The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 163 The Dao Lord of Chaos sacrificed three times in a row, and Zhunti and Yin showed off the

Chapter 163 The Taoist Lord of Chaos sacrificed three times in a row, and showed off his shameless behavior

"Okay! Since Fellow Daoist Chaos is so rampant, today is the day you die!"

Although I don’t know why the evil corpse of the Dao Lord of Chaos doesn’t come out, this is definitely a good thing for Sakyamuni Tathagata. If at this moment, with more and less, he kills the original body of the Dao Lord of Chaos, he will be on the path to enlightenment. There is one less enemy!
Thinking of this, a pair of big hands flashed out from the back of Sakyamuni Tathagata again, slapping at the Dao Lord of Chaos.

"Superior Divine Thunder!"

Li Yunjing once again used the "Great Formation of Harmony with Light and Dust" and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared behind Sakyamuni Tathagata and struck out a divine thunder at the good corpse he had just summoned.

This Buddha, with a crown on his head, a golden body, the wisdom fist seal, and a cassock, is the incarnation of the Good Corpse of Sakyamuni Tathagata, the Many Treasures Tathagata.

Before the thunder from Chaos Dao Lord hit Duobao Tathagata, the situation changed again.

"Fellow Taoist! Even the poor Taoist knows how to use the divine thunder!"

The Tathagata Sakyamuni moved again, and the evil corpse also appeared. The image of a Taoist master of the Xuanmen was the former Taoist Duobao. As soon as this Taoist appeared, he also raised his hand and struck out a divine thunder.


At this time, Sakyamuni Tathagata had the upper hand and his morale was high. Although he saw that the formation of Chaos Dao Lord was extremely vicious, he still chose to enter the formation. However, the auras of the eight quasi-sages were connected, and they actually condensed a bright golden light from a Buddhist kingdom. In the middle, the scene of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats worshiping the Lord Buddha is revealed.

However, the Taoist Taoist Master of Chaos is also tyrannical. He uses the "Shangqing Immortal Technique", "Yuqing Immortal Technique" and "Taiqing Immortal Technique" in turn, occasionally stimulating a series of "Destruction Divine Thunder" to "torture the world". "Pan" is the source of power, which activates the magical power at the bottom of the box, "the divine light of destruction in the Great Zhoutian".

The Taoist Lord of Chaos looked gloomy, and in an instant, he was surrounded by the Tathagata Sakyamuni and his seven clones.

A stream of black light penetrated the chaos, reappearing the domineering style of the Demon God of Destruction in his battle against the chaos.

Since "Lost Treasure Money" has only appeared two or three times in total, the world knows very little about this treasure. It only knows that it can be used as a magic weapon. It does not know that this treasure has a limit on the number of times it can be used, three times a day. This fatal weakness was hidden by Li Yunjing. Damn it, no one knows.

Zuo suddenly killed again. When the "Immortal Killing Sword" was slashing, even the five great kings of the Ming Dynasty and the two corpses of good and evil had to avoid its sharp edge. As for the magic weapon of Sakyamuni Tathagata, it was attracted but not released. Facing the "falling treasure" above the head of the Taoist Lord of Chaos, "Money", the Buddhist leader was so aggrieved that he didn't dare to show off all his treasures.

"Amitabha! Since Taoist Chaos has set up an evil formation, the poor monk will take action and destroy it. Let you know the power of Buddhism and make you convinced that you have lost!"

The five masters looked at each other, and suddenly showed a fierce look, and attacked Bai Ze, Ji Meng, and Bifang again. The eight masters started fighting again, and set off a huge wave in the chaos.

Various calamities manifested themselves from the formation. Five elements calamity, thunder calamity, fate calamity, luck calamity, life and death calamity, reincarnation calamity, all kinds of calamities also came to the world opened by Chaos Tao Lord.

Every moment, the "Great Destruction Hunyuan Formation" is changing. Wuji generates Tai Chi, Tai Chi generates Liang Yi, two Yi generates Three Talents, three Talents generates Four Images, Four Elephants generates Five Elements, Five Elements generates Liuhe, Liuhe generates Seven Stars, and Seven Stars generate Bagua , the Eight Trigrams generate nine palaces, and everything returns to the ten directions.

"You guys quickly take action to get rid of the three emperors of the demon clan! Today is the best opportunity. Later, you will join the battle together and take action with me to kill Chaos!"

At the moment when Sakyamuni Tathagata entered the formation, the voice of Sakyamuni Tathagata rang out in the hearts of the five great quasi-sages, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Namo Shizibu Buddha, and Namo Great Flame Buddha.

There was a loud noise, and the two "Shangqing Divine Thunder" bombarded together, and they were even indistinguishable!

A world intertwined with endless rays of destruction was born from chaos.

The infinite power of the will formed an infinite number of golden lotuses of merit and virtue. Each lotus flower dropped down, spreading out the wisps of light of destruction that came from the attack. This Buddha actually used the world to break the world of the Taoist Priest of Chaos, and used the infinite power of the wish to break the catastrophe. .

