The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 158 The Dao Lord of Chaos organizes the situation, and the Demon Immortal launches an attack

Chapter 158 The Dao Lord of Chaos organizes the situation, and the Demon Immortal launches an attack
Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing were called out. When questioned, how could they dare to tell the truth? They all said: "I am honest, I don't know, I have never seen it."

The appearance of the three of them made the two fairy boys Qingfeng and Mingyue furious again, and they never stopped talking dirty words.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were a little better. They were just two little brats talking nonsense. They went in one ear and out the other, just like people who had nothing to do. This kind of character was naturally developed by serving as officials in the heaven in their previous life.

In heaven, these two people were not of high status, so they were scolded on a daily basis. Even if they made mistakes occasionally, they would be punished. Now that they are out of the world, although they are used to being undisciplined, they still have no problem in tolerating two children.

But Sun Wukong couldn't bear this anger, so he almost pulled out the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel", one at a time, killing two boys.

He, the Monkey King, dared to take the responsibility and immediately admitted it and said directly: "Master, it was Bajie who heard the two Taoist boys eating ginseng fruits. He wanted to have a taste. So I, the old Sun, went to beat three of them. My brother If each person eats it, what will happen?"

Mingyue Tongzi sneered and cursed: "He obviously stole four, but this thief monkey still says he is not a thief!"

"Amitabha! Since you stole four, why did you only take out three to share? Brother Monkey, you ate two yourself!"

Zhu Bajie was determined to sabotage the journey to the west. He knew that Immortal Zhenyuan was a big figure in Xuanmen and that as long as he took action, the journey to the west would be over, so he pretended to be stupid and yelled loudly.

Er Xiantong confirmed this matter and scolded him even more harshly.

"My second brother joined the Jie Jiao. Because of his relationship, the Jie Jiao and I have been friends since the time when we were proclaimed gods. We have to attack each other once. You don't have to be polite to fellow Taoists for such a small matter."

How can this ordinary method stop Sun Wukong and the others?
At night, Sun Wukong used a trick to stun the two boys, and led Master Xuanzang, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing to run west along the road. They ran non-stop that night until dawn and the rising sun.

Master Xuanzang, a mere mortal, couldn't run anymore. He sat down under a tree to rest, panting and saying, "This monkey head is hurting me! Just because of your greedy mouth, I had a sleepless night!"

On "Wuyi Mountain", Dao Lord Chaos stood up and gave instructions to the two boys. The two boys dispersed and flew out of "Wuyi Mountain".

The four members of Journey to the West were scolded profusely, but they insisted that they only stole three fruits. The two boys were tired of scolding, so they went back to the garden and saw the "ginseng fruit tree" falling to the ground. All the fruits are gone.

After the three of them greeted each other, Li Yunjing smiled and said, "I feel sorry for bothering you two this time."

Sun Wukong was furious. If he had not had a trace of reason, he would have gone on a killing spree. At this time, he plucked out a piece of hair from the back of his head, blew on the immortal air, shouted "Change!", and turned into a fake great sage, suffering here. scold.

"This monkey is quite a troublemaker!"

"Don't complain. It's getting brighter. You can rest here and recuperate. We have to continue on our way."

Soon, the two boys returned to the front hall and said that they had counted wrongly. They no longer cared about the "ginseng fruit" and instead treated them with delicious food. However, they locked the front and back doors at night to prevent Master Xuanzang and the others from coming out.

"Senior Brother Chaos is wrong! The matter of intercepting the teachings is naturally our brother's business."

After listening to Master Xuanzang's complaints, Sun Wukong became more and more upset. He felt a little uneasy and regretted his impulsiveness in knocking down the "Ginseng Fruit Tree".

After getting a set of "Five Elements Fruit" and having the relationship with his second brother, Kong Xuan had to go through it himself.

This scene scared the two boys almost out of their wits, and they fell to the ground with a thump.

The two boys, speaking interchangeably, just yelled: "What should we do! What should we do! What should we say when the master comes home?"

"First stabilize these monks and don't talk about things in the garden. The two of us are no match for them. We will wait for the teacher to come back before we argue!"

After a long time, Mingyue Boyzi calmed down and spoke slowly.

After half a day, the two quasi-sages Yu Yixian and Kong Xuan were invited into the "Palace of Chaos".

His true form had already arrived in the ginseng garden. He took out the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" and smashed it against the tree. He also used the power of "moving mountains and mountains" to knock down the "ginseng fruit tree".

"That's fine! Some of my fellow sect members have never succumbed to the hands of that Buddhist sect and have suffered so much. Now is the great calamity. It is a good time to settle the cause and effect and save the sect members."

Yuyixian tasted the "Five Elements Fruit" and said nonchalantly.

With the help of the two quasi-sages, especially Kong Xuan who beheaded two corpses, Li Yunjing was extremely happy because he was so good at it, even if he wanted to take it down, it was very difficult.

