The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 141 The honest man Xing Tian is playing tricks on others, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos gathe

Chapter 141 The honest man Xing Tian is playing tricks on others, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos gathers immortals

"Yes! I know I was wrong."

Seeing that the teacher was angry, Yuan Hong quickly knelt down and admitted his mistake.

"Forget it! Forget it! Yuan Hong didn't mean it!"

Yunxiao smoothed things over and saw that Li Yunjing's expression softened, so he pulled Yuan Hong up and said, "You monkey, don't cause trouble in the future."

"Hehe! Yes! Master, this disciple must keep it in mind."

"Alas! I hope you really remember!"

Li Yunjing shook his head helplessly. This Yuan Hong was trained by himself as a protector of the Jiejiao. In the future, he would hold up half of the sky for the Jiejiao, but he didn't want him to die before he could rise.

At least his disciples can't be weaker than that monstrous Buddhist monk, right?
Li Yunjing was not willing to talk too much to his disciples. With a wave of his hand, the chaotic airflow in front of him suddenly rotated clockwise, forming a mirror.

The three ancestral wizards Xingtian, Jiufeng, and Xiangliu were manifesting in the mirror fighting against the two supremes Haotian and Yaochi. This time, enemies met, and they were extremely jealous. They could no longer care about the things in the wilderness. The five great Those with magical powers sacrifice their lives and fight fiercely.

Li Yunjing shook his head. There are many rumors in this world. With the evolution of the ancient times, more and more truths have been covered up by the long river of time. Even figures like Dao Lord Chaos have become antiques.

"That's right! That's right! What the master's wife said is true!"

With every trace of the aftermath of the battle, a small thousand world opened up. With the raging mana explosion, one small thousand world was like a small boat on the sea, instantly overturned by the waves and sank in the sea of ​​chaos.

Originally he was smiling and looking relaxed, but after looking at it for a while, Yunxiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly and he spoke softly.

Especially Xingtian, Haotian, and Yaochi, it would take some effort to kill them one on one. If the five of them join forces, it will be difficult to annihilate them all without releasing the good and evil corpses.

Suddenly, Su Daji, who had been silent all this time, exclaimed and pointed at the chaotic mirror in front of her.


"You monkey, it's not a bad thing for your six sworn brothers to get a god position and follow Yang Jian. Otherwise, they, monsters with no background, would be killed by Buddhists sooner or later."

When Yuan Hong heard this, he nodded repeatedly. He had a lot of resentment against Chanjiao. All his brothers died, and they were all under the command of Yang Jian, which made him very angry.

The five masters in front of him were much more powerful than the three Buddhist quasi-sages he had killed.

Li Yunjing and the other two people looked at each other, and it was as Su Daji said. At this time, the five people fighting had all suffered some injuries. Xing Tian swayed his body, revealing the true form of the ancestral witch. With the giant ax in his hand, he struck hard at Haotian. Killed him.

It was like the world had not yet opened, and the scene of three thousand demon gods fighting in the chaos made Yuan Hong and Su Daji turn pale in shock. Only then did they understand what a quasi-sage master is and what it means to have great supernatural powers.

At the same time, the good corpse of the Jade Emperor was also killed, and the "Haotian Tower" above his head joined the battle group, surrounding and killing Xing Tian with two against one.

This attack really had the style of Pangu Kaitian, but the power gap was a thousand miles away, but a Zhongqian world had been opened up, and Haotian and Xingtian directly entered the new world.

"Eh? Look! Xingtian is going to fight for his life!"

Li Yunjing glanced at Yuan Hong, which made the monkey tremble before he spoke.

When the heaven and earth were born, divine thunder rolled, and Xing Tian was like a chaotic god of war. As the giant ax in his hand struck, even Haotian's expression changed, as if he could not withstand Xing Tian's huge power.

"This Haotian is regarded as the laughing stock of the three worlds. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. I'm afraid I'm no match for him."

The "Haotian Mirror" floated above the head, spinning around, constantly reflecting Xingtian's attacks, and at the same time shooting out wisps of death rays to kill Xingtian.

"Although Haotian and Yaochi are jokingly called boys by the disciples of the three religions, they are also the boys of Taoist ancestor Hongjun. They have followed Taoist ancestors since the Great Tribulation of Dao Demons, earlier than the teacher, the master uncle, and the second uncle. How can such characters Can you despise it?"

With a "chi" smile, Yunxiao said: "Isn't this what those people from Chanjiao spread? Guangchengzi and the others all have eyes on their foreheads, and they don't look down on people outside at all."

The two sides fought for hundreds of rounds again. When Haotian held up the "Pingtian Crown", the evil corpse flew out, and once again sacrificed an innate spiritual treasure. The "Sealing Seal" shot out wisps of sealing light. The power of action to delay your sentence.

