The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 181 The great supernatural beings from the three realms gather together, and the Demon Ances

Chapter 181 The great supernatural powers of the three realms gather together, and the Demon Ancestor is born
Seeing the cute state of Sakyamuni Tathagata, Saint Zhunti was so angry that he almost slapped him to death!


Finally, Sakyamuni Tathagata realized that there must be a huge problem in the earthly immortal world.

This matter is related to the foundation of Buddhism. Sakyamuni Tathagata thought to himself, "Did the Human Sect and the Chan Sect join forces to start a war on Xiniu Hezhou?"

Finally, as Sakyamuni Tathagata passed down the decree, the huge "Supreme Buddha Kingdom" began to retreat in the direction of the Thirty-Three Heavens, and the pressure of the "Buzhou Mountain" transformed into the three thousand formations of the Jiejiao suddenly eased. , everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Senior brother, Buddhism is gaining the upper hand, why are you retreating?"

Wu Yunxian let out a long breath and asked curiously.

"I don't know, brother, let's follow their Buddhist kingdom and see what the Buddhists want to do!"

Even Li Yunjing was a little curious. Living in chaos, even with his Taoist skills, it was difficult to get in touch with Emperor Ziwei and Taoist Xinghe in the North Pole of Zhongtian. He really didn't know that such a big thing had happened in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Buddhism quickly retreated towards the three realms, and Jie Jiao's "Ancient Sacred Mountain" was hanging slowly. Just like the immortals of Jie Jiao were confused, Buddhism didn't know why the situation was so good, but the Lord Buddha suddenly ordered a retreat.

"It's not the Human Religion or the Chan Religion, it's the Xiniu Hezhou seal that has been broken, and the Demon Ancestor Luohou is about to be born!"

The infinite Buddhist light reflected the entire Xiniu Hezhou into a golden world. With the blessing of bursts of Sanskrit chants, the power of Buddhism began to suppress Lingshan. The "Da Leiyin Temple" even flew up from Lingshan. Suppressing the dark magic cave below.

Sakyamuni Tathagata shook his head, explained, and said no more. Instead, as he approached Thirty-Three Heavens, he kept pinching the seals and began to deduce what had happened before.

Seeing this scene, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were shocked. At this moment, no longer caring about Jie Jiao's following, the "Supreme Buddha Kingdom" shook violently, tearing a crystal wall from the thirty-three-day world. A huge hole, the next moment, the "Supreme Buddha Kingdom" brought the main force of Buddhism to the earthly immortal world.

"What else can we do? Faced with the merits that are coming to our door, let's wait for Demon Ancestor Luohou to get out of trouble!"

"What? Is it the Human Teaching or the Chan Teaching?"

The others dispersed. Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole, dressed in purple gold armor and holding the "Ziwei Divine Sword", arrived at the same time as Taoist Xinghe. This was the first time that Li Yunjing appeared with all three.

"Yes! We will strictly abide by the teaching's decree!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata was tired of being asked questions, so he could only relay the words of Sage Chunti.

When Yuyi Xian saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing.

"What should we do?"

Ziweitian and Ziwei Emperor of Zhongtian North Pole also heaved a sigh of relief and ordered the gods to disperse the army. It was only said to be an exercise to the outside world.

"I don't know this! But if the situation is not critical, Mother Zhunti cannot pass on the news."

After this calculation, Sakyamuni Tathagata was shocked. As the "Supreme Buddha Kingdom" flew into the thirty-three days, he finally knew what happened. Many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also looked to the west from the thirty-three days. Niu Hezhou saw that at the location of Lingshan, the demonic energy penetrated the three realms and six paths, and almost all of the sealing power that was blessed last time had been broken.

Sure enough, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were shocked when they heard the words of Sakyamuni Tathagata. The first ones to be suspicious were the other two major sects.

The other Daluo Golden Immortals and Taiyi Golden Immortals breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Chaos Dao Lord's words. They had to participate in the previous battle with Buddhism, which was extremely dangerous at the time. However, as disciples of the Jie Sect, when encountering sectarian disputes, they naturally There is no shirking the responsibility.

Li Yunjing chuckled, then looked at the other disciples and said: "Everyone below the quasi-sage should disperse. It's best for everyone to stay away from Xiniu Hezhou and be smart!"

"Buddha Mother Zhunti came with a message. Xiniu Hezhou is facing a disaster, and we have to return."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit was a little undecided.

At this time, Demon Ancestor Luohou is about to come out. This matter has nothing to do with their interception of religion. Luohou is extremely dangerous. In their hearts, they are not willing to risk their lives. The words of the master brother are simply the sound of nature.

"Hahaha! It turns out that Buddhism has encountered such trouble!"

