The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 151 The monkey sings in the front stage, and the four teachers in the backstage exchange int

Chapter 151 The monkey sings in the front stage, and the four religions exchange interests in the backstage

"Damn it! Why is this Sun Wukong so powerful?"

Li Jing was not very capable, but he had a unique vision. He immediately saw that Sun Wukong's strength had greatly increased, and it was Wu Xia Amon.

"Father! This monkey ate all the nine-thousand-year-old peaches in the 'Peach Garden', and even ate Laojun's five-gourd elixir. Even a pig, with this kind of fortune, has made rapid progress!"

Nezha stood aside, looking at Sun Wukong with envy, and at the same time he admired the monkey's boldness. Nezha was already lawless enough, but compared with Sun Wukong, the things he had done were nothing to mention.

In terms of ability to get into trouble, Sun Wukong is definitely the best in the three realms!

"Let's go together!"

After hearing Nezha's explanation, Li Jing looked ugly and cursed secretly in his heart: "The way of heaven is unfair." He had served the heaven loyally. After working for so many years, he had eaten some six thousand-year-old flat peaches, which were not as beneficial as Sun Wukong's once. , this monkey really enjoyed all the blessings. He ate and drank all the elixir, wine, and peaches.

Even if Sun Wukong died ten thousand times, it would still be difficult to atone for his sins!
After receiving the command from King Li Tian, ​​the four heavenly kings and the twenty-eight stars, together with the officials of Jiuyao Star, surrounded and killed Sun Wukong. Although they let go, they were outnumbered, and they continued to fight until sunset.

The seventy-two cave demon kings were all captured by the gods, but they escaped from the monkey soldiers and generals. These monkeys were clever and hid at the bottom of the "Water Curtain Cave".

Apart from this person, only Yuan Hong, the third generation disciple of Jie Jiao, can compete with this level of cultivation!

Naturally, many god generals were unwilling to take the risk of death and rush to the cave entrance guarded by Sun Wukong. Although they could come back if they died, no one was willing to make such a worthless sacrifice.

In desperation, Li Jing had to send people back to the Heavenly Palace to ask for help. The gods passed the blame with each other in the "Lingxiao Palace". The Guanyin Bodhisattva who came to the Peach Festival recommended Yang Jian, the Erlang God, to fight.

"Angel, please come back, and I will go and draw my sword to help you."

Sun Wukong has one man to guard the gate, and no one can open it. The "Water Curtain Cave" is originally a paradise, and it is not a place where a tunnel can be easily opened. In this way, the two sides are deadlocked at the entrance of the "Water Curtain Cave".

In an instant, the demonic monkeys all over the mountain abandoned their weapons, armour, swords and spears, and ran away. However, thousands of them were captured by the heavenly soldiers and generals.

The earth shook and the mountains shook. The heavenly soldiers, the grass-headed gods, and the monkey soldiers and generals who dared not come out of the "Water Curtain Cave" just felt that the entire "Flower and Fruit Mountain" seemed to collapse.

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and used his magical power to become the same as Yang Jian. He raised the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" that also grew in size and faced him.

When Sun Wukong defeated the gods, his hometown was almost captured by the heavenly soldiers and generals. Worried about the monkeys, Sun Wukong did not dare to fight, so he could only retreat to the entrance of the "Water Curtain Cave" and defend it.

At this time, Sun Wukong saw that the monkeys were completely defeated. He immediately panicked and put away the Dharma image. He did not care about his subordinates and ran away holding the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel".

Seeing that Guanshiyin Bodhisattva recommended his cheap nephew, the Jade Emperor saw that Yang Jian was out of business and wanted to restore relations with him. Thinking of this, he sent an envoy to receive the order, ride on the auspicious clouds, and come to the fiefdom of Erlang God Yang Jian, "Guanjiangkou".

Yang Jian is the first person among the three generations of the Chan Cult. His luck is prosperous, and he is not in any danger even in the great catastrophe of becoming a god. Now, he can become a god in the flesh, without delaying his cultivation, and with the help of heaven's luck, his cultivation level has reached The realm of Daluo Golden Immortal.


Yang Jian has experienced the whole "God Conferring Tribulation". He has experienced countless battles and has extremely rich experience. When he saw that Sun Wukong was at a disadvantage, he immediately transformed and became taller. With two hands, he held up the three-pointed two-edged god. Feng, Sun Wukong and the "Water Curtain Cave" were killed together.

This imperial edict, the Jade Emperor referred to himself as his nephew, and there was no distinction between monarch and minister, made Yang Jian feel a lot more comfortable. In addition, his mother often nagged him to prevent him from getting into trouble with his uncle, so Yang Jian decided to help and immediately summoned Meishan. Six brothers, the four Taiwei Kang, Zhang, Yao and Li, the two generals Guo Shen and Zhijian, and 1,200 grass-headed gods flew towards the "Huaguo Mountain".

