The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 176: The innate spiritual treasure shows off its power, and the two sects fight again

Chapter 176: The innate spiritual treasure shows off its power, and the two religions fight again

On the battlefield, no one expected that Yuan Hong still had an innate spiritual treasure in his hand. This blow was fast and cruel. In one thousandth of an instant, a Buddhist Vajra was completely turned to dust.

"Chi makes fire!"

When the seven great Vajras, including the Yamantaka Vajra, the Vajra Shera Lotte, the Poison-Repelling Vajra, the White Pure Water Vajra, the Purple Sage Vajra, the Calamity Holding Disaster Vajra, and the Huang Suiqiu Vajra, saw this scene, their eyes were about to split and they cried out in sorrow.

"Yuan Hong, you are looking for death! This poor monk will kill you!"

Yamantaka roared angrily, and struck Yuan Hong hard with the "Devil Subduing Pestle" in his hand.


Yuan Hong sneered when he heard the "Star Stick", "You juniors like Yamantaka, you have been roaming the world since the time when Master Dao became a god. You were still sucking milk at that time! If Master Dao doesn't provoke you Buddhists, how dare you If you knock on your door, you are simply seeking death!"

"Ouch! I'm so angry at the Buddha!"

The "Demon-Conquering Pestle" kept falling from the hands of Yamantaka, but Yuan Hong couldn't help it. Hearing Yuan Hong's taunting words, he was so angry that his face turned red and his ears were filled with smoke. He suddenly took off a string of rosary beads hanging around his neck.

The five masters of Yamantaka, Vajra She Lotte, Poison-Repelling Vajra, White Purifying Water Vajra, and Purple Sage Vajra turned pale, and they saw the scene they least expected to see.

"Bujingang Demon Subduing Formation!"

Without looking at the rosary beads, Yuan Hong's body also showed a golden light. It turned out to be the Buddhist golden body. "Dang dang dang" eighteen rosary beads hit Yuan Hong's body without causing any harm.

At this moment, the golden body displayed by Yuan Hong was even deeper than that of an orthodox Buddhist disciple like him. This "Eight-nine Mysterious Skills" had been refined to the seventh level by Yuan Hong, which made Yamantaka feel like he was in a dream.

The rosary beads were filled with golden light in his hand, and they hit important positions around Yuan Hong's body one by one.

"Master Dao, let me show you how awesome you are!"

"No! This beast is so fast!"

This is the power of Xiantian Lingbao!

"Hahaha! The Pindao Association has many tricks! How could you, a mere junior, know that!"

Yuan Hong's two sharp claws pierced through the chest of the Fixed and Holding Disaster Vajra and clawed out his heart. The six-eared macaque took the opportunity to hit it with a stick, and with a "bang", the entire body of the Fixed and Holding Disaster Vajra was , were smashed into a meat pie, and the relic was swallowed by the golden-winged roc bird transformed by Yuan Hong.

How did these juniors from the Buddhist sect know that Yuan Hong had obtained the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques" personally prepared by Saint Zhunti. The cause and effect of this set of protective magical techniques had already been resolved by the Chaos Taoist Lord. There would naturally be no future troubles if he used it now. .

Yuan Hong laughed proudly, and kept moving his hands. Even if Vajra Sheng Lo Tian and Vajra Vajra joined in to attack him, they would still be able to do it with ease without any confusion.

"It's just a little trick! How can I get Pindao?"

At the same time, the innate spiritual treasure "Xuanming Shen Iron Star" flashed, piercing the void in an instant, and smashed Huang Suiqiu's brain again. Sun Wukong took advantage and got a relic in vain.

When Yamantaka saw Yuan Hong's methods, he couldn't help but be shocked. He is a Buddhist Vajra and is responsible for protecting the Tao. He also practices the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques. The word "Vajra" comes from this golden body. .

The seven great Vajras, including the Yamantaka Vajra, the Vajra Shera Lotte, the Poison-Repelling Vajra, the White Purifying Water Vajra, the Purple Sage Vajra, the Calamity Holding Vajra, and the Huang Suiqiu Vajra, finally understood that the seven of them seemed unable to defeat Yuan Hong, the six-eared macaque, and Sun Wukong. , want to set up a formation and then fight with it.

Seeing the five masters of Yamantaka, Vajra Sheng Lotte, Poison-Repelling Vajra, White Purifying Water Vajra, and Purple Sage Vajra surrounding him, Yuan Hong swayed, transformed into a golden-winged roc, and suddenly rushed out of the circle surrounded by the five Vajras. The sharp claws fiercely grabbed the Calamity Vajra, and the "Xuanming God Iron Star" flashed again, sprayed out from the mouth, and shot at Huang Suiqiu Vajra.

"Yuan Hong! How did you secretly practice my Buddhist Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques?"

Since the beginning of the world, there have been countless innate spiritual treasures. Many treasures have long since disappeared and are carefully collected by those with great supernatural powers. In recent years, monks active in the immortal world have rarely seen innate spiritual treasures.

"How can it be so easy?"

