The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 184 The four swords of Zhu Xian return, and the Zhu Xian sword formation reappears in the th

Chapter 184: The Four Swords of Zhu Xian return, and the Zhu Xian Sword Formation reappears in the Three Realms
The Holy Mother of Jinling, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Empress, Wuyunxian, Yuyixian, Kong Xuan and others nodded. Under the daily teachings of Chaos Taoist Lord, Jiejiao is no longer stubborn, and even more We won't engage in that kind of fuel war.

"Very good! The troops are divided into three groups. Pindao, Taoist Xinghe, and Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Jiji each lead a group of people. You just follow the instructions and attack together!"

He nodded happily. Today's Jie Jiao is more flexible than the Jie Jiao under the teacher's rule. He is not as stubborn as before. At least Jie Jiao is not easily plotted by the other three teachers.

On the scene, as Luo Hou killed the weak Quasi-Sage and restored his fighting strength, the scene became anxious again. In addition to the masters of the Four Religions, there were many top masters in the Three Realms.

Some other great supernatural powers include the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother of Yaochi, Fairy Xihe, Demon Master Kunpeng, Zhen Yuanzi, Ancestor Minghe, Panwang, Xingtian, Jiufeng, Xiangliu, Baize, Jimeng, Bifang and others. Each one of them used their magical powers so fiercely that they made Na Luohou howl and scream, unable to resist at all.

"Do it! Don't let them take advantage!"

Seeing this scene and seeing that the time was almost up, Guangchengzi gave an order. Yun Zhongzi, Nanji Xianweng, Lingbao Master, Yuding Zhenren, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Daoxing Tianzun, a total of seven quasi-sages shouted loudly. , also joined the siege.

As expected, Jie Jiao and his party saw the "Zhu Xian Sword", "Zhu Xian Sword", and "Jue Xian Sword" held in the hands of Master Yuding, Master Qingxu Daode, and Master Daoxing Tianzun, and kept pointing at Na Luohou. Kill with ground chop.

Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at these three people fiercely!

"Alright! Get ready to take action. I will personally take down the 'Zhuxian Sword'; Taoist Xinghe will take down the 'Falling Immortal Sword'; and Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole will take down the 'Extreme Immortal Sword'! All fellow disciples, take action together to completely take back my Jiejiao Protector" Teach the most precious thing!”

Finally, a group of people heard the order from Dao Lord Chaos, and they responded one after another.

At this moment, he was content to be able to save one life.

"That's right! This Luohou has caused chaos in the world. If you kill this person, you will definitely get a huge merit reward!"

It can be seen how tyrannical this person is. Dao Lord Chaos swayed and came to the side of the fallen Master Yuding. The Master Yuding raised his head and said secretly, "It's over"!
"Junior brother Yuding! I am here only for the 'Zhuxian Sword', so there is no need to worry, junior brother!"

Only then did Master Yuding let out a sigh of relief. Most of his fighting strength was based on this body that had been polished to the extreme. If he was killed by Chaos Dao Lord at this moment, even if there was a trace of true spirit reincarnation left, it would probably be very difficult. It is difficult to polish a new body to this extent.

Dao Lord Chaos showed a warm smile, but he bent down and took the "Xian Zhu Sword" from Master Yuding's hand without harming his life.

Suddenly, he sensed the danger behind him. It only took a ten thousandth of an instant, leaving no time for Master Yuding to react. The "Shangqing Divine Thunder" slammed into Master Yuding's back.

Although the seven masters of Chanjiao paid attention to Jiejiao's actions and were on guard to a certain extent, they never thought that at this juncture, the entire three realms were besieging Luo Hou, and Jiejiao would dare to take action against them!

At this time, both the Buddhist and Human Sects also moved. The members of the Jie Sect, under the guidance of Dao Lord Chaos, slowly moved towards the direction of the Chan Sect on the battlefield.

The Jade Cauldron was the best in martial arts and his nine-turn mystical skills were not inferior to those of Chaos Dao Lord. At this time, he accidentally got hit by the "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder" but only in the back. A bloody hole was punched out, but his body was not shattered.

In the first group, naturally, Dao Lord Chaos and the three senior sisters, Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Holy Mother of Wudang, and Holy Mother of Turtle Spirits, joined forces to attack the most powerful Jade Cauldron!

"Unlucky! The people who intercepted the teaching also chose our direction to attack!"

"Sisters Jin Ling, Wudang, and Gui Ling, please be vigilant and ensure that the 'Zhenxian Sword' and 'Absolute Immortal Sword' are safe. This Guangchengzi has his own way of dealing with it."

The four true disciples of Jie Jiao joined forces, and the "Supreme Purity Immortal Technique" was connected, and the "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder" was activated to the extreme, even if it was used by the leader of Tongtian Cult himself, it was nothing more than this.

This divine thunder was fast and hard, and it hit Master Yuding!
"Huh? What a shameless teacher!"

