The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 160: 3 Immortal Island Wukong cultivates in secret, the real and fake Monkey King exchange

Chapter 160 Wukong cultivates in Sanxian Island, the real and fake Monkey King exchange

Sun Wukong took a peek and saw that the empress' cultivation level seemed to be higher than his own, but it was not that he couldn't fight with her. He didn't know why the eldest brother of Daluo Jinxian was so afraid of her.

But thinking of Shen Gongbao's instructions, he could only remain silent and act based on Shen Gongbao's eyes.

"Then come in! You must be in trouble, you troublemaker, otherwise you wouldn't come here!"

Empress Bixiao muttered something and led the way, then suddenly turned her head and said: "Master, evil corpse, Taoist Xinghe is here as a guest, you know some etiquette!"

"Yes! Yes! Xiaoxian understands!"

Shen Gongbao looked stern. He did not expect that the evil corpse of Chaos Dao Lord would actually come to the "Three Immortals Island". This was the leader of the party, so he naturally did not dare to slack off at all.

"What sir?"

When Sun Wukong saw Shen Gongbao's appearance, he couldn't help but feel anxious secretly. At this time, he felt his ignorance. It seemed that he didn't know many things in the Three Realms.

Who is this master?

He doesn’t even know!

"This matter is quite simple. Fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi, even a poor Taoist can speak to me."

Sun Wukong was overjoyed after hearing this, but when he saw Taoist Xinghe remained silent, he understood that things were not that simple.

Taoist Xinghe nodded and said lightly. Although his words were soft, he was extremely sure.

"Pindao wants to discuss something with you, whether you agree or not. Follow your heart, and Pindao will not pressure you as a senior!"

Sun Wukong had no choice but to prostrate himself again and again.

Soon, as Sun Wukong was worried, the two of them followed Empress Bixiao and met Empress Yunxiao, Taoist Xinghe, and Empress Qiongxiao.

Shen Gongbao did not dare to be careless and took Sun Wukong to worship one by one. Only then did he explain his intention.

"Your Excellency, Great Immortal! Please help me, Great Immortal! In the future, I will be rewarded generously!"

What is that evil corpse?
He still doesn't know!

Seeing that the monkey was a little nervous, Taoist Xinghe felt happy. He didn't expect that the monkey also had a sense of awe.


he does not know!


What happened to Taoist Xinghe?

He didn't know what to do, but this feeling drove him crazy. Faintly, he seemed to feel that something was wrong when he was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace. Was he really allowed to have control over the three realms?
Did the Jade Emperor and the immortals really get beaten up by him?

"Wukong, you don't have to worry!"

With a long nasal voice, Taoist Xinghe looked at Shen Gongbao and said: "I'll take a leave of absence with you in heaven, and you will stay in the 'Three Immortals Island' for the time being. Bixiao, Qiongxiao, you take fellow Taoist Shen to visit the island. visit."

"Great Immortal, please speak!"

When Sun Wukong saw this scene, he felt uneasy in his heart. He didn't know what harsh conditions this big man had set for him.

The three of them were shocked, and they all understood that Taoist Xinghe and the eldest sister wanted to discuss something important with Sun Wukong. The three of them did not dare to neglect, got up one after another, and left the cave.

Although Taoist Xinghe said kindly, Sun Wukong still did not dare to relax. He could only bite the bullet and listen to what conditions this big man wanted to offer himself.

"I wonder, little friend Wukong, are you happy to learn Buddhist scriptures from the West?"

Taoist Xinghe was not in a hurry and chatted leisurely with Sun Wukong.

"My old grandson was suppressed by Tathagata Sakyamuni and coerced by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Tang Sanzang harmed me at every turn. I am not willing to accompany him to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures."

Sun Wukong didn't even think about it, and directly told everything that happened along the way, and even took out the "tight band" that was going to harm him.

"Haha! This Tang Sanzang is really not a son of man!"

Taoist Xinghe smiled and asked, "What would you think if you were given a chance to leave the Buddhist scripture-seeking team?"

"This is a good thing, but how can Sakyamuni Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva let me go?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong's heart moved. Unless he was crazy, he would be willing to accompany Tang Sanzang to the Western Heaven to obtain scriptures. If this Taoist had a way to avoid his future troubles, he could consider it.

"Pindao's intervention will naturally protect you from worries. Even if Buddhas and Bodhisattvas come to trouble you in the future, you can still come to Pindao to seek refuge. If you cannot believe in Pindao, you can also join my teaching and become a formal disciple. From now on, you can The things I teach are the things I teach. Shen Gongbao knows very well about the things I teach, and he can tell you whether he can protect you well."

Taoist Xinghe spoke slowly, and every word made Sun Wukong's heart beat wildly.

"The Great Immortal always thinks about me, but I don't know what his purpose is?"

Now, Sun Wukong is also shrewd, and he naturally understands that there is no love without reason, and there are no benefits without reason.

