The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 180 Buzhou Mountain and the Supreme Buddha Kingdom clashed, and the devil emerged from the W

Chapter 180 Buzhou Mountain and the Supreme Buddha Kingdom clashed, and the devil emerged from the Western Land

"Duobao! Today you and I have gathered hundreds of thousands of immortals from our two sects. Naturally, we can't be like human sects. Today I'm going to compete with you!"

After the rest of the crowd dispersed, Li Yunjing stood up. Thousands of Jiejiao Immortals around him followed the leader to the plain. For a moment, evil aura surged into the sky, and evil formations suddenly rose from the Jiejiao camp.

What about the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation", "Han He Formation", "Tian Jue Formation", "Earth Lie Formation", "Wind Roar Formation", "Ice Formation", "Golden Light Formation", "Blood Transformation Formation", " "Fire Flame Formation", "Lost Soul Formation", "Red Water Formation", "Red Sand Formation", "Tai Chi Formation", "Liang Yi Formation", "Three Talents Formation", "Four Symbols Formation", "Five Elements Formation", " "Liuhe Formation", "Seven Stars Formation", "Bagua Formation", "Nine Palaces Formation", "Great Destruction Hunyuan Formation", "Heguang Tongchen Formation", "Little Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation", etc., there are countless formations Dharma, densely packed.

The faces of many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism changed after seeing so many formations, totaling three thousand formations!

"Amitabha! Since the people who intercepted the religion showed such evil formations, our Buddhist sect is also preparing to set up formations!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata gave an order, and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas around him should do the same. Suddenly the Buddha's light in the Buddhist camp flourished, and the "Eight Tribes of Heavenly Dragons Subdued Demon Array", "Ten Thousand Buddhas Chao Zong Array", "Innate Bodhi Array", "Eight Tribes of Heaven and Dragons" Hundreds of formations such as the Bufutu Formation, the Embryo Mandala Formation, the Arhat Formation, the Vajra Formation, and the Sumeru Golden Light Formation were arranged by Buddhism.

The same great formation is connected to the next great formation, and the golden light seems to be solidifying, creating the world, rebuilding the universe, and supporting a supreme Buddhist kingdom.

Different from Jie Jiao’s formations, Buddhist formations pay more attention to the number of people setting up the formations. The more people there are, the more powerful the formations are. Therefore, there are still many powerful formations in Buddhism that have not been deployed, but they cannot continue to disperse the power. , that would be better than maximizing the power of the hundreds of current formations.

These two great sects used their best skills, and the Chan Jiao, Human Cult, Wu Clan, Monster Clan, and even those with great supernatural powers who were still watching the excitement were all panicked.

"Duobao! You and I are very powerful. If we fight in the three realms, hundreds of millions of living beings will be affected. This is not the right way to do it. Why don't the two religions enter chaos and differentiate themselves?"

"Let's go! Let's go too!"

"Yeah! It's been so many years, but I don't seem to remember what Buzhou Shan looks like."

"Today's young people are more aggressive than the last! We old guys really need to be eliminated!"

Deep in the chaos, in the "Purple Sky Palace", Taoist Hongjun frowned slightly and murmured to himself: "The Buddhism and Jiejiao are too powerful. In order to bring peace to the three realms, Na Luohou seems to be almost ready to be released. ”

In addition, there are a group of old monsters who took the lead in Hongjun and became the saints of heaven. They felt that there was little hope of staying in this world, so they left the chaos one by one. Some created the world and recreated the world on their own, while others left far away. In other worlds, there are all kinds of things.

At this moment, even the six saints in the chaos frowned, hoping that the Taoist Lord of Chaos and Sakyamuni Tathagata would not play too big, otherwise, in the next step, the quasi-sages may be banned from entering the Three Realms.

"Amazing! Jie Jiao's three thousand formation actually condensed into the form of 'Buzhou Mountain'!"

"Xukongzi, don't talk nonsense! The old Taoist is still hanging on, how can he compare with you?"

"Okay! Just follow me!"

Fortunately, Li Yunjing's words made all living beings in the three realms, saints in chaos, and Taoist ancestors breathe a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry about it! If the four major sects are willing to fight for it, then go and fight for it. I just want to be able to preach with peace of mind!"

The water in the ancient world was so deep that not even Li Yunjing knew about so many inexplicable existences.

Sakyamuni Tathagata nodded, turned around and urged the "Supreme Buddha Kingdom", and headed towards the Thirty-Three Heavens.

After so many years, these old monsters all possess earth-shattering strength, but they live a low-key and secluded life.

"The Buddhist sect is not weak at all. The golden Buddhist kingdom may be able to evolve into a vast world!"

