The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 137 Jie Jiao refuses to fight, Emperor Zhenwu descends to the realm

Chapter 137 Jie Jiao refuses to fight, Emperor Zhenwu descends to the realm

"In this case, I will let you see my 'killing' way!"

Bai Qi sneered, and attacked Master Huanglong like lightning. As soon as he made a move, the tragic aura shook out in all directions, and the cold murderous intent made even Daluo Jinxian such as Master Huanglong change their expressions and began to concentrate on dealing with it.

"The army attacks!"

Seeing Bai Qi and Huang Long fighting together, Ying Zheng, the first emperor of the ages, pulled out the "Holy Sword of Soaring in the Sky", pointed at the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals in the distance, gave an order, and the Great Qin Divine Army responded with a "promise", and it was like a boom. Like a thunderbolt, billowing black clouds swept towards the auspicious clouds of heavenly soldiers and generals.

For a time, the void was filled with shouts of fighting, the sound of clashing weapons, and sometimes all kinds of magic, magical powers, witchcraft, and secret techniques were constantly bombarded, with streaks of light and colorful lights.

The corpses of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals and the Great Qin Divine Army fell from the sky like rain. The Great Qin used men to conquer the sky, and with its fearlessness and courage, it gradually defeated the hundreds of thousands of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, and retreated towards the Nine Heavenly Wind Layer. , to escape back to Thirty-Three Heavens.

"Hahaha! The Human Emperor rules the earth, not even the heavens can interfere!"

Seeing that he had destroyed the six kingdoms, wiped out the invincible divine army of the three Xuanmen religions in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and completely defeated the army of heaven, Ying Zheng was so proud that he couldn't help laughing loudly.

Wang Jian led the army and pursued them all the way into the Jiutian Gangfeng layer before reluctantly withdrawing. In this battle, tens of thousands of the heavenly army were killed, and the Qin army achieved a brilliant victory.

The two masters, Bai Qi and Huanglong Zhenren, were still close to the Jiutian Gangfeng layer, fighting inextricably. Thousands of rounds had passed, and Bai Qi's spear was like a torrential rain, madly assassinating Huanglong Zhenren. .

Various magical powers were constantly manifested, and the rich blood-evil energy condensed into a guardian demon god, facing the real Huanglong, killing him left and right.

"Bai Qi, you do have some magical powers, but if you want to kill Pindao, you should go back and practice for tens of thousands of years!"

Master Huang Long fought with him for thousands of rounds, and he also understood the methods of the great witch Bai Qi. This man was superb in martial arts and brave in combat, but he did not have the weird natal magical powers of the ancient witch clan.

Without his strange supernatural powers, Master Huanglong became emboldened and began to taunt him. As for the defeat of the heavenly soldiers and generals, it was of no importance to Master Huanglong. As long as he put on a good show, Haotian's son could not cause any trouble. That's it.

Master Huanglong is not only a senior master of the Dragon Clan, but also a true inheritor of the teachings. His Taoism and martial arts are naturally extraordinary. His dragon spear and spear moves are nothing fancy and simple.

But every thrust of the spear always brought great danger to Bai Qi. When the dragon spear thrust out, black holes appeared in the void. Wherever it passed, a space of tens of thousands of miles appeared between the two people. Exposed to the dense gun holes, the entire void was like a mirror full of cracks, and time and space began to distort.

"No! Bai Qi is no match for this person! Your Majesty, I'm going to help!"

Seeing that Bai Qi was gradually falling into a disadvantage, the great wizard Wang Jian spoke to Ying Zheng, turned into a black light, and entered the battle group of the two. He slashed to the back of Master Huang Long with a sharp knife. Go down.

"Haha! Wang Jian, even if you take action, I have nothing to fear!"

Master Huanglong laughed, and the four low-grade innate spiritual treasures "Opening Heaven Bead", "Earth Bead", "Wuxi Pearl" and "Good Fortune Bead" were floating in all directions around him. The immortal light that was completed to protect the body could not be hacked.

This scene made Wang Jian pale with shock. Only then did he understand what the authentic Xuanmen sect was. Even Huanglong Zhenren, the least famous person who taught the Twelve Golden Immortals, had such methods. The teaching was really awe-inspiring.

"Master Huang Long! I'm here to meet you for a moment!"

Seeing that the two generals were no match, Ying Zheng came up to kill him with the "Holy Sword of Soaring in the Sky". As a great witch, Ying Zheng had a treasure in his hand, so he was naturally not a vegetarian. With one sword strike, the "Open Dzi Bead" flew away. Huang Long was so frightened that he put away the four beads.

"Hahaha! Master Huanglong, you are doomed today!"

Ying Zheng laughed. He was also a warlike person. When he met a powerful opponent like Master Huang Long, the battle became more fierce. Wang Jian started to talk to the side and attacked from both sides. Master Huang Long was actually a little hard to resist.

"You have a large number of people, and you surrounded Pindao, but Pindao took the first step. In the future, the Jade Emperor will suppress you and other mere shamans."

