The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 144 Buddhism spreads eastward, the Taoist Lord of Chaos vows to kill the Tathagata

Chapter 144 Buddhism spreads eastward, the Taoist Lord of Chaos vows to kill the Tathagata
When Master Xuandu saw the saint coming, he went out and took Saint Zhunti into the "Eight Views Palace".

Sage Zhunti entered the "Eight Views Palace" and saw the Supreme Master sitting on a futon. He bowed slightly to the "elder brother", the Supreme Master, and sat on the futon next to him.

The two saints had their own thoughts, but they sat on the futon and said nothing.

After a long time, Saint Zhunti had something on his mind, which was not comparable to Lao Tzu's inaction, so he said: "I haven't seen you for many years, but Saint Taiqing's conduct has become more advanced."

"When we were conferred as gods, my Taoist religion, the Chan religion, and the Western religions formed a causal relationship. Now it's time to end it."

The Supreme Master slowly opened his eyes, his face calm, and he was mentally prepared to give in.

Saint Zhunti chuckled and said: "When they were conferred as gods, Saint Taiqing and Saint Yuqing were able to defeat Jie Jiao with the help of our Buddhist sect. This formed a cause and effect with our Buddhist sect. The poor monk came here this time , just to complete this cause and effect."

Saint Zhunti mentioned this matter, and the Supreme Master's face twitched slightly. After a while, he asked: "I wonder how to end the friendship?"

"My Buddhist sect is compassionate and willing to pass down the scriptures to save all sentient beings in Dongsheng Shenzhou."

Saint Zhunti's eyes lit up and he said with dignity.

The situation in Heaven is also changing. Haotian has returned from the catastrophe and has always wanted to restore his power, at least to be able to keep pace with Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole.

The entire palace is thousands of miles wide, with palace palaces shining brightly, towering pavilions, carved beams and railings, and painted buildings and pavilions.

The Supreme Being was silent for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed. After speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

On this day, the Jade Emperor came to Yaochi Palace to discuss important matters with the Queen Mother.

At this time, Sage Zhunti proposed to settle the matter with two causes and effects, but Supreme Laozi had no choice but to agree to the Buddhist teachings to settle the two causes and effects.

Under the guidance of the seven fairies, Haotian looked at the scenery with great interest while looking for the Queen Mother of Yaochi.

Saint Zhunti smiled and said: "My Buddhist sect can only pass down ninety-nine and eighty-one volumes."

As soon as I heard this, my eyes darkened. This Zhunti is really a lion's mouth. Buddhism is good at deceiving people. If so many scriptures are really handed down, wouldn't it mean that Buddhism will squeeze Taoism out of existence in the future? space?

When Saint Zhunti saw that the Supreme Master had stopped talking, he agreed to the matter. He bowed to the Supreme Master and followed the Master Xuandu out of the "Eight Scenery Palace", then drove the auspicious clouds and left Dachitian, heading west. Niu Hezhou flew away.

"too much."

The top management had already reached an agreement, and soon Patriarch Bodhi summoned Sakyamuni Tathagata, informed him of the arrangements of the higher-ups during this period, and asked Sakyamuni Tathagata to start spreading Buddhism eastward.

In this way, the matter of traveling to the west to obtain scriptures will be a matter of course. As for the small actions of other forces, they are not in the eyes of Saint Zhunti. Buddhism is powerful and the Saint cannot take action. Under the premise that Taoism has no ability to fight with The battle.

What kind of prestige does he have as a leader of the religion?
Sage Zhunti had already made a plan, so he said: "My fellow Taoist turned Hu into a Buddha, and this is the cause and effect of my Buddhism."

"In this case, it is not convenient for me to stand in the way, and Xuandu will see off the guests."

How can I, a senior brother of Xuanmen, have the dignity to meet my disciples and grandsons below?

When Taishang Laozi agreed, he naturally agreed on behalf of both the Renjiao and Chanjiao sects. When it came to spreading Buddhism eastwards, only the Jiejiao family was left. , naturally they don’t dare to cause trouble on a large scale.

Due to the great prosperity of Buddhism, the atmosphere in the Earthly Immortal World has become strange.

Besides, the three Taoist religions are still scattered!

Knowing that he was going to be severely ripped off, Taishang Laozi felt extremely uncomfortable. But because of the cause and effect, he had to put an end to it, so he still asked: "How many scriptures are you going to pass down, fellow Taoist?"

The new generation of monks do not understand what it means every time a major event occurs, but many people who have survived several major tribulations have become cautious, fearing that they will suffer disaster.

Taishang Laozi transformed Hu into a Buddha, originally to share the luck of Buddhism. Although it failed, it was done after all. The cause and effect with Buddhism was forged, and it will be ended in the future.

"Haotian, why did you come here today?"

The Queen Mother of Yaochi was a little curious, knowing that Haotian rarely came here to see her on weekdays, and never made such a formal move.

