The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 136: Styx retreats, and the Wu Clan shines again

Chapter 136: Styx retreats, and the Witch Clan returns to glory

"Duobao, let's see how long you can hold on!"

In such a stalemate, Ancestor Minghe attacked wildly for more than an hour, but was unable to completely break Sakyamuni Tathagata's defense and injure him.

"Fellow Randeng, since Lord Buddha can hold back Ancestor Styx, can we also take action? This is not a place to stay for a long time after all."

As time passed, the Great Sun Tathagata became somewhat unwilling to wait any longer. According to the way of Sakyamuni Tathagata and the leader of the Stygian River, if he did not risk his life, he would not be able to finish the fight until the end of time. Could he keep waiting?

After Ran Deng passed by, the Buddha glanced around and saw many Bodhisattvas and Arhats who were a little impatient. After a month passed, many Buddhist masters no longer had the interest to continue.

As for the Asura clan's millions-strong army opposite, the masters were pretty good. Some low-level Shuras even made some commotion. Obviously, this was not a good thing for the Asura clan.

"Then do it! Don't kill too much, lest the Styx Ancestor jump over the wall!"

Ran Deng went over and Buddha said with a smile. Upon hearing this, the surrounding quasi-sage-level masters were refreshed and gave orders one by one. In an instant, the Buddhist army moved together and charged towards the Asura army.

Bo Xun and other Da Luo Jinxian masters were repelled by Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. The following Arhats joined the army of Buddhists in the "Hualien Pure Land" and fought against Kill ordinary Asura warriors.



For a moment, shouts of killing were heard everywhere, and supernatural powers were like rain, bombarding the two camps. The three masters of Lantern Past Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, and Kuliusun Buddha each offered their spiritual treasures and suppressed them on top of the Buddhist disciples. , for a time, Buddha's light filled the sky, neutralizing all the Asura clan's offensive.

However, the Asura tribe's army did not have top experts to hold down the formation, and even the Great Luo Jinxian was surrounded by the four Bodhisattvas. With just one encounter, the Buddhist army defeated the Asura tribe's army, causing it to collapse, making it difficult to continue to fight.

"Duobao! You Buddhists are so shameless, you actually launched an attack while our ancestor couldn't be distracted!"

The world that Bloody River evolved into was evolved from the ancestor of Styx. This ancestor was naturally very clear about the changes in the outside world. At this moment, seeing the massive attack of Buddhism and the complete collapse of his subordinates, he immediately became anxious.

"Master Styx, it's not the poor monk who instructed the Buddhist disciples to attack. It's actually the leader who couldn't break through the defense of the poor monk for a long time and has already failed."

Sakyamuni Tathagata smiled, and there seemed to be no trace of weakness in the follow-up.

"Okay! Since your Buddhist sect is so powerful, I don't care about the Hualian Pure Land. However, the Buddhist sect cannot convert my Asura clan on a large scale."

With a sigh, Ancestor Styx made a concession.

The Taoist Duobao in front of him has successfully cultivated in Buddhism. Even if he can be defeated, there are still seven quasi-sages outside. Even if Patriarch Minghe is made of iron, he will not be able to withstand the siege of so many masters.

Back then, Donghuang Taiyi was surrounded by seven or eight ancestral witches and met a miserable end.

Although these eight great quasi-sages of Buddhism are not masters of the ancestral shaman level in the late quasi-sage period, they are not invincible quasi-sages like Donghuang Taiyi who possess innate treasures.

"Amitabha! This matter has been settled."

The smile on Sakyamuni Tathagata's face was still there, but he let out a sigh of relief in his heart. For more than a month, he had been vigorously defending against the attacks of the Blood God Son of the Styx Ancestor. Even the quasi-sage was a little weak.

Through this battle, Sakyamuni Tathagata has seen the power of the top supernatural powers. Even if he comes out with seven bodies, he is still no match for the ancestor of Styx, and he can only barely defend.

Even so, in a life and death duel, it is really difficult for him to survive.

According to Sakyamuni Tathagata, this low-key leader of the Asura Sect possesses at least four top-grade and top-grade innate spiritual treasures. This time the two sides fought, but the leader did not use any of them.

That's it, still suppressing himself steadily, which shows that this person has great magical powers!
  It is also a good choice to make a draw and resolve the dispute peacefully. It will not be too late to kill the second and third corpses later and then go back to deal with the Asura clan.

As the top supernatural power users, their longevity is as long as the sky. Even if the prehistoric world is destroyed, they have the ability to open up a new world in the chaos and call Buddha their ancestor.

If there is cause and effect, as long as you are alive, you will have a chance to end it!
  "Okay! That being the case! In this battle, there is no difference between you and me! Duobao, you also got the result you wanted."

Ancestor Styx sneered, flicked his blood-red sleeves, and the bloody world turned into blood mist that filled the sky, forming a vortex and spiraling towards the sleeves.