After a long battle, Master Huanglong rolled his eyes and was ready to retreat. Naturally, he had no intention of risking his life with the three great witches of the witch clan.

Although the three great witches in front of them did not display any weird natal magical powers, they emerged from the suicide attack. Their martial arts are more powerful and capable of fighting than the previous great witches. The evil spirit developed with murderous intention can really change the color of the world. If he wasn't careful, Master Huang Long was really afraid of killing himself.

At this time, after saying harsh words and provoking some hatred for Haotian's son, the real Huanglong roared, and his body swayed, revealing his true form, a five-clawed golden dragon.

The huge dragon body tens of thousands of feet shook and roared. Ying Zheng, Bai Qi, and Wang Jian felt dizzy. In a stunned moment, the dragon body of tens of thousands of feet turned around and went straight into the Nine Heavens Gang Wind Layer, towards Thirty-Three Gone.

"Damn it! Let Huang Long run away!"

Bai Qi looked unwilling. The three great witches joined forces and were unable to kill Huanglong, which made him very angry.

"It doesn't matter! As the Human Emperor, I have gathered half of the luck of the human race. As long as our 'Dutian Shensha Formation' is condensed and we receive gifts from the twelve ancestral witches, we can hope to become an ancestral witch. By then, the Three Realms will be Let me, the Great Qin, gallop away, and even Haotian’s son will bow his head and obey orders!”

Ying Zheng looked at the disappearing five-clawed golden dragon and sneered again and again. This eternal emperor was full of confidence in the future prospects.

On the other side, Master Huanglong went to heaven and immediately contacted the three great emperors: Antarctic Immortal Weng, Master Taiyi, and Chi Jingzhi. The four of them soon came to the "Bullfighting Palace" Lingxiao Hall and met with the Jade Emperor.

After listening to Huanglong's report, the Jade Emperor looked gloomy, but he couldn't find any reason why Huanglong didn't work hard. Besides, there were three emperors interceding with him, so Huanglong's mission could only be like this.

Chan Jiao has done his best, and naturally the next one is Jie Jiao.

Soon, the Jade Emperor passed down a decree, mobilizing the thunder of Ying Yuan from the Nine Heavens to universalize Tian Zun Wen Zhong's lower realm to destroy the Qin Empire and put down the Great Witch Rebellion.

However, not long after the order was sent out, Taibai Jinxing came back, but Wen Zhong was not seen going to the palace.

The Jade Emperor's face immediately darkened and he asked: "Taibai, where is Wen Zhong?"

"Your Majesty, I haven't seen Wen Zhong. I heard that Wen Zhong and others have been recruited by Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Jiji to go to Beiju Luzhou to sort out the evil spirits of heaven and earth and restore the living environment of Beiju Luzhou." Seeing the Jade Emperor With an ugly look on his face, Taibai Jinxing swallowed his saliva, his heart pounding, and he had the courage to speak out.

Antarctic Immortal, Taiyi Jiu Tianzun, Chi Jingjing, and Huanglong Zhenren looked at each other and smiled slightly, with a hint of ridicule in their expressions. They knew that Jie Jiao was not giving Haotian face and had no idea of ​​sending anyone out.

From this point of view, the Jade Emperor can only use his own manpower, but he does not have decent experts. This supreme master of the three realms is destined to go through it himself.

As long as the Jade Emperor goes down to the lower realm, hey, it will be difficult to come back!
  "In that case, Taibai, go and pass the decree and recruit Emperor Zhenwu to go down to the lower realm to put down the rebellion!"

Losing face, the Jade Emperor snorted coldly, stood up, gave instructions, and left the "Lingxiao Palace".

Seeing that the Jade Emperor dismissed the court meeting, the four masters of Chanjiao chuckled, gathered together, turned around and left the "Bullfighting Palace", preparing to cause some obstacles for Emperor Zhenwu. In short, they had to force the supreme master of the three realms to take action in person.

It is said that another year has passed in the human world. Emperor Zhenwu was ordered to keep a low profile in the lower world. After some observation, he secretly complained about this errand. The Great Qin Empire has become a climate. With his ability, it is difficult to compete with the three Ying Zhengs. Great witches contend.

As for mobilizing troops from heaven, Jiejiao and Chanjiao are obviously unwilling to take action. Although there are a few other characters who are more powerful than themselves, they are not something that they can mobilize. And the ones that they can mobilize are of little use even in the lower realm. .

Under such a situation, a strong attack was no longer advisable. The Zhenwu Emperor descended from the mortal world and became a monk and warlock in the human world, named Xu Fu.

As soon as Xu Fu appeared in Dongsheng Shenzhou, he came to Xianyang City and prepared to break into the upper echelons of Qin.

At this time, the Wu clan opened the Nine Nether Underworld, and sometimes demons and ghosts came out of the tunnel and did evil in the world.

Emperor Zhenwu used his magical powers several times in Xianyang City to slay demons. In addition, his fortune-telling and divination were extremely accurate, and his reputation quickly spread throughout the imperial capital.

