promise.

This matter is of great benefit to Li Yunjing. Emperor Ziwei is the tyrannical god of heaven and earth among the six emperors.

Even in terms of power alone, he can be on par with the Jade Emperor. With Haotian gone, Emperor Ziwei will not have no chance to completely control the heaven and become the supreme king of the three realms!
  As for the Antarctic Immortal, he is just a waste in name only!

Taiyi Jiku Tianzun's sphere of influence is in the underworld, which is the world of the Wu Clan and the Shura Clan. He doesn't even have his own territory, let alone the center of the heaven.

The red spirit is God Gouchen. Although he is in charge of the war in the three realms and seems to have strong soldiers and horses, he is actually a newcomer with no foundation and no strong tribesmen.

On the other hand, the Jiejiao side, although the sect was almost wiped out during the Conferred God Tribulation, many powerful immortals were on the Conferred God List.

However, as a blessing in disguise, the sect failed in the competition, and all the disciples became officials in the Heavenly Court, becoming the largest of the three major forces in the Heavenly Court.

And with Emperor Ziwei at the helm, all the disciples of Jie Jiao will naturally fall under his command. This is the best opportunity!

When Emperor Ziwei becomes the Supreme of the Three Realms, let's see what methods Buddhism can use in the next calamity!
  Look how many lives that Monkey King has, how dare he show off his power in heaven!
  With the title of Lord of the Three Realms, no one else dares to resist even if he calls a deer a horse!
  Because Emperor Ziwei is not a loner like Haotian, he has no capable generals around him, and no one with great supernatural powers to help him!
  As long as he gained power, Li Yunjing had every hope of controlling the heavens and achieving supreme authority comparable to that of Emperor Jun.

Thinking of this and watching Guang Chengzi leave, Li Yunjing played nine communication talismans in a row, preparing to summon important figures in the Jiejiao to arrange a plan to seize power.

As long as the teaching is successful, Li Yunjing will immediately launch a coup in heaven!
  Even if the plan of Guang Chengzi and others fails, Li Yunjing will secretly take action to help completely eliminate Haotian.

Just when Chanjiao and Jiejiao were plotting against heaven, Buddhism also took action.

Now that there is an opportunity to erode the Nine Netherworld, Sakyamuni Buddha will naturally not let this opportunity pass by.

At this time, Sakyamuni Buddha also began to promote Buddhism.

In Buddhist teachings, the reincarnation of life and death is an inevitable topic. What ordinary living beings fear most is death and reincarnation.

No matter you are an emperor, general or a pawn, you all have an innate fear of death.

According to Buddhist teachings, if you believe in Buddhas, you will no longer suffer the pain of reincarnation, and you will definitely have a good place in the next life.

This one is the most attractive to mortals!

Although this is difficult to achieve completely, it can have a small impact, so that on the grounds that believers are not sincere in their hearts, everyone will not be able to enjoy all the glory and wealth in reincarnation.

But if a small number of people can do this and set some examples to deceive all sentient beings, they must control part of the rights of Jiuyou Underworld.

In the Jiuyou Underworld, the Wu Clan is the largest, but the Wu Clan only maintains the operation of the tunnel. As long as it does not affect the reincarnation of prehistoric creatures, the Wu Clan will not interfere too much in the underworld.

On the Xuanmen side, Huang Feihu, who has Jie Jiao, and the Tenth Hall Yama, who was transformed by Tai Yi, the Chan Jiao to save suffering, respectively control some rights in the underworld.

Although these rights cannot control everything, at least both religions have a backdoor. Not only can they arrange for their disciples to be reincarnated and rebuild, but they can also provide convenience for the mortals under their disciples, so that they can always enjoy happiness in the world.

These rights are what Buddhism is jealous of. As long as it has this little power, Buddhism can brag about itself and make all living beings believe in Buddhism!
  It was precisely because of this important relationship that Shakyamuni Buddha immediately summoned Qishadi Gusha after Guangchengzi left.

"For the sake of Guangda Buddhism, those who believe in Buddhism will not suffer from reincarnation. Now, I want to send you to Jiuyou Underworld to occupy a place. What do you think?"

Shakyamuni Buddha asked with a smile.

"Lord Buddha, this disciple is willing to go to the Nine Netherworld! Unless hell is empty, I swear I will never become a Buddha!"

Qi Cha Di Qi Sha clasped his palms together and said firmly.

After receiving the Buddha's decree, Qi Cha Di Qi Sha left the Mahavira Hall and came to the Netherworld.