The main body is holding the "Celestial Emperor Sword" in his hand, and together with several innate spiritual treasures, he fights Xingtian in a decisive battle.

"Haotian, you are the only one who has a treasure, but my witch clan has no treasure?"

Under a sudden attack, Xing Tian was in a hurry and was hit hard several times. If it were not for the top ancestral witch's strong body, an ordinary quasi-sage would have had his body shattered and his soul escaped.

Being beaten so miserably, Xing Tian was furious. With a flash of his hand, in addition to his "Qianqi" divine axe, he actually held a scepter in his left hand. This scepter was simple and desolate, as if it had been passed down from the beginning of heaven and earth. down.

As soon as the scepter lit up, the chaos separated. Xing Tian's figure flashed, ignoring the barriers of time and space, and instantly came to Haotian's corpse. The "Qianqi" and "Jinchi Staff" in his hands were smashed down. , with a "bang", Haotian's good corpse was killed on the spot!
"What? It turns out to be the personal treasure of Di Jiang, the leader of the Twelve Ancestral Witches!"

The clone was destroyed, and Haotian spurted out a mouthful of blood. He looked shocked when he saw that Xing Tian had an extra valuable treasure.

"Hey! Do you think I dare to come out and fight you without bringing a few good things?"

Xing Tian grinned ferociously, flashing his exposed upper body and breasts, and shot two rays of light toward Haotian's evil corpse. With the blessing of the "Close Staff", these two rays of light, with The cold that froze the heavens hit Haotian's evil corpse with two "puff" sounds.

These two peerless killing arrows made of bones were extremely poisonous. As soon as the evil corpse was hit, it immediately rotted and decayed. In the blink of an eye, only a white skeleton was left.

"Xuan Ming's Bone Arrow!"

Haotian gritted his teeth and finally said fiercely: "Everyone in the world thinks that Xing Tian is a hero who stands upright. How could they know that there are such vicious tricks? I fell into your scheme!"

"Hahaha! Haotian, to be honest, you have a magic weapon and a good moral character. If you fight with all your strength, I am no match for you!" Xingtian laughed and said: "Originally, I would rather die in battle than use this weapon. It’s a dirty trick, but I am the number one master of the Witch Clan and I have a heavy responsibility and must protect the Witch Clan. Now, I can only apologize!”

At this scene, not to mention the five great supernatural powers who were fighting, the four masters of Chanjiao, and Li Yunjing were all dumbfounded. Who would have thought that Xingtian, who was single-minded, could have such a side!
Sure enough, an honest man has his own thoughts, and no one can stop him!
"Good guy! Xing Tian is really ruthless. If I'm not careful, I might fall into his poisonous hands!"

After a long time, Li Yunjing sighed, among the top masters in the ancient world, how can any one be simple?

The Lich War is over, how many great people's magic weapons have disappeared? Among them, there are spiritual treasures that are covered in dust, and many more have been found by interested people and secretly sacrificed, never manifesting in the world.

"Near-foot Staff" and "Xuanming Bone Arrow" are powerful treasures among them. They combine the most peak laws of an ancestral witch. Most people will die before they can react!

"Haotian! Don't do anything, leave immediately!"

Seeing this scene, Yaochi shouted softly, with the "Plain Cloud Realm Flag" above his head, innately invincible, and unexpectedly rushed out from the encirclement of Jiufeng and Xiangliu, wanting to join Haotian and retreat. leave.

"Hahaha! Don't be surprised, my dear! I'm here to help you!"

At this moment, the four quasi-sages of the teachings, Guangchengzi, Nanji Xianweng, Yun Zhongzi, and Yuding Zhenren came out, but the four of them moved and did not fight Jiufeng and Xiangliu, but blocked Yaochi. the way to go.

"Hiroyukiko! Get away!"

Yaochi knew exactly what these four people were thinking. Seeing this scene, he struck Guangchengzi with a "Purple Sky Divine Thunder".

"Hahaha! Madam, you are the two ancestral witches Jiufeng and Xiangliu who seriously injured the soul. How come you can't tell the difference between you and me?"

Guangchengzi laughed and did not go to fight with Yaochi. He just raised the "central garrison apricot yellow flag". Once this innate five-square flag came out, no matter how Yaochi attacked, he could not repel it.

"The Jade Emperor! I am here to help you! Hahaha!"

The Antarctic Immortal laughed loudly and smashed it with his cane, but just like Guangchengzi, the stick did not hit Xingtian, but blocked Haotian's retreat. As long as Haotian retreated, he would be knocked to the ground.

"Hahaha! Interesting!"

Xingtian, Jiufeng, and Xiangliu were ready to retreat when they saw the four masters of Chanjiao appearing. Unexpectedly, these four people had their own agenda and wanted Haotian's life!
In this way, Jiufeng and Xiangliu no longer care about Yaochi, but fly to Xingtian, gathering three ancestral wizards to surround and kill Haotian. In addition, there are Antarctic immortals standing in the way. How can Haotian's situation be a " The word "miserable" can be used to describe it.

