The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 169 The Great Leiyin Temple collapsed and Lingshan fell

Chapter 169 The Great Leiyin Temple collapsed and Lingshan fell

"Duobao! You are a shameless critic of Buddhism. In front of the sentient beings of the three realms today, why don't you tell me how you became a deserter, greedy for life and afraid of death, and defected to Buddhism?"

After hearing the words of Sakyamuni Tathagata, Li Yunjing became furious and immediately started making sarcastic remarks.

The verbal exchange between the two people immediately spread throughout the three realms.

It's okay to say that the Chaos Taoist Lord was at least flattering his elders when he was not yet prosperous, and the matter of Sakyamuni Tathagata's judgment cannot be explained clearly at all.

At this moment, the heavenly secret has been revealed, and the comments of all living beings are naturally sensed by Sakyamuni Tathagata. Originally, no one dared to talk about these black histories, but if he provokes the Taoist Priest of Chaos, he must scold others and expose their shortcomings without mercy.

"Chaos! Today, I will fight you to the death!"

Completely enraged, Sakyamuni Tathagata raised unknown fire, all seven clones appeared, and violent power completely exploded in the "Mahatma Palace".

Even if this important place of Buddhism is blessed by Buddhism day and night, it is still difficult to bear the wrath of the Lord of Buddhism.


The halberd in Kong Xuan's hand kept attacking Sakyamuni Tathagata. At the same time, his natal magical power, the five-color divine light, kept flickering to capture the Buddha.

Sakyamuni Tathagata was startled and did not dare to be hit by these five rays of light. He retracted his palm and dodged away. However, in an instant, that palm struck Kong Xuan again!

"Chaos! You are shameless! Do you dare to fight me?"

With vigilance in his heart and unwilling to be outdone in his mouth, Kong Xuan moved, and figures flashed around Sakyamuni Tathagata. The speed was so fast that even a quasi-sage could not fully see where Kong Xuan's true body was.

After so many years of intelligence investigation, Li Yunjing naturally knew that this person was a die-hard member of Buddhism and had completely forgotten the kindness of Jie Jiao. If this was the case, what kind of kindness could there be?
If you can't fight against Sakyamuni Tathagata, then take the opportunity to eliminate some traitors and let the world understand that this is the consequence of betraying Jie Jiao!

Seeing that Lord Chaos ignored him and instead attacked the Buddhas and killed one of his die-hard supporters, Sakyamuni Tathagata was furious. However, the others were no match for Lord Chaos and could not kill him. Stop them and encircle them.

Kong Xuan was shocked and shocked, and after a life-and-death confrontation, he realized why this person was able to take charge of Buddhism. It was indeed not something that ordinary people with great supernatural powers could compare to!

Although I don’t know who Kong Xuan is, Sakyamuni Tathagata is so angry that no matter who stands in front of him, he will die!

Suddenly, behind Kong Xuan, five colors of light, green, yellow, red, black and white, flashed out and rolled towards Sakyamuni Tathagata.

"Duobao! I won't fight with you today, but someone wants to test your strength!"

"Hahaha! The leader of Chaos naturally disdains fighting with a traitor like you. Kong Xuan, a poor fellow, comes to meet you for a while!"

As the first peacock in the world, Kong Xuan used his five fundamental feathers to evolve the supreme supernatural power of the five elements and the five-color divine light.

"Huh? You are a nobody, but you do have some magical powers!"

"The Lord of Buddhism is nothing more than that!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata sneered and slapped Kong Xuan, who was trying to kill him, with a palm. This palm contained the "Supreme Pure Immortal Dharma", "Tai Qing Immortal Dharma", "Bodhi Dharma" and "Nirvana Dharma". The saint's great ways are integrated together, and the initial understanding is so powerful that it is simply unparalleled.

"Awesome! You are worthy of being the leader of a religion!"

With a "bang", someone broke a big hole in the Main Hall outside. Kong Xuan, the son of Phoenix, who had been promoted to a great magical power during the period of being a god, entered the "Main Xiong Palace".

This person is exactly the person who used to intercept the religion, and later turned to the West. Now he has become a Buddha, and his Taoism has reached the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Seeing Sakyamuni Tathagata coming with the seven great incarnations, Li Yunjing stepped aside, and slapped one of the Buddhas to death, the Great Luo Jinxian.

"How dare an unknown person be so presumptuous?"

In the main hall, the towering giant pillars seemed to be making noise, unable to continue to support a huge palace comparable to a country.

The five-color divine light is divided into five colors: blue, yellow, red, black, and white, which correspond to the power of the five elements of heaven and earth. Nothing cannot be brushed and nothing cannot be destroyed. As long as you are among the five elements, you must be innately restrained by them.

Sakyamuni Tathagata was shocked when he saw this magical power for the first time, but he did not dare to be careless for fear of losing face in the three realms.

The two of them fought together to a close match, but Sakyamuni Tathagata had the absolute advantage. His incarnations of the five great enlightened kings had already led the Buddhas to besiege the Taoist Lord of Chaos.

