The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 183: The Zhuxian Formation returns to Jiejiao, and the four teachers have a tacit understand

Chapter 183: The Zhuxian Formation returns to Jiejiao, and the four religions have a tacit understanding of letting go

"All Buddhas! All Bodhisattvas, take action together!"

Finally, Sakyamuni Tathagata couldn't help but choose to fight in a group. He suffered too much loss in this battle. Luo Hou wanted to suppress it, and he also wanted to get back the lost "Zhuxian Formation", at least part of it. , he can’t use it, and neither can anyone else!

As for the Taoist Lord of Chaos, although Sakyamuni Tathagata is the most hostile to him, I have to say that this former junior brother, the little person who has been following him around, has really risen.

Even he could not completely kill the Dao Lord of Chaos!
If the people on the must-kill list have levels, then the difficulty of killing Dao Lord Chaos is at the hell level. Others don’t know, but Sakyamuni Tathagata also knows that there are many top-quality innate spiritual treasures in the hands of Dao Lord Chaos. ?

There was a loud noise, and under the order of the Lord Buddha, dozens of quasi-sage masters from the Buddhist sect took action together. The power to dominate the heavens and the world burst out, attacking and killing the incarnation of the real demon, the true form of Luohou, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos. go!

The Buddha's light all over the sky turned into the Buddha's anger, and the power condensed to the extreme exploded. Everything collapsed and turned into powder. Even some of the space cracks that had just appeared were completely crushed.

At this moment, Buddhism wants to take advantage of the fact that no one else has entered the game and kill all the enemies present!
"The Great Formation of Harmony with Light and Dust!"

With a cold smile, the lunatic chose to fight head-on with so many quasi-sages. The figure of Chaos Dao Lord suddenly disappeared, but turned into a mote of dust, got into the space cracks floating around, and shuttled out.

"Hey! The inner demon is invisible and has no form!"

At this moment, feeling the changes around him, the Chaos Dao Lord emerged from the dust, and his will violently radiated in all directions. It was not until he encountered the limit of the seal and felt the strength of the seal that he nodded with satisfaction.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the old enemies, the Asura Tribe and the Demon Tribe. They usually kill a lot of demons and eliminate demons. Naturally, these two parties are always looking for trouble. Now that they are better, there is actually another Demon Ancestor Luohou who has overthrown the whole world. Xiniu Hezhou.

Similarly, facing the dog feeding, Demon Ancestor Luohou smiled coldly. His figure suddenly became illusory. He turned into billions and billions of shadows, flying in all directions. No one knew which one was his. real body.

In this millions of miles, from thirty-three days to the Nine Netherworld, no dust can escape from this light curtain. The huge seal will even be truly materialized, forming a colorful divine stone and becoming a Huge sarcophagus.

Both the Dao Lord of Chaos and the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou showed their invincible style in the encirclement and killing by Buddhism. They each had their own means to avoid the encirclement and killing by dozens of great supernatural powers.

In line with the thoughts of other great supernatural power users, Chaos Dao Lord also did not believe that Luo Hou could escape millions of miles in an instant. You must know that his own "Heguang Tongchen Formation" escape speed is already extremely fast, and he was blocked here. In a temporary "sarcophagus"?
As Dao Lord Chaos used his magical power, a red and black light appeared between his eyebrows, and slowly an upright eye appeared from between his eyebrows.

"No! Block the void!"

People in Buddhism are mad with hatred and are incompetent barking dogs. Naturally, other sects don’t care. It’s just that the Demon Lord Luohou wants to escape. This is why the people teach, intercept the religion, explain the religion, heaven, Asura religion, the witch clan, and the demon clan. , Sanxian's great magical powers were suddenly taken aback.

Everything went unfavorably, which made a group of experts in Buddhism go crazy with hatred. Their boiling murderous intent and ferocious faces made countless immortals and gods in the other three continents tremble with fear.

They are too lazy to take care of the dirty things of Buddhism and other people, but they have to take care of the affairs of Demon Ancestor Luohou. This person is the culprit and must be killed, otherwise wouldn't the merits of heaven and earth be wasted?

The "Great Formation of Harmony with Light and Dust" was manifested again, and a mote of dust once again shuttled through the internal space of the "sarcophagus", and suddenly manifested itself with the Demon Ancestor Luohou as the coordinate.

One by one, those with great supernatural powers followed the only entrance and entered the million-mile sarcophagus. Finally, Sakyamuni Tathagata looked at Xiniu Hezhou, which was almost reduced to ruins, and sighed heavily. Then, with the accuracy of Buddhism, The saints also entered this sealed land.

With a sweep of the strange red and black gaze, Dao Lord Chaos finally saw something unusual. The faint "original true demonic energy" could not escape his eyes at all.

