The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 161 The Quasi-Sage War breaks out, and Buddhism is attacked on two sides

Chapter 161: The Quasi-Sage War breaks out, and Buddhism is attacked on both sides

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva dipped the "willow branch" into the nectar from the "jade bottle", drew a symbol of resurrection from the dead on the palm of "Sun Wukong", and taught him to place it under the root of the tree.

The six-eared macaque followed Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's instructions, clenched his fists and spread them under the roots of the tree. In an instant, a clear spring appeared.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing picked up the tree, straightened it up, and buried the roots in the soil again. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then sprinkled the "willow branches" with nectar and recited sutras and mantras.

Not long after, I saw that the "ginseng fruit tree" became green and leafy, rich and gloomy, and regained its vitality. Even the fruits grew again, and thirteen ginseng fruits hung on the branches.

"Hahaha! Okay! Buddhism is indeed a great practice!"

The "Ginseng Fruit Tree" is the spiritual root of heaven and earth. How could it fall down and die as soon as it is pushed? This is just the reason why Zhen Yuanzi wanted to form a cause and effect with Buddhism. Now that he sees the "Ginseng Fruit Tree" alive, this Zhen Yuanzi Motoko immediately pretended to be very happy.

After saying a few words of gratitude to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Zhen Yuanzi ordered someone to fetch a "gold hammer", knocked down ten "ginseng fruits", and invited Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Tang Sanzang's masters and disciples back to the treasure hall.

This great immortal had his own considerations for this move. On the one hand, he expressed his gratitude, and on the other hand, he held a "Ginseng Fruit Party" to show that he treats Jie Jiao and Buddhism equally. When you leave later, if you encounter trouble, it has nothing to do with me. .

Ten "ginseng fruits", the two families were divided, everyone was happy, and the turmoil ended.

Suddenly, between the heaven and the earth, there are Buddha palms in all directions, showing that Buddhism is vast and the Buddha's Dharma is boundless. If anyone falls into it, there is an illusion that it is inevitable.

Only the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva flew thousands of miles away, suddenly grabbed the reins of the "Golden Hair Hound", and stood still in the void, looking solemnly in all directions.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's body was full of Buddha's light, her expression was alert, and her smile contained a hint of murderous intent. She added, "Since you are blocking the way of this poor monk, please show up to see me."

"Hahaha! You, a junior, are quite wise, and you actually sensed danger!"

"Amitabha! It turns out to be three ancient celestial marshals. The poor monk is polite!"


Buddhism has long been accustomed to the slogan of "killing demons and eliminating demons". Unexpectedly, killing too many people actually angered these old monsters and came to surround and kill them.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva clasped his palms together, bowed, and said, "I wonder why the three seniors came here?"

"Junior! You know what is going on! Is this junior of my demon tribe someone you can kill at will? Today, my ancestor will teach you the methods of Buddhism!"

Zhen Yuanzi made another arrangement and became a brother with "Sun Wukong", which made Guanyin Bodhisattva happy. In this way, this Taoist figure was attracted by their Buddhist sect and became their helper.

"White Pond!"

At the farewell banquet, both the host and the guests were very happy. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva flew into the void on the "Golden Hair Flute" and rushed towards the South China Sea; while Master Xuanzang continued to set off towards the west with "Sun Wukong", Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.

Today, the world is no longer dominated by monsters. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva calmed down and struck out with a palm, which immediately turned into Buddha palms that filled the sky. Thousands of palm shadows struck and killed Bi Fang.

Seeing the three ancient eldest marshals of the demon race, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's expression completely changed. She did not expect that this time, it was the demon race that wanted to ambush her.

"Ji Meng!"

You know, the Nuwa Empress doesn't care about things, and Kunpeng and other older generation of demon clan's great magical powers can't live in seclusion. The demon clan has become synonymous with being weak and can be bullied, even worse than the witch clan.

"Since fellow Taoist Bifang wants to ask the poor monk for advice, then the poor monk will have some fights with fellow Taoist!"

There were wisps of clear light in the layers of golden Buddha light, and the power of Buddhism and Taoism burst out, forming a mask that blocked Bifang's natal divine fire.

Suddenly, there was a loud laugh, and the clear sky was filled with a "rumbling" sound. In an instant, lead clouds were densely covered, and blood and evil energy rose into the sky. The three talents of heaven, earth and man each showed a strong man at the level of the Demon King, Gungun Demon. Qi filled the air, and the world seemed to have turned into a kingdom of monsters.

Bi Fang's body moved, and with a "boom", his whole body turned into a ball of fire, and hit Guanyin Bodhisattva, like a meteor passing by. Under the full sense of oppression, "Golden Hair Fang"'s face turned green. The Guanyin Bodhisattva was also shocked, and the "Jade Pure Immortal Dharma", "Bodhi Dharma" and "Nirvana Dharma" all appeared.

"Who is this fellow Taoist joking with a poor monk like this?"