When the two masters, Sakyamuni Tathagata and Ancestor Styx, reappeared, the auras of one Buddha and one demon soared into the sky.

When the two camps saw the two leaders coming out, they stopped fighting and waited for the leader's instructions.

"Bo Xun, withdraw your troops and return to the Blood Sea!"

Ancestor Styx's face turned ugly. He just glanced and saw that the corpses of the Asura clan were everywhere within a radius of 100,000 miles, and the loss of the Buddhist sect was less than one percent of his own.

The bright red blood cloud rolled up the Asura clan, and under the leadership of Ancestor Styx, they left far away.

Many Buddhists looked at Sakyamuni Tathagata and wanted to know why the Buddha did not take advantage of the great opportunity to completely eradicate the Asura clan.

"Lord Buddha, the leader of the Styx Church is disrespectful to Lord Buddha. Why doesn't the World Honored One kill him?"

Kasyapa was accompanying Sakyamuni Tathagata, and when he saw the Stygian leader retreating with his people, he asked.

"How can the leader of Styx be easily killed?"

Sakyamuni Tathagata smiled slightly and came to the "Hualien Pure Land". He led many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to hold a Dharma meeting in the Pure Land and explained various Buddhist scriptures. All the Buddhas and monks in the Hualian Pure Land , Dharma protectors, all were extremely excited to see the Lord Buddha teaching the Dharma in person.

Seventy-seven forty-nine days later, the Lord Buddha finished his sermon, gave Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva some instructions, and returned to Lingshan Mountain in the West with a group of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, bhikkhus, and others.

In this battle, the majesty of Buddhism was fully demonstrated. Even the ancestor Styx, who had great supernatural powers, could not defeat Sakyamuni Tathagata, which completely established the reputation of Buddhism as the number one in the three realms. At this point, Buddhism has gained a foothold in the underworld, and is as authentic as the Wu clan, the Asura clan, the Chan Jiao, and the Jie Jiao.

Since then, Buddhism has successively demonstrated magical powers in the secular world of the four continents, subduing demons and eliminating demons.

As a result, the number of people who believe in Buddhism in the world has suddenly increased, which has overshadowed the influence of Taoism in the world, and has truly become the largest religion in the world.

Of course, Buddhism's killing of demons has naturally resulted in boundless cause and effect. Whether it is the demons, the demon clan, even the witch clan, or Xuanmen, they have all suffered greatly in this process.

Some of these causes and effects are so great that when Buddhism's luck declines in the future, they will naturally need to be put to an end!
  The secular world in Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanfanbuzhou and other places entered the era of Qin's dominance of the world.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a hundred schools of thought contended and heroes emerged in large numbers.

After continuous conquests by various big countries, seven powerful countries were finally born, namely Qi, Chu, Qin, Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Han.

Every country was controlled by hundreds of schools of thought. However, before the Xuanmen behind it could manifest itself in various schools and prosper, it was completely defeated by the Qin State. From then on, Xuanmen completely declined, and there was no trace of it anymore. The style of the overlord of the era.

When King Qin Zhao of the Qin State was on the throne, he sent General Bai Qi to attack South Korea and occupied the Yewang City. King Zhao sent Zhao Kuo to lead the army to coordinate the battle. Although Zhao Kuo was a disciple of the fourth generation of Chanjiao, he was quite talented and had reached the level of Taoism. He is in the realm of returning to the void, but he is not the enemy of Bai Qi who has the blood of the great witch.

After just one encounter, he was beheaded by Bai Qi, and 400,000 Zhao soldiers were killed. Bai Qi used the blood of all living beings to sacrifice the will of the Wu clan floating between heaven and earth.

In the end, by sacrificing blood to the sky, Bai Qi completely achieved the status of a great witch. In this era when the witch clan was unknown, he once again became the feared taboo-like existence.

Subsequently, the Qin State continued to send troops to conquer the other six countries and unify Dongsheng Shenzhou. Ying Zheng was also named the First Emperor and became another generation of human emperor.

Ying Zheng, Wang Jian, and Bai Qi also sacrificed the blood of living beings to heaven and earth, and attracted the remaining fragments of the witch clan between heaven and earth. They used these fragments to condense the body of the great witch and became a top powerhouse.

Ying Zheng realized that he had accomplished something that even Chi You could not accomplish, and he was so satisfied that he began to burn books and harass Confucians, destroying the inheritance of all schools of thought, and even announced that he would no longer submit to the jurisdiction of heaven, in order to revive the ancient way of the emperor's management of the earth. brilliant.

This move not only offended the three Taoist religions, but also offended Heaven.

This is the reason why Huanglong Zhenren was ordered to attack Qin.

It only took one day in the sky and one year in the earth. By the time heaven reacted, Qin had already unified the world and became the emperor.