"Yaochi, there are already more than a dozen Yuanhui events to be held for the Peach Feast at the moment. I would like to discuss it with you and hold it again."

Haotian said with a smile, this matter needs help from others, even he has to discuss it.

"But rewarding outsiders with fairy peaches for free is of no use. Why should we raise those white-eyed wolves?"

Thinking of this incident, Yaochi was indignant. Haotian was reincarnated. Countless "loyal" people in the vast heaven immediately turned their backs and took refuge in the Zhongtian North Pole Emperor Ziwei.

"Hey! I keep these people in my heart. There will always be a day of reckoning in the future."

Haotian sneered, but then returned to normal, and said: "Now, you also know that our life is very difficult. I am going to use the opportunity of the Peach Festival to find foreign aid and fight against Jiejiao!"

"Foreign aid? Nowadays, the three sects of Xuanmen are all evil wolves. I can't believe that the other sects are not the opponents of Xuanmen." Yaochi was stunned for a moment and said to herself. Suddenly her expression changed, showing a hint of surprise and said : "Do you want to unite with people from the West?"

"That's right! Nowadays, Buddhism is booming. Among the three realms, Buddhism has the most quasi-sages. If we bring Buddhism in and grant great power, we can naturally sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and get a good chance to make a comeback!"

Haotian sneered again and again. The current situation has become extremely bad. Without foreign aid, he, the Lord of the Three Realms, will step down sooner or later.

"But Buddhism is not a kind person. If Buddhism really takes over power, wouldn't we still feel sad?"

Yaochi's eyebrows frowned slightly, with a hint of nervousness in his expression. After all, Buddhism was already strong enough, and they might not be able to handle it if they were really attracted.

"You will have your own plan then!"

Haotian's face was gloomy, why didn't he know?
"Alas! Since you want to take advantage of the opportunity of the Peach Festival to establish a relationship with Buddhism, I won't stop you. I just hope that you will think about everything clearly and don't be plotted by Taoism again."

Yaochi sighed and finally agreed to help Haotian.

Soon, the news of a peach gathering in heaven spread.

Everyone from the Three Realms and Six Paths, major sects, immortals, and people with great supernatural powers, except the Wu Clan, received invitations. Wuyi Mountain, in the Palace of Chaos.

Looking at the invitation in his hand, Li Yunjing sneered. This Haotian boy still refused to give up and wanted to continue to toss. In this case, he should go and have a look for himself to see what methods the Lord of the Three Realms had to make a comeback!

Before the rise of Buddhism, the Queen Mother of Yaochi announced the reopening of the Peach Blossom Festival, which would be held once every five hundred years, which immediately excited the hearts of the immortals.

The water in Yaochi is made of fairy dew and chalcedony, with a mellow and intoxicating fragrance that refreshes the heart and mind.

In the flat peach orchard, there are 1,200 flat peach fairy roots. There are 1,200 plants in the front, with tiny flowers and small fruits. They ripen once in three thousand years. People who eat them become immortals and become healthy and light. There are 1,200 plants in the middle, with layers of sweet flowers and six fruits. Once it ripens in a thousand years, a person who eats it will rise to the sky and become immortal. The following 1,200 plants have purple lines and a core. If it ripens in a thousand years, a person who eats it will live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon will have the same age.

The days passed by in a hurry, and ten years in heaven passed quickly, and the grand party officially began.

On this day, the fairies, maids, boys, warriors, immortal officials, and immortal officials in the Yaochi have been busy for a long time, preparing everything and greeting the guests.

This time is also different from the past. This time, the Peach Festival hosted the four religious experts, the Six Imperial Emperors, the ancestors of the Earth Immortals, the Five Star Lords, the Western Buddha, the emperors of the immortal world, the leader of the Asura Sect and a number of hidden experts. .

As an important event before the rise of Buddhism, basically the great supernatural powers, Daluo Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian, and Jinxian who received the invitation agreed to participate in this event.

It can be said that, except for the six saints who cannot be present, this time is already an extremely grand one.

Even the Queen Mother of Yaochi and the Jade Emperor were filled with joy at such a grand occasion. After all, in order to fight against Jiejiao and the "Ziwei Palace", they naturally wanted as many people as possible.

Among these people, as long as they spend enough money to poach some Daluo Jinxian or even quasi-sage masters, they will make a lot of money, and a comeback in the future is not impossible.

When the time came, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of Yaochi were sitting in front of the banquet, and the fairy maid and Xiantong Yao were smiling at the entrance of Chili Palace to welcome the guests.

One after another, the great and small deities from various palaces, masters of Sanxian immortals, and Haiyue deities arrived. All the immortals came, either talking loudly or drinking tea and playing games.

You get jade liquid and fine wine, fragrant mash and fine wine, and everyone's face lights up with joy.

