The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 178 The clown in Shushan feels ashamed, but the majesty of Buddhism is shocking to the world

Chapter 178 The clown in Shushan feels ashamed, but the majesty of Buddhism is shocking to the world
The many countries controlled by Jie Jiao were naturally rejoicing from top to bottom. As for other forces, especially the territories of Buddhism, Human Sect, and Chan Jiao, the immortals of the three religions stationed in various countries turned pale, thinking of the past. All the conflicts with Jie Jiao made him frightened and frightened.

Some of the forces that were usually dissatisfied with the Jie Jiao seven and eight were cowered. These people were trembling, and their auras were constricted to the extreme, for fear of attracting the attention of the group of Jie Jiao immortals above the void, and casually blowing them away. Gone gray.

"Jie Jiao has such a great momentum!"

Showing off their power, the immortal aura of Jiejiao became more and more powerful, spreading from Nanfanbu Continent to Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniuhe Continent, Beiju Luzhou, Jiuyou Underworld, Thirty-Three Heavens, and even penetrated the outer starry sky, sweeping across Into the chaos.

"Hahaha! Okay! Well done, Chaos!"

In "Yu Yutian", Lord Tongtian laughed proudly when he saw this scene. Although he could not set foot in the Three Realms, Jie Jiao was always in his heart and he always paid attention to it.

At this moment, the momentum of Jiejiao was far greater than when he established the religion. How could he not be happy in his heart?

"Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!"

In the "Great Red Sky", Taishang Laozi closed his eyes and practiced. At this moment, he sensed the changes in the three realms. He couldn't help sighing and said "trouble" three times. The disciples of Wen Shizhen's disciples caused such trouble, which is beyond this. The prediction of a saint.

Even he can't change anything. He only hopes that Xuandu can properly resolve this cause and effect, otherwise the human sect, which he has high expectations for, may be destroyed before it reaches its peak.

Amitabha said calmly: "The current situation is very unfavorable. I hope that Buddhism can overcome this difficulty and enter the next calamity smoothly."

"The last time Naluohou's seal was broken, I felt that something seemed to happen in Xiniu Hezhou. After many deductions, I am afraid that a demonic catastrophe is about to break out in the future!"

"Senior brother, have you realized something?"

"The Jie Jiao has recovered too quickly. I hope Sakyamuni can speak out and defeat the Jie Jiao to gain the upper hand for himself and Buddhism!"

Besides, there was not much loss in keeping Xiniu Hezhou. If Buddhism was the first to face Demon Ancestor Luohou, I’m afraid we don’t know how many Buddhist masters have fallen!

"This? Didn't this happen in our Xiniu Hezhou? Do we Buddhists have to sacrifice for the stability of the Three Realms again?"

Saint Zhunti's face turned cold. He looked at Jie Jiao's side, especially Sun Wukong who was standing respectfully outside the Lu Peng of "Magu Mountain". The resentment in his heart reached the extreme.

"Brother, what should we do?"

If Naluohou really kills him and another war breaks out in Xiniu Hezhou, wouldn't it mean that their base camp will be completely destroyed?


Thinking of this, how can Saint Zhunti still have the energy to pay attention to the competition between the three religions below.

Back then, when the Taoist demons were facing calamity, the prehistoric great supernatural powers joined forces to eradicate the demon ancestor Luohou. A great battle broke out in Xiniu Hezhou. It was that battle that destroyed a treasure land no less powerful than Dongsheng Shenzhou. The spiritual energy escaped, and he was inherently weaker than Dongfang.

Amitabha's face looked a little ugly, but he still told the results of his deduction.

"Interesting! I am bored, so the Jiejiao, Buddhism, and Humanity religions put on a good show to relieve my boredom."

"Junior brother, the matter of Sun Wukong has been revealed for now. After all, we still have to pay back the karma to Saint Nuwa."

Naturally, Empress Nuwa looked indifferent. She didn't establish a great sect, so even if these disciples of the four sects turned upside down, it had nothing to do with her.

Even Saint Chunti knew nothing about the next calamity and could not calculate it. When he heard Amitabha's words, his eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly.

After a long time, Saint Zhunti asked in a hoarse voice.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun, the saint, his face was naturally extremely ugly. He expressed his dissatisfaction with a cold voice. He roared crazily in his heart. Who is the winner of the Conferred God Tribulation?
Why is Jiejiao so powerful, but his Chanjiao fell apart, leaving only a few capable disciples in the entire sect? How can Yuanshi Tianzun, who has always been competitive all his life, be happy?

Unexpectedly, his disciple would choose to betray Buddhism, betray himself, and join the Jie Sect. That Chaos Son really deserves to die!
At this moment, he had not thought about how Buddhism used a high-pressure attitude to subdue the wild and untamable Sun Wukong, which aroused Sun Wukong's hatred, and allowed Chaos Dao Lord to take advantage and steal a Buddhist protector in vain.

