The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 152 The 4-teacher layout, Shen Gongbao takes the heat from the bottom of the cauldron

Chapter 152: The layout of the four religions, Shen Gongbao takes the heat from the bottom of the cauldron
At this time, Sun Wukong's fierce power shocked the heaven.

In front of the "Lingxiao Palace", the immortals and gods from all directions gathered again, and countless immortals took action to block Sun Wukong in front of the door. However, the immortals who explained and intercepted the teachings were ordered by the big shots not to embarrass Sun Wukong, so many immortals He didn't get close, he just yelled "Huha" and dealt with a few random moves.

Otherwise, even if Sun Wukong has great abilities, even if the quasi-sage comes to make trouble, he will be suppressed!

"The gods cannot subdue this monkey, go to the west quickly and ask the Buddha to subdue this monster!"

At this moment, the Jade Emperor's face was a little ugly, but thinking of the deal with Buddhism, he could not take action to kill Sun Wukong. This feeling of shrinking back made the Lord of the Three Realms upset, and he had no choice but to come up with a stupid move and screamed. , ordered people to go to the west to invite people.

This move is extremely stupid. The reputation of the Supreme Being of the Three Realms has been completely ruined. He no longer has any majesty. Naturally, he cannot control the power of the Heavenly Court!

In order to discredit Haotian, this time Emperor Ziwei strictly ordered his gods not to capture Sun Wukong. As for the petty profits promised by Buddhism, he naturally did not care about it.

Using Buddhism to defeat Haotian is his real plan!

Similarly, it is naturally impossible for Chan Jiao to help Haotian's son. Last time, Haotian died under the calculations of Antarctic Immortal Weng, Guang Chengzi, Yuding Zhenren, and Yun Zhongzi. They wished that Haotian would never be able to stand up again!

The Human Religion has no power in heaven. It only has one saint clone, Taishang Laojun. Who can control this big shot?
In this way, the Jade Emperor was unwilling to take action himself, so he could only pin his hopes on Buddhism. At the same time, he also wanted to use this to gain some benefits from Buddhism.

"What's the matter with the Jade Emperor? Are you bothering the messenger to come down to earth?"

However, at this critical moment, Haotian did not calculate clearly how much impact this time would have on his reputation!

"So you are that bald thief from the West? You are indeed not a good bird!"

Seeing the solemn Leiyin Pagoda, the heavenly messenger did not dare to neglect. After paying homage to the Four Vajra and Eight Bodhisattvas, he asked them to convey their message.

It's just that his Taoist skills are on par with Chaos Taoist Lord, so naturally he can't figure out the whole story.

The messenger from heaven did not dare to neglect and hurriedly told all the disasters that happened to Sun Wukong when he went to heaven.

"Therefore, the Jade Emperor specially asks Tathagata Buddha to save him."

When a leader speaks, even the gods who intercept and explain the religion will retreat, not daring to disobey.

Deep in Sun Wukong's heart, he hated Buddhism extremely. At this time, Sakyamuni Tathagata came to help the Jade Emperor and clean up his own, which naturally did not make him feel awe.

Finally, the messenger from Heaven hurriedly talked about the business.

"You are just a monkey turned spirit, you are not the son of a man! You are not the son of a man!"

After hearing this, Sakyamuni Tathagata immediately said to all the Bodhisattvas: "Sit firmly here in court and don't mess up your Zen position. Wait for me to refine the demon and save you. Come back as soon as you go."

"The poor monk is the Tathagata Sakyamuni in the Great Thunder Sound Temple of the Western Lingshan Mountain. Now I heard that you have repeatedly rebelled against the Heavenly Palace. I wonder where it comes from? Are you so violent?"

The heavenly messenger did not dare to neglect and went straight to the "Lingshan" Daleiyin Temple in Hezhou, Xiniu.

Naturally, Sun Wukong did not dare to tell the story, so he casually responded with a few words, and opened his mouth to yell at Sakyamuni Tathagata. This was all the result of Emperor Ziwei, Shen Gongbao and others.

Originally, Sakyamuni Tathagata looked kind and kind, but after hearing Sun Wukong's words, he couldn't help but have a look of shock on his face. He was counting on his fingers, wondering why the future Buddhist protector hated Buddhism so much.

Sakyamuni Tathagata also summoned Anuo and Kasyapa to accompany him. He left the "Great Thunder Sound Temple", went up to the heaven, and came to the "Lingxiao Palace".

After hearing the Bodhisattva's advice, Sakyamuni Tathagata smiled slightly, sat on the Supreme Treasure Lotus Platform, and summoned the heavenly messenger.

Sun Wukong thought that the gods had nothing to do with him, so he stepped forward, faced Sakyamuni Tathagata, and shouted loudly: "Which monk are you? Dare to stop me?"

Seeing Sun Wukong charging among the gods, Sakyamuni Tathagata couldn't help but smile and said: "Stop fighting and call the Great Sage Qitian to come out and wait for me to ask him what to say."

