The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 167: Preaching in Chechi Kingdom, Master Xuanzang and his disciples enter the Great Leiyin T

Chapter 167: Preaching in Chechi Kingdom, Master Xuanzang and his disciples enter the Great Leiyin Temple

"They are just three little demons from the Mysterious Immortal Realm. How can they have the courage to come here and build a dojo?"

The three six-eared macaques sneaked into the temple and saw the Great Immortal Tiger Power, the Great Immortal Deer Power, and the Great Immortal Sheep Power giving sermons and solving puzzles for a group of Taoists. Although these three people were from the demon clan, they did not have much evil energy in their bodies. Obviously Not a murderous monster.

The content of that description is certainly not worth mentioning compared to the inheritance of Jie Jiao, but what the three people explained is really the inheritance of Xuanmen, and it cannot be faked. It is not known where they encountered the immortal fate, and then they cultivated this The road goes well.

"What should I do? Brother Monkey?"

When Zhu Bajie saw this scene, he didn't know what to do. As a disciple of Xuanmen, he was naturally unwilling to kill such a Xuanmen person who had no enmity or enmity against him.

Besides, preaching to Hezhou, Xiniu, what an achievement this is!
Among the three Taoist sects, plus the three thousand disciples of the "Purple Sky Palace", except for Zhen Yuanzi and a few others who took root in Hezhou, Xiniu, the others either took refuge in Buddhism or were forced to leave their hometowns and go to the other three continents. .

There are so many Xuanmen masters who have no ability to establish a Taoist tradition in Hezhou, Xiniu, and spread the Xuanmen Way. However, these three little demons have taken control of a country. What kind of achievement is this?
It spread out and shamed all the Xuanmen big guys!
By killing these three demons who are so capable, wouldn't it mean that they are aiding the evil deeds and really helping Buddhism?
"Wait! Wait until their evening classes are over. Let's capture these three people and let me find out what happened."

The six-eared macaque was also interested in killing the three demons unwillingly.

"The three disciples established religion in the west and looked up to the Taoist saints. They destroyed Buddhism, spread the Taoist Way, and respected the glory of the Taoist immortals. They served the saints with incense all night long to express their high respect and show that the three of us converted to Taoism. .”

"What Fourth Senior Brother said is true, that's what I think. It's a pity that these three demons are dead!"

"Oh? There are such monsters? I will go there personally. If it is true as you said, I will put the three monsters into the door wall, secretly go to Chechi Kingdom, dispatch troops, and use them as my interception to target Buddhism. It’s an enclave, and I hope that one day, this free chess piece can play some role.”

Zhu Bajie was so happy that he quietly left "Sanqing Temple" with Sha Wujing and returned to the inn.

"Forget it! Brother Monkey, just subdue them, it's better not to kill them."

"By the way, senior brother, last time I invited Taishang Laojun to subdue the Golden Horn and Silver Horn in Lotus Cave. I'm afraid the leader of the Human Cult saw through my identity."

Suddenly, Zhu Bajie spoke to persuade him.

At this time, Sha Wujing's attitude made the six-eared macaque and Zhu Bajie frown slightly, especially the six-eared macaque. Unlike Zhu Bajie, a foodie, he was very concerned about the luck of the great sect and had the interests of the sect at heart. Facing this kind of person who might join Buddhism with merit, a hint of murderous intent arose in his heart.

"Okay! Let's divide the troops into two groups. Let's go back first."

After an hour, all the Taoists dispersed, leaving only the Great Immortal Hu Li, the Great Immortal Lu Li, and the Great Immortal Yang Li. They respectfully offered incense to the statue of the Three Pure Ones. The faces of the six-eared macaque and Zhu Bajie turned red, feeling secretly ashamed.

Finally, the six-eared macaque quietly went in another direction. In an instant, he ran a hundred thousand miles away, found his senior brother Yuan Hong, and told him about "Chechi Country".

Yuan Hong said proudly, at this time, it was in the midst of calamity, the secrets of heaven were not revealed, and it was difficult to calculate the roots of others. Moreover, Yuan Hong practiced the inheritance of Buddhism and Jie Jiao, and his Taoism was not low. Monkey's talent really has this confidence.

The six-eared macaque thought for a while and then told the matter.

I don’t know what mother-in-law the two brothers have. If I go down and kill these three demons with a stick, wouldn’t that mean I have passed this level?
What a simple thing!
Sha Wujing's hesitation, as he had no intention of pursuing Buddhism, brought about his own death. In the future, he would naturally have no chance to gain merit and live happily in Buddhism.

"In this case, you go back and take the certificate from the master. I will go into the palace in person, talk to the king, stamp the seal, and let us pass the customs. As for these three monsters, let them go." The six-eared macaque said.

The six-eared macaque nodded in praise, this plan is absolutely feasible.

"Junior Brother Sha, what's your opinion?"

"Well, these three little demons have no moral character. Whether they kill or not is not a big deal. My brother makes the decision."

There was still an outsider present, and the six-eared macaque did not dare to express his position easily, so he asked Sha Wujing.