At this moment, the "falling treasure money" can be used once. Naturally, he will not take the initiative to drop the magic weapon of Sakyamuni Tathagata. He will just hold the "falling treasure money" on his head to intimidate all directions, making the body and clone of Sakyamuni Tathagata shrink back. .

As soon as this formation came out, the eight quasi-sages who were fighting on the other side, namely the Three Emperors of the Ancient Demon Court, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Namo Shizi Stepping Buddha, and Namo Great Flame Buddha, all stopped and showed shock on their faces. , looking towards the evil formation.

This is the culmination of his Taoism, which brings together the Demon God of Destruction, the Tongtian Cult Leader, Supreme Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Saint Nuwa, and even some of the principles of Saint Zhunti and Amitabha.

After a long battle, the Dao Lord of Chaos still fell into a disadvantage. He once again used the "Great Formation of Harmony with Light and Dust" and shuttled out of the circle surrounded by Sakyamuni Tathagata. He waved his hands repeatedly, and with a "boom", "Great Destruction" The Hunyuan Formation" was set up by him.

"Duobao! If you have the ability, join my killing array!"

"Okay! Duobao, your strength is really not weak!"

On the other side, the battle in the Jiuyou Underworld was also extremely cruel. The Asura clan suddenly attacked the "Hualian Pure Land", and the ancestor of Minghe showed his power. In a short time, he slaughtered millions of Buddhist disciples.

At this moment, Lantern Past Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, Juliusun Buddha, together with the last five quasi-sage Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, stopped the powerful demon giant.

"Randeng, you loser, you didn't expect to be able to kill two corpses and fight against the ancestor!"

In the midst of laughter, Ancestor Minghe stepped on the "Twelfth-Rank Industry Fiery Red Lotus", held the "Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag" on his head, and wielded a peerless killing sword, "Yuantu" and "Abi" by just one person. Four top-quality innate spiritual treasures and a complete outfit are even more powerful than those of Amitabha, Saint Zhunti, and Nuwa.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The attacks of Lantern Past Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, Ju Liusun Buddha and others were not able to hurt Ancestor Styx at all. Two pieces of "Twelfth Grade Karma Fire Red Lotus" and "Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag" Together, the defensive treasures are like a turtle shell. Without the power of a saint, who can defeat it?

The "Yuantu" and "Abi" are also extremely ferocious. As peerless killing swords that are not weaker than the Four Swords of Execution, they are extremely sharp. When Patriarch Styx cuts and stabs, which Buddha dares to compete with them?
Wherever the blood light formed by the Styx Ancestor struck, the Buddhist quasi-sages there would retreat in defeat, not daring to fight directly to the death.

"Fellow Daoist Styx, don't be so arrogant! So what if your demonic power is overwhelming? You are the only quasi-sage in your clan, how can you be my opponent in Buddhism?"

The Buddha's face turned dark as he passed the lamp. He was the only one in the group who could fight head-on with the Patriarch of Styx. The others, including the Great Sun Tathagata and the Kuru Sun Buddha, were no match for the leader of the Asura Sect. !

"Where's that junior Duobao? Why didn't he come? Last time, the poor Taoist gave in three points, but I didn't expect that your Buddhist sect has become more serious. Let's see if you trash can kill our ancestors today!"

Looking around, the Asura army and the Buddhist reinforcements were evenly matched, and the battle between the quasi-sage and below would not come to an end soon. This made Patriarch Styx certain that in the future, Sakyamuni Tathagata might also be stopped by the Dao Lord of Chaos. , this kind of opportunity is rare. If he doesn't kill some quasi-sage-level Buddhas, he himself will be angry with himself. "Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Suddenly, an infinite amount of blood light flew out from the body of Ancestor Minghe. It was his special magical power, the 480 million Blood God Son clones. As soon as these clones appeared, some of them surrounded and killed the Buddha of the Past and the Great Sun Tathagata. , Juliusun Buddha, the five quasi-sage Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; the other part helps the four great demon kings Zizi Tianboxun, Brahma, Lust, Shiva and other top masters of the Great Luo Jinxian.

At this time, the Asura clan has become extremely powerful. In addition to the four demon kings, there are also the four demon generals Indra, Vishnu, Rutra, the ghost mother, as well as the concubine Uma and the seventy-two Asura princesses.

With so many masters gathered together, hundreds of millions of Blood God Sons, and tens of millions of Asura troops to help, the "Hualien Pure Land" and the reinforcements from Lingshan were still a little difficult to resist, and they were defeated at every turn.

"Amitabha! The situation is critical. Buddha Mahavairocana, you don't need to worry about the Styx. Please help your disciples to maintain the situation quickly."

The situation became more and more unfavorable. When Ran Deng passed by, the Buddha ignored the huge pressure on himself and gave instructions to the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha.

"Be careful!"

The Great Sun Tathagata knew that the situation was not good and had no time to chat. He said something, turned into a rainbow, and killed the Blood God Son where the clones were concentrated.

