The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 175 Buddhism takes action, and the three monkeys of chaos descend from the mountain.

Chapter 175 Buddhism takes action, and the three monkeys of chaos descend from the mountain.
The eight great Vajras, the Yamantaka Vajra, the Vajra Shera Lotte, the Poison-Repelling Vajra, the White Pure Water Vajra, the Purple Sage Vajra, the Calamity-holding Vajra, the Huang Suiqiu Vajra, and the Red Fire-generating Vajra, left the "Vajra Realm" and flew towards Nanfanbuzhou.

At this moment, Master Changmei and Marshal Tianpeng are constantly fighting. Although they are at an absolute disadvantage, they are all Daluo Jinxian after all, so there is no problem in saving their lives. He even brought his disciples Qi Shuming, Xuanzhenzi, Shuxing Toutuo, and some third-generation disciples, constantly Withdrew from the "Magu Mountain" boundary.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy?"

With the rise of Tianpeng Marshal Killing, he took a breath and suddenly transformed into hundreds of "Tianpeng Marshal". These magical incarnations cooperated with the disciple Ziyang Zhenren to pursue Qi Shuming, Xuanzhenzi, Shushan Tutuo and other disciples of the Shushan sect.

For a moment, the disciples of the Shushan sect with poor temperament cried for their fathers and mothers, but this time they were finally kicked on the iron plate and were chased like rabbits. It was really a cycle of cause and effect, and retribution was unpleasant.

"Huh? Not good! The Buddhist people are here!"

Suddenly, Marshal Tianpeng's head buzzed, and he sent a message to Master Ziyang, saying: "Go back to the mountain quickly and activate the formation!"

Master Ziyang was stunned. Although he didn't know what happened, he must obey the teacher's instructions. He shouted and led his disciples, not to chase the Shushan disciples, but turned around and flew towards "Magu Mountain".

"Huh? The people from the 'Beidi Sect' are not going to chase them anymore?"

Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Xu Xing Tu Tuo and others took a deep breath, but when they saw that there were only more than a hundred disciples left around them, they felt like crying without tears. This was the essence of the sect!
This time, in order to eradicate the "Beidi Sect" and conquer "Magu Mountain", the disciples of the Shushan Sect are all extremely outstanding. Many of them have the qualifications to become immortals. Now that they are all gone, they may not be able to do so for at least hundreds of thousands of years. compensate for this loss.

"I see, I didn't expect that this canopy would be a traitor to Buddhism!"

Although Bada Jingang despises the Shushan Sect's style in his heart, making friends with the Shushan Sect is one of the strategies set by the Buddhist sect. It is so confusing that people under the Human Sect and the Buddhist sect have become friendly friends. This is simply like a joke.

"It turns out that an eminent Buddhist monk came to help me! This poor Taoist has grown his eyebrows and is polite!"

"Fellow Daoist Changmei, you're welcome! Tianpeng was originally the messenger of our Buddhist Pure Altar. He betrayed Buddhism and joined the Jie Cult. The eight of us are here to eradicate this traitor!"

This kind of thing is naturally extremely embarrassing. Fortunately, everyone in the Shushan Sect is a late scholar with little knowledge and does not understand the truth behind it. This Yamantaka can talk nonsense seriously.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, how dare Marshal Tianpeng not run?

Master Changmei couldn't help but frown. He called his disciple several times, why didn't he answer?
Turning around, he saw the disciple's strange behavior and couldn't help shouting: "What's wrong with you?"

Yamantaka said indignantly, but he did not mention at all that Tianpeng was originally a member of the Jiejiao sect, but the Taoist Lord of Chaos used a hidden method to sneak him into the scripture-seeking team, and he gained a lot of merit in vain.

Before anyone arrived, the sound came first. The eight great Vajras, including the Yamantaka Vajra, the Vajra Sheng Lok Tian, ​​the Poison-Repelling Vajra, the White Purifying Water Vajra, the Purple Sage Vajra, the Calamity Holding Vajra, the Huang Suiqiu Vajra, and the Red Fire-generating Vajra, greeted the disciples of Shushan Sect. .

Master Changmei nodded and asked: "What is the origin of this 'Beidi Sect'? Will it attract help from those who intercept the sect?"

At this time, after listening to the conversations of several powerful Da Luo Jinxian men, Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Xu Xing Tutuo and others were surprised and thought: "I never expected that a mere 'Beidi Sect' could have dozens of disciples..." When it comes to interception, we really got into big trouble this time.”

"Long eyebrow! You shameless Taoist! You can't beat your Grandpa Pig, but you asked people from Buddhism for help. Just wait, your Grandpa Pig is not done with you!"

Yamantaka smiled slightly and consoled him.

Just now, after being violently attacked by Marshal Tianpeng, Changmei Zhenren had no energy to observe his surroundings. Now he saw eight Buddhist monks arriving, and he understood why Marshal Tianpeng had the upper hand but retreated on his own initiative.

