The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 182: Demonic power shocks the world, the Immortal Killing Formation 1 is divided into 2

Chapter 182: Demonic power shocked the world, and the Immortal Killing Formation was split into two

"Eh? This Luo Hou's method is quite interesting!"

Seeing the scene where Luo Hou, the Demon Ancestor of the Earthly Immortal Realm, was born, in the "Yuxu Palace", Yuanshi Tianzun showed a hint of surprise, and even a hint of joy, as if he had been inspired by Luo Hou.

No matter what inspiration Yuanshi Tianzun had, the Demon Ancestor Luohou finally came out of the black hole in Lingshan. Under the dark magic robe, the great supernatural powers of the three realms could not see Luohou's true body clearly. Luohou's face was even invisible. The bamboo hat was completely covered by the condensed demonic energy.

"Interesting! Trapped underground for hundreds of millions of years, the disciples and grandsons of Hongjun, a villain, have also grown up."

Seemingly not surprised by the current situation, Luo Hou looked around and said lightly, his unwillingness and emotion could still be felt in his words.

"Luohou! Your birth caused the death of hundreds of millions of Buddhist followers. How do you resolve this cause and effect?"

When the true master came out, Sakyamuni Tathagata looked cold and asked coldly, without any respect for the old senior.

"Hahaha! Junior, you Buddhists have been chanting nonsense scriptures on the head of our ancestor for hundreds of millions of years. Before our ancestor came to trouble you, you dare to attack our ancestor?"

As if he heard some ridiculous joke, Demon Ancestor Luohou burst into laughter, and even his straight demon body bent down.

"Bold Luo Hou! What time is it now? Your majestic era has long passed. You dare to talk to the Lord Buddha like this. Do you want to be ashes as soon as you come out?"

As soon as these two people came out and scolded them, they immediately caused the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism to laugh. They all seemed to be laughing at the Demon Patriarch Luohou for not overestimating his own abilities.

That is the real ignorance of life and death!

Only Patriarch Minghe, who was also the first-level master of the Demonic Way, felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't help but cursed at the Buddhist people in his heart.

"Okay! How dare you, a mere junior, bully me like this! Die!"

"Marquis Luo, why do you need to be in trouble with Buddhist disciples? The cause and effect of my Buddhist disciples will naturally be taken over by me, the Buddha Lord."

Demon Ancestor Luohou said calmly, but he was a little anxious in his heart. The top-quality innate spiritual treasures and innate treasures he had on him were all taken away by the shameless villain Hongjun.

Even with the words "the sea of ​​blood never dries up, the river of Styx never dies", the leader of the Asura Sect did not dare to betray Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

To betray Daozu Hongjun is to betray the way of heaven, to betray the prehistoric world, and to annihilate the world. Not to mention that he has nothing to do with the demon ancestor Luohou, even if he is his own son, he does not dare to protect him, and he has to break away from him as soon as possible!

Before Sakyamuni Tathagata could reprimand him, the dragon-subduing Arhat and the tiger-subduing Arhat who were guarding him couldn't help but stepped forward and reprimanded the Demon Ancestor Luohou.

Sakyamuni Tathagata said lightly. With a flick of his sleeves, the golden light dazzled, and the dragon-subduing Arhat and the tiger-subduing Arhat were taken back behind him. At the same time, with a focus on his palm, the "Tathagata Palm" faced the "original true demon" "Qi" to block it.

The sound spread farther and farther, right on the border of Xiniu Hezhou. The other forces couldn't help but laugh after hearing the rebuke of the Dragon-Subduing Arhat and the Crouching Tiger Arhat.

Originally, he thought of using thunderous means to defeat Buddhism and frighten all directions, but he did not expect that a mere junior Sakyamuni Tathagata could cultivate to such an extent.

Now, even if he has recovered from his injuries after a long period of time, he cannot be a match for the hundreds of great supernatural beings who are eyeing him outside!

Of course, he only expressed his sympathy and secretly cursed Buddhism. As for standing up for the Demon Ancestor Luohou, that is absolutely non-existent. He served three thousand guests of the "Purple Sky Palace", even if he created the Blood Sea Asura lineage , but after all, he is still a disciple of Xuanmen, so naturally he cannot collude with the enemies of Daozu Hongjun.

"These Buddhist disciples are not human beings!"

Buddhas such as the Past Buddha, the Great Sun Tathagata, the Kuru Sun Buddha, and the Future Buddha Maitreya, along with many quasi-sage-level Bodhisattvas and Arhats, took the Buddhist Daluo Golden Immortal and Taiyi Golden Immortal away thousands of miles away.

"Junior! Are you the current master of Buddhism? You really have some righteousness!"

Demon Ancestor Luohou saw that the juniors in the Three Realms didn't take him seriously at all. He suddenly became angry. He waved his dark robe sleeves and the "primordial true demonic energy" surged out towards the two little figures Subduing the Dragon and Arhat. Rolled over.

