The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 162 The Taoist Lord of Chaos takes action, Sakyamuni Tathagata attacks

Chapter 162 The Taoist Lord of Chaos takes action, Sakyamuni Tathagata attacks

"What a pity! What a pity! If Tianxing Buddhism hadn't taken advantage of this opportunity, Pindao would have stormed into Lingshan Mountain, destroyed the Great Leiyin Temple, and brought the fire to Buddhism!"

Looking at the Buddhist holy land shrouded in golden light again, Taoist Xinghe slowly became illusive with a trace of unwillingness. For a moment, there was no trace of him anymore, as if he had never been there.

Not to mention other places, the war in the chaos has completely broken out. The three demon kings and the six quasi-sages of Buddhism started a life-and-death struggle. The sea of ​​chaos boiled, and streams of light penetrated the chaos, and it was unknown how far they shot.


Just like the creation of heaven and earth, even the six saints in the chaos looked over, with a look of amusement on their faces.

"Alas! I don't know if my disciples can withstand this disaster!"

In the Land of Ultimate Bliss, Amitabha looked miserable, as if he couldn't bear the death of his son and the damage to Buddhism.

"Senior brother, we have already done what we can do. Buddhism is so prosperous, I don't believe that mere monsters can shake it."

Saint Zhunti sneered again and again, seeming to be very confident in the Buddhism under his leadership.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, but you have some magical powers!"

Mentioning the Taoist Lord of Chaos, Saint Zhunti was furious. He was a saint. Although he did not always pay attention to the Taoist Lord of Chaos, this time it was obvious that this person had colluded with the demons and demons to make things difficult for him.

In order to ensure that Taoist Cihang, Samantabhadra, and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun would die, the Yuanshi Tianzun even let the White Crane boy go and asked him to find Guangchengzi and other disciples, taking this opportunity to completely clean up the family.

The Dao Lord of Chaos naturally didn't know that he was on the Saint's kill list. At this moment, he joined the battle group and attacked Manjusri Bodhisattva with the "Purple Electric Hammer". As soon as he took action, it was the "Purple Sky Divine Thunder".

"Little Doyle!"

Manjushri Bodhisattva was startled and summoned the magic weapon with his spiritual thoughts, but there was no response. He was panicked, his hands shook, and he sacrificed an innate spiritual treasure again, and put the "demon binding rope" on the Taoist Chaos Lord.

As for the three saints of Xuanmen, they looked at all this with a smile on their faces. The great prosperity of Buddhism cannot be changed, but there seems to be no problem in killing some quasi-sages of Buddhism.

Manjushri Bodhisattva was startled, and then sacrificed the "Blue Lotus" to block the "Purple Sky Divine Thunder", and the "Diamond Sword" in his hand struck at the Chaos Taoist Lord. Suddenly, the "Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower" protected himself, " "Escape Dragon Pillar" and suppressed Dao Lord Chaos.

Li Yunjing smiled again and pointed out. The "Lost Treasure Money" whirled around and quickly flew towards the "Demon Binding Rope". The money flashed and suppressed the "Demon Binding Rope" again.

A saint is also a woman. For this female saint, no one who offends her will end well. As time goes by, her desire for revenge becomes more serious.

"Return my magic weapon!"

In the "Wa Palace", Empress Nuwa sneered. The actions of Bai Ze and the others made her angry. The cause and effect between her and Zhunti had never been settled. She remembered this matter clearly.

Chaos Dao Lord saw Manjushri Bodhisattva at full power and sneered. Suddenly, a piece of money with a pair of wings flew out of his sleeve. It was the top-quality innate spiritual treasure "Luobao Money".

"This junior Chaos Son is not a son of man! After this, if the Saint can take action, I will slap this person to death even if I pay the highest price!"

Before the "Escape Dragon Pillar" got close to Chaos Dao Lord's body, it was pressed by the "Lost Treasure Money", and it suddenly lost all its spirituality and fell down.

"It turns out you were the one causing the trouble!"

Amitabha was still a little worried. The saint could not take action, which made him feel hopeless.

As the saying goes, a single move can affect the whole body. Seeing the opportunity, the big guys who were living in seclusion thirty-three days away began to take action.

This Taoist Priest of Chaos doesn't know what's good for him, he will be ashes sooner or later!

"The Taoist Priest of Chaos is also involved. It is even possible that he is the one who connected these monsters. This person has a deep hatred for my Buddhist sect!"

As the saying goes, money can communicate with the gods!

As soon as the "falling treasure money" came out, Manjushri Bodhisattva lost two innate spiritual treasures in a row. For a moment, he no longer dared to use magic weapons to fight against the enemy. Seeing the "falling treasure money" above the head of Chaos Dao Lord, the Bodhisattva could only Frustrated, he kept backing away, fearing that if he got too close, the money would become his magic weapon again.

"Hahaha! Manjusri, your Taoism is a little worse. Without this treasure, how can you be my opponent? In the memory of the past, you go and release the Qiu Shou Immortal. How about I spare your life? ?”