I didn't know what happened before, but now I have been fighting with Tianpeng for a long time. What kind of trouble has my disciples caused? Master Changmei finally understood that Jiejiao was involved, and he felt uneasy in his heart.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist Changmei! You and I have a close relationship. The affairs of your Shushan sect are our business. We Buddhists will not stand idly by when the Jie sect comes. Even if the eight of us can't do it, there are still many Bodhisattvas behind us. , Buddha?”

"Fellow Taoists of the Shushan Sect, don't worry! The poor monk 'Vajra Realm', the Valkyrie Vajra, is here to help you subdue this beast!"

Thinking of this, Qi Shuming, the supreme headmaster, couldn't help but turn pale, and there was even a slight cold sweat on his forehead.

Seeing that the disciples had retreated into the mountains, Marshal Tianpeng raked it out, swayed, turned around and left. The Buddhist master's terrifying aura was overwhelming, and his deep malice was aimed at himself.

"Shu Ming. Shu Ming"

"My Shushan sect chased demons everywhere and robbed fellow Xuanmen's dojos, but I didn't encounter any trouble. I'm really lucky that this level has passed. You must be careful."


"Teacher called me?"

"It's nothing! Maybe after a big battle, I'm a little tired and can't concentrate. I'm sorry, teacher!"

Only then did Qi Shuming react and apologized again and again.

"Hurry and call for battle at Magu Mountain. Those people from the Beidi Sect have killed so many members of our Shushan Sect. This revenge must be avenged!"

Seeing that his disciple was fine, Master Changmei gave the order.

"Yes! Disciple, obey!"

After reorganizing the troops, more than a hundred Shushan disciples lined up again, followed by Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Shuxing Toutuo and other senior Shushan sect officials, and surrounded "Magu Mountain" again.

"Listen, Beidi faction! Come out and surrender quickly, otherwise the eminent Buddhist monk will use his magic power to subdue demons and break into your mountain gate, and none of you will survive!"

The ascetic Tutu regained his morale again and was the first to step forward and shout again.

"Teacher, what should I do?"

In the "Little Zhoutian Starlight Array", Master Ziyang looked sad and asked the teacher.

"What can be done? The Buddhist sect dispatched eight Daluo Jinxian, plus the Xuanmen scum Changmei, there are so many masters, how can I be my opponent?"

Marshal Tianpeng looked depressed. He had never thought that after so many years, this Buddhist monk would still be determined to kill him.

With so many masters dispatched at once, how could he be a match for the enemy outside? The right way was to guard the mountain gate at this moment and wait for reinforcements from his fellow sects.

Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole naturally cannot send out heavenly soldiers and generals to attack Buddhism and human religion. That would be a huge responsibility and would be difficult to deal with in the future. Conflicts between sects will naturally be handled by the people of the sects. Wuyi Mountain.

In recent years, Taoist Chaos has been in seclusion, and Empress Yunxiao has basically made the final decision on matters in the religion. At this moment, she received a message from Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole and understood the crisis of "Magu Mountain".

He hurriedly sounded the alarm, summoned Yuan Hong, the six-eared macaque, and Sun Wukong, told the matter, and asked the three guardians to personally resolve the cause and effect with Buddhism.

"Okay! This Buddhist sect is endless, and it still dares to ask us to settle the cause and effect, so let's give it a try and see who ends up with whom!"

Yuan Hong sneered and said, he is now the pinnacle master of Daluo Jinxian, and he will take advantage of this battle to kill a corpse and become a quasi-sage.

"Not bad! My old grandson's hands are itchy too. I have been doing nothing in the Flower and Fruit Mountain these past years. I want to fight these bald donkeys to kill the boring days."

Sun Wukong agreed. Since he joined the Jiejiao, he has been living a carefree life. His cultivation has steadily improved over the years. At this moment, he has the cultivation of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. With his amazing talent, he is much better than Zhu Bajie.

The same is true for the six-eared macaque, which also has the cultivation level of the late Daluo Jinxian.

Of the four monkeys of chaos, the Taoist Lord of Chaos had only three of them. The three of them joined forces and were extremely powerful. Empress Yunxiao was naturally extremely reassured about them. She told them a few words to be careful, and then asked them to rescue people quickly.

"Senior brother is in seclusion and cannot disturb his practice. Buddhism is coming fiercely, and there will definitely be more than this manpower. For the sake of safety, it is better to go to Mount Emei and ask my elder brother to come out."

Empress Yunxiao sat quietly for a moment and murmured to herself. Then, her figure gradually became illusory and disappeared into the quiet room.

Buddhism, Jiejie, and the Shushan sect of the human religion are at odds. The disciples of the two sides are fighting each other. The big figures in the sect have their own plans and invite people to come out. The world of immortality is once again turbulent because of the four sects.

At this moment, on "Magu Mountain", Tianpeng naturally did not dare to go out to fight with the Buddhist masters. The "Little Zhoutian Starlight Formation" was beaten to the point of collapse by the nine Daluo Golden Immortals.

