The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 138 The fall of Zhenwu, the Jade Emperor personally conquered

Chapter 138 The fall of Zhenwu, the Jade Emperor personally conquered

However, Emperor Zhenwu was planning to obtain a poisonous medicine similar to an elixir to poison Ying Zheng. In this way, he could easily solve this henchman's problem.

It's just that although Emperor Zhenwu's plan was good, there were "people" behind it who were obstructing it. Immediately, the disciples of Chanjiao contacted Bai Qi and Wang Jian through channels and completely betrayed Emperor Zhenwu. Even the plan was detailed. Fall on the letter.

Bai Qi and Wang Jian were horrified to learn about such a major event, and became even more hostile towards Haotian. They did not dare to neglect, and while Emperor Zhenwu was out looking for medicine, they rushed back to Xianyang City to find Ying Zheng to discuss the matter.

"Hateful! It turns out that Xu Fu is actually a real martial artist. I swear to kill this thief!"

After learning the truth from Bai Qi and Wang Jian, Ying Zhengqi's face turned red, he slammed the table, and started discussing with the two great witches, waiting for Emperor Zhenwu to throw himself into the trap and kill him completely.

Soon, the Imperial Palace in Xianyang City was rearranged, and an army of three thousand witches was even prepared. As for the dozens of Xiaosha level masters from Great Qin, led by Bai Qi and Wang Jian, they were hidden deep in the palace.

After half a year, Emperor Zhenwu spent a lot of money to obtain a poison from the plague god Lu Yue. The poison was so powerful that even if Daluo Jinxian was poisoned, half of his life would be lost.

It was basically impossible for a dabbler like Ying Zheng, a great wizard, to resist. With this medicine, Emperor Zhenwu returned to Dongsheng Divine Continent from the 33rd day with great satisfaction.

In order to be sure, he secretly dispatched a large army of Heavenly Court this time, preparing to cover up and kill Ying Zheng after his violent death, completely annihilating the Great Qin Empire, and returning the Earthly Immortal Realm to Dongsheng Shenzhou under the rule of Heavenly Court.

Soon, Emperor Zhenwu entered the palace again as Xu Fu and met Ying Zheng in the palace.

"Your Majesty! This elixir is the 'Longevity Yin and Yang elixir' personally refined by a great immortal on the Yingzhou Immortal Island overseas. Taking this elixir can extend your life for thousands of years."

Xu Fu respectfully held up the jade box in his hand and dedicated it to Ying Zheng.

"Thank you for your hard work, Imperial Master. Zhao Gao will present the elixir."

A smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face. He seemed very satisfied with Xu Fu's performance and motioned to the eunuch beside him to hand over the elixir.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gao, who had been waiting on the side, quickly responded, walked down the stairs with small steps, came to Xu Fu, and was ready to take the jade box.

"Good work."

Xu Fu nodded, showed a smile, and handed the jade box in his hand to Zhao Gao.


But before the smile on Xu Fu's face dissipated, the "Fish Gut Sword" flashed from Zhao Gao's sleeve and stabbed Xu Fu in the abdomen, causing blood to flow out immediately.

"Zhenwu! Your conspiracy has been exposed. If you dare to plot against His Majesty, I, Zhao Gao, will kill you traitor myself today!"

As soon as Zhao Gao succeeded, he screamed with excitement. He pulled out the "Fish Intestine Sword" in his hand again and pierced Emperor Zhenwu's abdomen. This "Fish Intestine Sword" was a supreme magical weapon created by hundreds of Xuanmen schools. Extremely powerful.

When the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six kingdoms, the Xuanmen master was unwilling to accept it, but he asked the loyal and brave man Jing Ke to carry this sword into the palace and assassinate Ying Zheng. However, the fate failed and the sword fell into the hands of Qin.

This time, Ying Zheng laid a dragnet, and in order to be sure, he ordered Zhao Gao, a shaman around him, to use magic weapons to assassinate Emperor Zhenwu.

"I didn't expect you to know my origin!"

Emperor Zhenwu knocked Zhao Gao away with a palm, his face was gloomy, he felt a numbness in his body, and he immediately understood that the "fish intestine sword" was still quenched with poison.

Thinking of this, Emperor Zhenwu showed a wry smile. He didn't expect that after all the tricks were used, he would end up like this.

"Haha! Zhenwu, you are in doom today!"

Suddenly, a long knife and a long spear came out from the depths of the palace. It was Wang Jian and Bai Qi.

With a "crash" sound, a total of seventy-two young witches and an army of three thousand witches surrounded the palace.

For a time, the entire palace was filled with evil spirits.

"Zhenwu, you cannot escape death today! If you are willing to surrender and be captured, I will keep your true spirit and send you to reincarnation!"

On the higher level, Ying Zheng stood up and looked down at Emperor Zhenwu, showing a domineering look in control of everything.