"Hehe! Ancestor Ku Rong, you old guy has experienced the Kaitian Tribulation, the Longhan Tribulation, the Dao Demon Tribulation, the Lich Tribulation, the Conferred God Tribulation, and the Journey to the West Tribulation. Are you not weak now?"

These figures who existed after the founding of heaven were all of the same generation as Taoist Hongjun. Naturally, these people disdained to go to the "Purple Sky Palace" to listen to Taoism when Hongjun was enlightened. They were just a generation younger than this man.

Although the Earthly Immortal Realm has been refined by Daozu Hongjun and can withstand the confrontation between a group of great supernatural powers, but the two sects are really fighting with each other and don't care about anything else. Isn't the Earthly Immortal Realm about to collapse?

It turned out that after the opening of heaven, many old monsters were also shaken by the momentum of Buddhism and Jiejiao. They woke up from seclusion and saw the appalling scene.

Seeing that the Buddhist people took the first step, Li Yunjing gave instructions to the Jie Jiao Immortals around him. Three thousand large formations merged into one, forming an ancient sacred mountain. The sound of "rumbling" also shattered the void and moved towards Thirty-Three God goes.

Even Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Leader, Nuwa Empress, Amitabha, and Zhunti Saint cannot fully grasp all the information of the prehistoric world.

Some powerful figures have even escaped the supervision of heaven. These figures are too far away from the Taoist Lord of Chaos and Sakyamuni Tathagata. Now the two parties have broken down in the chaos.


Chaos boiled up. Infinite earth, infinite water, infinite wind, infinite fire, earth, water, wind and fire swept across the universe. Time, space, light, darkness, and various laws of creation evolved. In "Buzhou Mountain" and "Supreme Buddha" In the collision of "country", the world was born one after another, as numerous as the sands of Hengsha.

In these worlds with the same number of Hengsha, life was just born, but it was swept away by the green and golden light continuously emitted from "Buzhou Mountain" and "Supreme Buddha Kingdom", and the world fell into eternal darkness forever.

This is a collision of avenues, a sectarian war, and personal combat power is already insignificant.

Even masters at the level of Chaos Dao Lord and Sakyamuni Tathagata did not dare to leave the protection of the camp and come out for a one-on-one fight.

Every moment, low-level Taiyi Golden Immortals were shaken into nothingness by the aftershocks of the two formations. Even Daluo Golden Immortals were rapidly consuming their power, and it was even difficult to effectively replenish their own consumption.

Only the quasi-sages can draw out the energy of chaos at all times and get the fairy energy they need to replenish and consume it. Of course, this kind of supplement is also a drop in the bucket. As the main force, the power consumed by the quasi-sages is too great, so much so that with their understanding of vitality Throughput cannot be effectively supplied.

"Senior brother! There are too many people in Buddhism. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to consume them!"

Empress Yunxiao reminded Li Yunjing.

"It doesn't matter! The reinforcements from Ziwei Palace have already been assembled, but it's just not time to launch a full-scale attack!"

Li Yunjing remained calm. Every time he transmitted power into the formation, it was extremely powerful. One person was comparable to a group of quasi-saints. However, the Chaos Dao Lord was in better condition than the others.

It can be seen that his magical power is powerful and boundless, and others can never seem to understand the depth of it. At this moment, in Ziwei Palace.

The thousands of immortals and gods on Jiejiao's list, coupled with the inheritance they have left over the years, have gathered hundreds of thousands of Taiyi Golden Immortals, which is even more than the masters of Buddhism.

"Emperor, when should we set off?"

Wen Zhong has asked this question three times.

This upright and outstanding disciple of the third generation of Jiejiao couldn't help it anymore. He was possessed by the chaos and was manifested in the "Ziwei Palace" by Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole. During the fierce battle, Taiyijin of Jiejiao was present from time to time. The death of the immortal caused great pain to those who had never participated in the war.

"That's right! Emperor, please give the order! Let's go first! We have left our names on the 'Gods List'. Even if we die, we can be resurrected from the 'Gods List'. There are too many people in the Buddhist sect, and the losses to our fellow sects are too great."

Zhou Tianzhengshen, who was on the list, also hurriedly persuaded him, wanting to break into the chaos and compete with Buddhism.

"Alas! In that case! I have ordered to set up the 'Sky Star Formation', activate the star power of the heavens, and the gods will go out to wipe out Buddhism!"

Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole sighed, this was not a good decision, because the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation" was his bottom line, and the power of the Six Imperial Guards of Heaven was also one of his assets to deter the prehistoric world.

Now, all are activated, and there is no sense of mystery anymore. The masters from all sides of the Three Realms and Six Paths understand the power of Emperor Ziwei in the North Pole of Zhongtian, and there will naturally be more means to target him in the future.

