The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 135 The eight quasi-sages of Buddhism gather together, and Patriarch Styx shows his magical

Chapter 135 The eight quasi-sages of Buddhism gather together, and the ancestor of Styx shows his magical power

The real Asura army is cruel, ruthless, and cunning. Once the "Hualien Pure Land" was truly impacted, its shortcomings were immediately revealed. Even relying on the terrain, it could not compete with the Asura army in equal numbers.

"Teacher, the Asura tribe is coming fiercely. I don't know what to do."

A disciple asked Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with a shocked face.

"No need to worry! Buddhism is vast and there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to help."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva remained calm and did not seem to feel that the "Hualien Pure Land" was about to be lost.

Seeing the main heart, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva calmed down. Other Buddhist disciples, monks and Dharma protectors were deeply affected. They also calmed down and sat down cross-legged without any distractions, sinking their hearts into the understanding of the Dharma. The whole "Hualian" "Pure Land" only the voices of many Buddhist disciples reciting Buddhist sutras could be heard.

With the concerted efforts of all the Buddhist disciples, the protective light outside the "Hualien Pure Land" became strong again, allowing the Shura clan to break through the defense and directly enter the Pure Land, and their plan to kill all the Buddhist disciples failed again.

"Give me a hard attack! I don't believe these bald donkeys can hold on forever!"

When Bo Xun saw this scene, he was immediately furious. He had almost conquered the "Hualien Pure Land". Being able to kill all the Buddhists, who would have thought that these mere ants, trying their best to burst out the power of their souls, actually generated infinite willpower and resisted their offensive again.

Just when the Shura clan was attacking with all their strength, Sakyamuni Tathagata was teaching Buddhism to hundreds of millions of Buddhists in Lingshan Mountain and the Great Thunder Sound Temple. He suddenly noticed that something was going on in the Jiuyou Underworld, so he suddenly stopped teaching.

Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples, Sakyamuni said to them: "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva established the Hualian Pure Land in the Nine Netherworld, preached the Buddha's Dharma, and saved all evil spirits. There is now the demon king Bo Xun. Go and disturb each other, and the poor monk will go and help you now."

Kasyapa, a disciple of Sakyamuni Tathagata, came forward with his palms clasped and said to the Tathagata: "Buddha, the Nine Nether Realm is a land of dirt. How can the Buddha go there in person?"

“If I don’t go to hell, who will?”

Sakyamuni Tathagata smiled slightly and said calmly.

After saying this, Sakyamuni Tathagata sat upright on the lotus platform and flew towards the Nine Netherworld.

After lighting the lantern, the Buddha and the Great Sun Tathagata looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then shouted the Buddha's name: "Namo Amitabha, the World Honored One, as the leader of the religion, even entered the hell in person, how much less us?"

After saying that, the two quasi-sage-level Buddhas also sat on the lotus platform and flew towards the Nine Netherworld.

Seeing the three Buddhas personally taking action, other Buddhist disciples were excited. This is the great power and great compassion of Buddhism.

A group of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats from "Da Leiyin Temple" also followed closely behind the three Buddhas and flew towards the underworld.

In the Nine Nether Underworld, the "Hualien Pure Land" finally couldn't bear it anymore. Even if the hundreds of thousands of Buddhist disciples resisted desperately, they were not brave, good at fighting, cruel and easy-to-kill opponents of the Asura clan, and they were about to be broken by the protective light. , the Shura clan is about to enter the "Hualian Pure Land".

In the Pure Land, hundreds of thousands of Buddhist disciples all showed fear.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, however, is still reciting the mantra of salvation. Seeing that the Bodhisattva is so calm, the Buddhas no longer care about external matters. Even if they die next moment, they will work with the Bodhisattva to save the dead souls and follow him with peace of mind. Bodhisattva chants mantra.

"I see you bald donkeys are still thinking about it!"

Bo Xun laughed ferociously, and the shield was finally broken. He took the lead and rushed in, seeing hundreds of thousands of Buddhist disciples about to be robbed.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly broke through the sky above Jiuyou Hell, and three Buddhas and countless Bodhisattvas and Arhats appeared.

Suddenly, the underworld was filled with the sound of Buddha, and the entire Jiuyou Underworld shone brightly. Golden lotuses appeared in the sky, and eight heavenly dragons guarded the three Buddhas.

Thousands of miles around the "Hualien Pure Land" are shrouded in golden Buddha light, expelling all darkness, and it seems to have become a golden Buddha country.

The hundreds of thousands of Asura tribesmen, illuminated by the Buddha's light all over the sky, felt extremely comfortable. They seemed to have gained eternal peace in their hearts. Compassion gradually appeared on their faces. With smiles on their faces, they put their hands in their hands. Putting down his weapons, he sat cross-legged in mid-air and saw that he was about to enter the Buddha's realm.

"No! Seven quasi-sages came from Buddhism! The people below can't hold on any longer!"

