The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 153 The first difficulty, the Dao Lord of Chaos steals merit

Chapter 153 The first difficulty, the Dao Lord of Chaos steals merit

When Sun Wukong heard what Shen Gongbao said, he suddenly realized it. At the same time, he couldn't help but trembled. Only then did he deeply understand the viciousness of Buddhism.

The simple Sun Wukong only knows how to fight and kill. How can he understand the dangers of the world, and how can he understand that behind the glamor, there are such dark methods in Buddhism!
"Thank you for your advice, brother! I really didn't know there were such vicious methods in this world!"

After calming down, he was still frightened. Cold sweat broke out on Sun Wukong's forehead. Only then did he express his gratitude to Shen Gongbao.

"You and I are sworn sworn friends! We are closer than real brothers. Why are you so polite to my eldest brother?"

Shen Gongbao showed a sincere smile and said: "My dear brother, the Five Elements Mountain is under the control of Buddhism. Big brother can't come often, so you need to be patient. Five hundred years later, after you have completed the study of scriptures, big brother will hold a banquet for you. !”

"Thank you, big brother! Five hundred years from now, I will be drunk with my big brother!"

Watching Shen Gongbao ride away in the clouds, Sun Wukong choked up. If his eldest brother hadn't risked his life to visit him, how could he have known the cruel methods of Buddhism?

"Buddhism! I, the grandson, are at odds with you! That Tathagata Sakyamuni is bald, you are suppressing my grandson, and you are planning on me to work hard for your Buddhist sect, don't even think about it!"

Shen Gongbao's reminder and Sakyamuni Tathagata's actions made Sun Wukong 100% firm in his hatred for Buddhism.

Li Yunjing smiled slightly and signaled Taibai Jinxing not to be polite.

In this way, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva lived in seclusion in Chang'an City, silently arranging everything for nine lives for the people who were determined to seek scriptures. Finally, in this life, the Buddhist scriptures from the West finally began.

After entering the secular world, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Muzha naturally could not always appear in front of others, so they turned into two monks traveling around the world with scabies.

"It turns out that Lord Dao Chaos, the leader of the Jie Sect, is coming, and the little old man was a bit disappointed to welcome him from afar."

On this day, Master Xuanzang, a holy monk of the Tang Dynasty, with the support of the Tang Emperor, and two attendants, rode a white horse out of Chang'an and headed west.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong no longer feels bored in the suppressed "Five Elements Mountain". In the next five hundred years, he will think carefully and seriously and come up with a plan to deal with Buddhism, so as to protect himself. If you don't fall into the trap, you will have to severely attack Buddhism's plan.

At this time, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty ascended the throne and changed the Yuan Dynasty to Zhenguan. The world was peaceful, tributes from all directions were paid, and ministers from all over the world.

Taibai Jinxing took a closer look and realized that he was the leader of a Xuanmen religion. He did not dare to neglect him and saluted and said hello repeatedly.

As the protector of Master Xuanzang, although Guanshiyin Bodhisattva does not accompany him all the way, she is carefully arranging every difficulty on the road to ensure the safety of Master Xuanzang.

With the occurrence of major events that attract the attention of the three worlds, the secret of heaven has become blurred, and even a quasi-sage has difficulty in guessing the changes.

The various Mao gods return to their respective places. On weekdays, they are sent by Mu Zha and act according to Mu Zha's orders.

There are also two magical treasures passed down by Sakyamuni Tathagata to protect his body. It can be said that as long as Master Xuanzang does not meet a famous figure in the immortal world, it is really difficult to completely kill the Buddhist scripture collector.

After temporarily deploying these local hair gods and arranging some chores, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva then ordered: "You must not leak the news. I am here to visit the Buddhist monks according to the Buddha's decree."

"Venus slows down!"

"Well! Venus is free of charge. I wonder where Venus is going during this trip?"

Suddenly, the stream of light was stopped by someone's supreme magical power and could not move forward. At the same time, a deep voice sounded from the void.

By the way, on the other side, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Muzha left here and headed east, arriving in Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, within a day.

When great figures such as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva came to Chang'an, the gods in various temples all over the city were informed, and they all came to worship here at Tutu Temple.

Chang'an City has been the capital of successive emperors since the Qin and Han Dynasties.

"Um! Following the order of the Jade Emperor, the little old man went to the Hezhou Guard on the border of the Tang Dynasty in Dongsheng Shenzhou to solve a problem for the Buddhist scripture collectors."

On this day, the thirty-third day, a stream of light suddenly headed towards Dongsheng Divine Continent.

Upon hearing Chaos Taoist's inquiry, Taibai Jinxing secretly complained in his heart. It seemed that this big shot had come with bad intentions, and his merits might not be preserved.

"That's it! We should contribute to the important matter of seeking Buddhist scriptures."

