The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 168: The merits are divided, the Dao Lord of Chaos goes to Lingshan

Chapter 168: The merits are divided, the Dao Lord of Chaos goes to Lingshan

Only then did Sakyamuni Tathagata speak with compassion, and with great compassion, he preached to Master Xuanzang, disparaged Dongsheng Shenzhou, praised Xiniu Hezhou, and then said: "I have Tripitaka, a total of Thirty-five volumes, including fifteen thousand one hundred and forty-four volumes. They are all the road to cultivation and the door to the righteous path. All the astronomy, geography, characters, birds and beasts, flowers and trees, utensils, and human affairs of the four major continents are incomparable. Not loaded.”

After bragging about the Buddhist teachings, he ordered the people around him: "Anuo and Gaye, please lead the four masters and disciples of Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty to the foot of the treasure tower, and treat them with fast food first. After the fast, open the treasure pavilion. Five thousand and forty-eight of the scriptures were selected and handed over to Tang Sanzang’s masters and disciples to take back to the Eastern Tang Dynasty.”

"Disciples must obey the Buddha's teachings!"

Anuo and Jiaye stepped forward and led the four masters Xuanzang out of the Mahavira Hall. At this time, the six-eared macaque, Zhu Bajie, and Yuan Hongcai let out a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that Sakyamuni Tathagata would see the flaw, otherwise they would have A hundred lives are too much to die for.

Of the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, there was still one difficulty left and it was not satisfactory enough. Anuo and Gaye made things difficult again with wordless Buddhist scriptures. After enough disasters, they passed the scriptures to Master Xuanzang and his disciples. .

This time, Master Xuanzang did not dare to neglect, and carefully checked the 5,048 volumes, which were all in one collection. Then he packed them up and prepared to return to Dongsheng Shenzhou with four people and one horse carrying them.

When I came here, I went through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships and walked a hundred and eighty thousand miles. Naturally, there was no need to be so hard on my way back. In Buddhism, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva used their great power to lower auspicious clouds and flew away, carrying four masters and one disciple. Go east and win over Shenzhou.

In less than a day, the auspicious clouds passed through the two continents and arrived in the east. Master Xuanzang gradually saw Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

Since the beginning of the Buddhist scripture collection in the West, due to the secret obstruction of the Dao Lord of Chaos, it took a full eighteen years this time and 5,048 volumes were transmitted back to the Tang Dynasty. So far, the mission of the Western Heaven Buddhist scriptures has been successfully completed.

"Sun Wukong, because you made trouble in the Heavenly Palace, I used my great magic power to suppress you under the Five Elements Mountain. Fortunately, the natural disasters were satisfied and you returned to Buddhism. And you made great achievements in refining demons and subduing monsters on the way. From the beginning to the end, you were promoted to a great position and achieved positive results. You are fighting for it. Defeat the Buddha.”

"Pindao has to go again."

The Buddhist Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Tang Sanzang, Six-eared Macaque, Zhu Bajie, Yuan Hong, including everyone in the Buddhist sect looked towards the void with burning rays of light in their eyes.

In just a short while, three thousand Buddhas, three thousand enlightenments, eight vajras, four bodhisattvas, five hundred arhats, eight hundred monks, numerous upasakas, bhikshunis, and upasikas were invited to all the heavens and caves, and the blessed land of the spiritual mountain. Venerable and holy monks, big and small, please sit on the throne and those who should stand stand on both sides.

"Fellow Taoist, this time is no different than before. I will go with you."

Finally, Sakyamuni Tathagata said to the white horse: "You carried the Bible to the East and you have done a good job. I will promote you to the Eighth Heavenly Dragon Horse."

As the reward ended, Heaven felt something. On the Lingshan Mountain, golden auspicious clouds rolled, and the mighty power of Heaven shook the world.

