The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 150: Peach Festival, a Farce

Chapter 150 The Peach Festival, a Farce

Hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded, checked the quantity, and found that it was indeed correct. After looking at the time, he went home.

Since then, Sun Wukong has not gone out to play. At most, he only entertains Shen Gongbao in his house.

"Brother Shen, you said that the Jade Emperor gave me an errand, which is to guard the flat peach garden. There are countless flat peaches in that garden. How greedy!"

On this day, the two of them got together again. After a few glasses of water and wine, Sun Wukong couldn't help but talk about the fairy peaches in the "Peach Garden".

"Oh? I asked you why you haven't heard anything lately. It turns out you have such a good place!"

After hearing this, Shen Gongbao's eyes lit up. Although the "Peach Peach Festival" had been held many times, he could have eaten there due to his cultivation. However, Jiang Ziya had a grudge against him and actually enfeoffed him, the Great Luo Jinxian. With a small official position, he is not qualified to participate in the grand event.

Now that his cheap brother has become the guard of the "Peach Garden", isn't that because there is a mouse in the rice barn?
What else is there to say? Shen Gongbao said quickly: "Brother, you are really guarding the golden mountain and don't know how to get some money! There are countless fairy peaches in the 'Peach Garden'. You can get some and let us have a try!"

"Yes! Brother Shen, don't worry. I will go to the 'Peach Garden' tomorrow to steal some and let us brothers have a 'Peach Party' too!"

Originally, the monkey's temper could not be suppressed, but with Shen Gongbao, he immediately decided to take action tomorrow.

After eating three large flat peaches in a row, Shen Gongbao thought about it for a while, and then gave a thumbs up to Sun Wukong.

Returning to the "Monkey King's Mansion", Shen Gongbao had been waiting anxiously for a long time. When he saw Sun Wukong coming back, the two of them immediately closed the door, put on the banquet, and started eating and drinking.

When the people dispersed, Sun Wukong suddenly jumped up and looked around. Sure enough, there was no one there. Then he went to pick big fruits from the "Peach Tree" that ripens once in nine thousand years. Without caring about anything else, Sun Wukong caught it in his hand. Just started eating, and it wasn’t until I was full that I remembered that Brother Shen was waiting in the house!
So, he picked dozens of large flat peaches again, used the magical power of Mustard Seed Naxumi to hide the flat peaches, stood up calmly, tidied his clothes, and called the attendants around him to go home. .

In this way, several years have passed, and the two of them have enjoyed countless flat peaches. Shen Gongbao cannot improve his realm due to the "God List"; while Sun Wukong's cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and has already reached the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal. What Sun Wukong has learned is that in the Three Realms, the average Taiyi Golden Immortal is no match for him.

"Alright! Alright! Disperse, everyone! I am sleepy and want to take a nap."

Compared to before he ascended to heaven, his conduct has increased tenfold!
At this point, Sun Wukong can actually take the title of Demon King. In the past, his golden immortal realm was almost meaningless.

His eyes were closed tightly, his consciousness was in harmony with Tao, and he was always in a state of unity between heaven and man. There was no joy or sadness on his face.

"Brother Xian, you are amazing!"

This is also the character of Shen Gongbao. Back then, he dared to be the first to betray Chanjiao and was always in trouble with his fellow disciples. Even Yuanshi Tianzun was not afraid of him anymore, let alone the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of Yaochi?
As soon as they said it was done, the banquet for the two of them was hurriedly dismissed, and they went to prepare for tomorrow's "Peach Party".

This Shen Gongbao is also a bold person. At this time, he doesn't care about being convicted by Tian Tiao in the future.

On this day, on Wuyi Mountain, Li Yunjing sat on the blue bed, wandering in the sky, observing the secrets of heaven, and quietly comprehending the great road.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Just be careful, dear brother! When you finish your duty, I will wait for you at the house, and I will buy some fairy wine and fairy fruits for you."

While talking, he ignored the others, lay down under the tree, and began to snore.

After showing his ability and seeing his brother Shen, he was impressed by him. Sun Wukong immediately became proud and promised that Pan Tao would be enough.

From then on, every three or two days, Sun Wukong tried to go to the "Peach Garden" to steal flat peaches for him and Shen Gongbao to enjoy.

Early on the next morning, Sun Wukong entered the "Peach Garden" and saw that the peaches on the old branches were mostly ripe. He felt very itchy and just wanted to get a big one to taste.

They looked at each other and had no choice but to disperse. They did not think that Sun Wukong could do anything extraordinary. After all, Sun Wukong had not been here once or twice, and there had been no mistakes before.

Five hundred years have passed in the sky, and more than one yuan has passed in the lower world.

Ever since Dao Lord Chaos' great progress in Taoism and the killing of evil corpses, his understanding of Tao has reached a new level. With Dao Lord Chaos's great wisdom, great perseverance, great opportunities, and great innateness, he vaguely seems to have found Cut off your own path.