"Hmph! You bald donkey, you don't know what kind of spirit you are, and you come to scold me. Get out of the way quickly. As the saying goes, 'Emperors take turns, come to my house next year', today I am going to overturn Ling." Xiaobao Palace, please let me, the Jade Emperor, go down early. I, the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, can also sit here!"

Seeing Sakyamuni Tathagata scolding him, Sun Wukong immediately retorted. However, seeing that the bald donkey was quite impressive and all the gods around him did not dare to speak out, he did not dare to hit him with a stick, so he could only live with his words.

"The evil beast! It's really stubborn. Today, the poor monk will suppress it and teach you a lesson!"

When Sakyamuni Tathagata heard Sun Wukong's words, he almost exploded with anger. He is a famous supernatural power in the three realms. He has a high level of Taoism and is chasing the innate gods who were born at the beginning of the world. Today, he was insulted by a wild monkey in front of the gods of the three realms. .

Seeing all the gods lowering their heads and suppressing laughter, the Lord of Buddhism was furious. If he had not known that Sun Wukong was "one of his own", he would have used his thunderous method and slapped him to death!

Shakyamuni Tathagata wanted to hear more unpleasant words from Sun Wukong. Without waiting for Sun Wukong's reply, he turned his palm and pushed Sun Wukong out of the "Western Gate". The five fingers turned into gold, wood, water, The five connected mountains of fire and earth, called the "Five Elements Mountain", suppressed him with a gentle pressure.

Seeing that Sun Wukong was still struggling, the power of the "Five Elements Mountain" suddenly increased, and with another pressure, it fell down from the thirty-three days and landed in a mountain forest to the west of Dongsheng Shenzhou.


The huge sound shook the three realms. The lawless Sun Wukong was pinned under the mountain and could not escape. Only a monkey's head was exposed.

In the heavenly court, the neutral gods, Anuo and Kasyapa all put their palms together and praised: "How good! How good!"

"Great Heavenly Lord, the poor monk has suppressed the rogue monkey, now I'm leaving."

Sakyamuni Tathagata originally wanted to show off his majesty and let the three realms praise the Dharma of Buddhism. However, Sun Wukong's bad mouth earlier made him lose a little face, but he didn't want to be talked about here, so he immediately called Nuo and Kassapa The two venerables returned to Lingshan, "Da Leiyin Temple" together.

In this way, the world is at peace, without the disturbance of Sun Wukong, and order has been restored in the three realms. However, with the news of Sun Wukong causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor no longer has any majesty and has completely become the laughing stock of the three realms.

In hindsight, the Jade Emperor felt ashamed. If he had known this was the result, he would have killed Sun Wukong with one sword, and he would not have been in so much trouble.

From then on, not only did the three Taoist sects not take the Jade Emperor seriously in heaven, but also some powerful ministers, especially those at the quasi-sage and Daluo Jinxian levels, basically listened to the announcement but ignored the instructions. As for the gods at the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal and Golden Immortal, they were also fooling around on errands. On the surface, they looked like they were working seriously, but secretly, they also did not take the Jade Emperor into their hearts.

Just like this, the Jade Emperor was upset and accidentally broke a cup through the rolling curtain, so he was beaten with a hundred whips and demoted to the mortal world as a monster.

In addition, Marshal Peng Peng was found by Fairy Chang Xi, who had great supernatural powers, to Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole because he peeped at Chang'e taking a bath. Li Yunjing had nothing to do with this fairy who had existed since the beginning of the world.

Marshal Tianpeng can only be dismissed from his post and investigated, and he will be demoted to reincarnation.

At this time, the Dragon King Ao Run in the West Sea punished his son Xiaobailong and drove him out of the West Sea to sharpen his character in a stream.

In addition, the Chan Jiao, the Human Jiao, the Jie Jiao, the Buddhism, the Shaman Clan, the Yao Clan, the Asura Clan, the neutral immortal gods in heaven, the Jade Emperor, and many great supernatural beings in the three realms each have disciples who are either in the lower world or because of For various reasons, he entered reincarnation.

At this point, there is a hint of weirdness in the calmness of the three realms.

On this day, in the Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, the Tathagata lectured on the Dharma and preached the true fruition. He talked about the wonderful scriptures of the Three Vehicles and the perfection of the five aggregates.

After explaining the Dharma, Sakyamuni Tathagata said to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra: "The four major continents have different good and evil sentient beings: those in Shenzhou in the east, respect heaven and earth; those in Luzhou in the north, Those who are clumsy in nature and affectionate will often have wars. I, the one in Xi Niu Hezhou, are not greedy and do not kill, and nourish the Qi and potential. Although it is supremely true, everyone can live a long life; but the one in Nanbuzhou, who is greedy for sex and enjoys misfortunes, kills and fights a lot. . Now I have the Tripitaka Sutra, which can persuade people to do good."

After all the Buddhas in the sky paid their respects, Buddha Sakyamuni Tathagata said again: "I want to spread the true scriptures to the Eastern Land, but I don't know who is willing to go there?"

"My disciple is not talented, so I would like to go to the east to find a Buddhist disciple."