Sakyamuni Tathagata looked at the group of four Buddhist scripture seekers from the West, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said calmly: "Tang Sanzang, you were my second disciple in the previous life, and your name was Jin Chanzi. Because you didn't listen to the Dharma, you looked down on my greatness. Teach me, I will demote you as a true spirit and be reincarnated in the Eastern Land."

In this era, the world is becoming more and more perfect, and merit has become more and more difficult to achieve. The pursuit of scriptures in the west and the spread of Buddhism to the east have become rare events in the three realms.

After the worldly affairs were dealt with, the Eight Great Vajras sent by the Buddhists, riding on the auspicious clouds, led Tang Sanzang's master and disciples into Lingshan again.

"Zhu Wuneng, you were originally the god of water in the Tianhe and the marshal of Tianpeng. Because of your drunkenness, you played a trick on Xian'e and demoted you to the lower world to be reincarnated. Today you are happy to return to the great religion and join my ascetic. Because of your merits in shouldering the burden, you will be promoted to the right state. The messenger who cleans the altar.”

"Sha Wujing, you were originally a general who rolled up the curtains. Because you broke the glass cup, you were demoted to the lower realm. You harmed living things and ate people. Fortunately, you converted to my religion. You protected the holy monks. You have meritorious service in climbing mountains and leading horses. You were promoted to a great position and became a gold medal." An Arhat."

Taoist Xinghe smiled and said, beside him were the Holy Mother of Jinling, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Holy Mother of Wudang, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Empress, Feather Wings, Kong Xuan, and Wu Yunxian all gathered together.

Not only Buddhism, but also Heavenly Court, Jie Jiao, Chan Jiao, Human Sect, Asura Sect, and Monster Clan. All those who participated in the Western Heaven Bible Study looked forward to it. They, as participants, would be able to share some merits. .

Last time, the Dao Lord of Chaos' back-ups, Yu Yi Xian and Kong Xuan, were not used at all. A great battle in Chaos was interrupted due to the interference of the Two Saints of the West.

At this time, the merits of studying scriptures in the West were complete. Master Xuanzang and his disciples came to the "Da Leiyin Temple" again. They saw Sakyamuni Tathagata sitting on the lotus platform and commanding the two Arhats Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Tiger to ring the cloud chime.

Everyone knows that heavenly merit is coming!

Dao Lord Chaos looked at Xiniu Hezhou and showed a smile.

For a time, heavenly music could be heard in the distance, fairy music was blaring, and the sky was full of auspicious lights, full of auspiciousness.

"I am glad to take refuge now and take the true scripture. It has great merit and results. I will be promoted to a great position and achieve the right fruit. You are the Buddha of Sandalwood Merit."

This grand meeting was not a closed-door meeting of Buddhism. Sakyamuni Tathagata used great magic power to manifest the grand event in the "Great Thunder Sound Temple" in the three realms, and the powerful image of Buddhism in the "Mahatma Hall" spread throughout the prehistoric times.

This time, I happened to go to the west to bring back my three disciples.

In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, Chaos Dao Lord has also spent a lot of money, and all the Jiejiao can come out of the mountain. He is afraid that because of his layout, the Buddhists will be angry, lose their sense, and really surround and kill him.

"Supreme Master, if the Buddhist sect really wants to start a war, let's fight them and see how capable these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are!"

Wu Yunxian sneered. In his eyes, there was no such thing as fear. In the Battle of the Gods back then, he could wipe out all the Western religions and Chan religions if not for the cooperation of many saints.

To this day, his cultivation has reached the quasi-sage level, and he is still confident that he is a quasi-sage. Except for a few people in the world, no one else is his opponent at all.

"That's right! Fellow Taoist Chaos, Pindao didn't take action twice. This time, you hand over Sakyamuni Tathagata to me, and I'll see what abilities he has to be the leader of Buddhism!"

Kong Xuan also sneered again and again. In terms of strength in the world, killing Sakyamuni Tathagata is definitely the best way to become famous.