However, it is inconvenient for the land, warriors and immortal officials of the "Monkey King's Mansion" to follow.

"Hahaha! Brother Shen, there are a lot of fruits in the peach garden. Next time I go on an errand, I will bring some back and enjoy them with my brother."

Of course, this is just a hint of inspiration. It is not easy to fully understand this step.

And this step is also a step that many quasi-sage late-stage masters in the world have been unable to break through. There has never been a person in the entire prehistoric era who killed three corpses. Whoever takes this step will occupy the first place on the road to enlightenment. machine.

At that time, all three corpses were killed, and his own magic power was infinitely close to that of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian. With the chaotic spiritual treasure "Moshi Pan" controlled by Li Yunjing, he could fight against Hunyuan Wuji Sage for several times. Zhao, he is no longer the ants under the saint.

"It's almost time. It's time for Tian Peng and Shen Gongbao to take action."

Suddenly, as the "Peach Festival" was about to take place, Li Yunjing woke up from his trance. The leader of Jiejiao immediately sent Tianpeng back to heaven and continued to take charge of his Tianhe navy.

At the same time, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole passed down a decree, ordering Shen Gongbao to go down to the lower realm and continue to command the East China Sea Divider General and monitor the East China Sea.

There are no saints to intervene in the Three Realms. With Li Yunjing's Taoism and power, it is easy to change something within a certain range.

Three years later, the Queen Mother of Yaochi held a banquet, opened the treasure pavilion, and held a "Peach Peach Festival" in Yaochi.

The Taoist Lord of Chaos, the Great Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole, and all the great supernatural powers of the Intercepting Sect all accepted the invitation, but the Taoist Lord of Chaos did not choose to attend the banquet. This was a farce.

The attendees must have disgraced faces, and he would not be so ignorant that he would take the initiative to be a laughing stock, let alone help Haotian's son to capture the Sun Wukong.

On this day, after receiving the decree from the Queen Mother of Yaochi, the seven fairies, each holding a flower basket, went to the "Peach Garden" to pick the peach. Tao Jianhui.

The fairy in seven clothes came to the gate of the garden and saw the land of "Peach Garden", the powerful man and the two immortal officials of "Qitian Monkey King's Mansion" guarding the gate.

The leading fairy came forward and said: "We are here to hold a banquet with peaches in accordance with the decree of Queen Mother Yi." Tudi said: "Xian'e will stay here. The past and the past are no better than in the past. The Jade Emperor and the Great Sage Qitian are here to supervise the management. , we must report it to the Great Sage before we dare to open the garden."

The fairy asked again: "I wonder where the great sage is?"

How could the land stop the Seven Fairies? They had no choice but to enter the garden with them to look for the Monkey King, the Monkey King, but they could not see him for a short time.

The seven fairies were impatient, so they went into the woods to pick peaches.

First I picked two baskets from the front tree; then I picked three baskets from the middle tree; when I went to the back tree to pick, I saw that the flowers and fruits on the tree were sparse, with only a few green-skinned unripe flat peaches.

It turned out that the cooked food had already entered the stomachs of Sun Wukong and Shen Gongbao. Since Shen Gongbao received the order and stopped living for 33 days, Sun Wukong had no one to restrain him. He ate whenever he wanted and slept after eating. He became more and more blatant.

When the Seven Fairies came out to blame the land, Sun Wukong who was sleeping on this branch was awakened. Sun Wukong immediately showed his true colors, pulled out the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" from his ears, jumped out, shouted loudly, and said: "Who are you monsters, dare to steal my peaches!"

"Great Sage, calm down. We are not monsters, but fairies in seven clothes sent by the Queen Mother to pick fairy peaches, open a treasure pavilion, and hold a 'Fair Peach Victory Meeting'.

The seven fairies were the lowest in heaven in terms of status and magic power. When they saw Sun Wukong getting angry, they were all so frightened that they all knelt down to explain.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong took the treasure and asked curiously: "Xian'e, please get up! Who is the Queen Mother holding a banquet in her pavilion?"

The fairy did not dare not answer, so she could only tell the truth: "The meeting has its own old rules. The ones invited are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in the West, Guanyin in the South and Antarctica, Saint Chong'en in the East, Immortals from the Ten Continents and Three Islands, and Xuan Ling from the North Pole. , the Central Huangji Huanglong Great Immortal, the Five Dou Xing Lords, the Four Emperors, Daluo Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian and others, and finally the big and small deities of all palaces and halls, all went to the Peach Festival together. "

Sun Wukong smiled and said, "Can you please treat me?"

The fairy said: "I have never heard of it."

"Just wait and wait until Lao Sun inquires about the news and see if I, Lao Sun, have been invited!"