"It's God's will! There is nothing we can do! This time the conflict between the three religions is over, we pass down the decree and call some future seeds of Buddhism to the Paradise of Paradise."

Amitabha shook his head slightly, his face seemed to become more miserable, and finally said: "This move is, firstly, to preserve the future of Buddhism; secondly, it is also to improve their Taoism."

"I'm afraid that's all it can do!"

Saint Zhunti's face finally calmed down. It could have made a saint feel at a loss before. One can imagine how great the impact of the fight between Hongjun Daozu and Luohou in the West had on Saint Amitabha and Chunti Saints, who were still small figures at that time. Shocking.

At this moment, on Lingshan Mountain, a group of Buddhist Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajra, Jialan, Bhikkhus and others were leaving the "Great Thunder Sound Temple" under the leadership of Sakyamuni Tathagata.

Compared with Jiejiao, the Buddhist sect is much more powerful. There are as many as thirty quasi-sage level masters. As for the Daluo Golden Immortal, there are more than 4,000. The Taiyi Golden Immortal already has a hundred thousand people. Like Jie Jiao's choice, Buddhist disciples with lower realms did not leave the temple.

Sakyamuni Tathagata also knows that low-level Buddhist disciples cannot play any role, and they will die in vain if they go there.

As soon as the Buddhists came out of the mountain, the sound of Buddha's chants and Sanskrit chants could be heard in Hezhou, Xiniu.

At the beginning, the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Vajras and Arhats chanted in low voices at the "Da Leiyin Temple". Then the Buddha's name became louder and louder, and it spread throughout Xiniuhezhou through the "Da Leiyin Temple", and with many In the temple, there are countless Buddhist disciples and believers, and their voices merge together and then spread in all directions.

This Buddhist scripture originally had the power to confuse people. At this time, with the blessing of hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples and believers, the Buddhist scripture quickly swept across Dongsheng Shenzhou, Beijuluzhou, and Nanfanbuzhou.

Naturally, there are many temples in these three continents, and there are countless believers. Like Buddhism, Buddha's light suddenly appeared in Nanfanbuzhou, suppressing the green lotus like the blue sky of the avenue.

At this moment, the immortals who intercepted the teachings had already descended on the reeds outside "Magu Mountain". Seeing the methods of the Buddhist sect, Li Yunjing smiled and said: "Although this Buddhist sect is the first of the eight hundred sects, it really has merits. ! Everyone, just keep your own territory in Nanfangbuzhou, and there is no need to fight with Buddhism!"


The Holy Mother of Jinling, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Empress, Wuyunxian, Yuyixian, and Kong Xuan led a group of Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian to accept the order, and each sent Qingyun, Sanhua and even many The spiritual treasure appeared and covered 30% of the land belonging to Jiejiao.

The Buddhist sect is powerful and has a large number of people, which cannot be compared with the Jiejiao. Naturally, Li Yunjing will not humiliate himself and compete with the Buddhist sect for popularity. The advantage of their Jiejiao sect is that each disciple is good at fighting, and has innate spiritual treasures to protect the body. At the master level, they can fight head-on with Buddhists, but forget about group fights.

He had few people to teach, but he couldn't bear to let all the people below him die.


Master Xuandu, Master Wenshi, Master Changmei, including the Shushan disciples below, all turned pale. The momentum of Jiejiao and Buddhism was appalling. Even Master Xuandu, who also beheaded two corpses, felt completely powerless to fight against them. Two major sects compete!

As for Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Ascetic Tutuo and others, they couldn't help but shake their bodies and couldn't control the fear in their hearts.

It wasn't until this moment that they understood what the Saint Sect was and what the ancient religion was!

Just the pressure of the momentum of the two religions can crush everyone up and down Shushan to death, leaving no one behind!
Compared to the two major sects, the proud Shushan Sect is as humble and humble as ants on the ground. Others can easily crush them to death!
Why did you get so confused in the first place that you chose the "Beidi Sect" to start?
Previously, I thought that Zhu Bajie had a bad reputation in the three realms and was just a laughing stock, the shame of Daluo Jinxian!
But when they actually faced each other, they instantly massacred hundreds of disciples of their Shushan sect, which was their pride. The founder of the Shushan sect, Master Changmei Zhenren, was no match for Zhu Bajie in a one-on-one situation!

In the Three Realms, those rumors are unbelievable!

"Let's go! As one of the parties involved in the matter, I have to go!"

Master Xuandu sighed. They taught three or two big cats and kittens. Compared with the other two sects, their background was much worse. Even if his junior disciples Confucius and Zhuangzi became quasi-sage masters, they could not change people. The teaching situation is weak.