Li Jing was well aware of the idea of ​​intercepting, explaining, and neutralizing the gods, but he had no idea what to do. These people all had great backgrounds and could not be beaten or killed. Anyone who met such subordinates would be in trouble. Going crazy.

At this moment, without caring about anything else, the demon monkey emerged from the hole and fled in all directions. However, it was surrounded by the heavenly army. How to escape?

"Wuna the monkey, let's see how I deal with you!"

"Where are you going, Monkey, if you surrender as soon as possible, you can still save your life!"

"Three eyes! Are you the only one who knows how to control the heavens and the earth? I can do it too!"

As soon as Yang Jian arrived, he directly called the formation and fought alone with Sun Wukong. Both of them were great guardian war gods. As soon as he made a move, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the waterfall flowed backwards. After more than 300 rounds, Sun Wukong only felt weak and seemed to be unable to resist. live.

When Yang Jian saw this, he moved, used "Ground Golden Light" and chased after him.

"Monkey! Let's go there!"

The six Meishan brothers, the four captains Kang, Zhang, Yao and Li, and the two generals Guo Shen and Zhijian came to surround them and shouted loudly at the same time.

"Oops! We are doomed now!"

With pursuers on all sides, Sun Wukong panicked, so he shaped the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" into an embroidery needle, hid it in his ear, flew towards the ground, entered a forest, transformed into a sparrow, and flew among the trees. The tip doesn't move.

Naturally, the four heavenly kings, the twenty-eight stars, the nine-star official, and the six brothers Meishan could not see through Sun Wukong's spells. For a moment, they thought that Sun Wukong had already escaped.

"There's no way this rogue monkey can escape!"

Yang Jian opened his eyebrows and scanned the entire forest. He saw through Sun Wukong's transformation into a sparrow. He grabbed the long bow on his back, bent the bow and nocked an arrow, and shot the sparrow with a "whoosh" arrow.

When Sun Wukong saw that his disguise was seen through, he flapped his wings and turned into an eagle and soared into the sky.

"How can a mere change escape my grasp?"

When Yang Jian saw it, he burst into laughter. This monkey actually brought some excitement to him. He transformed into a roc and chased after him straight up into the sky.

After flying a hundred thousand miles, Sun Wukong changed in various ways, but was always firmly locked by Yang Jian, unable to escape. Finally, he found an opportunity and fell into a valley, where he lay down and turned into an earth temple.

"This monkey is quite interesting!"

Yang Jian held a "three-pointed two-edged sword" and stabbed at the window.

"How cruel! The window is my eye. If I were stabbed by him, wouldn't I be blind in one eye?"

Sun Wukong was so frightened that he didn't care to continue pretending. He jumped into the air with a tiger leap, rode the "somersault cloud" and disappeared.

"This monkey has some magical powers."

Yang Jian laughed, jumped into the clouds, and pursued him. Sun Wukong was chased with no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. He had no choice but to escape to Yang Jian's lair "Guanjiangkou". He transformed into the God Erlang, pressed down his cloud head, and walked into the temple.

With Sun Wukong's deeds, ordinary people would naturally not recognize him. All the subordinates of Erlang God in the temple kowtowed to greet him.

"Another grandpa is here."

Just when Sun Wukong was feeling proud, Yang Jian also came back after him. All the ghost judges looked at him, and they were all shocked. They couldn't tell which one was the real Erlang Shen.

"How dare you come to my dojo to act wild like a slut!"

Seeing Sun Wukong sitting in the main seat and being worshiped by his subordinates, Yang Jian became angry. He raised his "three-pointed two-edged sword" and slashed his face.

Sun Wukong used his body skills to dodge the knife, and moved the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" in his hand, which was as thick as a bowl, and struck back at Yang Jian.

The two masters broke out of the temple gate, hid in the clouds, and fought back to the "Huaguo Mountain" again.

At this time, in the heaven, the Jade Emperor was very dissatisfied that he could not capture Sun Wukong for a long time. It happened that the Supreme Lord was here, so he rolled up his sleeves and took off a circle.

That circle was the magic weapon of merit and virtue, the "Vajra Diamond". I saw the Supreme Master swinging it down from the Heavenly Gate. The "Vajra Diamond" was spinning around, and then fell from the sky to the "Flower and Fruit Mountain", and it hit Sun Wukong's side. On the head.


There was a crisp sound, neither light nor heavy, and it hit Sun Wukong's heavenly spirit. His mind was dizzy and he couldn't stand steadily, so he fell. Before Sun Wukong could get up, he was caught up by the Roaring Sky Dog again. He bit his leg and fell again.

Seeing that Sun Wukong was captured, the Supreme Master took away the "Golden Steel" and invited the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother of Yaochi, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and other immortals to return to the "Lingxiao Hall" to wait for King Li Tian and his disciples to return to heaven.