"What Senior Brother Chaos said is true! This time is just the time to teach those bald donkeys a lesson! Those bald donkeys have also bullied my juniors from the Peng Clan!"

Mentioning Buddhism, Yu Yixian felt unhappy. Over the years, he had even lost his own Taoist temple. He could only return to the ancestral land of the Feng clan with Kong Xuan and devote himself to practice. Fortunately, he beheaded a corpse and became a quasi-sage.

"Since we need to do it once, shall we set off now?"

After tasting the "Enlightenment Tea" and getting some benefits, Kong Xuan was about to take action and stretch his muscles and bones.

"Fellow Daoist Kong Xuan, don't be anxious! This time, not only are our masters taking action, but there are also people from all over the world who have great supernatural powers."

Dao Lord Chaos smiled slightly, feeling extremely proud. He had been planning this action for a long time.

"Oh? Are there other masters?"

Both Yu Yixian and Kong Xuan were overjoyed. It was easy to get things done when there were many people, especially those with great supernatural powers. Although they were confident in dealing with Buddhism, they were afraid of making mistakes, so Lord Chaos Taoist should do things safely.

"I wonder who the master is?"

Feather Wing Fairy asked eagerly.

"Hahaha! Ancestor Minghe has met all fellow Taoists!"

"Bai Ze has met a master of Jie Jiao!"

"Ji Meng is polite!"

"Bi Fang is polite!"

With a "boom", four terrifying auras suddenly came, and then the various auras dissipated, and four tall figures that overwhelmed the heavens walked into the "Palace of Chaos".

Needless to say, Patriarch Minghe among these four people is one of the first batch of great supernatural power users in the "Purple Sky Palace". He has profound cultivation and has several top-grade and top-grade innate spiritual treasures. He is the ultimate master among quasi-sages. He is the ancestor of the Asura clan and the leader of the "Asura Religion".

Bai Ze, Ji Meng, and Bifang were all among the ten marshals of the ancient heaven. After a calamity of cultivation, they came out again. At this time, all three of them killed a corpse, which was also the highest among the demon clan. pillar. Seeing Dao Lord Chaos silently inviting so many experts, Yu Yixian and Kong Xuan were shocked. Only then did they feel the terror of the leader of the party. This kind of calculation was not something they could compare to as a martial artist.

"Hahaha! Welcome all fellow Taoists to the 'Palace of Chaos'. This time the three of us join forces, we will naturally give Buddhism a powerful look!"

After letting the four great supernatural power masters sit down in the hall, Li Yunjing laughed.

"It's easy to say! This time, as long as the Chaos Taoist friends stop the Buddhist scripture collectors at the Longevity Mountain, the ancestor will immediately lead the Asura tribe into the Hualian Pure Land and kill Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

Mentioning this name, Ancestor Minghe became murderous. Over the years, the Asura clan has been greatly suppressed in the Jiuyou Underworld. Many clan members have been converted into Buddhism by shameless Buddhists. On the contrary, they have treated the members of their own clan. Man, kill me with pain.

Ancestor Styx had no choice in this situation. Fortunately, the leader of the Jie Sect came to the door, and the two sides naturally hit it off.

"That's right! This time when Xitian seeks scriptures, they simply don't take our demon tribe seriously. They rely on killing my demon tribe's juniors to enhance the prestige of Buddhism. These bald donkeys really think that our demon tribe has no one left!"

Bi Fang has sharp eyes and unlimited murderous intent. As the ancestor of the demon clan, he has witnessed the glory of the demon clan. The current situation makes him heartbroken. This is the reason why the three marshals of the demon clan who survived the Lich War took action.

"Fellow Daoist Chaos, don't you teach so many powerful quasi-sages to leave the mountain?"

Bai Ze asked thoughtfully.

"Fellow Taoist Bai Ze! This time, if I take action, if Sakyamuni Tathagata dares to come, he will definitely teach you a lesson! And Taoist friend Kong Xuan has great supernatural powers, not weaker than mine. With the two of us here, the overall situation will be decided. What’s more, there are three great sages of the demon clan, and my junior brother Feather Wing Immortal?”

Dao Lord Chaos smiled softly, with full confidence in his voice.

One reason is that he is confident in himself, and the other reason is that the fight at this time is just to add some trouble to Buddhism and save some of his still loyal sects. The general trend of Buddhism's great prosperity cannot be changed, so he naturally does not dare to act against nature.

If you really call all those fellow sects here, and if you can't stop them from killing them, and anger the Taoist ancestors and the two sages of the Buddhist sect, then it will be a loss outweighing the gains.

"Who is this fellow Taoist Kong Xuan?"

Everyone knows the strength of Dao Lord Chaos. Who among the masters of the older generation doesn’t know that there are as many as three quasi-sages who have fallen in the hands of this leader of the Jie Cult. And the fact that Kong Xuan can be so praised by Dao Lord Chaos has attracted the attention of others. interest of.