They are the direct disciples of Jiejiao, and they have never paid homage to their ancestor like this. Judging from the appearance of the three demons, it is obvious that they are like this every day, and they are extremely sincere. From this point alone, they are far better than the two of them.


"As for the Sha Wujing you mentioned, just find an opportunity and do it. It just so happens that Pindao also wants to gain some merit, so he takes Sha Wujing's place and joins the scripture-gathering team. No one in Liangfo Sect can see through it!"

Yuan Hong stood up and walked around the cave. After a while, he turned to look at the six-eared macaque and said, "This matter should be fine. If the saint wanted to expose you, your true identity would have been exposed long ago. .”

"Tai Shang Laojun is the leader of the Human Religion, and the Xuanmen eldest brother certainly doesn't want Buddhism to overwhelm Xuanmen!" Yuan Hong finally said.

"Okay! Time is running out, Fourth Senior Brother, I'll go back first!"

After the two brothers discussed the countermeasures, the six-eared macaque did not dare to stay for a long time and used his magical power again to return to the "Chechi Country".

Not long after returning to "Sanqing Temple", Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing came here with customs clearance documents and entered the palace. With the ferocious looks of the three of them, how could the King of Chechi dare to say "no".

After sealing the jade seal, Master Xuanzang, who was kept in the dark early in the morning, came out of the city and continued westward at the urging of his three disciples.

Not to mention, the four members of the Xitian Buddhist scriptures went all the way to defeat the generals, but they said that in the "Chechi Kingdom", Yuan Hong and Su Daji came to the "Sanqing Temple" with several third-generation disciples of Jiejiao.

When the Great Immortal Hu Li, the Great Immortal Lu Li and the Great Immortal Yang Li saw the Xuanmen master coming to visit, they were all very happy and hosted a banquet in the temple. They were so enthusiastic that even Yuan Hong and Su Daji were a little shocked.

After talking about it in detail, I realized that it turned out that it was because I had been in Xiniu Hezhou for a long time and rarely saw real masters of Xuanmen. Therefore, these three demons were so enthusiastic when they saw a group of third-generation disciples of Jiejiao.

Then Yuan Hong saw that the three of them were pretty good and showed off a few magical powers. The three demons, the Tiger Power Immortal, the Deer Power Immortal, and the Sheep Power Immortal, were immediately shocked. He also heard from Su Daji's words that his senior brother had some disciples. idea.

"Disciple pays homage to teacher!"

These three demons have been hanging around in the imperial circle for a long time. They don't know that this master of Jiejiao is here for them, and they don't know if worshiping Sanqing for a long time has played a role. At this moment, the three demons have no time to think about it. , one by one knelt down and kowtowed.

"Get up! I will take you into the gate today. I will take time tomorrow to take you to Wuyi Mountain in Nanfangbu Continent to meet the master." Yuan Hong flicked his sleeves, lifted the three of them up, and held them again. After explaining the rules of Jiejiao, he called the three of them into the main hall alone to explain something.

"Teacher, do you have any instructions?"

Immortal Huli asked with a charming smile.

"This is the hinterland of Buddhism. For your safety, Buddhist disciples will not be persecuted in the future. The temples that were demolished will also be rebuilt."

Yuan Hong said, "As for what we can say to the outside world, the monks who came from the West to learn scriptures are powerful and have subdued you. In order to save your lives, we have announced that we must not persecute the monks. Do you understand?"

"Disciple understands!"

How do you understand the three demons of Power Great Immortal, Deer Power Great Immortal and Sheep Power Great Immortal?
They are all low-level people in the earthly immortal world. They don't understand anything at all, otherwise they would not dare to set up a dojo here. At this moment, the teacher said that no matter whether they understand or not, they must obey.

"In addition, these uncles of yours will stay here and guide you in your practice. When you reach the realm of Golden Immortal, someone will take you to Nanfanbuzhou to meet the ancestor. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Disciple understands!"

After hearing this, the three demons, Li Daxian, Luli Daxian, and Sheep Li Daxian, were overjoyed. They entered the Jie Sect and were taught the Shangqing Dharma. This simply fulfilled their lifelong wish.

"If something happens, your uncles will give you guidance. Chechi Country must be controlled by our religion, but you must also keep a low profile and not attract the attention of the Buddhist sect."

After several explanations, Yuan Hong and Su Daji stayed in "Sanqing Temple" and taught the three demons for three full months. They passed down the immortal method of Shangqing before leaving "Chechi Kingdom" and arriving in the West. The foursome are waiting for their arrival on the only road ahead.

However, after leaving the "Chechi Country", the four people from the West experienced a lot of hardships again and passed by the "Flaming Mountain". When they arrived here, they were the territory of the Bull Demon King, Princess Iron Fan, and Red Boy.

Naturally, there were six-eared macaques here to talk, and there was a fake fight between the two sides. Yuan Hong took the opportunity to kill Sha Wujing, pretended to be him, and got into the group of four Buddhist scriptures from the West. From then on, except Master Xuanzang and the Third Prince of Xihai, In addition, everyone else was intercepted and lost their bags.