"Interesting! This Buddhist method is really extraordinary!"

Bi Fang sneered again and again, and the fiery red armor on his body made a "kakakakka" sound. The evil spirit spread out, and a world of flames formed, surrounding Guanyin Bodhisattva, and took her flying towards the thirty-three days away.

This is a common practice for those with great supernatural powers to fight. Their power is too strong. If they fight in the earthly and immortal world, the area will be affected too much. Infinite creatures will be turned into dust in the aftermath of the battle, and the cause and effect will be in vain. Naturally, everyone must try their best to avoid things like luck.

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva naturally understands what Bi Fang means, and she is not afraid. She has just unleashed her Buddhist magical powers with all her strength. In this land of Xiniu Hezhou, the power of the quasi-sage swept out, and Lingshan naturally sensed it, and reinforcements arrived sooner or later. Rescue.

"Stay here little thing!"

Suddenly, another Bai Ze Ling grabbed the empty hand, and a huge hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed the "Golden Haired Hound".

The "Golden Haired Horse" saw a good opportunity to escape, so he did not resist and allowed Bai Ze to capture him. As for the battle with Guanyin Bodhisattva, he naturally did not care about his mount falling into the hands of others.

"Little thing! You are lucky!"

Bai Ze used a method of "holding the world in his sleeves" to put the "Golden Haired Dog" into the Sumeru space of Mustard Seed Na. Lord Chaos Taoist specially told him that the mounts of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva and Guanyin Bodhisattva must be brought back alive.

This little thing was naturally not difficult for the three ancient demon emperors, and it was this that led to a temporary cooperation between Jie Jiao and the demon clan.

The older generation of the Yao Clan admired the teachings of teaching without distinction. The Jie Jie religion included many Yao Clan masters, so they naturally had a close relationship with the Yao Clan.

This "golden haired animal" is none other than Jin Guangxian, one of the seven immortals accompanying the Tongtian Cult. During the Great Tribulation of the Gods, he was captured by Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, who was also the real person of Chanjiao Cihang, in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and became his mount.

Now, Bai Ze takes action to save him, which can be regarded as a good relationship with Jie Jiao and earning personal favor.

"I'll go and capture Tang Sanzang and the others together, and wait for the Buddhists to come and ask for someone!"

Ji Meng sneered as he looked at Bi Fang and Guanyin Bodhisattva who flew into the chaos to fight. As the general marshal of the demon clan's heavenly court and an older generation of masters, they didn't take a fancy to juniors like Guanshiyin at all, so naturally they didn't bother to fight together.

As soon as Meng said this plan, a black cloud swept away three hundred miles away from the "Longevity Mountain". The black cloud was extremely fast, and in a short time, it caught up with Tang Sanzang and his disciples.

The six-eared macaque, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing saw the black clouds rolling in. Suddenly the sky became dark, the hurricane roared, and sand and rocks flew. They couldn't even open their eyes. The four people and one horse were swept up before they could figure out where the evil wind came from. ,Disappear. "I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Chaos would even invite people from the Ancient Demon Court. It seems that this matter cannot be resolved!"

In "Wuzhuang Temple", Zhen Yuanzi looked at everything that happened with a smile. He really didn't expect that Chaos Dao Lord would play such a big role. In this battle, there might be a quasi-sage withered.

"Alas! It's really hard to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures. Just after we left the 'Wuzhuang Temple', we were captured by monsters again!"

In the pitch-black space, Zhu Bajie couldn't tell where he was, so he couldn't help but complain again.

"Amitabha! Buddha bless you!"

Tang Sanzang was so frightened that he only knew how to chant sutras and recite Buddha's name.

"We are out of trouble this time, why don't we all disperse! Get the scriptures! Get the scriptures! If we go further west, if we don't get the scriptures, our lives will be lost!"

Zhu Bajie is the most passive and sabotaging member of the four-person group called Xitian Buddhist Scriptures. When faced with danger, he is the first to break up the group.

"You idiot! Shut up!"

The six-eared macaque looked at this junior fellow and was speechless. The teacher arranged for him to come in. It was a waste of effort. God is the only one. With Zhu Bajie's performance, how much merit can he get from finally obtaining the scripture?

Lingshan, Daleiyin Temple.

Sakyamuni Tathagata, who controlled the great religion, naturally felt the fluctuations of the previous war, so he summoned all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats to gather together.

"Previously, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva was ambushed by three quasi-sages, Bai Ze, Ji Meng, and Bifang, who were powerful men of the ancient demon clan, in the realm of Longevity Mountain."

The situation was critical at this time. The Lord Buddha directly stated the matter and said: "I wonder who among you is willing to go to the chaos to assist Guanshiyin Bodhisattva in subduing the demons."

"I'll go there myself, poor monk!"

"I'm also going to meet the master of the demon clan for a while."

