The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 143 Sun Wukong is born, the six saints react

Chapter 143 Sun Wukong is born, the reaction of the Six Saints
On the top of the fairy mountain called "Huaguo Mountain", there is a colorful fairy stone.

This piece of fairy stone is three feet, six feet, five inches high and two feet four feet in circumference. It is somewhat human-shaped, but much larger.

This fairy stone has a great origin. During the "Lich Catastrophe", the two clans fought to the death in "Buzhou Mountain". The battle was fierce and reached its peak. It was simply the biggest disaster since the beginning of the prehistoric world.

Even if this "Buzhou Mountain" was a pillar holding up the sky formed from the backbone of Pangu, it could not withstand the battle in which both sides perished. In the end, the two clans were defeated, "Buzhou Mountain" collapsed, and the ancient sky collapsed.

At this time, the six saints used their great magic power to immobilize the water, wind and fire in the wilderness.

Empress Nuwa used five-color stones to mend the sky. After refining the stones to mend the sky and the earth, there was still one five-color stone left. This stone was not big. To a saint, it was like a piece of chicken. Just throw it away and it landed on the "Mountain of Flowers and Fruits." above.

This five-color stone is on the "Flower and Fruit Mountain" and is exposed to the beauty of the earth and the moon every day. Over time, it has a spiritual meaning.

On this day, the five-color stone burst open and produced a stone egg, which was as big as a ball.

As soon as the ball was born, it grew when it saw the wind. In an instant, it turned into a stone monkey.

This stone monkey has all five senses and all four limbs.

"Hey! Slip of the tongue! Slip of the tongue!"

The stone monkey's eyes carried two golden lights, which shot straight into the sky and penetrated into the thirty-three heavens, immediately shocking the three realms and six realms.

After a while, the boy next to me came to me and said, "Teacher, Senior Brother Yuan Hong and Senior Sister Su would like to see you."

Soon, they returned to the "Lingxiao Palace", the two of them saluted respectfully, and then reported: "The place where I was ordered to watch the golden light is in the East China Sea of ​​Dongsheng Shenzhou. On the border of the small country of Aolai, there is a flower and fruit mountain. , there is a fairy stone on the mountain, an egg is laid on the stone, and a stone monkey sees it transformed by the weather. There it worships in all directions, with golden light in its eyes, which shoots into Dou Mansion."

"Hey! It turns out to be a monkey. The Great Heavenly Lord has become more and more nervous since he returned from the tribulation."

Gao Ming and Gao Jue calmed down and returned to normal before returning to the "Bullfighting Palace". These two people were relatively self-aware. Although they were better friends with Yuan Hong and were protected by the Seven Saints of Meishan, after all, these people were at the level of heaven. It was very low. As for the masters of Jie Jiao behind, they were not the ones they could establish friendship with. Facing a big boss like the Jade Emperor, they had to keep a low profile.

Li Yunjing also knew why they came, so he let the two disciples in.

"The things below are born from the essence of heaven and earth, so there is no difference."

After hearing the report from the second general, the Jade Emperor immediately lost interest, waved his hands slightly, and said nonchalantly.

"Stop! You don't want to live anymore? Can you arrange it, Great Heavenly Lord?"

"Let them in."

It can be seen from this that after more than ten Yuanhui years, Heaven has long been controlled by Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole. How difficult the Jade Emperor's situation is now, this also laid the groundwork for the Jade Emperor to make stupid moves in the future. .

Gao Jue saw this scene and said disapprovingly.

Gao Ming was startled. He looked around and saw that no heavenly soldiers or generals could hear him, so he scolded Gao Jue severely.

The Supreme Being of the Three Realms, the Great Heavenly Lord of the Heavenly Court, would never have imagined how much of a joke this monkey would bring to him in the future, making him the biggest laughing stock in the Three Realms, with no possibility of regaining his power!
At this time, Nanfanbuzhou, Wuyi Mountain.

Gao Jue wiped the cold sweat from his head. Over the years, the Jade Emperor's majesty has been wiped out. The entire heaven only knows the name of Ziwei Emperor in the Zhongtian North Pole of the "Ziwei Palace". In this environment, the two of them also followed the trend and became more and more neglectful. Great God.

As soon as he was born, he learned to crawl and walk, and he also worshiped the heaven and earth in a spiritual way.

When the stone monkey was born, Li Yunjing, who was meditating in seclusion, also sensed it. With a few calculations, he knew that Buddhism was flourishing and the journey to the west was coming.

The Jade Emperor was originally in the "Lingxiao Palace", gathering the immortals. At this moment, he suddenly sensed the golden light from the lower world shining into the heaven. He was suddenly startled and ordered Gao Ming and Gao Jue to use their "clairvoyance" and "shunfeng ears" to open the Nantianmen to explore what happened. whats the matter.

Therefore, he no longer retreats. Anyway, it is still far away to kill the third corpse. He also has to plan for the journey to the west. At least he cannot let Sakyamuni Tathagata get enough merit.