Although Qichadi Husha came because of his Buddhist mission, he was also a compassionate person. He truly saw that all sentient beings were suffering from reincarnation. Qichadi Husha felt compassion and made a great wish:
  "May I be able to help all sinful and suffering sentient beings throughout the kalpas to come, and set up expedients to achieve liberation. May I be in front of the image of the Pure Lotus-Eyed Tathagata from now on, and for hundreds of thousands of kalpas to come, may I be able to live in all the hells and hells in the world. I vow to save all sentient beings who suffer from sins and sins in the three evil realms. They will free them from the evil realms of hell, animals, hungry ghosts, etc. Such sins will be repaid by others, and I will achieve enlightenment after all.

The sound suddenly spread throughout the Jiuyou Underworld.

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole body of Qi Cha Di Qi Sha shone brightly, and golden lotuses surged from the ground, illuminating the entire Jiuyou Underworld with a bright light that was felt by the powerful people in the three realms for a moment.

At this time, Sakyamuni Buddha was giving lectures to the monks at the "Da Leiyin Temple" in Lingshan. Suddenly he felt something in his heart and said to his disciples: "Qi Cha Di Qi Sha settled in the Nine Netherworld and made a great wish. Kong, I swear that I will never become a Buddha! Now I consecrate Qi Cha Di Qi Sha as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and open up a line of pure lands in Hualien, the underworld, for him."

This pardon allowed Sakyamuni Buddha to spread his supreme power to the three realms and six realms, and everyone in the world knew that Buddhism was determined to enter the underworld.

"Amitabha! My Buddha is compassionate!"

The Lord Buddha's voice was transmitted to the underworld, and with the luck of Buddhism, he conferred the status of "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva" on Qi Cha Di Gu Sha. With the blessing of heavenly merits and luck of Buddhism, this Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva directly beheaded the good corpse. , became another quasi-sage master in Buddhism.

After receiving the Buddha's decree, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva built the "Hualien Pure Land" in an unowned land in the underworld.

Originally, if Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had the same thoughts as Jiejiao and expounded the teachings, it would be nothing even if he controlled part of his authority and opened a back door for himself.

But Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva turned out to be true to his word, reciting Buddhist sutras in the Pure Land day and night to extradite believers in Buddhism. His voice spread to the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood, and even some asuras were bewitched by Buddhism. , was transferred to Buddhism and became the protector Shura of Buddhism.

However, it is said that there is a great supernatural power user in the sea of ​​​​blood, Patriarch Styx. Since he failed to intercept the ancestor Hongyun, he was injured by Donghuang Taiyi. This great supernatural power person has basically never left the world of Jiuyou Underworld. .

At the same time, because Nuwa created humans, she received a huge amount of merit and achieved the status of a saint with the power of merit.

This also gave Patriarch Styx great inspiration, causing him to come up with the idea of ​​creating a new race in an attempt to achieve enlightenment and become a saint. Unfortunately, due to bad luck, the appearance of the Asura clan was not in line with the will of heaven.

Ancestor Styx only gained some merit and used it to kill two corpses and became a top figure in the three realms with great supernatural powers.

Over the years, Ancestor Styx has also focused on these bloodline inheritors.

Not only did he pass down countless great magical powers and Dharma doors, but he also had an undying desire to attain enlightenment and established the Asura Sect with the Asura clan.

Learn the Three Purities again, receive guidance, and quasi-ti, hoping to make further progress with the luck of great education.

However, there was a great rise of Taoism first, and the three religions of Jie Chan and others controlled Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanfanbuzhou, part of Beiju Luzhou, and Xiniuhezhou, and did not give Asura sect any chance to spread their knowledge.

It turned out that after the Great Tribulation of the Gods, the decline of Xuanmen made this low-key leader of the Asura Sect have the idea to take advantage of the chaos and spread some teachings on a small scale in Nanfangbuzhou and other places.

Unexpectedly, before he started taking action, Buddhism would come knocking on his door and convert a tribe he created into Buddhists.

This move almost made Ancestor Minghe half angry to death. Since Buddhism was so powerful, he could only endure it and pretend not to see it.

However, the saints were all driven into the chaotic world by Dao Ancestor to guard the borders, which gave Ancestor Minghe a new opportunity.

On this day, Ancestor Minghe summoned the four true disciples.

The leader of Styx said: "Although God wills the prosperity of Buddhism, Ksitigarbha's actions are too excessive. You and your tribe will drive Ksitigarbha away."

"Yes! Disciples will obey the laws of our ancestors!"

After hearing the words, Bo Xun did not dare to neglect, so he took his three disciples, Indra, Shiva, and Putra, and led hundreds of thousands of Asuras to fly out of the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood and come to the "Hualian Pure Land" in order to drive away the earth. Tibetan King Bodhisattva.