And Master Huanglong collaborated with other sect members to plot to kill the Jade Emperor, which wasted a lot of time. At this moment, Dongsheng Shenzhou even returned to the era of lich struggle for hegemony.

In addition to the three great witches, Ying Zheng, Wang Jian, and Bai Qi, there are also many minor witches and shamans.

In order to preserve the results of this hegemony, Ying Zheng collected all the copper in the world, and "Shouyang Mountain" was almost hollowed out. He used a sacred mountain to cast twelve golden figures, which evolved into the "Twelve Capital Gods and Evil Formation". Trying to summon the power of the twelve ancestral witches so that their realm can reach the realm of ancestral witches, thereby protecting the witch clan and recreating the scenery of the previous calamity.

Ying Zheng gathered the twelve most outstanding figures, including Wang Jian, Bai Qi and other witches, and planned to use the Tianjin people in the twelve capitals to attract the power of the ancestral witches to occupy the magpie's nest and give them access to the magpie's nest. The ancestral witch has magical powers and even fantasizes about reaching the sky in one step and becoming an ancestral witch.

The evil aura of the earth, the ghosts of the underworld, and the evil aura of resentful spirits are the dark auras that the Witch God needs most, and these auras are most abundant in the Jiuyou Underworld. The largest force in the Jiuyou Underworld is the Witch Clan. If Pingxin Lady doesn't care about anything, she will naturally have people of the same clan. People, open the door for Yingzheng.

For a time, many demons and ghosts appeared in the ordinary world, and the tunnels lost their supervisory duties, and the heavens also lost the opportunity to kill Ying Zheng and others when they were weak because of Huang Long's slow actions.

When all ghosts walk by day and are not afraid of the scorching sun, the Great Qin Empire is experiencing constant natural and man-made disasters, and the people are miserable. Qin's brutal rule has made the world angry and resentful.

It was not until this time that the thirty-three-year-old Master Huang Long learned from his fellow disciples that Ying Zheng and others had caused such a big disturbance.

He was startled at first, and then smiled slightly. The sky was falling, and naturally there was a tall man holding it up. He couldn't put down the chaos in the Qin Kingdom, so he just forced Haotian Xiao'er to take action himself.

At that time, it is best for the Wu Clan to deal with Haotian by themselves. If they are unable to do so, their senior brothers will do it themselves. Anyway, Haotian can no longer be in power between heaven and earth, so the Lord of the Three Realms must be replaced by someone else.

After doing a full set of dramas and hanging around Guangchengzi, Chi Jingzheng and Taiyi Master for a long time, the upright Master Huanglong also became enlightened. He immediately went to the Heavenly Court, casually ordered a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, and hurriedly ordered thirty In three days, we headed towards Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Soon, a black cloud suddenly swept over and took the initiative to attack the army of heaven.

"The people of the Wu clan, please return the imperial power of the human race as soon as possible, otherwise the Jade Emperor will annihilate all of you Wu clan in his anger!"

Master Huanglong looked at the black dragon rising and falling in the black clouds, and his expression turned serious. Then, he rolled his eyes and shouted loudly.

This time, he deliberately caused trouble for Haotian, letting the people of the Wu clan know that he was forced to take action by Haotian, not because he wanted to enmity with the Wu clan.

"Bold Huanglong, you are seeking death!"

As soon as Master Huanglong's words came out, he immediately angered the First Emperor Ying Zheng. This emperor of all ages shouted loudly, like the laws of heaven and the mantra of the Emperor of Heaven, which shook Master Huanglong to the point where he was a little unsteady. As for those hundred thousand heavenly soldiers who made up the numbers A general is considered well-trained if he has not thrown away his weapons.

"Hehe! The Human Emperor, it is not the Taoist who is your enemy! It is the emperor's order that cannot be violated! This is the purpose of the Jade Emperor's law. If you are willing to come with me to the Lingxiao Hall of the Bullfighting Palace, the rest of you Wu Clan, the Taoist can do it The decision will not be held accountable!”

Master Huang Long sneered in his heart, but his face was frightened. He seemed to be really frightened by Ying Zheng, but he had to act like this because of Emperor Haotian's fate.

"Huang Long, since you have offended our Wu Clan, then use your life to warn Haotian and let him take care of the affairs of the sky honestly, and the earth below will be ruled by me, the Qin Dynasty!"

Bai Qi saw Master Huanglong chattering incessantly, his uniform fluttering in the wind, and he roared to the sky, a bloody spear pointed at Master Huanglong, and boundless murderous intent spread out in all directions.

"Hehe! Bai Qi, you are a great witch, and I just want to see what magical powers the great witch has!"

Master Huanglong smiled slightly, raised his arm, and a golden dragon spear condensed in his hand. At the same time, the aura of the top dragon clan emitted, and three flowers, Qingyun, appeared above his head.

(End of this chapter)

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