Although these two Arhats are not of high status, they have a great status in Buddhism, and their conduct has reached the level of quasi-sages. They are also the top protectors of Buddhism.

With a "pop" sound, two light beams, one gold and one black, collided together, and the void seemed to be annihilated.

Although this person's cultivation level is weaker than that of the four masters of Daozu Hongjun back then, he has reached the late stage of Quasi-Saint after all and is already a top figure. It is not easy to defeat him.

"The Demon Ancestor's style remains the same as before! The poor monk comes again to ask for advice!"

After testing a move, Sakyamuni Tathagata was convinced. Although this Luohou was powerful, he was not incapable of defeating him. If he captured Luohou today, his reputation would be as high as that of Taoist ancestor Hongjun, and he would become the leader of this era. The first person in the three realms!
This is not a name that has no effect. It is the place where the world's luck gathers. If you become number one in the world, you will be recited by billions of creatures, get the blessing of heaven's luck, and behead the third corpse. I feel more confident.

"What a junior! Take another move from the ancestor!"

Luo Hou smiled slightly, and in the ordinary, an incarnation of a true demon, one hundred thousand feet tall, with shiny scales and sharp claws, with the power to penetrate everything, grabbed Sakyamuni Tathagata.

With this move, the heaven and earth were silent, the air was frozen, Lingshan was reduced to ruins after the incarnation of the real demon was born, and the Buddhist stronghold became history.


Sakyamuni Tathagata sighed softly and saw a golden light behind him.

A Buddha came out, and I saw this Buddha, wearing a colorful crown on his head, with golden light shining between his eyebrows, illuminating everything.

The golden body, the wisdom fist seal, wearing a cassock, sitting on the lotus platform, is the good corpse incarnation of Sakyamuni Tathagata - Many Treasures Tathagata.

Nine more relics appeared in mid-air, illuminating the entire Xiniu Hezhou with golden light, making it look extremely solemn.

"Junior Sakyamuni! If you learn Na Hongjun's method of killing corpses, it will not be of much use at all. Today, my ancestor has made you all understand that you are on the wrong path!"

The incarnation of the real demon opened its bloody mouth. Each sharp tooth was equivalent to a straight ancient sacred mountain. The huge sound came out, shaking the void violently. It seemed that it could not bear it and was about to be completely shattered. .

At the same time, the huge claws grabbed the Tathagata Many Treasures and Sakyamuni Tathagata!

The void shattered, spiritual energy exploded, and the earth completely collapsed under the impact of this grab. The ancestral terrain of Xiniu Hezhou was changed again.

strength! Pure power!
The power of the real demon burst out, shaking the world!

The Buddha's light on the bodies of the Many Treasures Tathagata and Sakyamuni Tathagata has been distorted. This is the magical power of a powerful demon god, coming from the real three thousand avenues.


Sakyamuni Tathagata's face changed. A clear light shone behind him, and the Taoist Taoist Evil Corpse Duobao also flew out. The "Supreme Pure Immortal Technique" condensed the "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder" and bombarded the incarnation of the real demon. past.

At the same time, the "Zhu Xian Sword Diagram" flashed, and the five incarnations, Fudo Ming King, Jiangsan Ming King, Junta Li Ming King, Dawei De Ming King, and Vajra Yaksha Ming King, jumped out.

"Huh? Isn't this the ancestor's 'Zhuxian Formation'?"

Looking at the "Zhuxian Formation" flying out of the void with excitement on his face, the real body of Demon Ancestor Luohou, who had been standing motionless, finally moved. Luohou's whole body turned into a black mist, facing the motionless The five great incarnations of King Ming, King Ming of the Three Generations, King Ming of Juntali, King of Mighty Virtue, and King Vajra Yaksha killed him and left.


The incarnation of Fudo Ming King was pounced by Demon Ancestor Luo Hou and torn into pieces. The incarnation of the quasi-sage was destroyed. Na Luo Hou became even more powerful and even attacked the Third Prince Ming King again.

"Obstacle! How dare you!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata brought his good and evil clones to surround and kill the incarnation of the real demon. As soon as the five great kings appeared, they lost one of them. This immediately angered Sakyamuni Tathagata and caused him to yell loudly.

"Hahaha! Junior, do you think you can resurrect the five incarnations with your unique method and use the 'Zhuxian Formation' to kill the ancestor?"

After killing a Ming King again, Luo Hou laughed and said, "This is the ancestor's treasure map. Who in the world knows the pros and cons of the 'Zhuxian Formation' better than the ancestor? It's ridiculous for you to show off this method!"

"No! This loser Duobao has done something stupid! This 'Zhuxian Formation' must not fall into the hands of Luo Hou under any circumstances, otherwise it will be even more difficult to take it back!"

Seeing this scene, Dao Lord Chaos, who was not in a hurry to take action, became completely anxious. He tore the void into pieces and entered the dimensional time and space. The next moment, beside Luo Hou, the torn void was killed. .