The most important thing about this kind of plan to hide the secret is that Yuan Hong and the six-eared macaque have high moral standards and special backgrounds. In addition, they are in the midst of a great catastrophe. The Taishang Laojun helped conceal the secret. Otherwise, it would be difficult to hide it in another time period. More than a saint.

After passing this level, the three members of the Niu Demon King family did not dare to stay in Xiniu Hezhou. They abandoned the mountain gate for many years, packed up all their valuable belongings, and fled all the way to Nanfanbuzhou.

There is a fierce rivalry between the two sects. Even if the Bull Demon King is the mount of the leader of Tongtian Cult, the Buddhists may not dare to kill him.

The entire Jiejiao sect, some of those who participated in the pilgrimage to the West, completed the disaster, earned merit, and withdrew from Xiniu Hezhou. The other side carefully entered this land of right and wrong, preparing to make a profit.

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly by. After the summer and the scorching weather, it is time for the frosty scenery of autumn. With the help of a group of immortals and gods, the four-person group from the Western Heaven has passed the level of the Little Western Heaven.

After traveling for a month, when spring was deep and flowers were blooming, Master Xuanzang and his four friends came to a mountain ridge called Pansi Ridge. There was a cave under the ridge called Pansi Cave, and there were seven fairies in the cave.

These seven spider spirits are all under the sect of Mother Lishan, and they are the fourth generation of Jiejiao. The seven demons are here to make it difficult for people to learn scriptures. After a fight, Mother Lishan, Su Daji and others all appeared on the stage to eliminate the four Master Xuanzang. Overcome obstacles and earn their share of merit.

After passing this level, the three Taoist religions will basically no longer hinder you, and the remaining merits will be earned by Buddhists. From now on, there will be no danger in the road ahead.

On this day, Tang Sanzang's master and his disciples passed through "Tianzhu Kingdom" and officially arrived at Lingshan.

Everyone looked at this glittering holy mountain and saw the light rising straight into the sky. It seemed to be always in the light regardless of day or night.

As you climb up this holy mountain step by step, you will see the scenery of a Buddhist holy land, with fairy apes picking fruits, white cranes standing leisurely on the branches, colorful phoenixes in pairs, and green luan's facing each other.

When they reached the halfway point of the mountain, the four of them looked up and could already see the golden tile roof and the treasure pavilions and towers everywhere.

When the four of them were overjoyed, they rode up to the top of the mountain and arrived outside the gate of "Da Leiyin Temple".

The Four Great Vajras had already greeted him outside the door, saying: "The holy monk is finally here."

"Disciple Xuanzang has arrived."

At this time, Master Xuanzang had not yet recovered the memory of his previous life, so he naturally did not know that he was Jin Chanzi. When he saw the four Vajras, he quickly led his disciples to salute.

"Holy Monk, please wait for a moment. Please come in after the Junior Monk has received his instructions."

While talking, a Vajra turned around and entered the mountain gate to report to the people on duty at the second gate that Tang Monk, who was seeking Buddhist scriptures from the West, had arrived; the second gate passed the news to the third gate; the Arhat of the third mountain gate heard that the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk had finally arrived and did not dare to neglect. , hurried to the "Mahatma Hall" and reported to Sakyamuni Tathagata: "The holy monks of the Tang Dynasty came to Lingshan to obtain scriptures."

"Golden Chanzi has finally arrived!"

Even with the mind of Sakyamuni Tathagata, he could not help but be overjoyed. He immediately summoned all the Bodhisattvas, the Four Vajras, the five hundred arrows, the three thousand enlightenments, the eleven great rays, and the eighteen garlands, arranged them in two rows, and handed them down. According to the decree, Tang Monk and his disciples were summoned to the palace for an audience.

At this time, Buddhism was already very prosperous. A decree was passed down and passed down from level to level. After an hour, Jin Gang outside the mountain gate said: "Holy monk, please come in."

When they arrived at the home of Buddhism, not to mention that Master Xuanzang followed the rules, even the six-eared macaque, pig Wuneng, and Yuan Hong all felt frightened and filled with awe.

Master Xuanzang tidied up his clothes and put on the substitute cassock. The six-eared macaque followed behind him, Zhu Bajie led the horse, and Yuan Hong shouldered the burden. He did not dare to say a word. Under the guidance of King Kong in front of the door, he stepped out. Entered the mountain gate of "Da Leiyin Temple".

After passing through the palaces, the four of them finally arrived in front of the "Mahatma Hall". Even the six-eared macaque, Zhu Bajie, and Yuan Hong did not dare to be disrespectful at all. Under the leadership of Master Xuanzang, they all knelt down to worship Sakyamuni Tathagata. .

Then he followed the etiquette and bowed again and again to the Bodhisattva and others on his left and right.

In this way, the four people knelt before Sakyamuni Tathagata again. Master Xuanzang presented the "Customs Clearance Document". Sakyamuni Tathagata read it one by one and handed it to Master Xuanzang.

Master Xuanzang then said: "Disciple Xuanzang, in accordance with the decree of Emperor Taizong of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, went to Baoshan Mountain to pray for the true scriptures to help all living beings. I hope that the Buddha will show his kindness and return to China soon."

(End of this chapter)

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