The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 149 Top lobbyist, General Shen Gongbao who divides water from the East China Sea

Chapter 149 Top lobbyist, General Shen Gongbao who divides water from the East China Sea
Hearing that Taibai Jinxing was coming again, Sun Wukong was overjoyed and immediately shouted that he was going to greet Taibaijinxing.

For a moment, the six demon kings who came to help, including the Bull Demon King, the Jiao Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Monkey King, and the Tamarin King, were a little dumbfounded. Our brothers will fight for you life and death. You don't want to discuss it with us. All of a sudden, you licked your face to greet the messenger from heaven?

"You are so unbecoming of a human being!"

Seeing Sun Wukong leave, there was a silence among the six people. After holding it for a while, the Monkey King looked a little ugly and said this.

The faces of the Peng Demon King and the Lion and the Camel King turned red, and they felt the same. However, they were dogs raised by Buddhists, so naturally they did not dare to comment on Sun Wukong's character at will, so they could only feel aggrieved.

The Bull Demon King and the Jiao Demon King looked at each other and shook their heads in silence. What is this?
We stood up for you, killed 100,000 heavenly soldiers for you, and killed Ma Lingyao. Now you are directly betraying us?
"Forget it! Brothers, let's go back!"

Even the usually taciturn King Yu Tao suddenly said such a sentence.

"It's gone! It's gone! It's really boring!"

Seeing that the brothers were all a little uninterested, the Bull Demon King waved his hand and took the lead out of the "Water Curtain Cave". He didn't intend to say hello to Sun Wukong, so he found another direction and got on the "Water-Avoiding Golden Eyed Beast" to leave first. .

"We're leaving too, brothers, take care!"

"Great Sage, we have a long time to come, when can we not drink? Now, I heard that Feng is in serious trouble, so I will go to heaven early, and I won't keep the Great Heavenly Lord waiting for a long time!"

The Jade Emperor could only order his subordinates to build a Qitian Palace on the right side of the "Peach Garden". There were two divisions in the palace: one was the Quiet Division and the other was the Ning Shen Division.

Naturally, there is no redundant thing like the Immortal Mansion, because there is no such official position as the Monkey King.

There are immortal officials in both departments, but they don't have any responsibilities. They just stay by Sun Wukong's side to serve him and prevent him from getting into trouble.

This time, Sun Wukong's wish was finally fulfilled. The monkey was so happy that he sang "E" and thanked him repeatedly.

The Demon King, the Monkey King, and the Tao King also dispersed.

"Old officer, come into the cave quickly. I'll prepare a big banquet and have a good drink with you."

After all, the Monkey King is a monster. He doesn't know his official rank or his salary. He only cares about his name.

Wukong said a few polite words again, but when he saw that Taibai Jinxing refused to stay for the banquet, he had to turn around and give a few instructions, then he and Taibai Jinxing rode up the auspicious clouds, flew for thirty-three days, and arrived outside the "Nantian Gate".

Seeing that Sun Wukong was taken down so easily, Taibai Jinxing smiled, but in his heart he was quite disapproving. This kind of waste is really easy to deceive.

Sun Wukong's ruthlessness and unrighteousness naturally paved the way for him to be targeted by a group of monsters during his journey to the west. The sworn brotherhood is simply more fragile than plastic.

The Peng Demon King and the Lion and Camel King shook their heads and each used their magical powers to drive the auspicious clouds towards Xiniu Hezhou.

After a misunderstanding, Taibai Jinxing praised Sun Wukong's power and promised to give him the title of Monkey King, Monkey King. This made Sun Wukong immediately forget his previous unhappiness.

Smiling secretly in his heart, he added: "Come here, then, Sun Wukong. I declare you to be the 'Great Sage Equaling Heaven', and you will be of the highest rank. You must not act recklessly in the future."

At this time, Sun Wukong was in high spirits. He didn't remember to say hello to his six brothers. He quickly led a group of demon soldiers and generals and went out to greet Taibai Jinxing.

When Sun Wukong saw the sincerity of the Heavenly Court, he felt extremely happy in his heart. He returned to the palace of the "Monkey King" that day and was at ease ever since.

Taibai Jinxing paid homage and said: "I have been ordered to announce that Bi Ma Wen and Sun Wukong have arrived."

"Thank you, Great Heavenly Lord!"

The immortals and gods did not tell the truth to Sun Wukong after hearing the words from their superiors, and just deceived Sun Wukong.

The Jade Emperor's face was calm, but his heart was full of joy. A Buddhist future and a Buddhist chess piece, the two actually fought, the dog bit the dog, and one of them died. This was simply ridiculous.

This time, Sun Wukong went to heaven, and many heavenly soldiers and generals outside the "Nantian Gate" and the four heavenly kings all had smiles on their faces. They no longer dared to treat him as an insignificant wild monster. The horse prince Ma Lingyao had just reincarnated. Who is not afraid? ?
Under the guidance of Taibai Venus, Sun Wukong entered the "Lingxiao Palace" directly.

When Sun Wu was free, he would visit the palace and make friends.