Gao Ming and Gao Jue left Nantianmen according to the order, and immediately used their magical powers to observe the three realms, and soon saw something strange on Huaguo Mountain.

Yuan Hong and Su Daji saluted Li Yunjing and sat on the futon beside them. Yuan Hong asked hurriedly: "Teacher, there was a stone monkey born in Dongsheng Shenzhou, but it was a vision from heaven. The disciples made repeated calculations. But he couldn't figure out the origin of this monster monkey, so he came to ask the teacher about his bad luck."

"That stone monkey was made from a five-color stone left behind when Nuwa was refining stones to mend the sky. Because the stone monkey and the saint are connected with each other, you naturally can't figure it out."

Li Yunjing smiled and looked at Yuan Hong and Su Daji with expressions of satisfaction.

After more than a dozen Yuanhui trainings, the two apprentices have made great progress and are now worthy of use.

Now, Yuan Hong's cultivation has reached the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal; even Su Daji has advanced to Taiyi Golden Immortal. In this era, the two of them just have enough cultivation to do some things for themselves.

"Teacher, I wonder if this matter will affect my teaching?"

Su Daji asked softly.

"This matter will be dealt with in the future. Just wait for your teacher's arrangements."

Li Yunjing explained with a smile.

"Yes! Disciple understands."

When Yuan Hong and Su Daji heard that the teacher said it was easy, they felt relieved, said goodbye to the teacher, and went back to practice.

The birth of the Stone Monkey also alarmed the six saints in the chaos.

In the "Wa Palace", Empress Nuwa was meditating. Suddenly her heart moved. After some calculations, she realized that there was a meritorious deed of her own here. She smiled slightly, but ignored it.

In the Biyou Palace of "Yu Yutian" in Shangqing Realm, the leader of Tongtian Sect sneered again and again, which was not only contempt for the failure of Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, but also disdain for the two sages of Buddhism.

After the great prosperity of Buddhism, the two sides will naturally have another fight.

Thirty-three days away, in the Yuqing realm, Yuanshi Tianzun was preaching to a group of disciples. Because the monkey was born, he felt very unhappy. He paused for a moment, then stopped talking and continued to preach. Over the years, Yuanshi Tianzun has shot himself in the foot because of the troubles caused by the schemes of Jie Yin and Zhunti, making him a laughing stock in the eyes of the masters of the three realms. This matter will have its own plans in the future, and Buddhism cannot be allowed to do so. A bed of roses.

In the Eight Views Palace of Dachitian in Taiqing Realm, Taishang Laozi sighed softly and went to make alchemy on his own.

Over the years, he has done many things, including getting Duobao into Buddhism and trying to divide the fate of Buddhism, but failed; he also passed down the lineage of Wenshi Zhenren, and now the Shushan Sword Sect has become somewhat prosperous, but after all, the time is still short. , can't be put to use; it seems that we need to recruit more disciples.
In the "Ultimate World", Amitabha and Zhunti are sitting opposite each other, and the two saints wake up from concentration.

Amitabha said: "Junior brother, what do you think of this matter?"

"Senior brother, I have just calculated that this monkey has a master-disciple relationship with me, and my Buddhist sect will prosper to the extreme because of him."

Zhunti smiled. He was really happy that a good disciple had come and Buddhism could prosper.

"It's just that after the great rise of Buddhism, it will inevitably go downhill. The three sages of Xuanmen have all been offended by us. In the future."

At this point, even Amitabha's mind couldn't help but sigh.

Zhunti said: "Senior Brother, don't worry! Back then, the Jie Jiao was surrounded by thousands of immortals who came to court, and was eventually besieged by the Four Saints, but they were able to retain their essence. But our Buddhism is much more powerful than the Jie Jiao back then. The Human Sect has no strength; only the Chan Jiao is left. The next few quasi-sages; although the Jie sect is powerful, most of them are the righteous gods of heaven. Even if we unite together, we can at most withdraw to Xiniu Hezhou and we won't suffer too much loss."

"At this time, our Buddhist sect has reached its peak of prosperity and has reached the limit of endurance of other sects. If we take the Dongsheng Divine Continent again, I am afraid that the next calamity will be the siege of the three sects."

After listening to Zhunti's advice, Amitabha still felt a little uneasy.

These two saints are different from Sanqing and Nuwa. They owe a lot of usury to Heaven. They have only recently repaid some of it, and their lives are finally a little more comfortable. Naturally, these two saints do not want their good days to come to an end immediately.

The day when the cause and effect of heaven will be repaid is far away.

"Senior brother, our Buddhist sect saves all living beings and encourages people to do good, which has immeasurable merits. Heaven's heart is the most just. With such merits and virtues protecting us, how can our Buddhist sect be in danger of destroying the religion?"

Zhunti's heart was also filled with confusion, but he still forced himself to comfort himself and his senior brother.

"After all, our Buddhist sect does not have the innate treasure to suppress luck. Even this twelve-level lotus platform was eaten by mosquitoes during the Battle of the Gods. It has been incomplete since then. It is not as long as the Xuanmen's luck. If once it reaches its peak, , it is inevitable to flourish and then decline.”

