The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 179: Toutuo turns black and people give in

Chapter 179: Toutuo turns black and people give in

"Amitabha! This Buddhism has gone too far. How can you mock an ally who is close to Buddhism like this!"

The ascetic tutu recited the Buddha's name silently in his heart and began to complain constantly.

His Taoism was too low, and he was just a minor figure in the Buddhist sect. As a chess piece, the Buddhists sent him to the Shushan Sect through layer upon layer delegation, and he became an alternative Buddhist disciple.

How could the ascetic tutu understand the intrigue between the upper echelons of the two religions, and those lofty remarks were just a way for the big shots to deceive the people below.

This ascetic Tutu was deeply hit and seemed not to believe that this was Buddhism's attitude towards allies. So what does it mean that a dozen of his Yuan Hui, as Buddhist disciples, have taken refuge in the Shushan Sect and worked hard for the rise of the Shushan Sect?
In his heart, he was roaring crazily. The ascetic Tutu was close to madness, but he still had a trace of sanity, carefully hiding his resentment towards Buddhism.

It is precisely because of this that in the future catastrophes in Buddhism, this ascetic leader will have a "contribution" to it.

The current Buddhist chess piece is as small as a dust particle. Naturally, the dissatisfaction in his heart will not be noticed by the big Buddhist figures, and no one will enlighten him and relieve the resentment in his heart.

Today's cause will be tomorrow's result. Buddhism will naturally have to bear the consequences of what happens in the future.

At this moment, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva followed the instructions of Sakyamuni Tathagata and came to the camp of Shushan Sect. He bowed to Master Xuandu and said, "We haven't seen you for many years. How is Brother Xuandu?"

The Holy Mother of Jin Ling, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Empress, Wu Yunxian, Yu Yixian, Kong Xuan and others nodded, and then they understood the way between the great religions. This kind of thing is really not a martial arts. Able to play and understand.

Puxian Bodhisattva shook his head slightly, knowing that Master Xuandu would not be fooled. This time the Human Sect would rather lose face with the monks of the Three Realms than become the helper of Buddhism.

"I see!"

"Don't worry! Xuandu will not be so unwise."


Empress Yunxiao asked with some worry. After all, she has experienced the three religions' attacks and interceptions. No matter how powerful she is, she is not willing to be beaten by others.

"Junior Brother Literary History, you arrange for someone to have a fight with the Jie Jiao people. If you deal with the situation casually, then admit defeat and seal the Yuanhui together, and never be born again!"

Thinking about the situation of explaining the teaching, Guangchengzi was not good at running the great teaching. Although he had a domineering Taoism and tough methods, so what?

Fortunately, Jie Jiao is in charge of Dao Lord Chaos, otherwise, if someone else had replaced him, he would have been exhausted.

"You guys should be more polite to the Shushan sect later and give Xuandu some face."

Seeing that the fellow disciples around him seemed to be very concerned about this matter, Li Yunjing said with a smile: "The Human Sect still has a few quasi-sages. This time they only came to one Xuandu City, which shows that the Human Sect has no intention of fighting to the death."

While Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Master Xuandu were talking, on the reeds, a group of Jiejiao Immortals looked towards the Shushan Sect with bright eyes, wanting to see if the Human Sect was shameless and joined forces with the Buddhist sect to do something with them. Have a game.

Li Yunjing looked around and gave instructions with a smile.

"Senior brother, people from the Human Sect won't join forces with Buddhism to target us, right?"

Thousands of immortals from Jie Sect laughed similarly. Although it was not as powerful as Buddhism, it could be heard with the same clarity throughout thousands of miles.

Grand Master Xuandu smiled slightly and said the name of the sect without talking about personal friendship.

Because of the laughter on Jie Jiao's reeds, the people from Shushan sect subconsciously looked over. Although they didn't know what Jie Jiao was laughing at, the people who looked at Jie Jiao also looked here, and the amusement in their eyes still stung. It broke their hearts and made everyone in the Shushan Sect extremely sad and angry.


Master Xuandu sighed. The bastard of Shushan Sect caused such trouble for himself and lost his face. Fortunately, he has a personality like his. Another person would have lost his mind. If he really wants to follow the Jiejiao people, Desperately.

"Haha! I have met the Buddhist Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. I have lived quite comfortably these years."

The Chan Sect is not torn apart yet. It only relies on the friendship of some fellow disciples to maintain it. There are no big sect rules.

"Yes! Senior brother!"

Master Wen Shi felt a chill in his heart and responded quickly.

"I never expected that our Shushan sect would end up in such a disastrous end!"

Master Changmei followed his teacher, Master Wenshi, and naturally heard the words of the great uncle clearly. He understood that the words of the great uncle were actually meant for him.