Dao Lord Chaos attacked fiercely and focused on attacking the heart. Naturally, the Qiu Shou Immortal had someone to save him, and it was not Manjushri Bodhisattva's turn to exchange his life.

"Amitabha! Roar!"

Suddenly, the three masters of Namo Zhongzun Buddha, Namo Shizibu Buddha, and Namo Great Flame Buddha abandoned the three demon emperors Bai Ze, Ji Meng, and Bifang, surrounded the Taoist Lord of Chaos, and joined forces to perform the Fearless Lion Roar.

With a "buzz" sound, the Chaos Dao Lord's mind was "buzzing", stars were popping up in his eyes, "bang bang bang", he was struck by the "Diamond Sword" and hit twice by the "Devil-Conquering Pestle". Finally, He even received two "fearless lion marks".

Fortunately, Dao Lord Chaos had cultivated the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique to an extremely advanced level, and his body was as hard as that of the ancestral witch. In addition, he had the "Red Lotus Immortal Clothes" to protect his body, so he did not suffer many injuries.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! In all these years, Pindao has never been beaten to the point of almost falling down. You have completely angered Pindao!"

The first injury made Li Yunjing furious. He took out several innate spiritual treasures in his hand. At this moment, Taoist Priest Chaos regretted that he had entrusted him with such a big deal. Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole and Taoist Xinghe both had big killer weapons in their hands. Now, there are only a few decent treasures in his hands.

Fortunately, he still had the "Immortal Killing Sword" in his hand. With this peerless killing sword and the "Lost Money", he instantly stabilized the situation and started to counterattack.

Just now, Bai Ze and the others were horrified when they saw the four masters of Buddhism surrounding Dao Lord Chaos. Seeing that Dao Lord Chaos was safe, they breathed a sigh of relief. He was beaten to pieces.

At this moment, seeing the Chaos Taoist Lord starting to fight back, the three of them did not hesitate to hold back. They each used their innate spiritual treasures to surround Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva with all their strength. Regardless of the three versus two, these two Bodhisattvas were no weaker than Manjushri Bodhisattva. One after another, they are extremely difficult to fight. If they want to fight for life and death, I am afraid it will take a hundred years to finish.

"Forget it! We can't count on these three people!"

After stabilizing his body, Li Yunjing looked around and understood the situation. The four masters of Manjusri, Namo Buddha, Namo Shizi Step Buddha, and Namo Great Flame Buddha felt that the pressure was greatly increased. All the good corpses were released, and immediately, an eight-on-one situation formed. At this time, Li Yunjing's whole body was covered with "red lotus karma fire", which specialized in restraining the golden body of Buddhism. The "immortal killing sword" in his hand did not account for the cause and effect of killing people. During the killing, Manjushri Bodhisattva's "diamond sword" was no match at all.


From time to time, Li Yunjing's palm condensed, and the "Purple Sky Divine Thunder", "Shangqing Divine Thunder", "Yuqing Divine Thunder", "Taiqing Divine Thunder", "Destruction Divine Thunder" and "Five Elements Divine Thunder" were released one by one. When used, the eight masters were left in a panic.

The good corpse of the Buddha among the people in the south was accidentally struck by a "God of Destruction". His golden body was immediately shattered and the good corpse was destroyed.

"Why is this person so powerful?"

The other seven people had gloomy expressions. They were all under siege. Why were they still no match for Chaos Dao Lord? Instead, they were attacked by him from left to right and killed a good corpse.

"It's just heresy! How can your Buddhist sect be the opponent of my Taoism?"

Suddenly, Li Yunjing made a seal and muttered words, and black flags flew out from his mouth, one after another, a total of seven,749 black flags. This was during the war between the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan. , the refined "Soul Gathering Flag".

Over the years, Li Yunjing secretly collected only these. This set of "soul-gathering flags" was refined by him and arranged into the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul-Eating Array". Although the power was a little weaker and could not participate in the race war, it could be used to deal with A few masters still won’t be a problem.

"Huan Zi, you are the leader of Jiejiao Cult in vain, and you actually practice such heretical ways!"

The surroundings were pitch black and there were many ghosts and shadows, all of which were the kings of gods and ghosts that had existed for thousands of years. They were all fierce and fierce, attacking Manjushri Bodhisattva, Namo Buddha, Namo Shizibu Buddha, and Namo Great Flame Buddha.

If the seven quasi-sages had not jointly sacrificed the "Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower" to protect themselves, I am afraid that some of them would have been attacked by a sneak attack and fallen again.

"Manjusri, you are so talented. What do you know?"

He didn't even bother to explain to Manjushri Bodhisattva. With the assistance of the "Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul-eating Formation", Li Yunjing became powerful. He attacked a few moves and saw that the formation of the seven people was not chaotic.

Dao Lord Chaos showed a sneer. Suddenly, his body became illusory and disappeared. In the next moment, before the seven masters could react, they waved the "Immortal Killing Sword" and the head of the Buddha in the South flew high. , the golden blood spurted out with a "bang" from the cavity.