Amitabha's expression became even more miserable.

Taoist Zhunti said: "Although our Buddhist sect does not have the most precious treasure to suppress luck, our merits are immeasurable, and that monkey has some relationship with Empress Nuwa. After I accept the monkey as my disciple, I will be able to form a good relationship with Empress Nuwa, and Xuan The three pure sects are at odds with each other, so my Buddhist sect will not be harmed too much."

"Since junior brother has already made a plan, it is inconvenient for me to stop him. Junior brother, just do whatever you want."

After being comforted by Zhunti, Amitabha felt a lot more relaxed, so he closed his eyes, stopped talking, and went to comprehend the way of heaven again.

From the beginning of Western Buddhism to today's Buddhism, there are masters and disciples who plan and manage it. Amitabha is very relieved and can put more energy on practice.

When Zhunti saw that Amitabha Buddha had already entered samadhi, he smiled slightly, and then with a thought, he ordered his good corpse to come to Hezhou, Xiniu, and established a monastery, preaching in the name of Patriarch Bodhi, and waiting for the monkey to come.

But it was said that the monkey on Huaguo Mountain was born with intelligence and wisdom, and soon became the monkey king of the monkey group in "Huaguo Mountain". He was free and happy every day, but after a long time, he heard about birth, old age, illness and death, so he felt depressed. .

"I will go down the mountain tomorrow and travel around the world to learn how to live forever and avoid the troubles of the Lord of Hell."

After thinking for several days, the monkey finally decided to travel around the world, seek immortals and visit the Tao, achieve immortal body, and no longer suffer the pain of reincarnation.

Having made up his mind, the Monkey King built a raft and set out from the East China Sea in search of the Immortal Mountain Dojo.

This monkey is also a person born with great luck. The East China Sea is so vast that even a big ship can hardly cross it. However, this monkey went through a lot of hardships and came to Nanfanbuzhou.

Is it easy to find immortals and visit the Tao?
The monkey came to Nanfanbuzhou and searched for eight or nine years. Where could he find half a god?

Li Yunjing noticed the trace of the monkey when it came to Nanfanbuzhou. He also observed it at close range and nodded secretly. This monkey has extraordinary qualifications. Like Yuan Hong, he is a good material for the Dharma Protector Vajra.

It's just that this monkey is related to the great prosperity of Buddhism, and Li Yunjing has already been approved to be a master and apprentice, so Li Yunjing can't force it. However, the other monkey, the six-eared macaque, can be taken into his sect, and in the future, he can also be a disciple. Teach to add another Dharma protector.

As for the four monkeys being disgusted with each other, Li Yunjing had his own arrangements. He had a huge power to intercept and teach, so he just let them practice in different places. With his teacher suppressing him, Yuan Hong and the six-eared macaque could not change the world or do anything. There is something about fratricide.

Just when Li Yunjing went out to explore the traces of the six-eared macaque, the monkey could not find the immortal in Nanfangbuzhou for a long time, so he started from the South China Sea again, crossed the sea and entered the West Sea. After some hardships, he drifted across the West Sea. , then came to Xiniu Hezhou.

Because of Zhunti's reason, the monkey searched for a while in Hezhou, Xiniu, and then entered a deep mountain and saw a cave.

The monkey was overjoyed and quickly ran towards the cave, only to find that the cave door was closed, quiet and deserted.

Outside the cave, there is a stone plaque with a line of large characters on it, which is "Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xianxue Sanxing Cave".

This time he had a plan, and the monkey quickly entered the cave. Behind the cave, there were layers of deep pavilions and towers, and countless quiet rooms. It was simply the fairyland that the monkey dreamed of.

After passing some tests, Patriarch Bodhi accepted him as his disciple and named him Sun Wukong.

After another ten years of hard work, Sun Wukong finally learned a magical power, but Patriarch Bodhi found an excuse to drive him down the mountain.

Sun Wukong begged, but Patriarch Bodhi remained unmoved. This monkey still had a big responsibility, so how could he stay in the Immortal Mountain for a long time and be at ease?

Finally, Patriarch Bodhi looked at Sun Wukong and said: "If you go here, you will have a bad life. No matter how you cause trouble and do evil, you are not allowed to say that you are my disciple. If you say even half a word, I will skin and file the bones of this hozen." , banishing your soul to the Nine Netherworlds, and teaching you that you will never be able to stand up again!"

"Disciples will never dare to mention the word master. They only say that these magical powers are something I was born with."

Sun Wukong was frightened by Patriarch Bodhi and immediately trembled. He no longer dared to beg to stay, let alone mention the teacher's name.

After Sun Wukong left the "Xianyue Sanxing Cave", he returned to the "Huaguo Mountain" and continued to be his monkey king.

When Sun Wukong returned to become his free demon king, Saint Zhunti left the "Bliss World" and came to the "Great Red Heaven" to see the Supreme Master.

(End of this chapter)

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