The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 159 Shen Gongbao moved his heart of compassion, and asked for directions on 3 fairy islands

Chapter 159 Shen Gongbao moved his heart of compassion and asked for help on Sanxian Island
Sun Wukong first received thirty lashes. He had the "Eight-nine Mysterious Skills" to protect his body. Even if he was whipped by this magic weapon, it would not be a big deal. Then, Sun Wukong took all the blame and received another ninety lashes. Immortal Zhenyuan then ordered all the disciples to disperse and punish them again tomorrow.

As the sky grew dark, Master Xuanzang, with tears in his eyes, complained about his three disciples, saying: "You are causing trouble, but you are causing me to suffer here."

Sun Wukong was thinking about how to escape. After hearing Tang Sanzang's words, he suddenly felt annoyed and said impatiently: "Stop complaining, it was me who was beaten, and you were not beaten!"

When Master Xuanzang saw his disciple's resistance, he had no choice but to say: "Although I was not beaten, I was tied up and was in severe pain all over my body."

"Master, we are here to accompany you, are you the only one who feels pain?"

Zhu Bajie said disdainfully, he naturally didn't like this cheap master at all, and he never spoke politely.

Now, Sun Wukong doesn't fall into the trap, and the "tightening curse" has no effect, and he doesn't listen to him; and Zhu Bajie is even more lazy and greedy, and can't do anything; Sha Wujing is obedient, but unfortunately he doesn't have any great abilities.

Today's Journey to the West quartet has long been inseparable, barely maintaining a hypocritical relationship. At this moment, they have encountered the greatest obstacle in the three realms, such as Zhenyuan Immortal. The three apprentices have no choice but Master Xuanzang is also complaining constantly. The relationship between the four of them is... To add insult to injury.

At dawn the next day, the Zhenyuan Immortal gathered his disciples again and prepared to use severe punishment on Tang Sanzang's master and disciples.

"I'll just give you a living tree. Then, how about you let us go?"

"Today I want to go to the East China Sea, travel to three islands and ten continents, visit the immortal sage, and ask for a way to bring the dead back to life. I will discipline and heal his ginseng fruit tree."

A person who is unwilling to give will encounter a disaster in the future, and naturally no one will be willing to help him!

Even the Immortal Zhenyuan shook his head secretly. How could Buddhism prosper just by relying on these scraps?

After listening to Zhu Bajie's words, Master Xuanzang looked gloomy and complained. Then he said to Sun Wukong, "Wukong, how do you deceive the immortal? Do you have a way?"

Seeing that there was no chance to escape and that Immortal Zhenyuan was going to put him in the frying pan again, Sun Wukong had no choice but to give in and discuss it.

After another word with the Immortal Zhenyuan, Sun Wukong quickly used the "Somersault Cloud" to leave the "Wuzhuang Temple" and came to the East China Sea.

As for the plan of Chaos Taoist Lord, it has nothing to do with him. It is the cause and effect between you and Buddhism. He is completely neutral and no one can be offended.

"Don't worry, Daxian, I'll come as soon as I go."

The calculations of this big shot in the Three Realms are very deep!
It's just that this big shot doesn't seem to know that there is a saying in the world, if you have two boats, you will be done sooner or later!

Zhu Bajie flexed his body and chattered endlessly, wishing that the Immortal Zhenyuan would kill Master Xuanzang and Sun Wukong, so that the study of Buddhist scriptures in the West would naturally be in vain. When the time came, he would reveal that the teacher was the Taoist Lord of Chaos, and that the Immortal Zhenyuan, Always give your teacher some respect.

"This rogue monkey found a reason to ask for the healing tree. If he takes the opportunity to escape and run away, no matter what we do?"

Seeing that the Xuanmen boss was willing to reconcile, Sun Wukong finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good! Let them go, and Lao Sun will definitely give you a living tree."

"Take off their immortal ropes!"

"If you have this magical power and can heal my precious tree, I will worship you and become brothers."

Forgetting that Sun Wukong and the others could not escape from his grasp, Immortal Zhenyuan immediately ordered people to untie the ropes of Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing.

Not only did he get the benefits of Buddhism, but he also got the friendship of the Dao Lord of Chaos. Where could such a good thing be found?

"What I, Old Sun, told is the truth. Where did you lie to him?"

Zhen Yuanzi chuckled. This is what he was waiting for. As long as the Buddhist heals the "Ginseng Fruit Tree" and gives himself merit, he will sworn to the Buddha who will win the battle in the future and get the other person's luck. This will be a great move. Three good things.

The words of Zhu Bajie and Master Xuanzang almost killed Sun Wukong. The monkey was so angry that he really wanted to use the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel", one stick at a time, to kill them all!
Seeing the fierce look in Sun Wukong's eyes, Master Xuanzang felt tight and did not dare to complain anymore, so he changed the subject and asked: "Where are you going to ask for help?"