At the same time, the good corpse of Taoist Lu Ya also flew out, and the entire Netherworld was instantly enveloped by the "True Fire of the Sun". The boundless sea of ​​fire rolled in, and thousands of Asura tribesmen were turned into ashes.

The treasures of the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha were completely robbed by the Taoist Lord of Chaos, but his magical power is still there. To deal with such low-level people, it is really killing one by one. Wherever the true fire of the sun passes, everything turns to ashes. .

"you wanna die!"

A total of 300 million Blood God Sons trapped Lan Deng Buddha and the others. Ancestor Styx turned back, turned into blood light, and beheaded the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha!
The two swords of "Yuantu" and "Abi" have reached their peak. This is the strike of the ancestor of the Styx River at the pinnacle of his martial arts. The "Blood Escape Technique" cooperates with his own killing method, and evolves with the strong murderous intention of "everything in the world can be killed". The two swords that cut off the heaven and earth are coming towards the Great Sun Tathagata.

"Not good! This poor monk has no treasure and his life is at stake!"

Although the Rainbow Transformation Technique of the Great Sun Tathagata is fast, the "Blood Escape Technique" of Patriarch Styx is also not slow. Facing this attack, the Great Sun Tathagata's face turned into an earthy color.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At this moment, three streams of light came from thirty-three days away, illuminating the dim space of Jiuyou Underworld.

The violent aura burst out, and it was directed at the Ancestor Styx. He was excited in his heart. When he looked up, he saw three magic weapons coming towards him to kill him.

It was Amitabha and Taoist Taoist Zhunti's protective magic weapons, the "Green Lotus Colored Banner", "Jie Yin Bao Banner" and "Six Purity Bamboo" that were driven into the Nine Netherworld by the two saints.


Seeing this scene, the Great Sun Tathagata showed joy on his face. He chanted a Buddhist chant. He stretched out his hand and used the saint's three treasures to block Patriarch Styx's fatal blow.

"Styx! I'm a poor monk, let's see how capable you are, you want to kill me!"

With the "Blue Lotus Treasure Flag" on his head and the "Jie Yin Bao Banner" protecting his whole body, with the "Six Purity Bamboos" in his hand swept away, Patriarch Minghe realized that his six senses seemed to be sealed, and his reaction changed. De also slowed down.

"The saint is shameless!"

Ancestor Minghe cursed secretly. He did not expect that the Taoist Forbidden Saint would appear in the Three Realms, and that the two of them, Jie Yin and Zhunti, would be able to think of a way to send their magic weapons to the lower realm.

On the other side, in the chaos, the two saints Zhunti and Jieying worked hard and sent the "Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree", "Nirvana Falun" and "Seven Treasures Thousand-leaf Golden Lotus" into the "Great Destruction of Hunyuan". Formation" and handed it over to Sakyamuni Tathagata.

"Shameless villain!"

When Chaos Dao Lord saw this scene, his reaction was the same as that of the Styx Ancestor. He cursed, but he had no intention of keeping silent. His voice was loud and came out from the chaos.

The six saints are paying attention to the battle situation here at the moment, so they can naturally hear it clearly.

The Xuanmen Sanqing and Nuwa empress laughed loudly; while the Buddhist Zhunti and Amitabha looked gloomy, as if they didn't hear anything. In this battle, the Buddhist soldiers were divided into two groups and were plotted by the Taoist Lord of Chaos.

The Patriarch of Styx and the Taoist Lord of Chaos were both top level magical power users. The methods they used were so lawless that they could not be suppressed at all. Buddhism sent out a total of fifteen people with great magical power, but it was difficult for them to win. This made the two leaders Faceless.

The saint knew the outcome of victory and defeat, so he lost face by sophistry. At this time, the six spiritual treasures were passed down, not to kill Patriarch Styx and Dao Lord Chaos, but to make them retreat in the face of difficulties and let Buddhism Passed this level.

"This Zhunti and Jieyin are still so shameless."

In Xiniu Hezhou, Taoist Xinghe sneered. He was accompanied by two fellow disciples, Qiu Shou Xian and Jin Guangxian. These two people were saved by the evil corpse of Taoist Chaos.

Taking advantage of the Buddhist sects coming out, Xiniu Hezhou was empty, Xinghe Taoist destroyed two immortal mountains in a row, and the Quasi-Sage Dojo was not a good place. In this way, even if he took action personally, he still wasted some time, but everything went smoothly and he completed his goal. .

At this time, in the chaos, Bai Ze, Ji Meng, and Bifang could no longer hold on and shouted, "Fellow Taoist Chaos, withdraw!"

"Alas! What a pity! What a pity!"

With a sigh, Li Yunjing knew that it would be difficult to find a chance to challenge Duobao Taoist again. This time he did not use the "Moshi Plate" because he was mainly worried about the six saints.

This is chaos, not the Three Realms where Taoist ancestor Hongjun was banned. If Taoist Duobao is in danger of falling, the two saints from the Buddhist sect will most likely choose to take action, and the situation becomes complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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