The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 142 The Supreme of the Three Realms, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole

Chapter 142 The Supreme of the Three Realms, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole

"What earth-shattering event happened?"

"The gathering of the nine quasi-sages of Jiejiao is simply a grand scene that has never been seen before in the world!"

"Let's be careful. Emperor Ziwei's words will be whatever he says!"

The Great Emperor Sanguan had a spiritual exchange with a group of old people, and each one made an instant decision to surrender completely. They had no way out. No matter what Jiejiao wanted to do, as long as they opposed it, they would be sacrificed immediately!
The three top Daluo Jinxian masters knew this kind of thing very well.

"Dang! Dang! Dang"

The bells suddenly sounded from the "Bullfighting Palace", one after another, seemingly endless.

The sound was so powerful that it spread throughout the three realms and six realms.

At first, the big shots in the three realms didn't take it seriously, but gradually, the faces of these masters above Daluo Jinxian became serious, and everyone knew that something big had happened!
There was also a commotion in the "Ziwei Palace", but then under the stern eyes of the nine quasi-sages, everyone calmed down, but their hearts were beating fast, silently counting how many bells would ring.

"Dang! Dang! Dang"

In this way, the entire heaven knew what happened.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian and North Pole issued decrees one after another, and began to take over all the powers of Heaven as "Ziwei Palace". The power of Emperor Changsheng of Antarctica, God Gouchen, and Emperor of Dongji were all severely compressed. .

The three of them were shocked, and hurriedly accepted the decree, turned around and led the gods and immortals under their command to stabilize the operation of the heaven.

The words of Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole were loudly transmitted from the "Ziwei Palace". The sound shook the world and could be heard clearly throughout the thirty-three days.

Regardless of the shock and uproar in the three realms, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole appeared, looked at the hundreds of thousands of immortals under his command, and said: "Great Heavenly Lord and Xingtian fought a decisive battle in the chaos, and unfortunately died!"

Originally, the four of them were unconvinced!
Even if the Jiejiao force was strong, it was not like they had not fought head-on against each other. The victory in the Conferred God War made them think that there was no chance of winning in four against nine.

The three official emperors did not dare to neglect. The three of them walked out of the crowd and saluted respectfully.


"Yes! The three of us will obey the decree of Emperor Ziwei!"

"The Three Officials Emperor comes forward to listen to the order!"

These three emperors of interpretation have even become existences in name only.

"Yes! We will obey the emperor's decree!"

"Now that the Great Heavenly Lord is not here, the rewards and punishments for promotion in the Heavenly Court need to be more stringent. We must not allow chaos in the Heavenly Court! No matter who is in the Heavenly Court, anyone who disobeys the laws of the 'Ziwei Palace' is treason!"

The three worlds were in an uproar, thirty thousand death bells were ringing, and the supreme big man fell. The bells came from the "Bullfighting Palace", so naturally they were from the Supreme Haotian Golden Tower, the Supreme Jade Emperor, and the Great God of Heaven, Xuan Qiong, who pardoned sins.

Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole ignored the commotion under his command, and his voice was calm and powerful. His demands were transmitted from the Thirty-Three Heavens to the Three Realms and Six Paths.

Finally, the bells of the "Bullfighting Palace" rang thirty thousand times before they completely stopped.

A sect of nine quasi-sages is no longer weaker than the Buddhist sect in terms of high-end combat power!
Four people, Guang Chengzi, Yuding Zhenren, Nanji Xianweng and Yun Zhongzi, gathered together. Their expressions were extremely ugly. The four masters were even more disgusting than eating flies.

Faced with the nine quasi-sages of Jie Jiao suppressing the Heavenly Court, the whole world is in silence. Didn't the promised Jie Jiao be abolished?

It was quiet for the entire thirty-three days, and the heaven fell into a strange silence. Apart from the bells, there was no second sound.

This supreme being is in charge of all the yin and yang, misfortunes and blessings of the three realms, ten directions, four lives, and six realms. Who would have thought that one day, he would not be able to control himself, but would lose his life and be reincarnated.

"Of course, the sky cannot be without a master for a day. I am the Great Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole of Zhongtian. During the reincarnation of the Great Heavenly Lord, I shall be in charge of the heaven and give orders to the three realms!"

It's just that Dao Lord Chaos, a shameless villain, actually took their audio recordings and passed them on to them one by one. The scene in the chaos was clearly revealed.

No matter how shameless these four people are, they don't want Dao Lord Chaos to reveal the truth to the public and make the four people infamous in the world!

In this way, the two parties bargained for a while, and Li Yunjing retained their basic rights and promised not to actively recruit and mobilize the power of the Chan Cult in heaven. The two parties reached an agreement.