Li Yunjing smiled and nodded, but before Taibai Jinxing could be happy, he added: "Of the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, the first difficulty is that the three demons have extraordinary magic power and are extremely difficult to deal with. To ensure that the person who obtains the scriptures is infallible, the poor Taoist has no time to do it." I want to help a group of people, and the second difficulty is to go to Venus."

"Yes! The little old man will return to heaven now."

The meaning of Dao Lord Chaos is so obvious. If Taibai Jinxing still insists on going to the "Hezhou Guard", he is ignorant. Faced with the "persuasion" of a great leader, this good old man will not dare to quibble.

"This Taibai Jinxing is indeed a discerning person!"

Seeing that Taibai Jinxing had returned to Thirty-three Days, Li Yunjing showed a smile and murmured to himself.

This is the first difficulty in Journey to the West, which is very meaningful. It is definitely the largest share of merit that others can obtain. How can such a good thing be cheapened by Taibaijinxing?
The Dao Lord of Chaos has reached a critical moment in his cultivation. He is not far away from killing the third corpse. Now he needs more merit to prepare for the final enlightenment!

During the Great Lich Tribulation, he protected the Nanfangbu Continent; he taught the human race and preached to the Three Emperors; he intercepted the teachings and taught the Dharma, and promoted the Xuanmen. Time and time again, Li Yunjing received a lot of merit. All of these merits were accumulated without using any of them.

Even so, in Li Yunjing's opinion, it is not enough. Although the merits of the journey to the west are somewhat small, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are. There is no chance that he will not be able to achieve enlightenment in the future without this merit!

If you fall short because you don't work hard enough, that would be the most unacceptable result.

It is for this reason that Chaos Taoist Lord competed with a Da Luo Jinxian for profit regardless of the quasi-sage's face.

In the lower realm, when Master Xuanzang and his two followers arrived at the "Hezhou Guard", Taoist Lord Chaos had already transformed into an ordinary Taoist, waiting for him where he encountered trouble.

"Hezhouwei" is the mountain and river boundary of the Tang Dynasty. If you pass here, you will have left your homeland.

Here, there have long been the general soldiers at the edge of the town and the local monks and Taoists. They heard that Master Xuanzang, the imperial envoy's younger brother, wanted to pass through this pass and go to the west to pay homage to the Buddha and obtain the true scriptures.

At this moment, seeing Master Xuanzang really arriving, everyone was respectful and invited him to "Fuyuan Temple" to rest.

A group of three people, including four horses, left the pass early the next morning, facing the clear frost, and left the Tang Dynasty. After traveling for dozens of miles, they saw a mountain range and had to pull grass to find the way. It was extremely rugged. Difficult to walk.

Just as the three of them climbed over a hill to rest, a strong wind suddenly blew around them. "Take it!"

Master Xuanzang saw the strong wind rolling in. Before he could see the situation clearly, fifty or sixty monsters swept in from all directions and captured Master Xuanzang and his entourage.

"Amitabha! I didn't expect that I would encounter monsters just after leaving the Tang Dynasty. My life is at stake!"

Encountering a monster for the first time, Master Xuanzang was trembling with fear and watched secretly. The demon king at the head was a tiger that had become a spirit. It was so ferocious that a stranger would be frightened to death at the first sight.

"Young men, take them back to the cave, keep this white and tender monk, and kill the other two to eat!"

The demon king looked at Master Xuanzang and the three of them, whipped up a strong wind, and led a group of little demons back to the cave.

Immediately he called to the little demons on the left and right, cut out the hearts of the two followers, chopped their bodies into pieces, ate the hearts, livers, limbs, and distributed the rest of the flesh and bones to the demons.

Master Xuanzang was almost frightened to death by the crunching sound of the monsters gnawing at his flesh and bones. This was the first of the eighty-one tribulations.

"It's just a good time to test your quality as a Buddhist monk with this monster."

Seeing that Master Xuanzang's life was not in danger, and that there were experts from Buddhism secretly protecting him, Taoist Chaos decided to wait a little longer and not rush to complete this meritorious deed.

The next day, the tiger demon was going to invite two friends to come over and taste the taste of the Buddhist monk. The little demon started to boil water and was going to clean Master Xuanzang. When the other two demons came, they would disembowel him and cook him. Steam and cook.

At this time, under Li Yunjing's observation, Master Xuanzang was trembling, but he was unyielding. He just silently recited Buddhist scriptures, never begging for mercy, and did not have the slightest doubt about his faith.

Seeing this scene, Li Yunjing secretly sighed, there is still something in Buddhism, at least a pious person like Master Xuanzang is worthy of admiration.

I can't wait any longer. Didn't you see that all the little monsters are stripping Tang Sanzang naked, ready to wash it off and put it in the pot?
If you wait any longer, the Buddhist protectors will probably be tempted to take action to rescue Tang Monk. At that time, what merit will you earn?
At this time, in the demon cave, a group of demons were busy setting up a banquet. Suddenly, they felt the earth shaking.