This farce between the master and the disciples was dumbfounded by the immortals under the Great Immortal Sect. They all looked at this strange pair of masters and disciples with contempt.

"What kind of air is this monkey blowing! If the tree is dead, how can we heal it?"

"Alas! It's okay for my old grandson to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but by doing so, doesn't it make old grandson a joke in the three worlds? It's inappropriate! It's inappropriate! It's better to find another opportunity!"

When he arrived at the sea, his spiritual consciousness looked through the void at his hometown "Huaguo Mountain". Seeing that the monkeys in the mountain had no worries about survival, Sun Wukong made up his mind not to betray himself and cause trouble, and lose the reputation of a cheap master and fellow disciple. Hiding around.

This Sun Wukong is really sincere. He first went to the "Penglai Wonderland" and asked the three elders, the longevity star, the lucky star, and the lucky star, for help. But how could these three elders save the "ginseng fruit tree" with the innate spiritual root?
Afterwards, Sun Wukong searched all over the overseas fairy mountains, and he used all the friendships he had forged as the Monkey King in heaven. In the huge Three Realms, there are several people with great supernatural powers who can save this famous plant in the Three Realms. Where is the spiritual root?

Just when Sun Wukong was helpless and wanted to go to the South China Sea to find the Guanyin Bodhisattva and let the Bodhisattva come forward to solve the problem, he suddenly remembered that his eldest brother was on duty in the East China Sea. He was depressed these days, so he might as well go to Shen Gongbao to ask for a drink to relieve himself. Relieve boredom.

Just do what you want, Sun Wukong somersaulted into the sea, and then came to the "Fanshui General's Mansion" to find his sworn brother Shen Gongbao.

Since Shen Gongbao took up this official position, which is about the size of a sesame seed and a mung bean, he has been considered clean. His main job is to monitor the East China Sea and deal with the Dragon Palace.

How cunning is Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea?
After some planning, naturally they are all good brothers. Naturally, Shen Gongbao never went to the Dragon Clan's territory to find out information. Naturally, the great magical power user among the Dragon Clan was never exposed.

Hello, hello, everyone, with the filial piety of the Dragon Clan, Shen Gongbao's cultivation has also reached a shackle, but he got some charming women from various ethnic groups from the Dragon Palace, listening to music, dancing, drinking and having fun, which is more comfortable than some dignitaries in heaven.

"Hahaha! Brother Xian is here! Hurry up and sit down!"

At this time, after hearing that the sergeants under his command reported that the Great Sage Sun Wukong had arrived, Shen Gongbao rolled his eyes, opened the door of his house, went out in person, took Sun Wukong's hand, and invited him in.

"My dear brother, didn't you ask Monk Tang to go to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures? Why do you have time today to come to my place?" The two sat down and Shen Gongbao gave an order, and his subordinates immediately arranged a banquet. At this time, he had time to ask Sun Wukong the purpose of his visit.

For Sun Wukong, he has been here more than a dozen times, and he did not notice anything else. He leaned on the chair, raised the wine bottle, took a deep sip, and told the story about "Wuzhuang Temple" Said it again.

"Oh! Dear brother, why are you so confused! That Zhenyuan Immortal is the top master in the three realms. Even compared to Sakyamuni Tathagata who suppressed you, he is not far behind. Why are you provoking him for nothing!"

He knew that Sun Wukong was a troublemaker, but Shen Gongbao really didn't expect that this monkey would commit such a disaster.

The "Ginseng Fruit Tree" has been acquired by Immortal Zhenyuan since the beginning of the world. No one knows how many calamities have passed. If this treasure is destroyed, Sun Wukong will be hunted to death even if he escapes to the ends of the earth!
"Alas! Big brother! The younger brother was scolded by those two boys at that time. He was so angry that his mind got hot, so he knocked down his sacred tree. Now, it's too late to regret it!"

Sun Wukong drank another pot of wine and seemed to feel better. He asked: "Brother is well-informed and has many friends in the three realms. I wonder if you can think of a way for me to save the tree and save me from it." Disaster."

"Brother Xian, to be honest, your brother really knows this kind of person! It's just that he is not my friend, and I don't have that much face. If you ask for help, I'm afraid the price you will pay is not small."

After pretending and thinking for a while, Shen Gongbao slowly spoke.

"My ass is on fire. That old Taoist master is so powerful, it's useless even to find Guanyin Bodhisattva. It costs so much to save his precious tree!"

Sun Wukong originally drank with Shen Gongbao to relieve his boredom. Unexpectedly, this elder brother actually had a way. At this moment, he couldn't sit still, so he drank a sip of wine, ate some high-quality blood food, and stood up. , Shen Gongbao was asked to lead the way.