When Guanshiyin Bodhisattva approaches the lotus platform, he bows to the Buddha and speaks.

"Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva has great supernatural powers and is ready for a journey."

Sakyamuni Tathagata nodded, with a hint of joy on his face, and gave this merit to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Such a move is also an exchange of interests within Buddhism. Sakyamuni Tathagata will get the greatest benefit from his journey to the west. Several traitors on the explanatory side will naturally have to negotiate with Sakyamuni Tathagata in exchange for a small merit. As a deal to support Gautama Buddha.

"Now that my disciple is on his way to the Eastern Land, what else does Lord Buddha need to say?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Sakyamuni Tathagata performed a show in front of all the Buddhas in the sky. The Buddhas did not know whether it was true or not, and praised them repeatedly, which showed that Buddhism is extremely united.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for those who seek scriptures, so I will give you five treasures."

Sakyamuni Tathagata said, turned around and ordered Anuo and Kassapa to take out a collar of "Jinlan cassock" and a "nine-ring tin staff", and said to the Bodhisattva: "This cassock and tin staff can be given to the person who takes the scriptures. Use it yourself."

Sakyamuni Tathagata took three more hoops, handed them to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and said, "This treasure is called 'Tight Hoops', and these three have different uses. I have three mantras for 'Golden Tightening'. Use with caution.”

At this point, the layout of the journey to the west is basically completed, and it is time for Guanyin Bodhisattva to go to the east, find a destined person, and go to Lingshan to obtain the Tripitaka Sutra with a pious heart.

After receiving the decree, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva took his disciple Mu Zha down to Lingshan Mountain.

Along the way, he recruited Sha Wujing at the "Liusha River". This person was the curtain general who served in front of the Jade Emperor. As a confidant of the Jade Emperor, this person was also taken by the Jade Emperor to make a deal with Buddhism.

This merit naturally fell into the hands of the Jade Emperor and his team.

Continuing from west to east, passing by "Fuling Mountain", there is a cave in the mountain called "Yunzhan Cave".

This is the residence of Marshal Tianpeng in his current reincarnation. In this life, Tianpeng became a pig demon. According to the deal between the two religions, Zhu Wuneng entered the Buddhist sect here, waiting for the pilgrims to arrive and protecting him from the west to retrieve the scriptures.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva also subdued the Dragon Prince of the West Sea and placed him in a stream. He waited for Buddhist monks to come and turned into a white horse and went to the west to perform meritorious deeds.

Along the way, not long after walking, I suddenly saw thousands of golden lights and thousands of auspicious auras.

It is the place where Sun Wukong was suppressed, the "Five Elements Mountain".

Sun Wukong was trapped in this place for a long time and could not escape. As a last resort, he faced Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and offered to protect the Buddhist monks and go to the West to collect Buddhist scriptures.

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva naturally does not believe such lies. However, Sun Wukong is naturally unable to turn out the palm of her hand. As long as he is trained in the future, he will not believe that Sun Wukong is dishonest.

In this way, after settling on three disciples and a horse, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and his disciples rushed to the largest empire in Dongsheng Shenzhou, the Tang Dynasty.

Just when Guanyin Bodhisattva was looking for the Buddhist scripture seeker, Sun Wukong met his old acquaintance Shen Gongbao under the "Five Elements Mountain".

"Alas! Dear brother, I didn't expect that you have suffered so much since we were separated last time!"

As he spoke, Shen Gongbao's eyes turned red, and he almost shed tears. However, the "Five Elements Mountain" was not something that he, Daluo Jinxian, could destroy. He could only send Sun Wukong some good wine and food, and give him a toothpaste.

"Brother Shen! I didn't expect that my grandson is in trouble, but he is the first one to come here to visit his younger brother!"

Sun Wukong was really moved by Shen Gongbao's true feelings, so Shen Gongbao sat on the ground and put wine and meat into Sun Wukong's mouth, letting him eat and drink to his heart's content.

"By the way, dear brother, there is one thing that I, as a brother, must remind you! The Buddhists are insidious and cunning, and they like to do the tricks of killing donkeys the most. You protect the pilgrims from going west, and there are many dangers!"

Seeing Sun Wukong nodding repeatedly, as if listening to his words, Shen Gongbao looked around and saw no one, so he said again: "Your own life is more important than anyone else! You must live well! Let the water go when it's time to let go!"

"Even if the Buddhist scripture seeker dies, you can escape as soon as possible and regain your freedom! After going through this catastrophe, you must not force yourself to come forward and cause trouble for yourself!"

"Brother Shen! Thank you for waking me up! I understand!"

Sun Wukong's eyes turned red, and he shed tears. He had been prosperous and lonely in his life, but only Brother Shen Gongbao had never left him. This kindness was as high as the sky!
"My dear brother, it's good that you can remember it! In addition, I will tell you another secret. Buddhism is insidious and vicious. It has always used evil weapons to enslave others. If you fall into this trap and don't listen to the words of the Buddhists, you will not be able to survive. I wish you could die! You must not carry anything given to you by the pilgrims on your head!"

(End of this chapter)

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