"Huh? What happened? An earthquake?"

The tiger demon stabilized his body and asked with a confused look on his face. But before he could think about it, there was a "rumbling" sound, and the entire cave suddenly burst, and the huge stone wall squeezed towards the center.

"Oh no!"

"Run for your life!"

"There's a big earthquake!"

The entire cave was in chaos, even Master Xuanzang was left unattended. While Tang Sanzang was putting on his clothes, he was looking around, and one of them lost his balance and fell to the ground.


Finally, under the violent vibration, the entire cave collapsed, and the boulders rolled down. No monster could escape. Just when the tiger monster was about to use his magical power and fly out of the cave, he was hit by several boulders and fell down.

Throughout the cave in the mountain, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and there were countless casualties. Only Master Xuanzang's body glowed with a layer of clear light. The huge rocks splashed from wherever they came were immediately turned into powder by the clear light.

When the entire cave was reduced to ruins and not a single monster escaped, Master Xuanzang had already flown out of the ruins under the protection of Qingguang and landed in front of the Taoist Lord of Chaos.

The panic-stricken Master Xuanzang flew out of the cave. He was so groggy that he could not distinguish between east, west, north and south. When he was at a loss, he suddenly saw a person coming with his hands behind his back.

Knowing that he was his savior, Master Xuanzang knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Thank you so much, Immortal, for saving this poor monk's life!"

"There is no need to be polite. I saved your life as I should."

After sizing up Tang Sanzang, Li Yunjing smiled slightly, showing a kind smile.

"I don't know the name of the Immortal? I hope the Immortal can tell me so that the young monk can keep it in mind and pray for the Immortal."


After listening to Tang Sanzang's words, Li Yunjing couldn't help laughing loudly. Who in the Buddhist sect can pray for him?
The two saints Amitabha and Zhunti are far more powerful than me, but can they help me advance to the Great Perfection of Quasi-Sages?

At Li Yunjing's level, no one can help him!
Not to mention the Buddhist figures like Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Arhat!
"Why is the immortal laughing? But the young monk said the wrong thing?"

Seeing the madness of Dao Lord Chaos, Master Xuanzang couldn't help but shudder, as if he was afraid of the person in front of him.

"My little friend, when you become a Buddha in the future, you will naturally know."

Li Yunjing was not interested in explaining Tang Sanzang's questions and had no need to explain. During the journey to the west, Taoist Chaos was extremely utilitarian and everything was done only for merit.

Reduce your own merit, reduce the merit of others, and kill some potential opponents. This is what the Taoist Lord of Chaos has to do during the journey to the west.

Li Yunjing helped Tang Sanzang find his luggage and baggage from the ruins, and then he rose into the air, stepping on the auspicious clouds, and returned to Nanfangbuzhou.

Facing Li Yunjing's disappearing figure, he worshiped again and again. At this time, Tang Monk had no entourage and no horses. He was carrying his luggage, carrying his baggage, and leaning on his Zen staff, climbing up the mountain forest alone and desolately.

There is no road on this mountain, and every step is extremely painful. This Tang Sanzang is white and tender. In the Tang Dynasty, he was the emperor's younger brother and a Buddhist eminent monk, deeply loved and respected.

Naturally, he had not suffered anything. He had just walked for half a day, but his hands and feet felt sore. Looking around, there was not even a half-inhabited village in sight.

He was hungry and thirsty, and the mountain road was uneven. When he was about to take a rest, he saw two tigers roaring in front of him and several long snakes coiled behind him.

There were poisonous insects on the left and monsters on the right. Tang Sanzang was helpless and had no strength in his body. He sighed secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that the immortal saved his life, but he was in trouble again before he had gone far. As soon as he closed his eyes, this saint The monk can only obey the orders of heaven.

However, before the tiger pounced and bit Tang Sanzang, an old immortal appeared again in the sky, it was Taibai Jinxing who was driven away by the Dao Lord of Chaos.

This old official was originally going to return to heaven to complain to the Jade Emperor, but after thinking about it, the Jade Emperor could not convince the leader of the Jie Cult. He was also afraid that his merits would be robbed by others next time, so he could only give in and return. return.

Taibai Jinxing dared to approach Master Xuanzang after seeing the Taoist Priest of Chaos leaving in the clouds earlier. Now that he saw that the Buddhist scripture seeker was in danger, he killed him without even thinking. A celestial sword swayed out, and the tiger , the long snake were all shaken away an unknown distance, and they could no longer die.

After saving Tang Sanzang, Taibai Jinxing enthusiastically reported his name and told Tang Sanzang that if he encountered a crisis in the future, immortals from all directions would come to rescue him, so he didn't need to worry.

(End of this chapter)

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