"This teaching is really shameless."

Yun Xiao was dumbfounded. Guang Chengzi and the others were all true immortals, how could they do such a shameless thing?
"Damn it! Last time, I scolded Guang Chengzi severely and attacked him from behind. Isn't this old boy going to kill me?"

When Yuan Hong saw this scene, he couldn't help but shiver. At this time, he became really scared.

The people who explain the teaching are so cruel!

This is the only thing Li Yunjing and the four of them can think of.

"Forget it! Let's go! Haotian is finished!"

The seven quasi-sages moved together to kill Haotian. His fate was already sealed. Li Yunjing once again activated the "Moshi Disk" and left far away, returning to the prehistoric world.

Thirty-three days after returning, the "Ziwei Palace" immediately rang the jade chime. Masters from all sides, under the command of Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole and under the command of Jie Jiao, all from the Three Realms and Six Paths, gathered in "Ziwei Palace" on the 33rd day. Ziwei Palace".

The heavenly soldiers and generals guarding the "Nantian Gate" were all a little confused. What happened today? How come so many of the border guards of Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole of Zhongtian returned, and even many immortals who intercepted the teachings.

The four generals of the Demon family were in the same camp as Jie Jiao when they were conferred as gods. Now they have a gatekeeper. Although they usually move closer to the Jade Emperor, the relationship with Jie Jiao has not been broken.

After all, how could these four people be willing to break off a friendship that even cost their lives?
Wouldn't that be a wasted death?
Therefore, they greeted the acquaintances of the Immortal Jie Jiao, and when they saw that these people did not understand why, they let them in. No matter what big moves Jie Jiao made, even if they were treason, it was not something they, the four little people, could deal with.

Soon, after passing the "Nantian Gate", the mighty Jiejiao forces arrived at the "Ziwei Palace".

The Ziwei Emperor at the North Pole in Zhongtian is the supreme existence second only to the Jade Emperor. He lives in the center of the sky. "Ziwei Palace" is also the residence of the emperor, so Li Yunjing's incarnation of the good corpse holds a high position in the heaven.

If you want to end Haotian, you must have the only way to reincarnate. This period of time is enough for Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole to completely control the power of heaven.

Today, the hypocrisy of Yu Chanjiao can be completely torn apart. Whoever dares to influence his own good corpse to take power will be killed with one word!

Everything in heaven and earth can be killed!

Kill him and his head will roll!
Kill until the heaven and earth are silent, kill until all living beings do not know the six emperors, and only know the Ziwei Emperor in the middle of the sky and the north pole!
By the way, in addition to the Jie Jiao people who were on the list of gods and the Jie Jiao Xiaoyao Immortal, there were also some old ministers from Heaven in the "Ziwei Palace", and these people were also gathered with the Jie Jiao people at this moment.

For a time, the vast and boundless "Ziwei Palace" was filled with immortals. In addition to the heavenly soldiers, even ordinary generals were summoned.

The atmosphere of "Ziwei Palace" was condensed to the extreme.

No one among the gods and immortals dared to speak a word, even if Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole had never appeared!

At this moment, the three emperors under the command of "Ziwei Palace", the three emperors Tianguan, Diguan and Shuiguan were also frightened and had no idea what was happening.

These three people are also the pinnacle masters of Daluo Jinxian. They are the people with the highest cultivation level under Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole. They have the highest status and are also the masters of Xuanmen. They are just low-key and few people know about it.

The third-grade, three-yuan, three-guan emperor is commonly known as the Lord of the Three Realms. He governs the three realms of heaven, earth, and water. He is responsible for the merits and demerits of heaven and man, and the misfortunes and blessings of all living beings. He is an extremely noble god.

The three official emperors are located under the six emperors. They are the subordinates of the Ziwei emperor in Zhongtian North Pole. Each of them is in charge of an army, each with millions of people.

Every time on the day of the Three Elements, the Three Officials Emperor comes to the altar in person to conduct research on the ascension of all gods, character tests, and all kinds of transformations within the Three Realms. The power of these three people is not small, but today On this day, even the Emperor Sanguan didn't know what was going on and was completely confused.

Soon, some experts finally arrived.

The Taoist Master of Chaos, the Empress of Yunxiao, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, Zhao Gongming, Feather Wing Immortal, Wuyun Immortal, and the Nine Quasi-Saints Kong Xuan, the Guest of Interception, also arrived.


Seeing that the supreme leader of Jiejiao had arrived with a group of senior people in the sect, both those who were on the list of gods and the Xiaoyao Immortal of Jiejiao all stepped forward to worship the leader.

This scene made the Sanguan Emperor and the old people of "Ziwei Palace" dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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