Within half a year, Xu Fu's name spread to Ying Zheng's ears.

In the last war, after seeing the authentic Taoist sect, Ying Zheng became more worried about these worldly masters. As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Ying Zheng stopped killing Taoist people and instead behaved like a corporal. Prepare to dig out some casual cultivators to supplement Qin's strength.

It is a pity that the Baijia basically has no momentum. The people below the Immortal Dao live in seclusion and do not dare to be enemies of the Qin Dynasty. The Immortal Dao characters also closed the mountain gate early or fled to the other three continents, so that Ying Zheng Zheng was worried that he had no Taoist masters under his command.

Now that I heard Xu Fu's name, I hurriedly sent someone to announce Xu Fu's appearance. I wanted to see for myself whether this man was a swindler or a master of immortality with real talent and learning.

Emperor Zhenwu was overjoyed when he saw the visitor finding him. He had been in Xianyang City for more than half a year, and he had long known that Ying Zheng, Bai Qi, Wang Jian and others were secretly refining the Twelve Golden Man, hoping to gather the power of the ancestral witches.

During this period of time, Bai Qi and Wang Jian were not in Xianyang City, and there were no top experts around Ying Zheng. This was a rare opportunity. As long as we seize this opportunity to approach Ying Zheng and kill him, most of the chaos in the Qin Kingdom would be lifted. , I also have a reason to return to heaven.

As the officials entered the palace, the Zhenwu Emperor also changed his expression when he saw the palace guarded by elite shamans.

The realm of shamans is in the realm of heavenly immortals, which is much more powerful than the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

In today's Heavenly Court, the qualifications for the Heavenly Soldiers are all Qi Practitioners below Immortal Dao, but they are not as elite as those in the Ancient Heavenly Court. Every soldier is a Heavenly Immortal. If you want to be a general, you must at least be a Golden Immortal or above.

Such a comparison shows that Da Qin's Immortal Dao is not as good as Heavenly Court in terms of quantity, but it can really compete with Heavenly Court. At least when Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao are not doing anything, relying solely on the lineage of the Jade Emperor is really good. It is difficult to eradicate the Qin Empire.

Unless the Supreme Jade Emperor of the Three Realms and the Queen Mother of Yaochi take action personally as quasi-sages with great supernatural powers.

In the palace, Emperor Zhenwu paid homage to the Human Emperor, and followed Ying Zheng's instructions to demonstrate his magical powers, thus gaining the trust of Ying Zheng and the ministers of Great Qin.

"I am a poor Taoist from outside the country, but now that I have received the gift from His Majesty, Xu Fu is satisfied just to pass on the Taoist tradition."

The Human Emperor granted him a reward as usual, and Emperor Zhenwu quickly thanked him.

"I now designate you as my Grand Master of the Qin Dynasty, and open the Taoist Temple to recruit many disciples."

Ying Zheng continued: "Since the Imperial Master is an expert in immortality, where can I find the elixir of immortality?"

"Your Majesty, there are several types of elixir of immortality. Some extend life for a hundred years, some extend life for a thousand years, and some can make you immortal after taking it. I wonder which one Your Majesty is looking for?"

"Oh? Naturally, the longer the life span, the better! Now, with my strength, I won't have to worry about longevity in the short term, but if I can't break through, there will still be some trouble."

Although Ying Zheng obtained the great witch's true body, he did not have the great witch's magical powers after all. In other words, his great witch's true body only had the combat power of the great witch, but no magical powers, and it did not have the almost immortal lifespan of the great witch.

Ying Zheng, Bai Qi, Wang Jian and others were able to elevate themselves to the rank of great shamans with the help of clever skills. After all, it was not Pangu's authentic sect, so flaws were inevitable.

This is also one of the reasons why Ying Zheng is keen on the "Dutian Divine Evil Formation". Only by being instilled with the power of the ancestral witch can it be possible to make up for one's own shortcomings and polish the realm of the great witch to perfection.

In a moment of excitement, Ying Zheng almost revealed his secret.

"In this case, I would like to ask your Majesty to issue a personal edict and give Xu Fu full authority to order things."

Emperor Zhenwu was overjoyed that he unexpectedly learned this secret. Immortal people naturally do not need to worry about Shouyuan. Ying Zheng actually asked himself about the elixir of life. It seems that this person's body as a great witch is flawed!

"Hahaha! Okay! Since the Imperial Master is willing to find the elixir of immortality for me, when the Imperial Master is completed, I will definitely spread the decree to the world, build a temple for the Imperial Master, and enjoy the incense in the world."

When Ying Zheng heard that Emperor Zhenwu agreed to seek the elixir, he was extremely happy and hurriedly wrote the imperial letter.

Before this, Emperor Zhenwu's original plan was to get close to Ying Zheng and suddenly assassinate him. However, after seeing the tight defense of the palace and the many little witches accompanying Ying Zheng, he gave up this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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