As soon as he said this, Sun Wukong's monkey face turned red, he made a seal, recited a spell, and said to the fairies: "Sure!"

This "fixing method" fixed the seven-clothed fairies in place one by one, and then they came out of the "Peach Garden" angrily, wanting to see if they invited themselves to the meeting.

At this time, the Yaotai is paved with colorful knots and the treasure pavilion is filled with mist.

On the endless table there are dragon liver and phoenix marrow, bear paws and orangutan lips, all kinds of rare and exotic fruits.

The place was neatly paved. At this time, Sun Wukong came in, but he did not find any other immortals. It was obvious that it was not yet time for the grand gathering.

Suddenly, he smelled the aroma of wine. Sun Wukong turned around and saw several strong men carrying wine under the corridor on the right wall, pouring wine for each table.

Sun Wukong used a small magical power to make these warriors fall into a deep sleep. Sun Wukong feasted on them while no one was around, and even drank jar after jar of the immortal wine.

In just one cup of tea, he turned the venue into a mess.

Sun Wukong, relying on his drunkenness, wandered all the way, but instead of returning to the "Monkey King's Mansion", he came to the "Tushita Heavenly Palace".

"Tushita Palace is the residence of the Supreme Lord. I have never been here before, so I just took this opportunity to visit."

Looking at the four big characters on the plaque, Sun Wukong shook his head, then arranged his clothes, opened the door and entered. There was no Taishang Laojun there, and there was no one everywhere.

It turned out that Taishang Laojun owed a karma to the West, and Sun Wukong was involved in the spread of Buddhism to the East. This big man had no choice but to avoid meeting him, and returned with many fairy boys, fairy generals, fairy officials, and fairy officials. Da Chitian" heard the message and went away.

Otherwise, under the command of Taishang Laojun, not only everyone can control Sun Wukong, but they can find a few powerful people at random and give Sun Monkey a lesson. How can he be allowed to cause trouble here!
There was no one in the "Tushita Heavenly Palace", so Sun Wukong became bolder, rummaged around and found five gourds. When he opened them, he found that these gourds were filled with refined golden elixirs.

"This is the most precious treasure of the Immortal Family. Ever since I became a Taoist, I had a chance to bump into this thing today. I took advantage of my absence to eat some and taste it."

Sun Wukong didn't know what it meant to be polite, so he poured out all the elixir in the gourd and put it into his stomach.

These golden elixirs are all fifth-level and sixth-level golden elixirs, which are suitable for Sun Wukong to use. They have improved his strength again, reaching the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Even if the ordinary Da Luo Jinxian wants to deal with him, it is not that easy. .

"No! This disaster is bigger than the sky! If the Jade Emperor is disturbed, his life will be hard to survive! Go! Why don't you become the king in the lower world! Go!"

As soon as the state was reached, the drunkenness dissipated a lot. Sun Wukong was so excited that he felt timid and ran out of the "Tushita Heavenly Palace" and escaped through the Xitianmen using the invisibility method.

Soon, the events at the Yaochi Grand Meeting and the Tushita Heavenly Palace could no longer be concealed, and the entire Heavenly Court was in an uproar.

Seeing that his partner was so unreliable, the Jade Emperor was very angry. On such an important occasion, if Sun Wukong went to make trouble, wouldn't he step on his face and rub it on the ground?
This time, the Jade Emperor no longer ignored his previous behavior and immediately mobilized his troops. The four heavenly kings collaborated with King Li Tian and Prince Nezha to perform the Twenty-Eight Constellations, Jiuyao Star Official, Twelve Yuanchen, Five Directions Revealed Di, and Four Values ​​of Gong. Cao and Putian Xingxian, with a total of 100,000 heavenly soldiers, laid out 18 sets of "dragon and earth nets" in the lower realm, and went to Huaguo Mountain to besiege Sun Wukong.

Some of the gods took pleasure in the misfortune, and some did not take it seriously. However, on the surface, they still maintained the majesty of the Great Heavenly Lord, accepted the order in unison, left the heaven, and went to the lower world to capture Sun Wukong.

This time, all the troops came and Li Jing's confidence increased greatly. He set up camp with all the heavenly soldiers and surrounded the "Huaguo Mountain".

Eighteen sets of "draft nets" were laid up and down respectively. Sun Wukong wanted to go out to ask for help, but he had no chance.

Jiuyao Star Officer was the first to call for formation: "Sun Wukong! Surrender quickly; if you say half a word 'no', you will all be punished!"

"You guys are so rude! How dare you come to my door and bully me?"

Sun Wukong was furious and immediately led the seventy-two cave demon kings out of battle.

At this time, Sun Wukong's strength has greatly increased. He has the magic weapon of Dayu's flood control, and he is proficient in the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques and seventy-two transformations. Any Jiuyao star official who dares to block him will be repelled one by one in a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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