"It's very simple! The relationship between Taoism and Buddhism has never been resolved!"

A hint of murderous intent flashed through Taoist Xinghe's eyes, and he immediately said: "In addition, Pindao can seek some merit for his disciples. If you are willing to give up the study of scriptures in the west, Pindao can protect you from worries. In addition, the cause and effect of fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi, from I'll let you go and I'll keep you worry-free. What do you think?"

How did Sun Wukong know that he would become a victorious Buddha and a quasi-sage master in killing corpses in the future?

Moreover, even if he knew it, he might not be happy in his heart!

So, Sun Wukong said: "Great Immortal, if you can really end the karma between me and Immortal Zhenyuan, and ensure that the Buddhist sect will not cause trouble for me, I certainly don't want to accompany Tang Sanzang to the West to obtain scriptures."

"Okay! You just need to stay on this fairy island to practice slowly and wait for the end of the Buddhist scriptures in the west. Then you can leave. In the future, whether you want to be a demon or a king, or join my religion, it's all up to you, okay?"

Taoist Xinghe was overjoyed. If there was no victory over the Buddha and others voluntarily quit, then his disciples would have shared the fate and merits of Buddhism in vain. Even the two sages of Buddhism would have nothing to say!

"That's fine! It's just a matter of joining the religion. I still have to discuss it with Brother Shen. There's no rush now."

After putting aside the worry of seeking Buddhist scriptures from the West, Sun Wukong seemed to have no heavy burden, and he felt a lot more relaxed and indescribably happy.

"You are not allowed to cause trouble on the 'Three Immortals Island', nor are you allowed to go out. Your whereabouts will be exposed. You can do whatever you want with the rest, and Shen Gongbao can also stay on the island and spend time with you. Can you guarantee that?" "Yes! Yes! Yes! With such beautiful scenery, as long as there are fine wine and spiritual fruits, I, Old Sun, will naturally stay here and not go out."

Sun Wukong was not stupid either. He exposed his whereabouts when he went out and was caught by the Buddhists. Wouldn't he have to accompany Tang Sanzang to seek scriptures from the West again?
"Fellow Taoist Yunxiao, I'll leave this monkey to your discipline, but it's troublesome for you."

Taoist Xinghe nodded and turned to look at Yunxiao.

"We are all our own, fellow Taoist, there is no need to be polite."

Yun Xiao responded, then looked at Sun Wukong and said: "Sun Wukong, you can stay on the island in the future. There are countless fairy fruits in my island. You can taste them, but you cannot destroy them."

"Yes! Yes! Don't worry, I will not dare to destroy it."

Now that he is living under someone else's roof, how dare he offend his master? Sun Wukong has repeatedly stated that he will not make any mistakes.

"In that case, Pindao also has to make a trip."

Nodding to Yunxiao, Taoist Xinghe had already disappeared. Such magical powers shocked Sun Wukong again. He was just a hair away from being promoted to the Great Luo Jinxian, but he had no idea how this big shot left.

At this time, regardless of how Sun Wukong was enjoying himself on the "Three Immortals Island", as soon as the Xinghe Taoist left, he used the "Shangqing Immortal Technique" to find the six-eared macaque. After giving instructions, the six-eared macaque was overjoyed.

"Yes! Teacher, don't worry! I know how to do it!"

This six-eared macaque is very similar to Sun Wukong, and it has great supernatural powers and can monitor the three realms. Sun Wukong's habits have been clearly seen by him for a long time, and he can imitate them, which is enough to make them look fake.

"Very good! These are Sun Wukong's 'Ruyi Golden Cudgel' and the Buddhist 'Tight Hoop'. I borrowed them from Sun Wukong. You should use them carefully and remember not to reveal your identity."

Seeing how smart this disciple was, Taoist Xinghe nodded in praise.

"Teacher, don't worry! Disciple understands! He must be the same as Sun Wukong, and no one will recognize him!"

The six-eared macaque smiled and said, he understood that this was a great merit sent to him by the teacher. As long as Xitian obtained the scriptures successfully, he would naturally get the benefits of Buddhism in vain and his cultivation would advance by leaps and bounds.

This matter is extremely risky, but the benefits are unimaginably high and worth the risk. In addition, he has extraordinary self-control and does not think others can see through it.

"Then you go to Luojia Mountain. If you can't even hide it from Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, this matter will end here."

Taoist Xinghe said with a smile, and then ordered his disciples to take a trip to see if they could hide it from the Buddhist quasi-sage's eyes.

"Yes! Disciple, let's go now!"

He has also practiced the Thirty-Six Methods of Tiangang, the Seventy-two Transformations of Earthly Evil, and learned some "Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques" from Senior Brother Yuan Hong. With various cover-ups, the Six-Eared Macaque is full of confidence.

Bid farewell to Taoist Xinghe and went all the way to Nanhai.