As a leader of a party, being able to say that others are of the same level as him is to praise the other party for having leader-level combat power. How can this not surprise people?

"Haha! Fellow Taoist Chaos, you've received the award! How can I dare to compare with the leader of my humble skill?"

Kong Xuan smiled slightly and felt very inspired. He was originally an extremely confident person. When he became a god, he originally wanted to display his divine power and shock the world. However, Jiejiao failed and had to live in seclusion with his second brother.

At this time, I just took this opportunity to let the entire Three Realms take a look. There is still a person like him in the world. The Phoenix Clan is still the three ancient clans that are powerful in the world.

And just when the powerful people in the "Chaos Palace" gathered to discuss how to give Buddhism a powerful look, the Zhenyuan Great Immortal also led his forty-six disciples from the Thirty-three Heavens to the "Longevity Mountain". "The head of the Wuzhuang Temple.

Immortal Zhenyuan saw that the gate was wide open and was very strange. When his consciousness swept away, he saw that his two boys were unconscious, and the "ginseng fruit tree" that he regarded as a treasure had been pushed down and was already dying.

After saving the two boys, he immediately learned the whole story. Zhen Yuanzi cursed secretly, "Damn Buddhism, to gain a little merit from you, you actually knocked down the old Taoist tree. If you can't save it, this time, the old Taoist Never give up!"

"Disciples, please pack away your torture instruments and wait until I capture Tang Sanzang and his masters and disciples."

Zhen Yuanzi, the bright moon, and the gentle breeze set off the auspicious light, and they were thousands of miles away in an instant.

The Immortal Zhenyuan looked down in the clouds and saw no Buddhist monks or disciples. However, he suddenly remembered that Master Xuanzang was only a mortal and could not escape far, so he turned around for more than nine hundred miles and found Tang Dynasty. Tripitaka and his party.

The Immortal Zhenyuan lowered his cloud head, pointed at Tang Sanzang's master and disciples, and laughed and cursed: "You pushed my 'ginseng fruit tree' down and ended up here! Don't leave! Go and give me back the tree as soon as possible!"

"What else! Give me a stick!"

Feeling aggrieved, Sun Wukong felt angry after listening to Zhen Yuanzi's words. He didn't bother to observe Zhen Yuanzi's behavior, so he held up the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" and hit Zhen Yuanzi on the head.

"You, this bully, knocked down my precious tree, and you still dare to commit murder?"

Immortal Zhenyuan was stunned. He didn't expect that there would be someone in the Three Realms who dared to hit him. He ducked slightly, stepped on the auspicious light, and flew into the air.

"Where to go!"

Sun Wukong vented all his anger on Zhen Yuanzi, raised auspicious clouds, and chased after him.

"Is this monkey crazy?"

Seeing this scene, Zhu Bajie shivered with fright. Who dared to fight against the Immortal Zhenyuan?
This Sun Wukong really doesn’t know how much he weighs!
"You monkey are quite brave!"

Faced with the attack of Sun Wukong's "Ruyi Golden Cudgel", Immortal Zhenyuan was able to do it with ease. He did not reveal his magic weapon or use his magical power. With a wave of his sleeves, he had already blocked Sun Wukong's entire offensive.

However, after three or two rounds, the Immortal Zhenyuan used the method of "holding the world in his sleeves". He gently spread his sleeves in the clouds to face the wind, and then put Sun Wukong into his sleeves. The wind swept away Tang Monk and Zhu Bajie. , Sha Wujing even covered the horse with one sleeve and took it away.

After capturing the four masters and disciples of Master Xuanzang, Zhenyuan Immortal turned around and fell into the "Wuzhuang Temple" where he sat down and asked his disciples to bring the immortal ropes.

Immortal Zhenyuan shook his sleeves and released Tang Sanzang. A group of disciples used their methods to release the "immortal binding rope" and tied him to the eaves column of the main hall. Then Sun Wukong and his three disciples also received the same treatment; The white dragon horse was also tied under the court by a magic weapon.

Immortal Zhenyuan ordered again: "Apprentice, take out the whip and beat him to vent his anger on my ginseng fruit tree!"

The disciples received the order and hurriedly took out a "Seven Star Whip" made of dragon skin and soaked it in water.

"Master, which one to fight first?"

Immortal Zhenyuan sneered: "Tang Sanzang is their master. If a disciple makes a mistake, he has the greatest responsibility. Hit him first."

"What the Immortal said is wrong! It's me who steals the fruit; it's me who eats the fruit; it's me who knocks down the tree. Why didn't you hit me first? Why did you hit him?"

Sun Wukong does have some redeeming qualities. He speaks directly and takes responsibility for everyone's actions, and he is not allowed to fight Master Xuanzang.

Hearing this, Immortal Zhenyuan nodded and said with a smile: "This monkey dares to do anything! Let's hit him first."

(End of this chapter)

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