Seeing this, Bo Xun and the other four Da Luo Jinxian were extremely anxious, but they had no choice, because they could only protect themselves, but they were unable to take care of other clan members.


Suddenly, the sea of ​​​​blood churned, rolling up thousands of huge waves. The leader of the Styx River appeared from the sea of ​​​​blood, and a burst of red blood light covered half of the underworld.

As soon as the bloody aura that blocked half of the sky hit, those Asura tribesmen who were about to enter the Buddha suddenly woke up, hurriedly picked up the weapons in their hands, and restored the ferocious expressions on their faces.

Bo Xun and other four Da Luo Jinxian hurriedly brought hundreds of thousands of Asura tribesmen and kowtowed: "Welcome to the ancestor!"

It turns out that the leader of Styx has been paying attention to everything here for a long time. At this moment, when he saw Sakyamuni Tathagata coming to the netherworld in person, he knew that Bo Xun was no match, so he brought Lust Sky, Da Burning Sky, and Bo Xun's wife Tian Fei Wu. Mo, Gui Mu, Vishnu and others gathered together with tens of millions of troops from the Shura clan to come to help.

When Sakyamuni Tathagata saw the leader of the Netherworld coming, he urged him to sit down on the lotus platform and said, "It turns out that the leader of the Netherworld is here in person. The poor monk is polite."

"Duobao, I have no control over your Great Buddha Sect, but your Buddhist Sect has gone too far. You have taken away a large number of members of my Asura clan, which has greatly reduced my demonic power. This is really inappropriate! At this time, you If you lead the Buddhist people to retreat, the ancestor will forget the blame; if you don't say anything, then you have done something wrong."

Sakyamuni Tathagata smiled and said nothing, but suddenly golden light suddenly appeared from the top of his head, and a Buddha appeared in the golden light.

I saw this Buddha, wearing a colorful crown on his head, a golden body, the wisdom fist seal, wearing a cassock, sitting on a big lotus. It is the incarnation of the Good Corpse of Sakyamuni Tathagata, the Many Treasures Tathagata.

Just listen to Duobao Tathagata saying to the leader of the Styx: "Asura religion is not the right way after all. How can we be so compassionate and save all living beings in our Buddhist sect. The leader's disciples joined my Buddhist sect as the protector of the Dharma. They have achieved the right result. The leader should be happy for them. That’s it.”

"Okay! Okay! Okay! You Buddhists are so eloquent that I can't explain it. Things are going to get worse today. Let me see how you juniors have the guts to take advantage of our ancestors!"

Ancestor Minghe's nose almost turned crooked with anger. He was one of the three thousand guests of the "Purple Sky Palace" and one of the top masters among the saints. Even if he lasted a calamity, the demon clan was so majestic that the Eastern Emperor Even Taiyi couldn't kill him, but now a traitor to the sect, a mere Buddhist junior, dared to be his enemy?
  It seems that the ancestor is really too low-key, so low-key that even cats and dogs dare to make plans for him!
  Just take advantage of the "Hualien Pure Land" event to show Buddhism's power, and at the same time let the three realms and six realms know the majesty of the ancestor of the Minghe River!
  "The leader has fallen behind."

Sakyamuni Tathagata was proud of himself. Even the evil demons and heretics could not even defend a good corpse of this Buddha. These old things are still pretending to be big. In fact, the world of prehistoric times no longer belongs to these old antiques! "Come! Come! Come! Duobao, come out and let me see how capable you are as the master of this Buddhist sect!"

Ancestor Minghe was extremely angry, but when he saw the seven quasi-sages of Buddhism arriving, he knew that although his life was not in danger, he had no ability to retreat from the enemy, so he had to invite Sakyamuni Tathagata to fight.

As long as he easily defeated the leader of the Buddhist sect and made him lose face in the Three Realms, the Buddhist sect would not have the shame to continue to entangle him.

Buddha Sakyamuni Tathagata is the head of the three schools of Buddhism, the Human Sect, and the Buddhism. He has received guidance from four saints, and has been around for a long time. Naturally, he knows the roots of the Stygian leader very well.

If you want to kill this person, you can't do it even if you join forces with the Great Sun Tathagata, Lighting the Past Buddha, Julu Sun Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

As the saying goes, the sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the river Styx never dies.

In the Jiuyou Underworld, on the home ground of Ancestor Minghe, if you want to kill this person, except for the saint, no one can do it. Even the best master in the world, Donghuang Taiyi, couldn't do it.

"That's fine! The poor monk will learn the magical powers of the leader of Styx."

Although Sakyamuni Tathagata is confident that he is now profound and has no fear of Patriarch Styx, but in line with the idea of ​​​​keeping a safe line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future, he still gave up the act of attacking and chose to fight with Patriarch Styx. .