"My dear brother, wait a minute! Do you know that this great man is extraordinary? Even if Tathagata Buddha and Immortal Zhenyuan meet him, he still has to give him enough respect. It is rare for him to walk in the three realms. What do you have to give him?"

Seeing Sun Wukong in a hurry, Shen Gongbao smiled slightly, grabbed his sleeve, and said again.

"What should I do? I don't have any treasures with me, only a 'Ruyi Golden Cudgel', but how can I give this weapon away?"

After hearing Shen Gongbao's words, Sun Wukong was so anxious that he knew what it means to have vast magical power and boundless power only after he saw the skills of Zhenyuan Immortal.

I finally realized that in the depths of the Three Realms, there are many outsiders and outsiders. The big shot that Brother Shen Gongbao introduced to him must be the overlord of one party.

Facing a person of this level, there seems to be no other way besides asking for kindness.

"Forget it! It all depends on people. Let's go take a look first. If it works, I am willing to pay some price. If it doesn't work, let's find another way!"

Sun Wukong sighed, being forced by the Zhenyuan Great Immortal, there was really no way he could do it. He could not be beaten again and again, and could not be saved again and again. Before coming here, he had searched all over the East China Sea for all the famous immortals, but no one could do it. Now we can only place our hope on the big shot Shen Gongbao mentioned.

"Okay! I'll take my dear brother for a visit! But you must be careful not to talk nonsense and make the big shots angry, otherwise the big shots will rain down the wrath of thunder. Don't say that my brother won't save you!"

Shen Gongbao was very worried about Sun Wukong's temperament and continued to give instructions on how to do things.

"Brother! Don't worry! My brother has suffered so much over the years, so he won't suffer from epilepsy again! No matter whether the big shot saves him or not, I won't cause any trouble."

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes. It has been more than five hundred years. He is no longer the lawless Monkey King. Why is there another wave of troubles?
"You monkey, who knew when you would get mad and end up implicating the Taoist Master?"

Shen Gongbao shook his head helplessly, thinking in his heart that the saints of the Supreme Being would bless him, and he must not let this monkey cause trouble for him.

This is also why Shen Gongbao moved a little bit of compassion. As the saying goes, humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless?

The two have known each other for so many years. The monkey went to the "Peach Garden" and stole so many flat peaches. He ate hundreds of them himself. Something really happened. The monkey didn't mention him at all. He was really loyal.

It is precisely because of this that when seeing the Monkey King being targeted by Zhenyuan Immortal, Shen Gongbao had to think of a way to save him. If the "Ginseng Fruit Tree" was really not alive, the Monkey Head would definitely fight for this heaven and earth spirit tree. A root that pays for one's life.

The two flew out from the bottom of the sea, riding on the auspicious clouds, all the way east, searching for it on the vast sea.

"Brother, where is this place? My old Sun has been hanging out in the East China Sea for a long time. How come I don't know that there is such a treasure of the Immortal Family?"

From a distance, Sun Wukong saw a fairy island. The entire island was shrouded in a dense layer of spiritual energy. The entire island was hazy, and the spiritual energy turned into liquid. If he had not had sharp eyes, he would not have been able to find any trace of the island, let alone See things on the island.

"This place is called the 'Three Immortals Island'. It is the dojo of Empress Yunxiao, Empress Qiongxiao, and Empress Bixiao. You must not be presumptuous. Listen to me on everything."

After exhorting again, he took Sun Wukong to the outside of the island and called softly: "Shen Gongbao and his sworn brother Sun Wukong ask to see the three empresses."

After a while, a fairy boy opened a corner of the island protection formation, saluted Shen Gongbao, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Master Shen is here, please come in."

"The fairy boy is polite!"

Shen Gongbao did not dare to neglect, and returned the gift, and then entered this island under the introduction of Fairy Tong.

As soon as Sun Wukong entered the island, he saw that the entire island was filled with auspicious auras rising straight into the sky. There were countless wonders in the world. There were thousands of flowers, plants and trees in the mountains, all of which were innate spiritual beings. It was truly a holy land of Xuanmen.

"Shen Gongbao, why did you come to my ashram today?"

Before Shen Gongbao could enter Sanxiao Cave, Empress Bixiao had already walked out and said politely.

Over the years, Bixiao has worked hard, and finally has the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, and can be regarded as a master between heaven and earth.

"Greetings to Empress Bixiao. Xiaodao came here this time because I have something to ask for. I want to see Empress Yunxiao."

Facing this powerful Empress, Shen Gongbao smiled bitterly in his heart, but he did not dare to be dissatisfied at all. Who doesn't know that Empress Bixiao has a strong backer!
With the eldest sister, brother-in-law, and eldest brother guarded by three quasi-sages, even the Jade Emperor had to be polite when he saw him, let alone a little god like him?
(End of this chapter)

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