The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 145: The flat peach will form a gang, and Sun Wukong will cause trouble in the East China Se

Chapter 145: The flat peach will form a gang, and Sun Wukong will cause trouble in the East China Sea
After Jie Jiao, Chan Jiao, and Buddhism each took their seats, the immortal voice sounded again in the field, and the immortals resumed their conversation again, as if what just happened had not happened.

After Master Xuandu, Master Wenshi, Taoist Changmei and other masters arrived, basically everyone was here.

The Queen Mother of Yaochi ordered Xian'e to bring jade liquid and fine wine and flat peach fairy fruit.

The fruit given to the quasi-sage masters is naturally the best fruit, which is flat peaches that ripen every nine thousand years, three for each person.

Li Yunjing attended several peach festivals and didn't pay much attention to these fruits, but Yunxiao and his three disciples Yuan Hong, Su Daji, and Liu'er couldn't sit still.

Especially the monkey heads of Yuan Hong and Liu Er. If there weren't so many immortals present, the two monkeys would have started fighting over them.

"You two are worthless."

Li Yunjing shook his head slightly, laughed and cursed, pointed out two nine-thousand-year-old flat peaches, and rewarded them two monkeys.

"Hey! Thank you teacher!"

These two hericiums, one Daluo Jinxian and the other Jinxian, naturally could not distribute the highest quality fruits like Li Yunjing and Yunxiao, so they looked greedy.

The gathering of immortals in the heaven is extremely lively, and the Sun Wukong in the "Huaguo Mountain" in the lower world is also not honest. Since he returned to the "Huaguo Mountain" and killed the Demon King who took over the mountain as king while he was away, Sun Wukong has been doing nothing but training every day. A group of monkeys just drinks and has fun.

Su Daji was overjoyed. She knew that such a holy product was rare. For her, nine thousand years of flat peach could save ten thousand years of hard work.

"Daji, I'll give you this flat peach."

Anyway, all parties are not idle. Li Yunjing saw this with a playful expression. Maybe during the journey to the west, he could use the hands of the Four Sects to clean up the Three Realms and clear the ground for the rise of the Jie Sect in advance.

In this way, a grand event was held for more than a year.

Zhen Yuanzi, on the other hand, was located in Hezhou, Xiniu. Although he got along well with the Buddhists, he would be expelled if the Buddhists turned against him.

As the top Taoist master in the Three Realms, Zhen Yuanzi also wanted to save face. He made friends with masters from Renjiao, Chanjiao, and Jiejiao, just so that one day, if something happened, he would have someone to take care of him.

One after another, those with great supernatural powers said goodbye with satisfaction. After Li Yunjing left, the people from the Jiejiao also dispersed. In the end, only the people from the Buddhist sect were left.

Li Yunjing didn't say much to the two disciples, knowing that this was just their nature.

Among them, Buddhism and Chanjiao are the most adept, and Buddhism began to hook up with Changmei Zhenren; while Chanjiao has its eyes on the demon side, and is ready to find some cannon fodder again to add obstacles to the spread of Buddhism eastward.

Yun Xiao also looked at Li Yunjing's two disciples in amusement, and gave one of his flat peaches to Su Daji.

This is an excellent event, and the Jade Emperor has done a good thing. At least except for the Lord of the Three Realms, it is difficult for anyone to hold this kind of event for the Three Realms.

As the leader of Jiejiao, he was naturally sought after by experts from all walks of life, which brought Li Yunjing a lot. Especially experts such as Zhen Yuanzi, Ancestor Minghe, and Great Sage Bai Ze, chatted happily with Li Yunjing.

As the representative of Taoism who does not discriminate against all forces, Jiejiao follows the teachings of the leader Tongtian, so he naturally gets along well with all the sects. Moreover, because of Chaos Taoist Lord’s statement at the Peach Festival, he showed that he is not incompatible with Buddhism. This is even more Became a natural ally to these demons.

In addition to Chaos Dao Lord and the quasi-sages of the Intercepting Sect, who are walking around and wooing masters from all directions, the two supreme masters of Renjiao, Chanjiao, Buddhism and even Heaven are also not idle.

The Patriarch of Styx and the Great Sage Bai Ze are both representatives of the demonic and demonic parties. Over the years, Buddhism has been using the slogan of subduing demons and eliminating demons and encroaching on the spheres of influence of all parties, which makes these masters very dissatisfied.

"Thank you, Master!"

Even someone like Li Yunjing can’t do it!
At least Chanjiao and Buddhism will not give him this face!

Li Yunjing and Yunxiao each tasted a flat peach, then got up and communicated with the great supernatural powers of the three realms.

They all go around wooing other people for their own calculations. The quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxian are all the favorites. What's more, they even regard Taiyi Jinxian and Jinxian as objects that can be used to deceive them.