Marshal Tianpeng and the members of the "Beidi Sect" were sweating profusely and almost collapsed.

"Damn it! If no one comes, I will become a dead pig!"

Marshal Tianpeng was a little desperate. This "Little Zhoutian Starlight Array" had experienced a battle before and was somewhat damaged. Although it was rearranged by himself, it could not withstand the joint attack of the nine Daluo Golden Immortals.

According to Marshal Tianpeng's estimate, this formation might be broken in just a cup of tea.


Suddenly, an earth-shaking loud noise erupted outside the formation, and the entire "Magu Mountain" seemed to be shaking.

When Marshal Tianpeng looked outside, he suddenly became energetic, grinned widely, laughed loudly, and said: "The reinforcements are coming!"

It was Yuan Hong, the six-eared macaque, and Sun Wukong who arrived. These three have the magical power to soar into the clouds and ride on the mist. The land of the Three Realms can come and go whenever they want. "Magu Mountain" and "Wuyi Mountain" both belong to the Nanfangbu Continent.

How could this distance delay the business?
"Idiot! Why don't you come out and settle the karma with the Buddhist thief Bald?"

Sun Wukong raised his cudgel and hit Huang Suiqiu's golden body with a "bang". This stick smashed it into the void, staggering and almost falling into the auspicious cloud.

"Hahaha! Fourth senior brother! Sixth senior brother! Brother Monkey! You are finally here. If you wait a little longer, the old pig will become a dead pig!"

Instructing Master Ziyang and the others not to come out, Marshal Tianpeng took a breath, came out of the formation with the "nine-tooth nail rake", and smashed it at Master Changmei.

But this old pig was trying to take advantage of the situation. He knew that the Eight Great Vajras of Buddhism were powerful, and when he was tired, he seemed to be no match for him, so it was better to choose the soft persimmon and the long-browed immortal to attack.

"Damn Zhutou, he found Pindao again!"

Master Changmei cursed secretly, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. When Yuan Hong, Six-eared Macaque, and Sun Wukong came, they launched an aggressive attack. Every time, the area of ​​a hundred thousand miles was trembled.

Lands collapsed and the ground cracked, rivers flowed backwards, and dense forests collapsed. The aftermath of this kind of battle was so severe that Master Changmei really didn't dare to come forward to fight. At this moment, he was fighting with Marshal Tianpeng, and Mo Yanggong integrated his thoughts. .

As for the Shushan sect disciples such as Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, and Shuxing Toutuo, they all ran out long ago without being reminded by Master Changmei, staying far away from the fight between these masters.

These bumpkins from the Shushan Sect finally saw how deep the waters of the prehistoric era were. Just a battle at the Daluo Jinxian level left Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, and Ascetic Tutu stunned.

"Oh my god! There are so many masters! We have been fighting demons and slaying demons for many years, but we have never met a real master. It is truly blessed by a saint!"

Xuan Zhenzi murmured to himself, his eyes seemed to be a little distracted. Thousands of miles away in the void, the power displayed by the thirteen Daluo Golden Immortals was shocking. Each one of them could easily destroy the Shushan Sect.

The millions of disciples of the Shushan sect are just a simple number in front of such masters. If they are slaughtered, within half a day, the entire Shushan will be wiped out.

"It seems that our route is wrong. The right way is to train experts with all our strength. The strength of many people is very powerless in front of experts and it will not work!"

Qi Shuming looked ugly and said to the two senior brothers.

"Cultivating masters cannot be accomplished overnight. It has been many years since the three of you and I were promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal. The realm of Daluo is still far away. We still have to continue to enrich our power, but we can no longer accept the qualifications as we did before. From now on, our Shushan Sect should regard becoming an immortal as a criterion for recruiting disciples!”

The ascetic shutu said thoughtfully.

Even though this person was a Buddhist sect who joined the Shushan sect, his heart was biased towards Buddhism, but he had been in the Shushan sect for a long time and got along with everyone day and night, and had a close relationship. He also regarded the Shushan sect as his own home, and at this time, he also helped make suggestions.

"Yes! What senior brother said is very good! From now on, Shushan Sect will recruit disciples according to this plan!"

Qi Shuming nodded. He understood the consequences of this selection method. Slowly, it would be enough for the Shushan sect to have 18,000 people. There would never be the current prosperous age of millions of sword cultivators.

"You bald donkeys dare to cause trouble for me, Taoist Master, I will send you to hell today!"

At this time, the thirteen Daluo Golden Immortals fought for a while, and Yuan Hong suddenly sacrificed the "Xuanming God Iron Star". The black light flashed, and it hit the center of the eyebrows of the Scarlet Fire Vajra. With a "bang", a big head exploded, Red and white splashed and collapsed everywhere.

As soon as the relic of the Scarlet Fire Vajra escaped, Yuan Hongqing picked up the "Star Stick" and smashed it down, smashing the relic that had been made with so much painstaking efforts into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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