Soon, Sakyamuni Tathagata led a group of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats to arrive at the Great Leiyin Temple in the Western Lingshan Mountain. The Jade Emperor's eyes lit up, and he immediately enthusiastically welcomed Sakyamuni Tathagata to the high seat. Along the way, the two of them We had a great time chatting, and we arranged to talk in detail after the grand party.

Soon, great supernatural powers, emperors, and hidden masters from all over the world came here to chat with old friends.

At this moment, I heard the sound of cranes and the fragrance of fragrance, but it was the arrival of the immortals of the Chanjiao.

Naturally, the leaders are Nanji Xianweng, Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing, Taiyi Zhuku Tianzun, Yun Zhongzi, Yuding Zhenren, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, and Huanglong Zhenren. This group of people, four of them are accurate. Saint, the others were Daluo Jinxian, and later many second-generation, third-generation and even some outstanding fourth-generation disciples such as Jiang Ziya and Yang Jian came.

This group of people was huge, numbering in the hundreds, which showed that Chanjiao was also out in force.

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous. The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of Yaochi looked extremely ugly. However, facing the powerful Chan Jiao, the two Supremes of the Three Realms did not dare to turn against each other. They could only show ugly smiles and said hello to Guangchengzi and others. , arrange seats for them.

Seeing Haotian's child who dared to be angry but dare not speak, a group of people from Chanjiao were secretly proud. Guangchengzi said secretly, "Tianzun Daoxing and Zhenjun Qingxu Daode have reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian. They are just around the corner from beheading the corpse. They have arrived." At that time, the six quasi-sages of one religion were not necessarily afraid of the Buddhist and Jie sects."

Soon some old friends met, the masters of the teachings and Taoism, and they had a great time chatting.

Suddenly, Guangchengzi looked at Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Guanyin Bodhisattva with a sneer, and said grimly: "Hey, you guys have been free for many years. It should be noted that those who betray the master will never end well!"

As soon as Guangchengzi's words came out, the entire Yaochi became silent, and the eyes of many gods looked towards this place.

The three Bodhisattvas who were named looked ugly. Guangchengzi's words really did not save their face.

"Hahaha! Guangchengzi, you are right!"

Before the Buddhists could quibble, they heard a melodious bell ringing, and then saw the immortals of Jie Jiao arriving.

Dressed in flaming red fairy clothes, he is none other than Chaos Dao Lord, the leader of Jie Jiao. Behind him are the Lady Yunxiao, Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Holy Mother of Wudang, Zhao Gongming, Yu Yixian, Wu Yunxian, and Jiu Zhunzhun, the guest of Jie Jiao. Saint also arrived.

Behind these nine people, Bixiao, Qiongxiao, Caiyun Fairy and other three hundred second and nearly one hundred third generation disciples followed.

As for the "Ziwei Palace" side, it was even more crowded. There were probably nearly ten thousand gods and immortals in a large area. Such a momentum immediately made the Buddhist sect, Chanjiao, the Jade Emperor, and the Queen Mother of Yaochi look ugly.

"It turns out that Senior Brother Chaos has arrived, and I am polite."

Guangchengzi no longer paid attention to the traitors in Buddhism, but looked at Chaos Dao Lord with an indifferent expression. The meaning was obvious, just to see Li Yunjing's joke.

In this way, the biggest traitor in the three realms is the one who intercepted the religion, and the Duobao Taoist became the Buddhist Lord.

"Duobao, today I ask you, are you the Jie Jiao Duobao, or the Buddha Sakyamuni Tathagata?"

Li Yun nodded, turned to look at Sakyamuni Tathagata on the high platform, and asked in a deep voice.

For a moment, the immortals were silent, and everyone in Jiejiao looked at their former senior brother with complicated expressions, hoping to hear Duobao's willingness to return to Jiejiao.

Sakyamuni Tathagata looked at his former junior brother and junior sister with a complex expression, sighed, then straightened his expression, and recited a Buddha's name in a low voice, "Amitabha! I am the master of all Buddhas in the Buddhist sect. I will follow the wind in the past, and there is no need to mention it again!"

"Senior Brother Duobao."


"Shameless traitor!"

For a time, everyone in Jiejiao was full of emotions. Some were angry, some were regretful, and some were admonishing. All kinds of emotions were different.

"Okay! This is a grand peach gathering. How can you, junior brothers and junior sisters, behave in such a noisy manner?"

Li Yunjing raised his eyebrows and turned to scold many of his fellow disciples. When the place became quiet, he turned to look at Sakyamuni Tathagata and said, "In this case, you and I will have our own karma in the future. , I am a traitor and will never be allowed to live."

After speaking, Li Yunjing ignored Sakyamuni Tathagata and entered the seats with many disciples, waiting for the grand meeting to be held.

Seeing Sakyamuni Tathagata's darkened face, the Jade Emperor was overjoyed. It seemed that his plan would succeed nine times out of ten. Originally, he was a little worried that Sakyamuni Tathagata would take into account Jie Jiao's feelings. Now it seems that he It's too much to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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