"Hahaha! Since Taoist Brother Kong Xuan said so, I will leave the traitors to you to deal with. I will personally take action and kill a few quasi-sages!"

Li Yunjing laughed, looked at his fellow disciples, and said: "This battle is not a decisive battle with the Buddhist sect, rescuing Yuan Hong, Liu'er, and Tianpeng is the main business!"

"I will obey the instructions of the Master!"

The Holy Mother of Jinling, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Holy Mother of Wudang, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Empress, Yuyi Xian, Kong Xuan and Wuyun Xian all said so.

This time, Jie Jiao has mobilized the most masters. Except for Li Yunjing, everyone else has gathered their good and evil corpses. If a fight really breaks out and a decisive battle breaks out, Jie Jiao will have at least two dozen masters here. The miraculous person.


Just when Jiejiao was about to make a move, the spiritual energy on the Lingshan Mountain was so dense that it formed a liquid. The golden auspicious clouds manifested by the Tao of Heaven became more and more prosperous, and huge golden waves rolled in the clouds.

Finally, a huge golden ball of merit slowly flew down, but before everyone in the Buddhist sect could be happy, the huge golden ball actually shot out streams of golden light, with the golden ball as the origin, radiating to the three realms and six realms.

These are all merits. Every place in "Wuyi Mountain", "Kunlun Mountain", "Shouyang Mountain", "Wuzhuang Temple", "Jiuyou Underworld", "Thirty-Three Heavens", and "Datang" has There is heavenly merit falling. God's law is impartial and there will be no mistakes!
On "Wuyi Mountain", everyone who participated in the Buddhist Buddhist scriptures gathering in the West received benefits. Li Yunjing smiled and put a bunch of merit into the sea of ​​​​consciousness and stored it.

He was not far away from killing the third corpse. These merits basically met the minimum requirements. Just to be on the safe side, Li Yunjing still needed to wait and slowly polish his magic power to its peak before deciding whether to use these merits.

Of course, this time, the biggest merits from heaven were here in Buddhism, with a full 90% of the merits landing on Lingshan Mountain.

A total of 50% of the merits fell into the hands of Sakyamuni Tathagata. These merits did not belong to him, but to the entire Buddhist sect, but as the leader of the Buddhist sect, he naturally had the right to use them.

Of the other 40%, 10% fell on some Buddhists who participated in the pilgrimage to the West, half of it fell on Samantabhadra and Manjushri, and the remaining half belonged to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

This Bodhisattva was originally beaten to ashes by those who explained the teachings, but thanks to this semi-successful virtue, his good corpse Cihang Zhenren has the hope of reuniting a trace of the true spirit of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the world and sending him back to reincarnation. , in the future, there will be a chance to start over.

As for the last 20%, it belongs to the four-person group from Xitian.

Master Xuanzang gained a unique virtue as a sutra collector. As soon as this merit fell on Master Xuanzang, his past life memories were instantly awakened, and his Taoism and magic power increased rapidly.

"Amitabha! I am the Buddha of Sandalwood Merit!"

Master Xuanzang had a complex expression on his face and recited a Buddhist chant. His Taoism reached the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal, and he directly cut out the good corpse, Golden Chanzi.

This good corpse is different from the Buddhist method of trickery. This is a real merit beheading corpse without any hidden dangers. At this time, Zhantan Merit Buddha's path has grown to the peak of the Quasi-Sage Stage before stopping.

The six-eared macaque, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Yuan Hong, and Bai Longma shared the remaining 10%.

Far away in the "Three Immortals Island", Sun Wukong was drinking with Shen Gongbao. Suddenly a golden light flew into his body. He finally broke through the realm and was promoted to Daluo Jinxian.

Although Sun Wukong escaped halfway and did not participate in the Buddhist scriptures from the West, after all, he still made contributions in some previous disasters. The justice of heaven will still make clear the settlement that belongs to Sun Wukong.