Even this time, the public weapon was used for personal use, and it was used as a handle by someone who was interested. In the future, when the saint is born, he may be demoted from the position of the Sixth Imperial Guard.

This was the concern of Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Jiji, but his fellow disciples were already so excited that they could not restrain or stop him at all.

"Yes! Wei Chen takes the order!"

All the Zhou Tian Zhengshen were overjoyed and quickly left the "Ziwei Palace". They gathered their armies and reorganized them before breaking out of the "Ziweitian" and charging into the chaos.

Throughout the thirty-three days, there was a massacre. Ziweitian's army gathered more and more, from millions to tens of millions, from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. With flags fluttering, the army gathered together according to their respective leading generals, and once again The powerful "Zhoutian Xingdou Formation" was formed.

Of course, this army of hundreds of millions can't compare with the elites of Buddhism and Jiejiao. Even many small figures who have just reached the level of refining gods and returning to the void are ordinary sergeants who have performed some non-dangerous tasks in heaven over the years.

Under normal circumstances, these people would not even be able to enter Chaos, but at this time, the complete "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation" was successfully deployed. The formation was so powerful that it could naturally protect everyone.

This formation is exactly the same as that of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court back then, but the difference in strength between the two armies is too big. Even so, Ziweitian's army can still perform at least 30% of what it was during the heyday of the formation.

At this moment, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole had already put on a suit of purple-gold armor, holding the "Emperor Ziwei Sword" in his hand. The "Gourd of Rebirth" was rising and falling in his sea of ​​consciousness, spreading endless breath of life.


Suddenly, the prehistoric Three Realms and Six Paths shook violently. Even the "Ziwei Palace" with many formation blessings was shaken.

"what happened!"

"what happened?"

Not only was something strange happening in the "Purple Micro Palace", but the Jade Emperor, who was gloating at the commotion, almost fell to the ground. His "Bullfighting Palace" also shook violently.

The same is true for Thirty-Three Heavens, Jiuyou Underworld, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanfanbu Continent, and Beiju Luzhou. The whole world seems to be heading for destruction.

Finally, the immortals calmed down and looked at Xiniu Hezhou. At this moment, the entire Xiniu Hezhou was in shock. Earthquakes occurred frequently, mountains and rivers changed, and the original landforms were no longer there.

Except for powerful places like "Wuzhuangguan" that defended a land with a radius of thousands of miles, many other countries were completely destroyed.

Chechi Country, a small country on this side, also suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, the Jiejiao had many back-ups here. There were also the Great Immortal Huli, the Great Immortal Luli, the Great Immortal Yangli, and thousands of ordinary disciples of the Jiejiao in those areas that restricted the back-up. With help, the situation was stabilized.

In the eyes of a group of people with great supernatural powers, they saw the "Da Leiyin Temple" on Lingshan blooming with golden Buddha light all over the sky. The sound of Sanskrit chants was rapid and powerful, and runes appeared from the void, seeming to suppress Holding onto something below.


In the chaos, the six saints who were watching the excitement were shocked. Sakyamuni Tathagata transferred the main force of the Buddhist sect away, and the Buddhist sect's old nest was about to be destroyed!

Then, the six saints reacted, and the Supreme Master looked pure and inactive again; the original Heavenly Lord sneered, closed his eyes, and meditated; the Tongtian Cult Leader laughed endlessly, and was very happy in his heart; it was the female Empress Wa also showed a gloating expression.

After these four saints were banned, big things happened in the ancient world of nature. They needed saints to stabilize the situation, regain freedom, rule the ancient world again, and let the three realms enter the era of saints again.

"It's over now!"

Unlike these four saints, in the Paradise of Paradise, the faces of Amitabha and Zhunti Saints were as black as the bottom of a pot. They never imagined that such a disaster would happen at this critical moment!

At this time, the main force of the Buddhist sect was in chaos. Without the intervention of their saints, there would be no time to mobilize the army back!

"I didn't expect that what the poor monk was most worried about happened."

Amitabha sighed and closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to look directly at the scene of the death of hundreds of millions of Buddhas in Hezhou, Xiniu.

Seeing a streak of demonic energy on the Lingshan Mountain soaring into the sky like a wolf smoke, many Buddhist disciples were rushed by the demonic energy. Their flesh and blood were corroded and turned into white bones. Saint Zhunti's eyes were about to burst.

"Sakyamuni! I don't care what you do now! Immediately! Immediately! Bring the main force of Buddhism back to Lingshan! Suppress the evil calamity!"

Originally concentrating on dealing with the battle with Jie Jiao, Sakyamuni Tathagata suddenly heard the voice of Sage Zhunti, and the content of the words made him even more shocked. He even wondered if he had been hit by Jie Jiao. The teacher's plot caused hallucinations.

"Go back quickly! Don't go back! Xiniu Hezhou is gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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