Soon, the gods returned to the "Lingxiao Palace". The Jade Emperor regained his face and passed down the decree to put Sun Wukong on the "Demon Slaying Platform" and kill him as a warning to others.

Sun Wukong was taken by the heavenly soldiers to the "Demon Slaying Platform" and tied to the "Demon Subduing Pillar". He was chopped with knives and axes, stabbed with spears and swords, but they were unable to damage his golden body, which was practiced in the Eighty-nine Mysterious Arts.

Finally, even fire and lightning cannot damage a single hair of Sun Wukong.

For a time, the gods were helpless. The quasi-sage-level great supernatural beings were all concerned about their appearance and were unwilling to take action. Sun Wukong became a hot potato.

Seeing this, Taishang Laojun was moved, but he wanted to use Sun Wukong to form a cause and effect with Buddhism, so he said: "The monkey ate the flat peach, drank the royal wine, and stole the elixir. It would be better to lead with the old Taoist. Go and put it in the 'Bagua Furnace', forge it with civil and military fire, and remove the ashes."

When Taishang Laojun spoke, the Jade Emperor naturally did not dare to disobey him, so he immediately had Sun Wukong untied and handed over to Taishang Laojun.

"Tushita Palace", Taishang Laojun arranged for a boy to push Sun Wukong into the "Bagua Furnace", and ordered the Taoist who watched the furnace and the boy who set up the fire to fan the fire for tempering.

In the furnace, Sun Wukong was stirred up by the wind, and his eyes turned red, creating a "fiery eye."

On the 77th day of the 49th day, when the furnace was opened to take the elixir, Sun Wukong covered his eyes with his hands and was rubbing himself with tears. When he suddenly saw the light, he couldn't help but jumped out of the elixir furnace and kicked over the "Bagua furnace". , and walked out.

"Haha, this monkey!"

Seeing that the boys and Taoists around him were accidentally pushed down by Sun Wukong one after another, Taishang Laojun smiled slightly and did not chase after them, nor was he angry.

After his training, Sun Wukong not only reached the level of Daluo Jinxian physically, but also became "Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes". The medicinal power of the golden elixir and fairy peach in his body was also completely stimulated, and was completely absorbed by Sun Wukong.

With this cause and effect, since the great prosperity of Buddhism cannot be stopped, his people can also get a share of the pie and exchange some merits from the journey to the west. In this way, they can be regarded as sharing the fate of Buddhism.

The big shot above controls everything, so how could Sun Wukong know that he is like a puppet on strings, his fate has already been arranged properly.

The Renjiao calculated the merits during the journey to the west; the Chanjiao secretly planned to achieve both merits and troubles; and here at the Jiejiao, Li Yunjing arranged the two chess pieces Shen Gongbao and Zhu Bajie very early.

The other disciples of Jie Jiao are not idle either. They have their own arrangements. These eighty-one difficulties are also a transaction. In the face of a must-win situation, these eighty-one difficulties are very difficult for the helpless wild monsters. , the tragic fate of being beaten and killed.

For gods with connections, whether they make Journey to the West more difficult or help them solve their troubles, they can gain merit without any loss themselves.

The monkey was acting in the foreground, and in the background Sakyamuni Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had no idea how many times they discussed and explained the teachings with others, and how many times they made compromises and concessions.

Even on the Jiejiao side, there are also Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who were originally from Western religions to trade with.

Journey to the West is a feast, and all the prominent figures in the ancient world can get a share of the pie. In this process, Buddhism reaps the biggest dividends.

However, in this life, with Li Yunjing's participation, he is not prepared to let Buddhism eat too much. The eighty-one difficulties in the future will be extremely terrifying, and Xuanzang will be unable to move even an inch!

Every step you take and every difficulty you experience requires you to pay the full protection fee!

This protection fee is the merit and luck of Journey to the West!

As for how many masters of Renjiao, Chanjiao, and Buddhism will die during this journey to the West, then it depends on their luck and methods.

In short, five hundred years later, Plath's version of Journey to the West will give Buddhism a huge shock. This is a bloody road to the eastward spread of Buddhism.

There are no bones left, which cannot prove the preciousness of the ninety-nine and eighty-one volumes of the scripture!

At this time, the unaware Sun Wukong only felt that he was much more powerful. He pulled out the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel", waved it in the wind, held it in his hand, and made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace. Shadow is invisible.

On the rise of killing, Sun Wukong = regardless of the superior or the inferior, the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" attacks enemies in the east and west, and no immortal god can resist.

In a moment, they reached the "Bullfighting Palace" and "Lingxiao Palace".

It just so happened that Wang Lingguan, the envoy of True Lord Blessing Saint, was on duty at the palace.

"Monkey, don't stop!"

Wang Lingguan stopped him with a golden whip. Sun Wukong's eyes were red and he couldn't help but hit him with his stick.

The two of them fought together in front of the "Lingxiao Palace".

(End of this chapter)

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