Perhaps only when the Eight Immortals of Shangdong become quasi-sages will they have the strength to compete with other sects for the interests of the Three Realms.

"Yes! Master uncle!"

Master Changmei looked stern and turned to look at Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Xu Xing Tutuo and others. A stream of Daluo Jinxian's "Tai Qing Immortal Light" was absorbed into their spiritual platform, which immediately made everyone clear-headed. The fear of Jiejiao and Buddhism has been reduced by three points.

"set off!"

Master Changmei gave an order, and Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Xu Xing Tutuo and others quickly formed their team. A group of immortal disciples from the Shushan Sect set up the "Nine-Nine Eighty-One Demon-Conquering Sword Formation". All the immortals from the Shushan Sect could come up with. All came.

At this time, more than eighty disciples rose up on the clouds. If the Shushan Sect had such momentum on a normal day, with a master of the late Quasi-Saint Stage, two Daluo Golden Immortals, and so many disciples following them, it would surely shake the Three Realms and Six Paths.

However, today’s People’s religion is destined to be a joke.

The human sect that has always been known as the authentic Taoist sect and has the most prestige, turns out to only have three or two big cats and kittens. Under the eyes of caring people in the three realms, the disciples of Shushan Sect have no confidence at all, and even feel a sense of shame.

This is exactly how people will die when comparing with others, and goods will be thrown away when comparing goods!

"I'll give you a ride!"

Even though he has learned 30% of the level of pure inaction from Taishang Lao Tzu, Master Xuandu still feels a little unnatural in the eyes of all living beings. At this moment, he can't care about the pomp and circumstance. The auspicious clouds under his feet suddenly grow bigger and wrap everyone up. The next one In an instant, we have arrived outside "Magu Mountain".

At this moment, the three sects gathered together. Seeing today's grand occasion, the old people of the Jie sect couldn't help but recall the prosperous years of the Jie sect. Their momentum was high, and the blue clouds and three flowers above them were pressing hard against the Buddhist side.

"How to do?"

Master Wen Shi's face turned dark when he saw this scene. He even felt that he and others were traitors to Xuanmen, which was so shameful.

"You ask me? Who am I asking?"

Master Xuandu couldn't help but rolled his eyes. It's naturally impossible to help Buddhism. Isn't that self-aware of Taoism?

It is even more impossible to help Jie Jiao. This incident can be caused by Renjiao and Jie Jiao. The Buddhist sect is nominally taking the lead for Shushan Sect.

When he thought of this, Archmage Xuandu felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly!
How could such a thing happen?
"Let's wait and see what happens!"

But it still had to be said, Archmage Xuandu could only mutter.

Fortunately, Master Wenshi and Master Changmei are both Daluo Jinxian, so they can hear clearly. Otherwise, ordinary immortals would not be able to hear what the senior brother of the Human Sect said clearly.

Master Changmei understood that the great uncle and teacher were in a bad mood, so he winked at Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Xu Xing Toutuo and others.

These disciples understood immediately, and arrived at "Magu Mountain" one by one like statues. They did not say a word or say hello to the Buddhist people. They just stood aside, just like those watching the excitement.

Gradually, the momentum of Jiejiao finally could not withstand the power of Buddhism. Qingyun and Sanhua were forced back by the golden light and relics, and were compressed to "Magu Mountain".

Sakyamuni Tathagata saw the momentum of the two sides competing, and the Buddhists took the lead. He glanced disdainfully at the Jiejiao side, then signaled the Buddhist disciples to collect the relics, and just shrouded the Buddha's light in his own camp, one green and one gold, on the spot.

Those Buddhist disciples who followed Sakyamuni Tathagata felt proud. They sat on both sides of the Buddha's carriage, chanting sutras in a low voice, closing their eyes to rest their minds, or whispering to each other.

Obviously, these Buddhists relied on the huge strength of hundreds of thousands of immortals and did not take the more than 3,000 immortals of Jiejiao seriously.

Daily brainwashing, in the perception of ordinary Buddhist disciples, the target of Buddhism is not human teaching, explanatory teaching, or interception teaching, but Taoism!

The three religions are not unified. If we don't invite some Taoist practitioners with great magical powers, their Buddhist sect will be number one in the world!

"Puxian Bodhisattva, the Shushan Sect still needs you to contact us. After all, the Shushan Sect is the protagonist this time."

Sakyamuni Tathagata gave an order, and all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Vajra heard the "boom" and let out a chuckle. One person laughed, but there were hundreds of thousands of Buddhists and more than Taiyi Golden Immortal gathered here.

The voices gathered together and suddenly sounded like spring thunder.

This laughter made everyone in the Shushan Sect blush, and even the ascetic Tutu lowered his head in shame. At this moment, he was on the side of the Shushan Sect, and he was equally sad and angry.

(End of this chapter)

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