As for what the Jade Emperor and Sakyamuni Tathagata discussed, no one knows.

On this day, Sun Wukong chatted with a group of monkeys and talked about the fact that he did not have any weapons. An old monkey said that there were many treasures in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, and there must be a treasure suitable for Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was overjoyed after hearing this, and without waiting, he immediately used the "Water Avoidance Technique" and with a "plop" sound, he got into the East China Sea and dived straight down to the bottom of the East Ocean.

Just as he was about to enter the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, he suddenly saw a Yaksha patrolling the sea, blocking the way and asking: "Who is the one pushing the water? Who is the god? Tell me clearly so that I can inform you and welcome you."

"I am Sun Wukong, the born saint of Huaguo Mountain. I am a close neighbor of your old Dragon King. Why don't you recognize me?"

This Sun Wukong is also talking nonsense and dares to say anything. Zhunti is also not a good bird. He has never been disciplined, which makes the monkey head so lawless.

Although Yasha was not a powerful person, as the leader of the patrol, he had met many immortal figures who came to visit the Dragon Palace. This monkey monster had such a loud tone, which immediately shocked Yasha.

This Yaksha didn't know whether it was true or not, but he knew that there were countless experts in the three realms, so he didn't dare to neglect. He quickly responded and asked Sun Wukong to wait. He quickly turned around and returned to the "Crystal Palace" to report.

At this time, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, had just returned from heaven. This time at the Peach Festival, the Dragon King had his eyes opened to the countless people with great supernatural powers in the three realms. He took the opportunity to curry favor with many big shots. At this moment, when he was recalling whether there were any mistakes, he Hearing Yasha's report, he immediately frowned.

After thinking about it carefully, he had never heard of Sun Wukong's name. As for "Huaguo Mountain", Ao Guang naturally knew that it was a fairy mountain on the adjacent coast.

Since the war between the three clans, the Dragon Clan has completely declined and no longer has the demeanor of the ancient hegemon. Although there are hidden masters in the dark, they have not been revealed for a long time and have been kept low-key to the extreme.

Ao Guang acted cautiously. Although he didn't understand who Sun Wukong was, he still gave the order in order not to offend anyone.

He took the dragon son, dragon grandson, shrimp soldiers, and crab generals out of the "Crystal Palace" to meet the so-called "innate saint" Sun Wukong.

When he came out of the "Crystal Palace" and saw Sun Wukong with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks outside the door, Ao Guang almost turned his nose in anger. The bullshit "innate saint" turned out to be a monkey in the golden immortal realm!

It's just that everything has come out. Ao Guang could only hold his nose and admit it, and said in a loud voice: "Shangxian, please come in."

"Hahaha! Easy to say! Easy to say!"

When Sun Wukong saw Ao Guang's pomp, he laughed proudly and was very satisfied with the way the East China Sea Dragon Palace welcomed him. Soon, under the guidance of Ao Guang, Sun Wukong followed the Dragon King into the palace. After the tea was served, Ao Guang carefully inquired about Sun Wukong's details and asked: "When did the immortal attain enlightenment and what magic skills did he teach?"

"I was born with magical powers, and after some random cultivation, I got a body that has no birth and no destruction. I have been guarding the cave recently, but I don't have any weapons. I have heard for a long time that virtuous neighbors have many treasures, so they must have extra magical weapons. I came here to ask for one. pieces."

This monkey is so smart. Although he is not experienced, he feels that something is wrong. In addition, he has been warned by his teacher, so he makes up a reason to continue to fool the Dragon King, and directly changes the topic to prevent the Dragon King from further inquiring into the details.

"In that case, the old dragon will give the Immortal a precious sword."

When the Dragon King saw that Sun Wukong was unwilling to say more, and seeing that he was also a master of golden immortality, he couldn't refuse, so he asked someone to give him a sword.

"Old Sun doesn't know how to use a sword, so please give me another one as a reward."

Sun Wukong took it in his hand and held a few sword flowers. He was very dissatisfied and said again.

Soon, the Dragon King summoned one magical weapon after another, but none of them caught Sun Wukong's eye. They were either too light or did not fit in his hand.

Just when the Dragon King was in trouble, a Dragon Girl came forward and whispered in the Dragon King's ear: "Your Majesty, it is not trivial to see this saint. Our seabed, that piece of magical iron, has been glowing brightly and auspiciously these past few days. Qi Tengtang, could it be that he is destined to this person?"

"That was a stator used to determine the depth of the river and the sea when Dayu was controlling the floods. It was a piece of magical iron, not a weapon!"

Dragon King Ao Guang frowned and was a little undecided. Although the magic iron was a good thing, it was useless, but it was not a weapon. How could he get rid of the monkey head?
The dragon girl whispered: "It doesn't matter if he uses it or not, give it to him. If he can't use it, it has nothing to do with my Dragon Palace. When the time comes, just send him out of the palace."