The six-eared macaque sneered, and a "Supreme Divine Thunder" was condensed in his palm to strike at the Fixed Disaster Vajra; at the same time, Sun Wukong once again trapped Huang Suiqiu Vajra, making it impossible for the two Vajra to escape, and unable to unite the seven of them, and set up a formation .

Even this thing has become an existence that only hears its name but cannot see its form.

This time, Yuan Hong suddenly sacrificed his innate spiritual treasure. It was true that a god could kill a god if he blocked it, and a Buddha could kill a Buddha if he blocked it. No diamond could stop his attack.

For a moment, not to mention the remaining five Vajras, even Master Changmei of the Shushan Sect and a group of disciples turned pale. This battle has been a complete failure. If the fight continues, no one will survive.

"Xu Ming, you quickly lead everyone to retreat and preserve the inheritance of our Shushan sect!"

Suddenly, Qi Shuming's ears heard the words of his teacher, Master Changmei. Seeing that the situation was not good, Master Changmei had the idea of ​​letting his disciples escape.

He was the founder of the Shushan sect, and the eminent monks from the Buddhist sect came to help, but they could not leave. The others had no strength and could not help, so they evacuated the place. Afterwards, the Buddhist sect could not say anything.


Qi Shuming sighed, winked at Xuan Zhenzi and Ascetic Tutu, greeted the disciples, and chose to leave.

This decision is extremely painful, but the situation is stronger than the people. If you stay here based on emotion, I am afraid that everyone will die. At that time, without these pillars of the Shushan Sect, there will definitely be chaos. Whether it can recover in the future is uncertain.

Sure enough, the withdrawal of the disciples of the Shushan Sect did not alarm the warring Da Luo Jinxian, and no one took it to heart. They were just little people.

"Evil! Don't stop yet!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from the void, and the sound rolled in, with unquestionable will, impacting Yuan Hong, the six-eared macaque, Sun Wukong, and Marshal Tianpeng.

The sound was like a demon-destroying god's thunder, which made the four people's minds buzz, and each of them looked horrified.

The four of them forced back the Five Great Vajras and the Long-Eyebrow Real Man, and quickly gathered together. Looking up, they saw, just above the void, the two great supernatural beings of the Buddhist sect, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjusri Bodhisattva.

"No! These two are extremely powerful! We are definitely no match!"

Yuan Hong was shocked and quickly sent a message to the other three people. He did not expect that the Buddhist quasi-sage would arrive so quickly.

"Samantabhadra and Manjusri, you are getting more and more successful as you live, and you actually bully your juniors."

Suddenly, a piece of green reflected in half of the void, which was the blue sky of Dao Dao. The great supernatural power practitioners of Xuanmen Authentic Sect and Jie Jiao also came, the same two people.

"Zhao Gongming! Yunxiao! It's you!"

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva looked at each other, their hearts sank, and they felt that it would be difficult to achieve their goal this time.

"You two traitors of teaching, why don't you retreat? Do you still want to be beaten by the poor Taoist?" Zhao Gongming sneered again and again, his eyes were contemptuous, and he didn't even take the two famous Bodhisattvas in Buddhism into his eyes. He was alone back then. He was able to defeat the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao and flee in panic. Today, he naturally looked down upon Samantabhadra and Manjusri Bodhisattva.

"Zhao Gongming, don't be so arrogant! If you are brave enough to teach me, we can each hire experts and we can do it in Magu Mountain in a year!"

Manjushri Bodhisattva shouted, as for taking action, he did not dare to take action. Everyone knows how powerful the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls are. Everyone knows the masters of the older generation. When they met someone who had twenty-four top-grade innate spiritual treasures, How to fight?

"Hahaha! Samantabhadra and Manjusri, just go and invite people over, so as not to tell others that you are a poor person and bully you two!"

Zhao Gongming laughed and pointed at the two Bodhisattvas with his fingers, not taking them seriously at all.

"Huh! I'll figure it out in a year! Let's go!"

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva's face turned dark. If it were a quasi-sage, the two of them really wanted to take action, but thinking of Zhao Gongming's power, these two Bodhisattvas gave up.

People in this era have never seen the power of innate spiritual treasures, and they don't know much about this kind of treasure.

But who has gone from the Great Lich Tribulation to the Great Tribulation of the Gods, who doesn’t know how powerful the innate spiritual treasure is?

How many people with advanced realms and powerful magical powers have died in the hands of some shallow people. Isn't that because the other party has an innate spiritual treasure?
This thing is really a good thing that can defeat the weak and the strong and change the situation of the battle.

Since Zhao Gongming debuted, he has participated in two large-scale battles. One was in Beihai, where a group of Buddhist monks lost their armor; the second time, he severely beat a group of golden immortals who explained the religion.

At this moment, with only the two of them present, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva naturally felt weak and were unwilling to risk their lives with them.

The five great masters, the Yamantaka Vajra, the Vajra She Lotte, the Poison-Repelling Vajra, the White Purifying Water Vajra, and the Purple Sage Vajra, took a deep breath in their hearts and led the Chang-mei Master to follow the two Bodhisattvas and drive away on auspicious clouds.