The eight quasi-sages surrounded the Styx Cult Master and would definitely injure him. However, this move made the Styx Cult Master angry for nothing. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also wanted to ferry people in the "Hualien Pure Land". If the Styx Cult Master was forced into a hurry, , Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will find it difficult to gain a foothold.

The Buddhists have a great cause, so it is naturally impossible for Sakyamuni Tathagata to keep his attention on the Nine Netherworld.

"Okay! Since you are brave, Tathagata, my ancestor will teach you a lesson!"

The leader of the Styx River shouted loudly, and his body turned into a river of blood, sweeping towards Sakyamuni Tathagata.


This move was extremely cruel, and all the surrounding Buddhas and Bodhisattvas showed a hint of worry. Sakyamuni Tathagata was seen chanting a Buddha's name in a low voice, then he sat cross-legged on the lotus platform and entered the long river of blood.


Suddenly, the entire river of blood rolled in the void, and murderous intent spread in all directions. People from both the Buddhist and Asura tribes retreated tens of thousands of miles away, including the Buddha of the past, Kulusun Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata, and Universal Buddha. Xian Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and other quasi-sage level masters all looked at the blood river that covered the sky and the sun with their bright eyes.

"I didn't expect that the leader of the Styx River would use his own magic power to condense such a vicious bloody river."

The Great Sun Tathagata said in a low voice.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe, when I listened to the Taoist teachings in Zixiao Palace, I was ranked near the front. I have magical powers that have reached the peak among the quasi-sage masters. This blood river may have one or two percent of the power of Jiuyou Blood Sea."

The Buddha's eyes were a little complicated when Ran Deng passed by. He was also a guest of the "Purple Sky Palace" among the 3,000 people back then, but compared with the Ancestor of Styx, there was one in the sky and one on the ground. If he was the one trapped in the blood river at this moment, I'm afraid he would be the only one left. The power of parrying.

The long river of blood formed a bloody world. Except for quasi-sage-level masters who could see it vaguely, others had no idea what was going on inside.

For a moment, the seven quasi-sages of Buddhism were silent. They didn't quite trust Duobao. When they were expounding the teachings, they were beaten to the point of being completely humiliated. In a one-on-one challenge, they even almost lost their face. He died in the hands of Guangchengzi.

Now, this person has become the master of Buddhism. On the surface, everyone respects him, but in fact, they still disapprove of him in their hearts.

This time, Buddhism's big move was of great importance, and Buddhism's interests were closely related to them. The Buddha and the Great Sun Tathagata made a call to lead these quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxian masters to come out to support the "Hualian Pure Land".

On another occasion, the Buddha and the Great Sun Tathagata were really not interested in helping Sakyamuni Tathagata.

Naturally, the situation in the outside world cannot be sensed by Sakyamuni Tathagata. At this moment, he came to the world of the bloody river. The "Zhuxian Array" and "Multi-Treasure Pagoda" were respectively sacrificed and floated above his head to protect the deity and the good corpse.

At the same time, the "Zhuxian Formation Diagram" flickered, and the five incarnations of the Fudo Ming King, the Three Generations Ming King, the Junta Li Ming King, the Great Mighty De Ming King, and the Vajra Yaksha Ming King jumped out.

In an instant, Sakyamuni Tathagata alone demonstrated the combat power of seven quasi-saints!

Fortunately, this scene was in the bloody world, otherwise it would have shocked the three realms and six realms, and would have been astonished by countless powerful people. I am afraid that even Taoist Master Chaos would be amazed at the progress of Taoist Duobao when he saw this scene.

"Duobao, you think you can bully the ancestor with more people! Let me show you the ancestor's unique magical power!"

Ancestor Minghe was shocked, but then calmed down. Duobao did not have so many innate spiritual treasures, and there were no powerful treasures on the clones. Even if they were both quasi-sages, they would be of little use.

Ancestor Minghe thought very highly of himself. As a senior expert, he did not even release the two corpses of good and evil. Instead, his body became illusory, and "swish, swish" streaks of bloody light flew out.

Rushing towards the seven bodies of Sakyamuni Tathagata, the sky was filled with blood shadows, boundless and dense, and the entire small world condensed by the blood-colored river was completely surrounded.


Sakyamuni Tathagata did not fight back, but the six incarnations sat around the deity, forming a grand formation of six and one, and using the Buddhist Dharma to condense a small Buddhist world.

This golden world suddenly appeared in the bloody world, like a big sun, shining on the whole world, like the afterglow of sunset falling between the sky and the earth.

"Bang! Bang! Bang"

The Patriarch of the Styx transformed into 840 million clones of the Son of Blood God. From all directions, using the laws of blood, he condensed 840 million killing swords and slashed at the golden Buddha Kingdom.

The killing energy shook the layer of Buddha's light and trembled continuously. Under this shocking impact, Sakyamuni Tathagata remained calm and composed, closing his eyes slightly and reciting Buddhist scriptures in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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