From then on, the center of power in heaven was transferred to the "Ziwei Palace", and Emperor Ziwei in the North Pole of Zhongtian also became the new supreme king of the three realms.

Even the Queen Mother of Yaochi didn't dare to object, she just lived in seclusion in her palace.

This time, the method of interpreting the teaching made the female fairy scared. She understood that if she dared to fight for power with the teaching, she might be reincarnated like Haotian.

As the situation in Heaven stabilized, Li Yunjing and other Immortal Jie Jiao evacuated one after another.

From then on, Li Yunjing completed his first plan. Even if Haotian reincarnated and regained his apparent right to be the first person in the Three Realms, it would be difficult to mobilize the forces under his command. This long period of time would be enough for him to conquer Heaven. Made from a piece of iron.

Of course, this piece of iron is only three-quarters of the heaven. The rest is the territory of Chanjiao and some neutral immortals. There is no oil and water there, and Li Yunjing has to let others take a sip of soup.

In this way, time passed year by year, and the situation in the thirty-three days was stable, and the Jiuyou Underworld was as before. Although Li Yunjing had the intention to take over the Jiuyou Underworld, he was afraid of the opposition from all parties and took no action.

Here in Jiuyou Underworld, we must find a suitable opportunity to make many forces have nothing to say.

In Li Yunjing's calculation, he would have to deal with Buddhism in the future. Perhaps by defeating the Buddhist forces, he would have the opportunity to gain part of the power of Jiuyou Underworld.

As for the four major continents, Beiju Luzhou still has a dangerous environment, and is still a place where the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan live together. Small-scale wars will occasionally break out between the two clans. In addition, there are only a few Qi practitioners, and there are no What presence.

Xiniu Hezhou has become a dominant family and has become the sphere of influence of Buddhism. In addition to the Buddhism raising some demons and often harassing ordinary people, there are only a few Taoist masters headed by Zhen Yuanzi.

The Nanfanbu Continent is the most chaotic, with various forces mixed together. Not only are the Jie Jiao, Chan Jiao, Yao Clan, and Wu Clan here, but the Human Sect has also branched off and preached here; even the Styx Patriarch sent some The disciples spread the devil's ways here; now Buddhism has also entered this place, and it is the most powerful. Under the banner of slaying demons and demons, it has become the largest force in Nanfang continent.

Renjiao Master Wen Shizhen passed down two volumes of Taiqing Immortal Techniques and accepted a disciple. This man became successful in cultivation and named himself Taoist Baimei. He entered Taoism with Taiqing Sword Technique and established the "Shushan Sword Sect".

As soon as the "Shushan Sword Sect" was established, it was widely publicized. Relying on the name of the saint, many young heroes from Nanfanbuzhou joined the Shushan Sword Sect. For a time, the "Shushan Sword Sect" became more and more popular. Anyone who wanted to cultivate immortality regarded the "Shushan Sword Sect" as a holy place in their hearts.

From then on, stepping on a fairy sword and swiping through the air arrogantly became the dream pursuit of Taoists.

Because Taoist Baimei had a powerful backer, he really relied on his "celestial immortal" cultivation to lead some disciples to kill demons and eliminate demons, and gained a reputation.

However, any force that reaches millions of miles away from the center of Nanfangbu Continent must stay away. This is the dojo of Chaos Dao Lord, the leader of the Jiejiao Sect. As a famous magical power in the three realms, Li Yunjing's name is enough to intimidate all forces. .

In Nanbu Continent, the human race has established many countries, and these countries are supported by major sects.

As for Dongsheng Shenzhou, as the base camp of Human Religion, Chan Religion, and Interception Religion, Chan Religion was the most powerful, and the Han Dynasty as the core was supported by Chan Religion.

At the same time, he opened the Kunlun Mountain Formation and recruited disciples. Five great masters, Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren, Lingbao Master, Daoxing Tianzun, and Qingxu Daodezhenjun, took turns preaching.

Then Jiang Ziya returned from reincarnation. Guang Chengzi was very convinced of Jiang Ziya's ability to handle chores. These immortal Taoists immediately handed over the rights of the "Kunlun Sect" to Jiang Ziya and made him the manager of the sect.

Jiang Ziya was not good at cultivating Taoism, but he was good at preaching and confusing people. Under his management, it soon spread from ten to ten and then to hundreds of people. "Kunlun Mountain" once again became a holy place for those who seek immortality!

Over the years, on the Dongsheng Divine Continent, there have been conflicts among the three religions, and each has its own supporting country. However, due to Buddhism, the three religions have been able to fight without breaking through, which is within a tolerable range, but as long as they encounter Buddhism If the forces want to enter the Dongsheng Divine Continent, they will immediately be fully suppressed by the three religions.