"Master's wife, master's uncle, why don't you kill these two villains?"

Watching the Buddhist and Shushan sect disappear into the horizon, Yuan Hong said unwillingly.

"You bastard! How can the quasi-sage war be started so easily? Your teacher must be asked to come forward in this matter."

Yun Xiao scolded Yuan Hong before explaining.

"That's right! If the poor Taoist kills Samantabhadra and Manjusri today, there will definitely be another war between the two religions. For such a big matter, we need to discuss it with the master brother."

Zhao Gongming nodded. Over the years, his arrogance has faded a lot, and he has begun to think carefully about things. The previous arrogance was just a disguise.

This time, it was not a battle of life and death for the sect. He, a quasi-sage master, naturally had no interest in playing with Samantabhadra and Manjusri Bodhisattva.

Everyone has innate spiritual treasures in their hands and many means. Although Zhao Gongming is 100% confident that he can easily defeat these two people, he is not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of the worst. Once there is damage, it is not a good thing.

"Tianpeng, I will leave it to you to decorate the 'Magu Mountain' here. After one year, the canopy will be set up and waiting for all the teachers to come down."

Yunxiao ordered.

"Yes! Master, the disciple must have made arrangements!"

Marshal Tianpeng quickly stepped forward and saluted, loudly agreeing.

"Let's go! There are a lot of troubles, and this matter needs to be arranged by Senior Brother."

Zhao Gongming laughed, and flew with his sister in the direction of "Wuyi Mountain" on auspicious clouds.

After the elders left, Marshal Tianpeng invited the fourth senior brother Yuan Hong, the sixth senior brother Liu-eared Macaque, and the monkey brother Sun Wukong into "Magu Mountain" and set up a banquet to entertain them for their help.

There were thunderous cheers here in Jiejiao, but the atmosphere on the Buddhist side and the Shushan sect was very depressing. Samantabhadra and Manjushri did not return to Xiniuhezhou, but went to Shushan with the Five Great Vajra and Chang Mei Zhenren.


Seeing this scene, Master Changmei complained secretly, but the matter started because of the Shushan sect, so it was difficult to get rid of the involvement. I'm afraid this time, if I don't tell the difference with Jiejiao, I won't be able to let it go.

In the "Sword Qi Lingkong Hall", the two parties were divided into guests and hosts. Changmei Zhenren and Qi Shuming first expressed their gratitude to Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva and the five Vajras, and then expressed their sorrow for the death of the three Vajras.

The two sides chatted for a long time before Puxian Bodhisattva said: "Fellow Taoist Changmei, since things have developed to this point, we must have a fight with Jie Jiao. Can Taoist Taoist invite some masters of human teaching to come forward?"

"Trouble is coming!"

Master Longmei looked miserable. The words he was most afraid of hearing were spoken by Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, leaving him no chance to escape.

"Well, I teach the younger generation, so I'm afraid it's hard to ask the elders to make the decision for me!"

With a bitter look on his face, Master Longmei said this.

"That's wrong! Fellow Taoist Changmei is so humble. Your teacher, Master Wen Shi, is a direct descendant of the saint. When a disciple has something to do, the teacher will naturally come out to help him solve his problems. Once Master Wen Shi arrives, other masters of the human sect will naturally not sit back and watch. reason."

A trace of disdain flashed in Manjushri Bodhisattva's eyes, and then he showed a kind smile and spoke slowly.

"With these two Bodhisattvas, I can only try my best."

He has been forced to a dead end. This time, Buddhism killed three Da Luo Jinxian for the Shushan Sect. This affection is too great. If he invites people to come out to fight against the Jie Sect together, he will feel guilty in his heart.

"Fellow Taoist Changmei, don't be afraid of Jie Jie! One year later, a large number of masters from our Buddhist sect will come out and compete with many of the Jie Jiao's great magical powers!"

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva continued to comfort him, saying that this time, as long as the Renjiao and Jiejiao are completely divided and Xuanmen is in internal strife again, it will be worth it even if some diamonds are lost.

"Okay! Don't worry, two Bodhisattvas! One year later, Pindao will definitely try his best to invite experts to help."

At this time, he was completely tied to the Buddhist chariot. Changmei Zhenren was about to cry, so he could only take out all his wealth, which was not rich, and join the Buddhists in a bet with Jie Jiao.

"Haha! Don't worry, Taoist Brother Changmei! We have to say goodbye first. We will gather here again in a year to have a meeting with Jie Jiao."

The two Bodhisattvas looked at each other and smiled. Their goal was achieved, and then they stood up and prepared to leave with the five diamonds.

Seeing that the people from the Buddhist sect were about to leave, Master Changmei and Qi Shuming let out a long breath and hurriedly stood up to see them off. After sending all the people from the Buddhist sect away, Master Changmei called all the elders of the Shushan sect and said "Sword Qi". "Lingkong Hall" discussed the war between the two religions in a year's time.

(End of this chapter)

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