Suddenly, the divine consciousness of Dao Lord Chaos penetrated into the consciousness of the Holy Mother of Jinling, Holy Mother of Wudang, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Empress, Wu Yunxian, Yuyixian, and Kong Xuan. Everyone was refreshed and each followed the previous steps. The decision was made to follow Taoist Lord Chaos, Taoist Xinghe, and Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole.


"Do it!"

The man who intercepted the teaching moved very slowly, as if he was afraid of causing a misunderstanding among the teachings. From a long distance away, he released a series of "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder" at Luo Hou who was surrounded in the center.

He was satisfied, but some people were so angry that they went crazy. When Guangchengzi saw Jie Jiao's sneak attack, he was furious. He suddenly took out the "Pangu Banner" and shook it, shooting a stream of chaotic energy at Dao Lord Chaos.

"Ignore them! Kill Luo Hou quickly!"

Chaos Taoist Lord gave an order, no longer looking at him, and tried his best to deal with Guangchengzi's offensive.

At this moment, facing Guangchengzi, Li Yunjing did not dare to be careless. The "Pangu Banner" was transformed from the blade of the "Opening Sky Axe" and could open up even the prehistoric world. How could he dare to compete with him?

"Chaos! You've gone too far! You actually attacked my disciple of Chan Cult when all the people in the Three Realms were united against the demon Lord Luo. You are simply Luohou's lackey, a spy planted by the devil inside Xuanmen. Today, Pindao is the ancestor of Taoism. I'll kill you, this bastard!"

Seeing Dao Lord Chaos dodging around and not daring to take on the sharp edge of "Pangu Banner", Guangchengzi felt extremely happy and happy in his heart, and his words became even more ferocious. These words made Li Yunjing flush with anger and furious.

At this time, the Xinghe Taoist made a ruthless move. With the cooperation of Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Empress, and Wu Yunxian, he knocked down True Monarch Qingxu Daode in one round and took back the "Immortal Trapping Sword".

In addition, with the assistance of the two brothers Kong Xuan and Yu Yixian, Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole of Zhongtian captured Dao Xingtianzun alive with his mighty power, open and close, three moves and two moves, and the "Excellent Immortal Sword" also fell into Zhongtian In the hands of Arctic Ziwei Emperor.

"Guangchengzi! You really don't know how to live or die! Originally, Pindao took back the 'Zhuxian Sword', 'Falling Immortal Sword', and 'Extreme Immortal Sword' so he didn't argue with you about your teachings. However, you uttered evil words, but Pindao didn't care. Can’t stand it!”

After replying to Guangchengzi, Dao Lord Chaos shouted, "Here comes the sword!"

"Catch the sword!"

"Catch the sword!"

The Daoist Xinghe and Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Jiji understood and threw the "Immortal Trapping Sword" and "Extreme Immortal Sword" in their hands towards Dao Lord Chaos. In an instant, the "Xianxian Sword", "Slaying Immortal Sword" and "Xianxian Formation Diagram" were all flew out.

In an instant, the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" that had not been seen for a long time appeared again. At this moment, under the control of Chaos Dao Lord, the formation became more ferocious. The evil energy shot straight into the sky, and the seals arranged by hundreds of great supernatural powers They were all completely shattered.

In his rage, Chaos Dao Lord no longer cared about anything else, and was bound to compete with the foul-mouthed Guang Chengzi. "Guangchengzi, please join the battle! Pindao, let's see if you can still be arrogant!"

Hearing the shouts from Dao Lord Chaos, Guangchengzi's face turned green and white for a while. This was the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" and it must be broken by the Four Saints. Even if Dao Lord Chaos holds this evil formation, he will probably have to find three top ones. Only those with great supernatural powers can do it.

Once such a vicious formation breaks out, how can he have the courage to enter it?

At this moment, two of the seven quasi-sages of Chanjiao were injured and one was captured. The remaining four, including Guangchengzi, did not dare to enter the formation at all. Guangchengzi secretly regretted in his heart that he had known this before. Don't use your words anymore.

"Senior Brother Chaos! Today we are here for Luo Hou. I hope that Senior Brother Chaos will take the overall situation into consideration and stop the formation."

Suddenly, the voice of Xuandu Archmage came from the void. At this moment, Li Yunjing looked around and saw that this senior fellow of the Human Cult was covered in precious light and colorful. Even he was very envious when he saw it.

The Xuandu Archmage has the "Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth" on his head, the innate treasure "Tai Chi Diagram" at his feet, the "Flame Flag off the Ground" in front of him, and the "Xuandu Sword" in his hand to protect the way.

With such a good thing, even if Chaos Dao Lord lets go and strikes, he is not sure that he can kill Xuandu Archmage.