Without waiting for the teacher's instructions, Master Changmei turned around and went to look for his disciples. Looking at his disciples Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Xu Xing Toutuo and others, Master Changmei did not hide anything and relayed the words of his uncle.

"Since it concerns the dignity of the Shushan Sect, let me take charge of this battle!"

Before Qi Shuming could say anything, Xuan Zhenzi, Changmei Zhenren's eldest disciple, stood up and said firmly.

"Senior brother, it's up to me to take part in this matter! I am the leader of the Shushan Sect and the planning of the Beidi Sect was also made by me. This cause and effect must be resolved by me personally."

When Qi Shuming heard this, he quickly stopped his senior brother.

"Junior brother! It is precisely because you are the supreme leader of the Shushan sect that you cannot go into battle!"

Xuan Zhenzi broke away from Qi Shuming's big hand on his sleeve and smiled lightly.

"Senior brother."

Qi Shuming, Ku Xing Tutuo and other Shushan sect elders showed sadness on their faces. In this battle, the eldest brother Xuan Du had already passed down the decree that the human sect would not fight to the death with the Jie sect, especially not to mix with Buddhism.

So, if you want to resolve this cause and effect, the only way is to fail. Maybe those who go out to fight for a formality will be targeted by the immortals who intercept the teaching, and I am afraid it will be difficult to come back alive.

"Xuanzhenzi, be careful. Losing face is nothing. In the future, when your cultivation level is high, you can still find your place. You must come back alive!"

Seeing the appearance of his disciples, Master Changmei couldn't bear it. However, the monastic world sets the rules based on strength. Whoever has a bigger fist will be right in what he says.

Compared with Jiejiao's large-scale outing, their Shushan sect is really just a tiny ant, not even the slightest bit better.

This feeling was excruciating for Master Changmei. In his mind, it suddenly appeared that the Shushan Sect had wiped out countless forces, destroyed each inheritance, and robbed each cave heaven and blessed land. Is this karma?
"Teacher, don't worry! Disciple understands!"

Xuan Zhenzi smiled, held up his sword and walked to the central plain of the three religions.

For a time, this little person in the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal became the center of the Three Realms. At least millions of monks, either openly or secretly, turned their attention to this disciple of Shushan Sect.

"Xuan Zhenzi, the supreme elder of the Shushan sect, has met all the masters of Jiejiao!" He exhaled a heavy breath, Xuan Zhenzi's eyes were firm, and his voice was steady and powerful. ’s clear as day.

"He's a character!"

Li Yunjing showed admiration on his face. The juniors of the Shushan sect have this kind of mentality, and winning or losing is no longer a big deal.

Back then, he followed the teaching master's decree to prevent the war between the Lich and Lich clans, and hundreds of millions of armies of the two clans gathered together. At that time, Li Yunjing's character was frightened by the impact of the evil aura of the army.

At this time, this small scene was nothing compared to the Lich War, but Xuan Zhenzi was not a strong man like Li Yunjing. It was already commendable that he could show his own style without sadness or joy.

"Is the canopy here?"

Li Yunjing said calmly.

"Disciple Tianpeng, pay your respects to the teacher!"

At the bottom of the reed, Marshal Tianpeng heard the teacher's call and walked quickly.

"This matter started because of you, the 'Beidi Sect'. I, the Jie Jiao, don't even bother to bully the little Shushan. The junior Shushan below will be sent away by your arrangement."

Dao Lord Chaos looked at this mediocre disciple and shook his head slightly. If it wasn't for the purpose of sharing the luck of Buddhism, he would never accept this lazy boy.

"Yes! Teacher! My disciple Ziyang Zhenren is profound enough to win!"

Marshal Tianpeng didn't know what his teacher was thinking, but instead boasted about his disciples proudly.

Of course, given his character, even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Anyway, he doesn't have the qualifications to attain enlightenment, and even the peak of Daluo Jinxian is his limit. Since he has no future, why bother practicing Qi and meditating?
He is drunk today and will be worried tomorrow. Anyway, he has established himself as a direct descendant of Jie Jiao, which is enough for him to use the reputation of Jie Jiao and his teacher to pretend to be powerful. This is enough for the unambitious Marshal Tianpeng.

After listening to the teacher's instructions, Master Ziyang became energetic. This was a good opportunity to show his face. All the elders in Jiejiao were watching!
As long as he wins the battle and earns face for Jiejiao, he, Master Ziyang, will be able to stand out.

"Xuan Zhenzi! Your Shushan sect bullies others with your power. Your disciples massacred four of my disciples who were guarding the mountain without any reason, provoking the two sects to fight several times! All of today's events are all caused by your Shushan sect not practicing meritorious deeds and being domineering. What can I say to you today? Can you say?"