"I am the Zhenwu Great Emperor of Heaven! If you shamans want to kill me, it depends on your abilities!"

Emperor Zhenwu struggled to block Bai Qi and Wang Jian's assassinations and chops one after another.

"Then you will die completely!"

Bai Qi shouted loudly, his blood boiling all over his body, and his whole body was like a blazing furnace. He had entered madness, bloodthirsty and crazy, and shot at Emperor Zhenwu to assassinate him.

If forbidden laws had not been set up throughout the palace, the entire vast imperial city would have been completely destroyed in an instant.

"Eat someone's knife!"

Although Wang Jian was not as crazy as Bai Qi, he was equally proficient in martial arts, and the strength in his hands continued to increase. The cold light of the witch sword blew up clouds of cold wind, and the entire hall formed a vacuum zone, making it difficult for Emperor Zhenwu to even breathe. A lot.

"I didn't expect these two great witches to be so difficult to deal with. I am in terrible danger today!"

Emperor Zhenwu was shocked. Before he could recover, the white blood-colored spear stabbed over with the power to devour all things.

With a "dang" sound, the "Zhenwu Sword" counterattacked one after another. The magic weapons collided with each other and made a loud noise. The forbidden laws of the palace were shaken and shattered. The force of the collision of the magic weapons spread out in all directions, "Crackling." The surrounding forbidden laws were torn apart without mercy.

"good chance!"

Emperor Zhenwu's eyes lit up, and he took the killing moves of the two great wizards. With a sway, he left the palace and flew into the distance.


Ying Zheng sneered, waved his hand, and the Wu Clan army moved in unison, chasing him out.

It was because of him that he let the enemy go. Emperor Zhenwu was really powerful. If they kept fighting in the palace, the entire imperial capital would not be able to be saved. It would be better to deal with this person outside.

After receiving Ying Zheng's orders, the Wu Clan's army mobilized and deployed the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul-Eating Array", which turned into black clouds that filled the sky and swept towards Emperor Zhenwu.

"Heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals are helping each other! The urgency is just like the law!"

While fleeing, while dealing with the attacks of the two great wizards Bai Qi and Wang Jian, Emperor Zhenwu was anxious. With no other choice, he could only activate his secret technique and summon the heavenly army he had brought from the lower realm. After chasing and escaping, the aftermath of the collision between the three masters was simply devastating. At this time, they flew to a large mountain, and a loud "boom" sound came again. The sound was like a landslide. The ground seemed to be cracked, as if the wilderness was shattered.

And with Emperor Zhenwu's summoning method, the 300,000-strong army from Heaven also appeared.

A fierce battle broke out between the two sides again, and the area near Lishan was completely destroyed.

But it is said that the battle between the two sides alarmed a female immortal cultivator on Lishan Mountain. This person was the disciple of the Empress Yunxiao, the female immortal of Lishan Mountain. Since she was taken into the gate, she has devoted herself to cultivating Taoism. Now she has become a master of Xuanxian. In Lishan Near the mountain, there is the name Lishan Mother.

"Teacher, something bad is going on!"

A boy hurriedly came to report, and Old Mother Lishan waved her hand, indicating that the boy did not need to say anything. She knew this situation immediately, but the outside world was full of experts, and with the large number of people and huge power, although in her heart Eager, but unable.

"Junior sister Yunxiao, your disciple is in some trouble."

At this time, in "Wuyi Mountain", Li Yunjing was using the "Water Mirror Technique" and was watching the conspiracy with great interest. He saw the Wu Clan and the Heavenly Court fighting each other, which affected his nephew, so he smiled and talked to Yun Xiao.

"Senior brother, since you have seen that your disciple is in danger, why don't you take action to save him?"

Yunxiao rolled her eyes at Li Yunjing, wondering why Senior Brother Chaos had such evil tastes before.

"Of course I have to save him."

Li Yunjing smiled and said, "This woman indeed has an important responsibility, and this blessed land of Lishan cannot be lost."

Having said this, Li Yunjing tossed it casually, and the "Xuan Yu Pendant" usually hung around his waist turned into a ray of blue light, flying from Nanfangbu Continent to Dongsheng Shenzhou, and landed on Lishan Mountain.

As soon as the "Xuan Jade Pendant" arrived, a clear light covered Lishan Mountain. Suddenly, the mountain range began to twist, becoming seemingly nonexistent, and unexpectedly disappeared from the sight of Emperor Zhenwu, Bai Qi, Wang Jian and others. Gone.

This scene immediately alarmed the three people who were fighting, knowing that there was a master living in seclusion here in Lishan Mountain.

When Emperor Zhenwu was at the end of his rope, he tried to shout for help. This scene frightened Bai Qi and Wang Jian into panic, fearing that Emperor Zhenwu would escape. The two great witches attacked again and again, killing Emperor Zhenwu even more embarrassingly.