In the past several battles, no matter how dangerous they were, Li Yunjing always used the Taoist Priest of Chaos as his first choice. For the other two avatars, one sat in heaven and the other traveled in the three realms to explore the secrets.

As his realm improved, Li Yunjing found that he couldn't understand the world anymore. The water in the Three Realms seemed a little deep now, and many secrets were hidden in the dark.

On the surface, only the four major sects of Renjiao, Chanjiao, Jiejiao, and Buddhism govern the three realms. At most, the quasi-sages hidden by the Witch Clan, Demon Clan, Heavenly Court, and Human Clan are also included. The other casual cultivators and immortals do not seem to be able to control the three realms. Worth to talk about.

Over the years, Taoist Xinghe has traveled throughout the three realms, exploring every inch of land. He has never let go of any world that is as small as a minister. At least, he has searched almost all of Nanfangbuzhou.

Taoist Xinghe really found some unusual places. He secretly marked these places and did not disturb the existence in them for the time being.

These existences have nothing to do with Xuanmen. They are not the three thousand guests of the "Zixiao Palace", nor have they entered the gates of the Three Religions. They do not move around on weekdays. They can be said to be complete strangers. Even if Li Yunjing plans to attack these characters, he will not cause any trouble. The turmoil in the three realms will not cause obstruction from others.

In Li Yunjing's view, there are many good things in these old antiques, and the way of practice comes from the three thousand demon gods, which is of great reference value. They are the fattest lambs and are the perfect targets for him to attack.

This was a secret. Li Yunjing never told anyone. He was waiting to kill the three corpses before taking action.

I just didn't expect that at this moment, Xiniu Hezhou's seal was completely broken, and the most powerful person among the inheritors of the three thousand demon gods was born.

At this time, a group of quasi-sages from Jiejiao include Taoist Priest of Chaos, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole, Taoist Xinghe, Empress Yunxiao, Holy Mother of Jinling, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Holy Mother of Wudang, Zhao Gongming, Yuyixian, Wuyunxian, Kong Xuan and his respective good corpses and evil corpses are here.

Such a group of experts did not enter Xiniu Hezhou immediately, but looked on guard, waiting for the Demon Ancestor to be born.

Just like the choice of Jie Jiao, the Human Jiao, Chan Jiao, as well as the Witch Clan, Monster Clan and even the Heavenly Court and Asura Clan’s quasi-sages also came out. Everyone knew that Luohou’s path was the world-destroying demonic path. This Naturally, they won't do good things when they come out.

They all thought that if a group of quasi-sages surrounded and beat this demon to death, they could earn some merit for nothing.

The atmosphere in the entire Three Realms suddenly became weird. Except for Xiniu Hezhou, all other parties were standing on the border between Nanfangbu Continent, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Beiju Luzhou, Jiuyou Underworld, Thirty-Three Heavens and Xiniu Hezhou. .

"Lord Buddha, these people are all looking at our Buddhist jokes!"

The current situation is already precarious. Only Buddhism is trying its best to protect the entire Xiniu Hezhou. The "Wuzhuang Temple" even ran away, leaving only a group of Buddhist masters looking at the messy Xiniu Hezhou, wanting to cry without tears.

"Forget it! Let's forget about it. Since everyone wants the Demon Ancestor Luohou to be born, then let him come out!" Sighing, Sakyamuni Tathagata said angrily: "In addition, the Buddhist disciples, Believers migrate away, don’t let them be affected by the evil disaster.”

"My Buddha is merciful! We will obey the Buddha's decree!"

Only then did all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas breathe a sigh of relief, and each returned to their dojo, collecting all their dojos, monasteries, disciples, and believers with the great supernatural power of "holding the Buddha's kingdom in the palm of their hands."

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

As the Buddhist sect finally summoned the "Great Thunder Sound Temple" away, the sound of laughter that shook the three worlds finally came from the black hole under the Lingshan Mountain. The sound revealed a self-centered, arrogant and domineering will.

"Marquis Wuluo is back!"

The desolate voice resounded through the three realms and six realms. Infected by the strong demonic energy, Lingshan turned into pitch black. Everything was demonized. The rocks turned into black, exuding strong demonic aura; the flowers, plants and trees also changed from colorful to colorful. It turned into a single black color, and all the green plants seemed to be violent, swaying in the evil energy, revealing cruelty and evil.

Even the fairy springs on Lingshan Mountain were "gurgling" with black bubbles popping up. Every bubble burst, exuding a strong bloody smell, and even the fairy springs turned into a dead gray color.

The entire Lingshan area seems to have changed from a colorful world to a monotonous black and white world.

Death, silence, evil, cruelty, and madness seem to have become the only melody.

"Senior brother, what do you think of this person?"

Seeing Luo Hou's power, Empress Yunxiao couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Hearing Yun Xiao's question, everyone else's eyes turned to Chaos Dao Lord. This is currently one of the best masters in the three realms. He has advanced cultivation. I wonder if he can capture Luo Hou?