It was precisely because the three religions united and even interfered with the secular world that they ordered the secular dynasty with firm will and launched several campaigns to exterminate Buddhism. It can be said that many Buddhist disciples were massacred.

White clouds, white dogs, and white horses passed by, and more than a dozen Yuanhui passed quietly.

During this period of time, for the secular world, I don't know how many dynasties have gone through and how many lives have been reincarnated, but for the immortal figures, it is calm and calm. A retreat lasts for tens of thousands of years, and a trip lasts a thousand years.

For those with great supernatural powers, there is no concept of time.

At this time, mortals no longer know how many generations have passed. Slowly, things on the Immortal Path have long been submerged in the long river of history. Even the matter of the Chaos Dao Lord being the master of the Three Emperors, not many people remember it. Not to mention those supreme saints, the word saint has even become synonymous with some ordinary Confucian scholars.

Not to mention that ordinary people in the secular world, even those who practice Taoism, no longer know the names of the five saints Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin. If they can remember the mother of the human race, Nuwa, it means that the human race has never forgotten their ancestors.

In the eyes of many monks, the one with the most powerful magic power in the world is Sakyamuni Tathagata Buddha of the "Da Leiyin Temple" in Xitianling Mountain.

After more than a dozen Yuanhui developments, the strength of Buddhism has reached an unfathomable level.

The entire Buddhist sect has countless branches, with a total of three thousand Buddhas, as well as countless other Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Dharma protectors, monks, etc.

However, the power of Buddhism still failed to expand to the most prosperous Dongsheng Shenzhou in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

"A new calamity is coming. In this calamity, Buddhism will flourish."

On Wuyi Mountain, Li Yunjing sighed, feeling helpless. It was for this reason that he focused on winning the Heavenly Court instead of developing in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

It is destined by God, how can it be changed by humans?

"Husband, do you need to inform all of my colleagues in the Earthly Immortal Realm?"

Yunxiao's heart trembled as soon as she heard the word calamity. The experiences of the Lich Catastrophe and the Gods Catastrophe were still vivid in her mind, and she couldn't help but be afraid.

"Don't be afraid! The extent of the calamity this time will not be large."

Li Yunjing gently held Yunxiao in his arms and said with a smile: "This time I am the leader of Jiejiao and the master of heaven. I want to see how far Buddhism can flourish!"


Seeing the worried look in Yun Xiao's eyes, Li Yunjing gently pressed his slender fingers on the red lips and said, "There are some things you don't understand, but there are some things you always have to do."

Those who have attained enlightenment are those opponents, including the traitor Duobao, who teaches Renrenjiao, Jiejiao, and the three cultivators of Buddhism. He is also the leader of a great religion. He has great luck and is his own enemy.

In both public and private matters, Li Yunjing would stop him and suppress him so severely that he would have no hope of enlightenment!

Zhen Yuanzi, Ancestor Minghe, Kunpeng, Xuandu Archmage, etc., are all his potential opponents and must be severely suppressed!

That Haotian also had further qualifications. It was precisely because of this that Li Yunjing put down the hatred in his heart, reached an agreement with Chanjiao, followed the trend, and sent Haotian back!
Naturally, Li Yunjing would not be able to say such words. There are some things that only he himself knows and can only plan slowly!

At this time, in the "Da Leiyin Temple", Sakyamuni Tathagata also knew that the era of great prosperity of Buddhism was coming.

At this time, Buddhism took action in Nanfangbu Continent, Dongsheng Shenzhou and even the four seas, constantly attacking and oppressing the three Taoist religions, the demon clan and even the Wu clan, Asura clan, and Dragon clan.

Before the rise of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Tathagata formulated a strategy to infinitely compress the living space of Taoism and condense the highest destiny of Buddhism, thus preparing for his enlightenment.

For this reason, the master of Buddhism is ready to do everything possible, without caring about the consequences of the decline of Buddhism's luck in the next calamity.

Finally, hundreds of years have passed, and Zhang Bairen, the reincarnation of Haotian, has perfected his cultivation again, ascended to the thirty-three heavens, and returned to the throne of the Jade Emperor.

Looking at the unfamiliar heaven, the Jade Emperor sighed. On the surface, he was spending a lot of time and wine, except watching the palace maids dance and indulging in vocal music. Matters above the court were basically handled by the ministers.

However, this Supreme Being of the Three Realms is extremely dissatisfied and has been looking for a new opportunity, a chance to regain everything!

As the day of the great prosperity of Buddhism approaches, the situation in the three realms changes and becomes strange again.

There is a proud country in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The country is close to the sea, and there is a famous mountain in the sea called "Huaguo Mountain".

This mountain is the ancestral line of the ten continents. The dragon from the three islands has been established since the clear and turbid. It was formed after the Hongmeng judged.

(End of this chapter)

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