At this time, he and Kong Xuan were fighting. Only the good and evil corpses of each other and the true deity took action. Sakyamuni Tathagata did not use magic weapons to firmly suppress Kong Xuan, who used all his methods.

"The others spread out and set up a great Bodhi formation around them! All the great supernatural beings and the poor monks will surround and kill the Chaos Son!"

After lighting the lamp, the Buddha roared. Juliusun Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Manjushri Bodhisattva took the lead. A dozen quasi-sages took action at the same time. The violent power of the Buddha shook the "Mahatma Hall" and shook violently.

"Buddhist villain! Don't try to win with more!"

At this moment, Taoist Xinghe took the lead. The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, Zhao Gongming, the Yunxiao Empress, Yu Yixian, Wuyunxian, and a group of quasi-sages who intercepted the teaching finally took action.

According to the previous instructions of Dao Lord Chaos, this group of quasi-sages came in, targeting those who apostatized. With so many quasi-sages and the good corpses released, the violent power destroyed the "Mainxiong Palace", leaving hundreds of originals behind. The traitor Da Luo Jinxian who intercepted the teaching died!

"Okay! Your Jiejiao is going to start an all-out war with our Buddhist sect!"

At a glance, all the great supernatural beings who intercepted the teachings were here. Sakyamuni Tathagata's heart sank. The biggest crisis for Buddhism had come.

"Dang! Dang! Dang"

The bells kept ringing, and the entire "Da Leiyin Temple" was completely enveloped by the light of Buddha. The entire Lingshan Mountain seemed to be resurrected, and the Buddhist aspiration accumulated over the endless years was boiling.

The two saints Amitabha and Zhunti once placed countless prohibitions here, and at the most critical moment, they were finally activated.

"Buddhism is indeed unfathomable!" Dao Lord Chaos looked serious, looking at the Buddha's light that was heading straight towards Thirty-three Heavens. He, a quasi-sage in the late stage of cultivation, had to be careful to deal with it.

"Everyone! Enter the formation and work with me to activate the 'Great Destruction Hunyuan Formation'!"

The Taoist Lord of Chaos turned back, used the "Purple Electric Hammer" and continuously released the "Purple Sky Divine Thunder", repelling Ran Deng and the others, and joined the main force of the Taoist Xinghe.

A group of quasi-sages gathered together, and the power of the "Great Destruction Hunyuan Formation" was pushed to the extreme. The great destruction divine light swept in all directions. Each divine light contained the power of the quasi-sage. For a time, Wu Guang and Gold and light coexist.

The two kinds of light were intertwined. Although there was a lot of golden light, it had the upper hand, but the black light was so fierce that it was difficult to be completely subdued. It actually formed a temporary balance.

"Sakyamuni Tathagata, you are worthy of being the master of Buddhism, with powerful magic power. This is not a good opportunity for you and me to have a decisive battle. I will argue with you in the future!"

Seeing the "Great Destruction Hunyuan Formation" turning into a black cloud, Kong Xuan knew that it was not a one-on-one fight, so his "Five-color Divine Light" came out and forced back one thousandth of Sakyamuni Tathagata. In an instant, he flew into the black clouds and became one of the formation eyes.

"Bodhi Sacrifice Formation!"

"Sacrifice the Tathagata Vajra Treasure Formation!"

"Sacrifice to the Grand Wheel Ming King Formation!"

The people who were intercepted rushed for a while, and all the restrictions on the Lingshan Mountain were opened. The Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajra, Jialan, Bhikkhus, etc. finally calmed down their minds and formed a group under the orders of the Buddhist quasi-sages. One big formation after another was formed.


This is the strength of the sects!
In terms of overall strength, Buddhism is powerful, coupled with the benefits of the landlords, and the blessing of the power of faith condensed by hundreds of millions of living beings, this explosion is simply earth-shattering, and the terrifying power even spreads from Xiniu Hezhou to the three realms Six paths.

In the Jiuyou Underworld, a layer of black light shield first rose up, protecting the entire underworld from being affected by the war between the two religions.

Then, on the thirty-three days, the Heavenly Court had thousands of auspicious auras running through the heavens and the earth. The heavenly palaces were one after another, and the power of the stars in the sky fell down. In addition to protecting the important land of the Heavenly Court, there was also some power of the stars. Gathered together, pointing to Xiniu Hezhou in the distance.

This is the back-up plan of Emperor Ziwei in the North Pole of Zhongtian. As long as he encounters a life-and-death crisis, the tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals from "Ziwei Heaven" can evolve into the "Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation" at any time to send troops to Buddhism to fight against Buddhism's immortality. endlessly!

In addition, the Chanjiao, Renjiao, Ancestral Witch Hall, Beiming Palace, Wuzhuang Temple, the dojos of the great sects and many great supernatural power practitioners all raised colorful divine rainbows, protecting their respective spheres of influence.