A quasi-holy Buddha has fallen again!

"No! This is Chaoszi's reversal of the 'Heguang Tongchen Formation'. In an instant, he shuttles through the dust-like world, evading our blockade, and the killer will come out and launch a sneak attack on us!"

Manjusri Bodhisattva shouted and reminded the other two Buddhas. At this time, the three of them were already scared out of their courage. This Chaos Taoist had endless methods. He used two sets of formations in succession, which completely defeated the joint efforts of their eight masters.

"Manjusri, you are thoughtful! I have only used Pindao's formation for the second time. I didn't expect you to be able to see it."

Dao Lord Chaos was slightly startled. He really didn't expect Manjushri Bodhisattva to have this ability.

As a master of Jie Jiao, who doesn't know one set of two formations? As the leader of Jie Jiao, Li Yunjing naturally studied it carefully. He has high combat power and tyrannical killing methods, so he focused on breakthrough formations. In terms of defense and attacking enemies, this "Heguangtongchen Formation" shuttles through the dusty world like Hengsha, in order to break through various restrictions and defenses, and achieve the effect of surprising others.

"Amitabha! Fellow Taoist Chaos, stop!"

The defeat of Buddhism finally made Sakyamuni Tathagata unable to sit still. The top master of Buddhism flew out from Lingshan Mountain, stepped directly into the chaos, and rescued the three Bodhisattvas.

"Duobao! You came just in time! Pindao is about to kill you and break the sect's rules!"

Seeing Sakyamuni Tathagata coming in person, Li Yunjing's eyes lit up. He hit the "Purple Sky Divine Thunder" and killed the good corpse of Master Namo Zibu Buddha, and then turned around to face Sakyamuni Tathagata. Kill it.

"Since Fellow Taoist Chaos has this intention, the poor monk is just going to see if you have this ability!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata is also a little dissatisfied with this fifth junior brother. In the entire Jiejiao sect, he is the senior brother, but his cultivation has always been surpassed by this junior brother. The teacher also loves Chaoszi very much, and the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" "It stayed in the hands of Chaos Son for the longest time, which made Sakyamuni Tathagata jealous.

Now, he broke the religion and entered Buddhism and became the master of Buddhism. At the same time, he also practiced the Supreme Pure Immortal Dharma, Taiqing Immortal Dharma, Bodhi Dharma, and Nirvana Dharma. He considered himself the best in the world, and he happened to be fighting with the Chaos Son. Let's see who He is the master of the three realms.

"Hahaha! Today, I'll let you, the traitor, experience the art of interception and teaching!"

Facing Sakyamuni Tathagata, Li Yunjing did not dare to be careless at all. He released the three flowers on the top, and the pure immortal energy spread all over his body. The two treasures "Purple Electric Hammer" and "Luobao Money" rose and fell in the Qingyun. The "Purple Electric Hammer" continuously stimulates streams of "Purple Sky Divine Thunder".

The "Red Lotus Immortal Clothes" on Li Yunjing's body glowed red, and all of them were "red lotus karma fire" spinning around him. Each ball of "red lotus karma fire" seemed to have spirituality, forming a phoenix. , attacking Sakyamuni Tathagata.

"Just in time!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata sneered and showed the relics. At the same time, he suppressed his body with the "Pagoda of Many Treasures" and shook away the densely packed "red lotus karma fire" that was attacking. The "Devil Subduing Pestle" pointed at Li Yunjing's forehead. Smashed it over.

At this moment, the former fellow disciples and brothers no longer have a trace of friendship!

The "Slaying Immortal Sword" collided with the "Demon-Slaying Pestle". The two masters were all attacking with all their strength. The terrifying fluctuations were even greater than the previous fight between a group of quasi-sages.

In the distance, Bai Ze, Ji Meng, and Bifang were all secretly horrified. The younger generation had actually grown to such a state. Whether it was the Dao Lord of Chaos or Sakyamuni Tathagata, their cultivation levels were no weaker than Xi's. Huang, Emperor Wa, and even pursued the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Jun, and the Emperor of the East, Taiyi!

"Chaos, what a skill! Why haven't you released your evil corpse yet?"

Suddenly, Sakyamuni Tathagata shouted loudly. Under the monk's robe, he flicked his big sleeves, and the "Zhuxian Array" flew out. The five incarnations were the Fudo Ming King, the Three Generations Ming King, the Junta Li Ming King, and the Great Mighty De Ming King. Vajra Yaksha Mingwang each jumped out.

Facing such a formidable enemy as the Taoist Lord of Chaos, Sakyamuni Tathagata basically used the strongest means except for releasing the good and evil corpses. He transformed into six quasi-sages to surround and kill him.

"Duobao! Why use evil corpses to deal with you?"

Li Yunjing sneered, but secretly complained in his heart. His good corpse was Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole and could not be moved lightly. As for the evil corpse, Taoist Xinghe, he had already gone to the monastery of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva to save people.

(End of this chapter)

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