At this moment, Chaos Dao Lord didn't even have time to fly over. It was because Luo Hou killed the five Ming Kings too fast. Those five quasi-sages were able to trap them even if they were defeated by ordinary quasi-sage masters. , waiting for me to take action together and kill him.

"Where did this junior come from? If you dare to sneak attack on the ancestor, I will give you death today!"

Suddenly, he felt the sharp sword light coming from behind. Luo Hou was experienced. He stepped aside three feet, turned his hand and slapped a palm. Suddenly, the void was chaotic, and the seven emotions and six desires were facing the Chaos Dao Lord. Dive into the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is originally a method of "refining the mortal world with seven emotions and six desires". Immortal figures have already experienced it, and masters at the level of Daluo Jinxian are free from disasters and will no longer be disturbed by external demons.

Not to mention a big figure among quasi-sages like Chaos Dao Lord!
However, what is unexpected is that as soon as the complicated "Seven Emotions and Six Desires" penetrated into the consciousness of Dao Lord Chaos, they immediately evolved into the life experience of Dao Lord Chaos. All of them seemed real even to a quasi-sage level master. Incomparable.

"What a good idea! But Luo Hou, do you think that a mere small road can do anything to a poor road?"

Chaos Taoist Lord was too late to completely suppress the trouble in the sea of ​​consciousness, so he allocated a small part of his energy to suppress it, and concentrated the rest of his energy on arresting Luo Hou.


With a loud noise, the bodies of Chaos Dao Lord and Luo Hou each retreated for several miles. In this head-to-head confrontation, the two men were evenly matched in strength!

"Who are you?"

Luo Hou's heart sank and he asked again. He didn't expect that after only a few rounds of fighting, he would encounter two opponents who could fight him back and forth. Such characters, even if they were placed in the calamity of Long Han, , is also a top existence!

Now, under the leadership of the villain Hongjun, has Honghuang become so powerful?
Could it be that after waiting for hundreds of millions of years, not to mention revenge, even Hongjun's disciples and grandsons can no longer be taken away?

"Marquis Luo! The second generation disciple of Pindao Jiejiao, the Taoist Lord of Chaos!"

Dao Lord Chaos laughed loudly, and the Chinese light in his sleeves flashed, the purple light flashed, and with a "click", a "Purple Sky Divine Thunder" burst out from the top-grade innate spiritual treasure "Purple Electric Hammer", but the one that hit was not Luo Hou, on the other hand, was one step ahead of him, killed King Junda Liming, and snatched one-fifth of the "Zhuxian Formation Diagram".

"Asshole! It turns out that your purpose is to compete with the ancestor for the 'Zhuxian Formation Diagram'!"

Luo Hou rolled his eyes and immediately understood the thoughts of Dao Lord Chaos. He did not attack Dao Lord Chaos, but ran towards King Dawei Deming.

"Just half of it for you and me!"

The Taoist Priest of Chaos sneered, reminded Luo Hou, and attacked King Vajra Yaksha. At this moment, he wanted to use Luo Hou's means to prevent the five great kings from being resurrected.

You must know that if this battle were to be fought by the Dao Lord of Chaos, it would be difficult for him to simply destroy the characteristics of the "Zhuxian Array" like Luo Hou. You must know that under the refinement of Sakyamuni Tathagata, the five major Unless all the incarnations of King Ming die, as long as there is still one, the other dead incarnations of King Ming will be resurrected continuously and start over.

With a "pop" sound, King Kong Yaksha Ming was beheaded, and the piece of "Zhu Xian Formation Diagram" was in his hands again. Chaos Dao Lord looked around and saw that Demon Ancestor Luohou had succeeded and killed the other incarnation of King Ming.

At this moment, the "Zhuxian Formation Diagram" was divided into two, with Chaos Dao Lord and Luo Hou each taking charge of one part.

"Damn it! Luohou, Chaoszi, you guys give me a blow!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata was furious in his heart. He never thought that after just a short battle, his losses would be extremely huge. He even lost the "Zhuxian Formation" that was related to him.


Thinking of this, nameless fire arose, and Amitabha's "Demon-Subduing Pestle" was smashed towards the Dao Lord of Chaos and Demon Ancestor Luohou.

"Duobao, you're just a little Daoer, how did you get Pindao?"

Temporarily stopping Demon Ancestor Luo Houde's plan, Li Yunjing felt happy. At this moment, when he saw the "Demon Subduing Pestle" coming, he immediately revealed Qingyun and Sanhua, condensed the "Supreme Pure Immortal Light", and used the "Purple Electric Hammer" in his hand to "Throwing it, it hit the "Demon-Conquering Pestle".


Suddenly, the void near Chaos Dao Lord and Luo Hou completely collapsed, and huge black space cracks appeared near the two people.

(End of this chapter)

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