"Okay! So you are there!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

This turned out to be the "Great Divine Eye of Destruction", one of the important inheritances of the Demon God of Destruction. This divine eye, not to mention the illusion of looking at the market, even the sight of destroying the world, could only be taken lightly.

Millions of miles is already the limit that various sects can block. They don't think Luo Hou can escape any further distance in an instant.

This scene made all the masters of Buddhism turn black. Unexpectedly, they suddenly attacked and used their strongest means, but they still failed to bring any harm to the two enemies!
Ever since Buddhism flourished and luck reached its peak, things in Buddhism have no longer gone smoothly. Not to mention interception and interpretation, they often oppose Buddhism. Even the trash of human religion has the courage to secretly create obstacles for Buddhism.

Just now, his will has scanned the million-mile radius, and he has basically met all the great supernatural beings in the three realms. No matter whether they are members of the Jiejiao sect or friends and enemies of other sects, they can't escape his detection. Only Naluohou suddenly seemed to It seems to have disappeared and cannot be found.

Suddenly, hundreds of great supernatural powers took action, and the magic power of the five colors and ten lights gathered together to form layers of light curtains, quickly sealing the world for millions of miles.

"Where is this Luohou hiding? Let's see how Pindao finds you!"


With a loud noise, the Dao Lord of Chaos appeared, and the "Purple Electric Hammer" hit the deeply hidden Demon Ancestor Luohou heavily. Immediately, the Demon Ancestor Luohou's head was smashed and bleeding, and even half of his head was bleeding. All flew out.

"Bring it here!"

Regardless of finishing the attack, Chaos Dao Lord grabbed the other three broken "Xianxian Formation Diagram" from Luo Hou's palm.


At this time, Luo Hou was still wailing in pain because half of his head was missing. He had not yet realized that the Dao Lord of Chaos had taken action again and took away his "Zhuxian Formation".

In just an instant, the Dao Lord of Chaos discovered Luo Hou and severely wounded him. The eyes of other great magical powers in the three realms lit up and they all turned into rainbows and flew towards here. In the "rumbling" sound, magical powers hit him one after another and slowly recovered. The Rahou of Consciousness.

"These guys!"

Chaos Dao Lord shook his head slightly, dodged back, and dodged. Hundreds of great supernatural powers were attacking him. How could he dare to stay nearby? If someone with intentions suddenly attacked him, his fate would not necessarily be better than Luo Hou's. .

"Bang!" That Luohou didn't end well. He was directly beaten into a blood mist by hundreds of powerful magicians.

"The supreme true demon! Gather the demon body again!"

In the blood mist, Luo Hou's voice came out again, with cruelty and anger. Luo Hou appeared again, and in an instant, he impacted among the great supernatural beings.

This time, Luo Hou was no longer fierce and arrogant. He did not move around the powerful quasi-sages in the great sect. Instead, he kept flashing around those casual immortals and quasi-sages.

These quasi-sages came here by taking advantage of them. Who would have thought that Luohou would regard them as the primary target? The huge sharp claws grabbed an old Taoist wearing Bagua Taoist clothes. With a "hiss", he was He was torn into two halves, and the two halves of the body were still shaking violently, trying in vain to break away from Luo Hou's big hand and get back together.

"You little snack! My ancestor ate you!"

Luo Hou grabbed it with his big hand, and his ferocious aura became violent. He lifted half of the body with his huge claws and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it with a "squeaking" sound. Blood flowed down the big mouth of the real demon body, making it even more disturbing. People are afraid.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Before many people with great supernatural powers could react, Luo Hou's figure kept flashing in the crowd. He would hit some ordinary quasi-sages who beheaded a corpse and then leave.

If you can't hold it, you will become food. If you have the ability to block it, Luohou will not fight for long, turn around and leave, and attack others again. It is such a shameless fighting method that no one can trap him at all, but instead He ate dozens of quasi-sages in a row.

This is the strength of a master at the pinnacle level of quasi-sage. As long as he is not completely locked out, with Luo Hou's strength, he can slowly massacre some weak quasi-sages.

Originally, Chaos Dao Lord was a little worried about the situation here when Demon Patriarch Luo Hou was so ferocious. However, after observing for a while, the Demon Dao Patriarch recognized the reality clearly and did not dare to take action against the four major religions. Instead, he focused on Pick out the weak and massacre them.

"Senior brother! This Luohou is so vicious, let's take action to capture him, shall we?"

When the people from Jiejiao and Dao Lord Chaos met, the Winged Immortal couldn't help but said loudly.

"Shut up! Don't worry! Let's see if Luo Hou has other means first. In addition, the 'Zhu Xian Formation' has been taken back by me. I also need to refine all the breaths of Luo Hou and Duobao. This treasure , it can only belong to our teacher!”