Li Yunjing just smiled faintly at the curiosity of his fellow disciples and said: "The Luohou Daoxing is still there, but all the treasures in his body were taken away by the Daozu."

"So that's it!"

Although the leader's words were not stated clearly, everyone else understood what Lord Chaos meant. Everyone was a person with great magical powers, so they naturally understood the power that the innate spiritual treasure could show in the hands of a person with great magical powers.

There seems to be quite a lot of top-quality innate spiritual treasures in the hands of Dao Lord Chaos!
Over the years, Dao Lord Chaos's cultivation has become more and more unfathomable. He has rarely used all the spiritual treasures, making it difficult for people to tell the depth. It is precisely because of this that many fellow disciples are curious about which Lord Chaos and Luo Hou are stronger. weak?
In the Renjiao, Master Xuandu is eager to try. This Luohou is a meritorious person!
Although Grand Master Xuandu's cultivation level is not the highest, he has the most powerful magic weapon in his hand. In order to seize the top spot, and in order to eliminate the weakness of seeing Jie Jiao shy away before, this time he carries the "Tai Chi Diagram", "Heaven and Earth" on his body The two great treasures are the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda.

With this thing, Master Xuandu is confident that he can defeat any quasi-sage!

On the other side of Chanjiao, Guangchengzi smiled at the junior disciples and said: "This Luohou is somewhat rampant like a demon! However, this person was born too late, and his era has long ended, let alone Daozu and the teacher. , even if we take a few shots, we can take it down!"

"What Senior Brother Guangchengzi said is true! This time, the teacher has sent down the 'Pangu Banner'. We will explain the teachings and we will definitely shock the world!"

Master Yuding, Master Lingbao, True Monarch Qingxu Daode, Daoxing Tianzun, Yun Zhongzi, Antarctic Immortal and others nodded in agreement.

"This time, take action, find an opportunity, and kill the traitor Ran Deng!"

Guangchengzi glanced at the Buddhist door, stayed for a while on the Buddha who was burning the lantern, and finally said through gritted teeth.

"That's right! If it weren't for this beast, how could our teaching be so desolate?"

Master Yuding, Master Lingbao, True Monarch Qingxu Daode, Daoxing Tianzun, Yun Zhongzi, and Antarctic Immortal nodded again. Their hatred for Ran Deng was also not low. In the past, they wanted to kill Ran Deng. It's as difficult as ascending to the sky. Now that I have the innate treasure "Pangu Flag" in my hand, I can kill him with confidence.

As the most important killing weapon in the Three Realms, anyone who touches it will be doomed!

In addition to the Four Religions, there are other great supernatural beings such as the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother of Yaochi, Xihe Fairy, Zhen Yuanzi, Minghe Ancestor, Panwang, Xingtian, Jiufeng, Xiangliu, Baize, Ji Meng, Bifang and even Kunpeng, a demon master who has never been born, has arrived.

In addition to some great supernatural beings who have not been born for a long time, there are hundreds of great supernatural powers from the three realms gathered here.

"Interesting! None of those old guys showed up!"

Li Yunjing's will swept across all directions, and he glanced at everyone. In the end, he shook his head in disappointment. He did not expect that those old guys would not even be willing to take part in such a big event.

"What are you doing, Lord Chaos Dao?"

"He's crazy?"

"You actually unleashed your spiritual consciousness unscrupulously on so many of us?"

"Damn it! Those who intercept the teachings are so arrogant!"

"After finishing Luo Hou, show him how powerful he is!"

The behavior of Lord Chaos Taoist immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of Human Sect, Chan Sect, Buddhism, Heavenly Court, Wu Clan and some individuals with great supernatural powers. This behavior was really rude.

"Senior brother, what are you doing?"

Even the great magical practitioners of Jiejiao don’t understand the purpose of Chaos Dao Lord’s actions. They seem to be a bit incomprehensible. There is no need to take the initiative to provoke these guys!

"Don't worry, this time around Luo Hou, you should be smart and don't go all out. Also, no matter what happens here, you don't want to participate!"

It turned out that after Li Yunjing scanned the area and didn't find those well-hidden old monsters, he had another idea in his mind. It seemed that a wish could be fulfilled today.


Finally, from the deep black hole below "Lingshan", a black light shot straight out again. This black light was so intense that all light that encountered the black light seemed to be absorbed and transformed by the black light.

This is the most authentic "original true demonic energy" and the supreme symbol of the perfection of demonic power!

The intensity of the demonic energy in a demonic person's body can also be seen as a person's level of cultivation. It is obvious that the Demon Ancestor Luohou has cultivated the "original true demonic energy" to its peak.

(End of this chapter)

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