When meeting Liu Yu, say "Your Majesty". With the nine obsidian stars, the five generals, the twenty-eight constellations, the four heavenly kings, the twelve Yuan Chens, the five elders of the five directions, the universal stars, and the gods of rivers and lakes, they all treat each other as brothers and call each other.

Traveling east today, wandering west tomorrow, clouds come and go, whereabouts are uncertain.

"Ziwei Palace", Zhongtian North Pole Emperor Ziwei, monkeys have also come to visit. Although Sun Wukong doesn't know how powerful this big man is, his style is not much worse than that of the Jade Emperor.

Sun Wukong is also smart, but he knows how to shout, "Your Majesty".

Emperor Ziwei didn't care about Sun Wukong, he just laughed and responded casually. After all, facing a fool, it would be impossible for you to communicate with him normally.

And with Emperor Ziwei's methods, if you play with a monkey, you can easily catch it.

Sun Wukong came to visit several times, and Emperor Ziwei entertained him with good wine and delicious food, such as dragon liver and phoenix marrow, and the top fairy wine in heaven, which made Sun Wukong extremely happy.

From time to time, Emperor Ziwei would say bad things about Buddhism to Sun Wukong, from Sakyamuni Tathagata to the traitors who intercepted the teaching, and finally to the Buddha of the Past, Juliusun Buddha, and the three great Bodhisattvas who explained the teaching. Anyway, as long as you are from Buddhism, there will be no good results.

Naturally, Emperor Ziwei couldn't say this in detail, otherwise he would lose his face in vain. He has capable ministers and generals under his command, and there are also many people who speak like a lotus flower.

Even Shen Gongbao, the general who diverted water from the East China Sea, was transferred back to Heaven to play with Sun Wukong.

This move is simply a poisonous plan within a poisonous plan. Who is Shen Gongbao?

The best at playing with people's hearts and deceiving others, Sun Wukong is as innocent as a blank sheet of paper. The two of them hooked up together, but after just one drink, Sun Wukong actually felt like they had met too late.

He immediately became sworn brothers with Shen Gongbao with different surnames!
"Brother Shen, I didn't expect that Buddhism and Chanism are so bad. I can't even imagine it! If Brother Shen hadn't reminded me, in the future, I would really be able to see the good guys and the bad guys clearly, and I would really fall into the trap of others!"

After listening to Shen Gongbao's account of what happened during the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Sun Wukong was so frightened that he trembled.

Sacrificing people to the formation, and even sacrificing yourself to the formation, you can use these vicious tricks, even if you say that Buddhism and Chan are good people, even ghosts won't believe it!
"Hahaha! Dear brother Wukong, let's become sworn sworn brothers. We are closer than real brothers. As a brother, naturally we must protect our virtuous brother and stay away from evil villains!"

Shen Gongbao held his three strands of beard and showed a kind smile, but he shook his head secretly in his heart, "What kind of status is this poor Taoist? Back then, there were not even 10,000 but 8,000 loose immortals who were sent to the list of gods. Today, they have been reduced to It's so shameless to fool a simple monkey!"

"Haha! That's it! That's it! My old grandson can see that in this whole world, Brother Shen is the most enthusiastic and the best to me! Come on, brother, give me a drink!" Sun Wukong nodded repeatedly, agreed very much, and raised his glass. , it’s time to toast to Shen Gongbao.

"Hahaha! Okay, you and I will drink together!"

Shen Gongbao sighed, if Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Arctic had not personally summoned him and arranged such a task for him, he really wouldn't want to fool this fool!

From then on, Sun Wukong and Shen Gongbao were inseparable and became the best drinking buddies.

Shen Gongbao has made many more friends than Sun Wukong. He is very popular in the heaven. He often takes Sun Wukong to play alone and makes friends with some gods who are both religious and neutral.

All these performances made Sun Wukong admire Brother Shen's ability.

In this way, under the influence of Shen Gongbao and Jie Jiao, Sun Wukong didn't even know that he had planted the seeds of extreme disgust for Buddhism and Chan Jiao deep in his heart.

Jie Jiao never harmed Sun Wukong here, he just treated him as a fair-weather friend, offering him good wine and food to make Sun Wukong happy.

As for magical powers, magical skills, elixirs, treasures and even the great enlightenment, Sun Wukong has never seen it at all. After all, everyone is in different camps and cannot do anything to benefit the enemy.

When everything was going according to Li Yunjing's plan, Marshal Peng also took a long vacation that day and came to "Wuyi Mountain" to study in retreat.

"Tianpeng, what magical powers do you want to learn?"

Li Yunjing smiled and said: "Tiangang Earthly Evil magical power, thirty-six methods, seventy-two techniques?"

"Teacher, can I learn everything?"

After being taught the "Shangqing Immortal Technique" by the teacher, I reorganized what I had learned and immediately solidified my foundation, becoming more than three times stronger than before.

Only then did Marshal Tianpeng realize why the monks from the three realms were all eager to join the disciples of the saint. With the same realm and the same magical power, after learning the foundation-building methods of the three religions and strengthening the foundation, one disciple of the three religions can fight against three heretics!