After a while, the six-eared macaque saw that Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's dojo "Luojia Mountain" was not far away, so he lowered his head and went to Putuo Rock. He saw Guanyin Bodhisattva talking to the great gods, Mucha and Dragon Girl in the purple bamboo forest. The scriptures say the Dharma.

As soon as "Sun Wukong" appeared outside the mountain, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva already knew it and ordered the mountain guardian god to go and greet him.

The mountain guardian god came out of the purple bamboo forest and shouted to "Sun Wukong" who had just climbed up the mountain: "Sun Wukong, where are you going?"

The six-eared macaque imitated Sun Wukong, raised his head and yelled: "You bear! Who called me Old Sun by your name? If Old Sun hadn't spared your life, you would have become the lonely soul of Black Wind Mountain." I'm a ghost. Today I followed the Bodhisattva, received good results, lived in this fairy mountain, and often listened to Dharma teachings. Can't you call me master?"

Encountering such an unreasonable monkey as "Sun Wukong", the black bear spirit could only laugh and said: "Great Sage, as the ancients said, a gentleman does not remember his old evil, why are you arguing with me? The Bodhisattva asked me to welcome you."

After passing the acquaintance level, the six-eared macaque became more courageous and went to the Purple Bamboo Forest with the Mountain Guard God to worship Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva three times.

This six-eared macaque is also magical. As a quasi-sage master, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva really can't tell the authenticity. At this moment, he pretends to ask: "Wukong, where did Tang Monk go?"

"We've arrived at Wanshou Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu." the six-eared macaque replied.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said again: "There is a Wuzhuang Temple in Longevity Mountain. Have you ever seen the Great Immortal Zhenyuan?"

"Sun Wukong" scratched his head and said with a guilty conscience: "Because in Wuzhuang Temple, the disciples didn't know the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, so they damaged his 'Ginseng Fruit Tree' and bumped into him, so he grabbed my master and refused to let him go."

"You bully, you don't know what's good or bad! His 'ginseng fruit tree' is the spiritual root that created the world. Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the earth immortals. When I see this person, I have to give him three points. How dare you hurt me?" His precious tree!”

Although Guanshiyin Bodhisattva had known about this for a long time, and also knew that Sun Wukong was searching for gods and goddesses in the East China Sea to find a way to save the "ginseng fruit tree", Sun Wukong's boldness still made the Bodhisattva couldn't help but reprimand him.

The six-eared macaque apologized again and again, recounted the whole story, and pushed the blame onto others again and again. It was exactly the same as the "Sun Wukong" virtue.

Finally, the six-eared macaque begged: "My old grandson visited the three islands, and all the gods and immortals were incompetent. Therefore, I specially appealed to the Bodhisattva, and hoped that the Bodhisattva would be compassionate and give him a recipe to save his fruit tree, so that we can go to the west as soon as possible. Learn from the experience.”

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva seemed to be scared when he saw "Sun Wukong", and he obeyed a lot, showing a look of satisfaction. This calamity was exactly prepared to fight and defeat the Buddha, so that he could understand that there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. At this moment, the goal was achieved. She no longer worried about "Sun Wukong" and said with a smile: "Why didn't you come to see me earlier instead of going to other islands to seek help from outsiders?"

"The disciple was trapped by the Immortal Zhenyuan at that time, and he was panicked. For a moment, he no longer cared about it. It wasn't until the search for various immortals failed that he thought of the Bodhisattva!"

The six-eared macaque pretended to be happy again and said: "Bodhisattva, since you have a way, we should hurry up and save the 'ginseng fruit tree' to prevent my master from suffering."

"If I had known this today, why did you do it in the first place?"

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva said "Sun Wukong" again, and then ordered his subordinates: "You guard the forest, I will come back when I go."

After saying that, he rode on the "Golden Horse" and held the "Jade Pure Vase" in his hand. "Sun Wukong" then followed him and headed towards Hezhou, Xiniu.

The two of them were very fast, and within an hour, they arrived outside the "Wuzhuang Temple". Sun Wukong pressed down the cloud and shouted: "The Bodhisattva is here, save your fruit tree!"

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly and led Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing out of the palace to welcome him.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then descended from the auspicious cloud, first apologized to Zhen Yuanzi, and then met Master Xuanzang and others. Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing saw the Bodhisattva coming to save their lives, and they all bowed to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. .

The immortals in the "Wuzhuang Temple" also came to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva under the instruction of Zhen Yuanzi.

After chatting for a while, it was time to get down to business. Zhen Yuanzi and Guanyin Bodhisattva were in front, followed by others, and they all came to the "Ginseng Orchard".

At this moment, the "ginseng fruit tree" fell to the ground, its roots were exposed, its leaves fell and its branches withered.

"Wukong, reach out."

After receiving instructions from Guanyin Bodhisattva, the six-eared macaque stretched out its left palm.

(End of this chapter)

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