As soon as Sakyamuni Tathagata finished speaking, his friends who explained the teachings, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva first stood up, and then several ancient Buddhas from Western religions also stood up.

There are also many other Bodhisattvas and Arhats at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

"The number of people on this trip does not need to be too large. Let Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva take the lead, and five quasi-sages including Namo Zhongzhong Buddha, Namo Shizi Step Buddha, and Namo Great Flame Buddha will make the trip."

Sakyamuni Tathagata gave a casual order. In his opinion, the three ancient demon emperors all beheaded one corpse, so they may not have much ability. However, the three great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism also beheaded one corpse. Buddha With dual cultivation of Taoism, he is protected by innate spiritual treasures, and assisted by three Buddhist quasi-sages, Namo Zhongzun Buddha, Namo Shizibu Buddha, and Namo Great Flame Buddha, even if they cannot kill Bai Ze, Ji Meng, and Bi Fang, it shouldn't be difficult to repel them.

"Really obey the Buddha's decree!"

The five quasi-sages did not dare to neglect, and they left Lingshan together and headed towards the chaos.

"This Buddhism does have some foundation, and there are endless quasi-sages!"

A million miles away from Lingshan Mountain, Li Yunjing looked at this scene with a sneer. At this moment, he could also inform the ancestor of Styx to take action. At least he had lured six quasi-sages to him, which was an advantage for the old devil.

Following the thought of Dao Lord Chaos, in the Jiuyou Underworld, Ancestor Minghe stood up suddenly, shouted loudly, and said: "Bo Xun, gather all the warriors of the entire ethnic group who are good at fighting, and today we will wipe out the Hualian Pure Land." day!"

"Yes! Sect Master!"

Although he didn't know where the leader's confidence came from, Bo Xun didn't dare to question him. Soon, in the sea of ​​blood, waves of blood surged into the sky, and tens of millions of Asura troops were ready to go.

"Today, my sons! Fight side by side with our ancestors and kill as hard as you can!"

The two killing swords "Abi" and "Yuantu" were also pulled out by Ancestor Minghe. This time was different from the last time. For real, Ancestor Minghe used a big killing weapon. If not, the blood would flow into the river, and the head would be Keep going and never give up!



In the sea of ​​​​blood, the sound of killings shook the sky, reaching straight into the Thirty-three Heavens, and the blood energy penetrated the three realms of heaven, earth, and humans, and the entire prehistoric world was in fear.

Countless people with great supernatural powers once again looked at the Jiuyou Underworld. They didn't know why the ancestor of Styx was so crazy that he dared to take the initiative to launch an attack on Buddhism.

At this moment, in the Jiuyou Underworld, both the real rulers of the Wu Clan, Chan Jiao, Jie Jiao and even Hualian Pure Land were shocked. In order to avoid future troubles, the ancestors of Minghe mobilized tens of millions of people this time. The army was overwhelming and had a bit of the momentum of the Witch Clan and Monster Clan back then.


The entire "Hualien Pure Land" was attacked by Ancestor Minghe, and the layers of Buddha's light shields were completely shattered. Once the two killing swords of "Abi" and "Yuantu" were released, who could compete with them?

"Hahaha! So happy!"

Finally taking a breath, he waved his killing sword, and the pieces of Buddha were harvested like grass. This was an extremely tragic massacre.
"Not good! There is another situation in the Hualian Pure Land! Fellow Taoist Ran Deng, Fellow Dao Sun Tathagata, and Fellow Dao Juliusun, the three of you bring the main force of the Buddhist sect and provide early support as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Sakyamuni Tathagata is no longer as calm and calm as before. The "Hualian Pure Land" is related to the layout of Jiuyou's underworld and is a top priority, second only to the Western Heaven for Buddhist Scriptures.

To a certain extent, it is even more important than seeking Buddhist scriptures from the Western Heaven. After all, seeking the Buddhist scriptures from the Western Heaven is a one-time deal, and the "Hualien Pure Land" is the foundation for eternity.

"Lord Buddha, don't worry! Let's go!"

After Ran Deng passed by, the Buddha didn't care about anything else. He was a senior member of the Buddhist sect, and the "Hualien Pure Land" was related to the layout of the Buddhist sect. There was no room for error, and other Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats were not given a chance to choose.

All of a sudden, the lanterns passed by the Buddha, the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, and the Kulusun Buddha. They brought five quasi-sage Buddhas, thousands of Maharaja-level Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and the one hundred and eight Arhats all followed them. There were countless other Vajras, monks, and disciples of the Buddha, covering the sky and the earth, not much less than the number of Asuras.

"It's spectacular! How long has it been since the Three Realms were so lively?"

Taoist Lord Chaos went to Chaos to embolden the three masters of the demon clan. Here, Taoist Xinghe was the only one left. At this moment, the evil corpse of Li Yunjing could not help but marvel when he saw the Buddhist army dispatched.

(End of this chapter)

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