Not to mention Sun Wukong's surprise, in the "Main Xiong Palace", with the help of merit, the six-eared macaque became a master of the middle stage of the Daluo Golden Immortal, Zhu Bajie was also promoted to the Taiyi Golden Immortal Perfection, and Yuan Hong reached the late stage of the Daluo Jinxian, that is, the White Dragon Horse. In the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"Eh? No!"

After the catastrophe, the heavenly secret was revealed. Sakyamuni Tathagata suddenly changed his expression and discovered that something was wrong with him.

The amount of merit sent from heaven is wrong!
His eyes bloomed with bright golden light, and he glanced at "Sun Wukong", Zhu Bajie, and "Sha Wujing". When the golden light shone, the six-eared macaque and Yuan Hong each revealed their true bodies.

Even Zhu Bajie's deeply hidden Shangqing Immortal Technique was revealed.

"Chaos! You are shameless!"

At this time, he finally realized that Sakyamuni Tathagata was furious, and a "Tathagata Divine Palm" burst out. In this "Mahatma Palace", the leader of the religion no longer had a trace of calmness, and his ferocity was that of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. , Vajra, and Arhat are all frightened by it.

"No! Exposed!"

"It's over!"

"Ah? That Brother Monkey is actually Senior Brother Liu Er?"

Yuan Hong and the six-eared macaque were shocked. Only Zhu Bajie didn't realize it and was still shocked by the appearance of the six-eared macaque.


Even the Zhan Tan Merit Buddha beside him was shocked. Then he showed a complicated look on his face. After eighteen years and hundreds of thousands of miles, he never expected that the person next to him was actually a counterfeit.


In addition, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and others were in an uproar, never expecting that such a change would occur when the Buddha's Dharma was spreading eastwards and reaching perfection.

The Buddhist scriptures that were planned so hard by the Western Heaven were actually stolen by Jie Jiao!

This success was enough for a quasi-sage to kill the second corpse!

That is an immeasurable huge loss!
"Hahaha! Duobao, my disciple has also made great contributions to your Buddhist scriptures in the West. How can you do such a thing as killing a cunning rabbit and cooking for a lackey?"

There was a "bang", and the palm of Sakyamuni Tathagata was repelled with one palm, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos suddenly appeared in the center of Buddhism.


Yuan Hong, the six-eared macaque, and Zhu Bajie were overjoyed, but then they became worried. They looked outside the "Main Xiong Palace" and saw that no master from Jiejiao appeared anymore, and the three of them felt chilled.

I was afraid that the teacher would come in a hurry and not be prepared. This is the center of Buddhism, a land of dragons and tigers' dens!

No matter how confident they were in their teacher, Yuan Hong, Liu-eared Macaque, and Zhu Bajie still felt deeply uneasy.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Chaos, you are really looking for death! Since you entered the 'Great Leiyin Temple' today, you can't even think of getting out alive!"

Seeing the Taoist Lord of Chaos appearing, Sakyamuni Tathagata was angry at first, and then he was happy. Losing one successful virtue was nothing, as long as he killed Chaos, everything would be worth it!

Without the need of Tathagata Sakyamuni, tens of thousands of masters from the Buddhist sect surrounded the Mahavira Hall, and a siege was already taking shape.

"Duobao, today you let Pindao and his three disciples leave. Otherwise, in the Three Realms, you will fall for you. Don't blame Pindao for being so ruthless!"

Seeing the situation in front of him, Li Yunjing looked around without a trace of worry. He just rolled up his sleeves and took his three disciples into the Muster Na Sumeru space to avoid any casualties in the aftermath of the battle.

"Huangzi, when I was studying Taoism in Kunlun Mountain, you looked like a bitch, nodding and bowing to everyone you met. I really didn't expect you to be as crazy as you are now!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata was so angry that he opened his mouth to expose the shortcomings of the Taoist Priest Chaos without caring about his grace.

(End of this chapter)

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