After hearing what the Winged Immortal said, Dao Lord Chaos couldn't help but glared at him. This Winged Immortal has been there for many years and has not made any progress at all. Is this the time for them to take action?

Didn't you see people from Buddhism, Human Sect, and Interpretation Sect gathered outside, releasing several magical arts one after another?

Everyone is not stupid, and it happens that with the help of Demon Ancestor Luohou, we can eliminate some potential threats.

Although these casual cultivators of great supernatural powers may not be able to threaten masters such as Chaos Dao Lord, Sakyamuni Tathagata, Xuandu Master, Guangchengzi, etc., these great supernatural powers are powerful after all, occupying many caves and blessed places in the three realms, and mastering the great powers. Pen resources, even innate spiritual treasures.

These people do not take advantage of the four religions' rule over the three realms.

On weekdays, these people focus on cultivation and do not account for cause and effect. The Four Religions cannot cause trouble to them. After all, everyone is under the banner of righteousness and cannot kill these neutral figures at will.

At this moment, Demon Ancestor Luohou was born, and with the help of this person, he tried his best to clean up these great supernatural beings, and clean up some "worms" for themselves, the sect, and the prehistoric world.

"Hmph! These juniors are all insidious and vicious. Do you want to use the help of the ancestors to eradicate some masters?"

"Ancestor will make you happy! Wait a moment, Ancestor will give you a surprise!"

This Luohou kept silent, killing all the way, killing sixty-four quasi-sages from all parties, and then stopped. It was not that he didn't want to kill the other quasi-sages, it was really unsustainable. .

These quasi-sages either form gangs or have powerful innate spiritual treasures to protect their bodies, making them difficult to kill in a short time. As long as he makes one mistake and is blocked by a group of masters, he will be immediately destroyed.

Previously, he was completely beaten into a blood mist by a group of great supernatural beings. This loss was extremely heavy. It took a lot of blood and essence to barely recover his true body. At this moment, he had eaten sixty-four quasi-sages and lacked vitality. Just added it back.

And during this period of time, the masters of Jiejiao were no different from other sects. They were all pretending, but their attack power was real. They just didn't attack with the combined strength of all the immortals, they just attacked each other.

If you don't "work hard", you will naturally look fake. In the future, who of the other surviving great supernatural powers will dare to get close to the people of the Four Religions?
When it comes to things like acting, the four sects are all experts. There is no need to say anything more. They all cooperate with each other tacitly. The shouts and curses are endless, and the spells in their hands never stop.

It seems that they are afraid of Luo Hou's fierce power. No one from the four religions dared to drag Luo Hou head-on. They just used a series of great magic spells at Luo Hou from a distance.

"Okay! It's almost done!"

Chaos Dao Lord's words made all the great supernatural power practitioners around him tremble, and they heard Li Yunjing say again: "We will give priority to Zhenren Yuding, Zhenxu Daodezhen, and Daoxing Tianzun! The Immortal Killing Sword, the Immortal Trapping Sword, It’s time to take back the Absolute Immortal Sword!”

"Yes! Headmaster!"

All the great masters of the Jie Jiao were very excited after hearing this. The Four Swords of the Zhu Xian plus the Zhu Xian Formation are the symbols of the Jie Jiao. They are the most powerful magic weapon of their teacher, Master Tongtian, and the strongest formation of the Jie Jiao.

Unfortunately, during the Conferred God Tribulation, Jiejiao was defeated, and all those treasures were lost. Today, Brother Chaos not only regained the "Zhuxian Formation" that fell to the west, but also wanted to bring the "Zhuxian Sword", "Xianxian Sword", "Jue Xian Sword" and "Jue Xian Sword". "Immortal Sword" is taken back, this is a great thing!

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes were filled with determination and excitement. They waited for Chaos Dao Lord's instructions and immediately took action to capture the three masters of Yuding, Qingxu Daode, and Daoxing Tianzun.

"This time, just for the Killing Immortal Sword, the Immortal Trapping Sword, and the Absolute Immortal Sword, don't kill Master Yuding, True Monarch Qingxu Daode, and Daoxing Tianzun! The aura of Guangchengzi was terrifying, and even Pindao felt uneasy when he saw it. People must have great treasures, and the thing that can pose a threat to me is naturally the innate treasure. The second uncle must have passed down the "Pangu Banner". In order to prevent Guangchengzi from playing tricks with us, we understand the meaning of Pindao. Bar?"

"Don't worry, Headmaster! The cause and effect with Chanjiao will be settled sooner or later. We can't afford to make a lose-lose situation with them and take advantage of Buddhism and Humanism!"

(End of this chapter)

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