At the same time, a group of great supernatural beings all looked towards Lingshan, each with a look of horror in their eyes. Since the Lich Tribulation, there has not been such a terrifying war in the wilderness.

There were too many great supernatural beings participating in the battle, as many as thirty or forty people. The formations of both sides were on the Lingshan Mountain, and they were attacking each other. Every blow penetrated the heaven and earth and spread to the three realms and six paths.

In the end, these great supernatural beings could not even see clearly the status of both sides on the battlefield. They could only see a ball of golden light and a ball of black light fighting each other. Gradually, the spiritual mountain collapsed.

Xiniu Hezhou began to shake violently, and the terrifying earthquake spread from Xiniu Hezhou to the four seas and the other three continents.

"Brother, what should I do? This is not the way to go!"

In the "Great Destruction Hunyuan Formation", Empress Yunxiao couldn't help but ask, and now only she can ask this question.

"Nothing! Everything is still under control. The reinforcements from Ziwei Palace and Wuyishan have not moved yet, and the outcome is still unknown!"

Li Yunjing chuckled. This was a test. The people they taught were all masters and could hold on. But Buddhism was in dire straits. Even if it had the absolute upper hand, it was unknown whether millions or thousands had died since the war broke out. Tens of thousands of Buddhas, even the Great Luo Jinxian, as many as one or two hundred people perished.

Naturally, everyone has their own opinions on who made the profit, but in Li Yunjing's heart, he really made the profit. The benefits brought by the Buddhist organization's study of Buddhist scriptures in the west and the spread of Buddhism eastward may not be able to make up for this huge loss!

In the future, there will be times when Buddhism will give you a headache!
"Lord Buddha, what should we do? If this continues, it will be difficult to completely kill Chaoszi and the others, and in our decisive battle in Hezhou, Xiniu, our losses will be too great!"

Ran Deng felt a little headache after passing by. Experts like them could naturally see clearly what Dao Lord Chaos was aiming for.

But they can't do it without fighting. If they don't use a large formation to fight against Jie Jiao, they will be defeated by Jie Jiao's people one by one. But against each other, it seems that their territory can no longer be maintained.

"Zi Chaos, if you have the ability, enter Chaos and let us fight to the death!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata didn't know what the Buddha said in the past. But at this moment, he couldn't help himself. The "Great Destruction Hunyuan Formation" of the Jie Sect turned into a black cloud, shrouding the ruins of Lingshan. .

In a short period of time, he was beaten and beaten to death, which gave him a terrible headache!
Unless Sakyamuni Tathagata can imitate what he did during the Great Lich Tribulation, the witches and monsters ignored them, and even if the world was shattered and the earth was re-opened, a winner would still have to be determined.

Not to mention whether Sakyamuni Tathagata can bear this cause and effect, even if he wants to destroy the world, there are six saints above him and the supreme Taoist ancestor Hongjun, who cannot tolerate his arrogance.

"Hehe! Today, Pindao is not willing to make enemies with Buddhism. He only wants to eradicate the rebellion of Jiejiao. As long as you Buddhism is willing to hand over these traitors, Pindao promises that he will immediately withdraw from Xiniu Hezhou and make good relations with Buddhism. There will be no more conquests between the two religions. !”

No deceiver would believe these words, but Li Yunjing said it anyway, just to make the traitors of the Chan religion and the original people of the Western religion feel dissatisfied with the traitors of the Intercept religion headed by Sakyamuni Tathagata.

If the people's hearts are scattered, it will naturally be difficult to gather them again. In this way, it will weaken Buddhism, which is considered a worthwhile trip.

As for completely conquering Buddhism, I have not even thought about it. The great prosperity of Buddhism is determined by the way of heaven. If it goes against the general trend of heaven, it will naturally not end well.

At this moment, Li Yunjing was just testing the red line of heaven's way repeatedly to find out the bottom line of Taoist ancestors and saints!
"Amitabha! Chaos Son, since you are stubborn and stubborn, don't blame the poor monk for being cruel. You are also responsible for the broken world of the immortal world!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata finally gave up his fantasy and wanted to use the bottom-pressing formation in the hands of Buddhism to gather the power of Buddhism to completely eliminate Chaoszi and his party.

As for whether the sky collapses and the earth breaks apart, or whether hundreds of millions of living beings die, Buddhism has nothing to do with it.

He gathered half of the merits of the eastward transmission of Buddhism that had just been obtained by Sakyamuni Tathagata in the palm of his hand. He only heard Sakyamuni Tathagata shout: "Buddhist disciples, arrange the 'Nirvana of Reincarnation Array'!"

"Yes! Follow the Buddha's decree!"

All the Buddhas shouted in unison, and the scattered Buddhist formations began to evolve again, including the "Bodhi Sacrifice Formation", the "Tathagata Vajra Treasure Sacrifice Formation", the "Maharam Ming King Sacrifice Formation", etc., there were dozens of formations. The combination of Dharma and Pisces makes up the two colors of gold and black.

(End of this chapter)

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