"That's all it can do. After all, the real treasure of Dragon Palace cannot be given to this person."

Ao Guang nodded, then looked at Sun Wukong with a smile on his face, and told him about the sea-fixing needle.

When Sun Wukong heard such praise from the Dragon King of the East China Sea, his eyes immediately lit up and he shouted loudly: "Take it out and see! Are there any weapons that I can't lift?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Ao Guang's eyes, with a smile on his face. He waved his hands repeatedly and said, "I can't lift it! Xu Shangxian goes to see it himself."

Sun Wukong repeatedly shouted: "Where is it? Lead me there."

As expected, Dragon King Ao Guang led him to the middle of the sea. As soon as they arrived, they saw thousands of golden lights.

"Good baby!"

When Sun Wukong saw the shining golden treasure, his eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward and touched it. It was an iron pillar. He wrapped his hands around the magic iron, shook his head, and said regretfully: "It's too thick and too long. Some! If it's shorter and thinner, it can be used."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, the baby seemed to be able to understand his words, and it was really a few feet shorter and slimmer.

Sun Wukong rubbed his eyes, showing a hint of joy, weighed it again, and shouted: "The thinner it is, the better!"

The Dinghaishen Needle actually became a bit thinner.

Sun Wukong was overjoyed and pulled out the "Dinghai Divine Needle". It turned out that there were two golden hoops at the two ends and a piece of black iron in the middle. There was a line of words in the middle called "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" and it weighed 13,500 kilograms.

When this treasure came into the hands of Sun Wukong, he was very happy and showed off his magical powers. The bottom of the sea suddenly shook, scaring the Dragon King, Dragon Son, Dragon Girl, shrimp soldiers and crabs to shrink their necks and hide their heads.

After a while, under Ao Guang's persuasion, he accepted his magical power and returned to the "Crystal Palace" with him.

Sun Wukong got the advantage, was grateful, and said even more: "If you don't have this iron, that's fine. Now that you have such a powerful treasure in your hand, but you don't have clothes to match it, if you have one, just give me one." .”

Ao Guang frowned slightly. Not to mention a robe, it was an innate spiritual treasure, and the Dragon Palace also had it. But you and I are not related, so giving you a piece of magic iron is already a huge favor. How can you go beyond the limit?

Thinking of this, Longhai Dragon King said repeatedly: "This is indeed not the case."

However, in the face of such ruthless scoundrels, the Dragon King of the East China Sea had no choice but to summon the three Dragon Kings of the West Sea, South China Sea, and Beihai. They discussed letting each of them give some blood and sent this rogue monkey away.

Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, heard the whole story and said angrily: "The monkey bully is too much! Why don't we order all our troops and send him to heaven to punish him for a serious crime!"

"Now this rogue monkey has the Sea-Dinging Needle in his hand. He will die if he touches it, or if he knocks it, he will die! It is very unwise to go to war for him. We, the Dragon Clan, have been keeping a low profile for so many years, so we can't let all our efforts go to waste!"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, sighed. He himself was the Great Luo Jinxian. He had powerful magical powers and was protected by innate spiritual treasures. If he really wanted to take action, he would have done it long ago.

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, also said: "Second brother, don't do anything with him! Let's put together a pair of clothes and clothes with him, send him out, and make a report to heaven. Heaven will send troops to capture this monster."

North Sea Dragon King Ao Shun also said: "That's right! Our dragon clan has endured two calamities, but we can't lose the big because of the small. Only when our ancestors prove the truth can we dominate the ancient times again!"

"Fourth brother, don't say too much!"

When Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, heard this, he quickly told him not to say more. This is the biggest secret of the dragon clan!

I have endured it for so many years just for the sake of my ancestor's enlightenment and to regain control of the ancient world. This kind of thing must be kept strictly confidential and must not be known to others. For this secret, no one in the entire dragon clan knows this except the four dragons. secret.

"Hey! I made a mistake! In that case, let's all gather together something to get rid of this rogue monkey!"

North Sea Dragon King Ao Shun apologized slightly and quickly changed the topic.

Soon Ao Guang gathered together the golden crown, golden armor, and cloud shoes, and gave them to Sun Wukong. The monkey was neatly dressed and really majestic. He used the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" to fight all the way out of the East China Sea and returned to "Huahua". Fruit Mountain".

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were bullied by the monkey, and they all felt aggrieved. After some discussion, they jointly submitted a petition to the court, requesting the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, the Jade Emperor, to stand up for them.

One day in the sky and one year in the earth. The dragon kings of the four seas went to heaven to complain. In these days, Sun Wukong's reputation gradually became louder. During this period, he also became sworn sworn brothers.

The other six brothers are the Bull Demon King, the Jiao Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion and Camel King, the Macaque King and the Yu Tamarin King.

(End of this chapter)

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