"You're a greedy boy!"

Li Yunjing smiled slightly. He didn't expect that Zhu Bajie was quite greedy, but there was no problem with the professor. After all, his disciples couldn't be compared to Monkey King.

Seeing that Marshal Tianpeng didn't dare to say anything, Li Yunjing said again: "Practice a thirty-six method first, and let me see your qualifications."

Seeing that Marshal Tianpeng seemed a little disappointed, Li Yunjing added: "Thirty-six methods are divided into reverse Yin and Yang, soaring into the clouds and driving the mist, calling for wind and rain, vertical golden light, five elements of avenue, Liujia Qimen, big and small Ruyi, five elements and five thunders, scattering beans and forming soldiers." These are all supreme magical powers, and I don’t know what you can do with them.”

"Huh? So many supreme supernatural powers?"

Marshal Tianpeng did not have a prominent background, so he naturally did not understand the power of Xuanmen Dafa. He actually regarded the Thirty-Six Tiangang Dharma as minor magic. After hearing the introduction from Dao Lord Chaos, he realized that they were all famous supreme supernatural powers in the three realms. .

"Practice well! If you lose face to the master, it will be up to the master to deal with you in the future!"

Naturally, he does not need to do this himself to teach disciples. As the Great Luo Jinxian, Yuan Hong has no problem teaching Su Daji, Liu-eared Macaque, and Tianpeng.

Every one hundred years, Li Yunjing would preach to Jie Jiao disciples. If these disciples came to listen to the lecture again, there would basically be no problems.

Among the disciples of Dao Lord Chaos, except for the three holy emperors of the human race who all have the qualifications to realize the Dao, the other disciples cannot satisfy him. This is why he never urges his disciples to practice.

The upper limit is too low, there is no possibility of enlightenment, and even two corpses can be killed. The Taoist Lord of Chaos will silently pray to the teacher for blessing.

The tide ebbs and flows, time flies, nearly five hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye, and there are only a few years left until the next peach event.

On this day, when the Jade Emperor came to court early in the morning, Xu Jingyang, the real person, came out of the class and started to say: "Today there is the Great Sage Qitian, who has nothing to do and travels around, making friends with all the stars in the sky, no matter how high or low, they are all friends. I am afraid that he will cause trouble in his spare time. It's better to arrange an errand for him so that he won't get into trouble if he gets busy."

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he thought of the agreement with Sakyamuni Tathagata, and thought that the monkey had been tempering for almost five hundred years and was almost ready to serve as an errand, so he immediately sent someone to announce the edict.

"Your Majesty, what kind of reward can Lao Sun do?"

Sun Wukong was killing time in his mansion, wielding swords and spears, when he suddenly heard the Great Heavenly Lord telling him to go to court. He immediately dressed up and came happily.

The Jade Emperor secretly nodded. Sun Wukong at least had some courtesy, so he smiled and said: "I see that you have nothing to do, so I will give you an errand. You can take charge of the peach garden."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! Lao Sun is the best at this job!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, his eyes lit up. As a monkey, his favorite thing was peaches. He had already heard the name of the flat peach and his ears were ringing. Now that he had the opportunity to see it, he immediately thanked the Jade Emperor with joy and retired. .

Immediately, Sun Wukong came out of the "Lingxiao Palace" and went into the "Peach Garden" to investigate.

There was a land in the "Peach Garden" that blocked Sun Wukong's path and asked: "Where is the Great Sage going?"

Looking at the little old man in front of him, Sun Wukong waved his hand impatiently and said: "I am entrusted with the Jade Emperor's spread to take care of the Pantaoyuan, and I am here to investigate."

"It turns out it was Shangguan who did it! I'm rude, little old man!"

The land was shocked when he heard this, and did not doubt whether it was true or not, because in his knowledge, no one dared to fake the imperial edict. After the land saluted, he immediately called a group of tree-hoeing warriors, water-carrying warriors, The peach cultivators and sweeper warriors all came to pay homage to the great sage and kowtow.

"Alright! Alright! Go in and have a look!"

After being busy for a while, Sun Wukong looked impatient and walked into the garden first. The land accompanied him to answer his questions.

Looking at the huge flat peaches in the garden, Sun Wukong felt itchy. If he hadn't tempered himself over the years, he would have picked a few to taste them immediately.

After watching for a long time, Sun Wukong asked Tu Tu: "How many flat peach trees are there here?"

"There are three thousand six hundred trees: the front one thousand two hundred have tiny flowers and small fruits, which ripen once every three thousand years. People who eat them become immortals and become healthy and light; the middle one thousand two hundred have sweet and fruity flowers, and six thousand When it ripens in the year, a person who eats it will be lifted up to the sky and will live forever; after a thousand and two hundred plants with purple lines and cores, when it ripens in nine thousand years, a person who eats it will live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon will have the same age."

Tu Tu did not dare to neglect and quickly answered Shangguan's questions.

(End of this chapter)

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