When Emperor Zhenwu called for help three times in a row, but no one came to save him, Bai Qi and Wang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the masters here didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

"Alas! God wants to destroy me!"

Emperor Zhenwu sighed. He also understood the thoughts of the big shots in Lishan Mountain, so he tried his best to fly towards the Jiutian Gangfeng layer, hoping to escape back to Thirty-Three Heavens just like the real Huanglong.

Da Qin had already suffered a loss before, so naturally it was prepared this time.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Before Emperor Zhenwu could fly up, the Wu Clan army launched a series of crossbow strikes, shooting out a shower of arrows that filled the sky. These arrows were all specially made "devil-breaking arrows" designed to break the protective aura of immortal figures.

The rain of so many arrows immediately interrupted his escape plan. Bai Qi and Wang Jian rushed forward again and got entangled with him.

On the other side, Ying Zheng held the Holy Sword of Humanity and "vacated", leading an army of shamans to fight against the heavenly army.

Facing the ordinary army in heaven, whose highest cultivation level was no more than a golden immortal, Ying Zheng was like a tiger among the sheep, killing them repeatedly. In a short time, he broke through several military formations and killed many heavenly soldiers and generals.

As soon as the Wu Clan's "Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul-Eating Formation" came out, it also completely blocked the Heavenly Army's "Tian Luo Di Net Formation". Without the presence of experts, it was only a matter of time before the Heavenly Army was defeated.

At this time, Emperor Zhenwu was struck by Wang Jian's sword, and his immortal body was almost cut in half. The sword full of evil energy actually interrupted Emperor Zhenwu's magic power and smashed him to the ground.

First he was poisoned, then he was bleeding from a long battle, and now he was stabbed again. Emperor Zhenwu could no longer survive. All kinds of energy were rushing around in his body. He had no choice but to use his immortal magic to force out all kinds of alien powers.

"Zhenwu! You have no chance!"

Seeing that Emperor Zhenwu was still holding on, the two great witches laughed ferociously. Their bodies swayed, revealing the true form of the great witch. With a move of their huge bodies, all the mountain peaks on the earth were razed to the ground. Thousands of miles are in ruins.

Emperor Zhenwu was seriously injured and reluctantly stood up. He said weakly: "Even if I die in battle today, I will drag you to death with me!"

Bai Qi sneered and struck hard at Emperor Zhenwu several times.

Emperor Zhenwu roared angrily and no longer cared about his injuries. Although Wang Jian and Bai Qi stabbed and slashed him several times, he was like a man possessed and slashed through the two great witches with his "Zhenwu Sword". body.

"Damn it! Are you the only one who isn't afraid of death?"

Wang Jian was furious, and the fighting spirit of the Wu clan was completely aroused. He also ignored his own injuries and fought with Emperor Zhenwu to see who had the tougher life.

Emperor Zhenwu's second trip to the lower realm was only two hours for the immortals and gods in heaven. In two hours, the battle in Dongsheng Shenzhou was almost over. The army in heaven had already lost very few casualties.

At this time, Haotian was in the palace, admiring the dancing fairies. Suddenly, his heart trembled, as if he had a bad premonition. He waved his hand to repel a group of palace maidens.

After thinking about it, he ordered his men, Xuan Gaojue and Gao Ming, to go to the palace to monitor the three realms and see what was going on with Emperor Zhenwu in the lower realm.

At this time, because of his superior status, Haotian did not bother to use the "Haotian Mirror" to explore the Three Realms, and missed the last opportunity to rescue Emperor Zhenwu.

A quarter of an hour later, Gao Ming and Gao Jue quickly came to the palace and met the Jade Emperor. After receiving the Jade Emperor's decree, they immediately used their "clairvoyance" and "shunfeng ears" to focus their attention on the Xianyang City of the Qin Empire.

After some investigation, the two of them were horrified. The 300,000-strong Heavenly Army was killed by Ying Zheng. The Zhenwu Emperor was also breathing in but not out. The Zhenwu Emperor was about to fall!


At this time, the Jade Emperor no longer cared about pretending and showing off, and stood up suddenly. A treasure mirror floated in front of him. After casting a spell, he took a look and saw what Gao Ming and Gao Jue had seen. Reporting scene.


I sighed in my heart, a loyal minister of Daluo Jinxian died, this is simply a huge loss.

At this time, many masters of interception and interpretation in Heaven either refused to listen to orders, or had duties to guard the safety of the three realms, or were unwilling to participate in the internal struggles of Heaven and remained aloof from the outside world.

The Jade Emperor unexpectedly had no one available for a while, so he thought for a moment and said: "Pass the decree, order King Tuota to order all the troops and horses, and I will personally lead the expedition to completely wipe out the Wu clan and avenge Emperor Zhenwu!"


Although all the ministers wanted to dissuade him, the Jade Emperor was so angry that he couldn't listen at all. Even Taibai Jinxing didn't dare to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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