At this time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was preaching the supreme Dharma of Buddhism, and the disciples, protectors, and bhikkhus who were sitting here were listening in a state of intoxication.


Suddenly, a wave of blood rolled up outside the Pure Land, trying to cover up the entire "Hualien Pure Land".

Seeing the menacing attack of the Asura clan, all the disciples, Dharma protectors and bhikkhus were greatly panicked. However, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva remained calm as ever and continued to preach the Dharma.

Seeing that the Bodhisattva was calm and composed, everyone suppressed the panic in their hearts and continued to recite sutras along with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

When Bo Xun came to the "Hualien Pure Land", he saw no Buddhists coming out. He could only shout loudly below: "Ksitigarbha, you have bewitched my people into your Buddhism. As a result, my Asura people are decreasing day by day. For the sake of For the sake of Buddhism, this king will not harm your life today, as long as you return the bewitched tribesmen and withdraw from Jiuyou Underworld. This matter will be over, what do you think?"

Although each of the four true traditions of Bo Xun is a master at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and they have obtained the decree of the leader, although they are coming fiercely, the Buddhist sect is powerful, and they do not dare to offend them severely. They only hope to force Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to leave. , this trip is considered complete.

After listening to Bo Xun's words, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva stopped preaching, flew out of the "Hualien Pure Land", came to the four great true traditions of Bo Xun, and said: "It turns out that the Asura Taoist friends are here in person, and the poor monk is not far away. Welcome, please atone for your sins."

Bo Xun raised his eyebrows, feeling displeased in his heart. He came here to speak on his own and why are you looking down on me? ,

So, the deputy leader of the Asura Sect said, "Ksitigarbha, can you understand what I just said?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva recited the phrase "Amitabha", clasped his palms together, and said: "The poor monk, in accordance with the decree of my Buddha, will save all living beings here again, and the poor monk has made a great wish to save all living beings. Master Bo Xun asked the poor monk to go there Where to go?"

"I have no control over you saving others, but you are preaching Buddhism in the Nine Netherworld, which has caused the number of my Asura tribe to decrease day by day. It has put our Asura clan in danger of being exterminated, but you cannot tolerate this."

Seeing Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva still speaking eloquently, Bo Xun looked a little impatient. If Buddhism had not been so powerful, with his temper, he would have ordered an attack to kill all the Buddhists in the "Hualien Pure Land" Absolutely amazing!

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: "My Buddha once said that all living beings are equal and all things have Buddha nature. If you, the Asura tribe, take refuge in my Buddha, you will achieve the right results. Why should Master Bo Xun hinder you?"

When Bo Xun heard this, he was extremely angry and said to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: "Ksitigarbha, you have a sharp tongue. I can't speak to you. I just ask you, are you going to leave?"

"The poor monk is stationed in the underworld on the orders of my Buddha. He will not leave until he obtains my Buddha's teachings."

After saying that, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva ignored Bo Xun and turned back to the "Hualien Pure Land".

Seeing this, Bo Xun waved his hand and shouted to the people behind him: "This bald donkey doesn't know good and evil, we will destroy the pure land and kill all the Buddhists!"

As he said that, the four true disciples moved together and led the people of all tribes to fight towards the "Hualian Pure Land".

When they arrived at the sky above the "Hualien Pure Land", they were blocked by a layer of light, preventing the army from entering the Pure Land.

Bo Xun sneered and shouted to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: "Ksitigarbha, do you think you can stop my Asura army with this layer of defensive shield?"

After saying that, Bo Xun took the lead in using his magical power and hit the shield.

Indra, Shiva, and Putra behind Bo Xun took hundreds of thousands of Asuras behind them, set up a formation, and everyone worked together to bombard them with one after another magical magic.

Outside the entire "Hualien Pure Land", demons danced wildly, shouting and killing, resounding throughout the three realms.

The bloody light in the sky is constantly eroding this bright world.


After Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva returned to the "Hualien Pure Land", he took hundreds of thousands of disciples, monks, and asura tribesmen and began to recite scriptures. I saw "swastika" mantras slowly forming in the air. Then it was added to the shield of the "Hualien Pure Land".

The weak protective light shield became strong again.

"Hmph! Let's see how long you can hold on!"

Bo Xun and others sneered again and again, and kept using their magical powers and bombarding. The shield became thinner and thinner. Even if hundreds of thousands of disciples and monks teamed up with a quasi-sage level master, they seemed unable to persist. Go down.

After all, those who can be saved by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva are weak people. A truly strong person has a firm belief. How can he be easily persuaded by others?

(End of this chapter)

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