As soon as Master Ziyang came out, he immediately scolded Xuan Zhenzi.

"Zhenren Ziyang, some things cannot be changed in the fight between the two factions! I don't even bother to argue with you today. I have fought with you. If I lose, the Shushan faction admits its mistake and seals the Yuanhui. What do you think? how?"

Xuan Zhenzi knew that the protagonist of this incident was not the "Shushan Sect" or the "Beidi Sect", so there was no time to fight a lawsuit with Ziyang Zhenren. At this time, he just wanted to have a fight with him and stop fighting.

"Okay! If Pindao loses, I won't hold you accountable for your Shushan sect's several attacks on our sect!"

Master Ziyang nodded and said, he is the head of the "Beidi Sect" and can be regarded as an important disciple of the Jie Jiao. He naturally understands the purpose of the elders in the sect coming here. He and Xuan Zhenzi have settled the cause and effect, and the confrontation between the Jie Jiao and Buddhism has begun. It's the highlight.

"Master Ziyang, how is my nephew Qi Jinchan doing?"

Xuan Zhenzi asked before the battle.

"That junior was imprisoned in the 'Ziwei Temple'. I'm just a junior, but I don't even bother to embarrass myself. Once this matter is over, Shushan will be returned to you."

Seeing Xuan Zhenzi mention that little boy, Ziyang Zhenzi showed a trace of disdain, as if he looked down on that naughty child.

"Thank you very much!"

"watch out!"

The last big stone in Xuan Zhenzi's heart was put down. With a movement of his body, he attacked and killed Master Ziyang. The Shushan School's swordsmanship, which Xuan Zhenzi had mastered, once he made a move, the sky was filled with sword light, like stars. He went to assassinate Ziyang Zhenren.

"Just little Doyle!"

Master Ziyang showed disdain. He was the direct disciple of Tianpeng and the disciple of Dao Lord Chaos. He learned the authentic inheritance of Jiejiao, but there was no partiality. This time, in order to show his face in front of the elders, he took action. Big kill move.


A "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder" blasted towards Xuan Zhenzi. Before Xuan Zhenzi could respond, the palm of his hand froze again, and with a "boom", another thunder method was released. This time it was the same as the "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder". "It's different, it turned out to be "Ziwei Divine Thunder".

"This little guy is good!"

On the reed, Li Yunjing smiled when he saw this scene. This kid Ziyang would seize the opportunity to show off his magical powers. The "Shangqing Divine Thunder" is the interception and protection method of thunder; the "Ziwei Divine Thunder" is thirty-three days. Ziweitian's method of fighting enemies in the army.

Master Ziyang used these two thunder methods to make people understand that he was the true successor of Jiejiao. He was also a disciple of Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole, and he was recognized as "one of his own".

"Somewhat clever."

Empress Yunxiao chuckled, this junior has a set of thunder skills, and Xuan Zhenzi is no match at all, and the victory is determined.

The Jie Jiao group of immortals smiled, nodded to the younger generation, and praised them; the Buddhist side was unmoved, and the appetizer in front of them had nothing to do with them. The Shushan sect didn't understand, and it was impossible for the Buddhists to fight on their behalf; It's a bit uncomfortable here.

"Junior Brother Literature and History, your swordsmanship is no better than Xiao Dao'er. You'd better let your disciples recite the 'Tao Te Ching' every day and study the 'Tai Qing Immortal Technique'."

Master Xuandu couldn't help but said to Master Wen Shi.

"Yes! Senior brother, I will arrange for them to correct it later!"

Master Xuandu's words made Master Wenshi and Master Changmei blush. When the Shushan Sect's Supreme Elder fought with others, he couldn't even use the human sect's spiritual protection power, "Tai Qing Divine Thunder", even with a few sword techniques. Can this still be considered the inheritance of their human religion?

Thinking of this, the Shushan Sect's momentum almost turned negative, especially the two generations of headmaster Changmei Zhenren and Qi Shuming, who were even more panicked. The Shushan Sect's performance today was all their fault!

"Go down, you!"

At this moment, on the plain below, the two men from Beidi Sect and Shushan Sect were fighting for a while. Xuan Zhenzi finally couldn't resist the methods of Master Ziyang, and was swept away by Master Ziyang's whisk, and fell out.

"Beidi's sect is superior in skills. We, Shushan sect, are willing to be inferior. We will seal the mountain as Yuanhui as promised!"

Xuan Zhenzi said something special and staggered back.

The Beidi faction won the sword fight and were not aggressive. Master Ziyang said that he would put Qi Jinchan back, and then turned to Lu Peng to give his order.

Seeing the disciples of Shushan Sect coming and going in such a hurry under the leadership of Master Xuandu, neither Jiejiao nor Buddhism paid any attention to them.

(End of this chapter)

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