Not only Chaos Dao Lord, but also other great supernatural powers and Luo Hou had another conflict due to the teachings of interpretation and interception, and they looked here. At this moment, when people heard Master Xuandu speak, they naturally looked towards he.

That eye-catching magic weapon has blinded the eyes of those with great supernatural powers from various religions. "Strong" is the only word that can express the thoughts of these great supernatural powers.

"Junior brother Xuandu said it is true! Of course I don't want to argue with Guangchengzi! But this person is ignorant. How many years have they been using the three treasures of Suppression I taught in vain? Today, 'Zhuxian Sword Picture' Returning to our true religion, the 'Zhu Xian Sword', 'Zhu Xian Sword', and 'Jue Xian Sword' will naturally be freed from calamity."

Originally, Dao Lord Chaos was not willing to fight with Guangchengzi, but the reputation he had framed was extremely unpleasant, which made Dao Lord Chaos angry. At this moment, Master Xuandu came forward to mediate. Anyway, he did not suffer any loss, so he naturally chose to take it easy. receive.

To be honest, Taoist Master Chaos was really afraid that Guangchengzi's words would be misunderstood by Taoist Hongjun. Li Yunjing did not dare to offend the Tao of Heaven in the slightest before he proved his Taoism.

Thinking of one of the great stewards of the prehistoric universe, how can he do it if he doesn't listen to the law of heaven?

Seeing that Dao Lord Chaos really put away the "Zhuxian Sword Formation", not only Master Xuandu breathed a sigh of relief, but Guang Chengzi also did the same. These days, he can't find so many allies to stand up for the teaching. .

The "Zhuxian Sword Formation" is simply impossible to break for Chanjiao.

"Damn it! The villain Xuandu actually interfered with this. It would be great if Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao fought to the death!"

The most dissatisfied was the arrival of Sakyamuni Tathagata. When he saw the fighting between the Interception and Interpretation Sects and the Interpretation Sect, he deliberately made the noise on the Buddhist side smaller, just to let the two sects loose their courage and fight to the death.

Who would have thought that Xuandu, who had never been taken seriously by him, would come out and appear in the three realms as a treasure. As for the treasure of Master Xuandu, Sakyamuni Tathagata and the Taoist Lord of Chaos, who would this be? Beat him to death?


In addition to the regret of Sakyamuni Tathagata, Demon Ancestor Luohou was also disappointed. This was his last chance. Unfortunately, the internal strife in Xuanmen was resolved by the junior who was dressed in treasures.

"Marquis Luo! Today is the day you fall!"

Since there would be no fallout from the Chan Sect for the time being, Dao Lord Chaos didn't say much and took the lead in launching an attack on Luohou with a group of fellow disciples from the Jie Sect. At least, he couldn't bear the reputation of colluding with the devil.

How to dispel rumors?

Naturally, if the rumors are broken, and there is no one to collude with, no one will believe Guangchengzi's lies. At least Chaos Dao Lord's actions can be compared with Dao Ancestor.

"I really can't hold on anymore! Alas, my time is gone forever, but my ancestor will not accept his fate!"

After several rounds of fighting with the Jiejiao's great magical powers, Luo Hou knew that there was no chance of survival. The Jiejiao could inherit his own "Zhuxian Sword Formation" and seemed to be very powerful.

Several of the disciples have profound spiritual practices and sharp magic weapons, and can be regarded as first-rate talents.

The encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and other major sects, forces, and loose immortals were also taking action. Luo Hou's body was broken several times, and despair permeated his body.

Everyone knows that the end of this old devil is coming.

However, at this moment, Luo Hou suddenly knelt down in the void, and the magic light on his body launched a wave of attacks. Luo Hou said loudly: "The way of heaven is above, the great god Pangu created the world and evolved the world. Although After several tribulations, there are still some imperfections! Today, Luohou is willing to transform into the demon world and establish the demonic path again to complete the destiny of the ancient world. From then on, the demons disappear and the demons disappear. "

Originally, Luohou's voice was not loud, and could only be heard clearly within a million miles. However, Heaven seemed to be aware of it, and with the blessing, Luohou's voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every living being in the wilderness.

Over and over again, everyone understood the choice of this generation of demon ancestors.

"It's broken! We can't take down Luo Hou today!"

Including Li Yunjing, this thought suddenly arose in the minds of all the great supernatural beings. This battle was in vain. No benefits were obtained. Many people died. Apart from the way of heaven, the final winner was probably the only one left. To teach one side.

After all, the people who intercepted the teachings completely took back the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" and once again possessed the most precious treasure of protecting the teachings. In the future, the momentum of the intercepting teachings may become even more tyrannical. In the future, the three realms, no, the four realms still don't know how they will evolve.


Golden clouds rolled in the sky, and Heaven completely recognized Luo Hou's great ambition!

At this time, everyone's attacks on Luo Hou were knocked away by an invisible force. Many people with great supernatural powers understood that Luo Hou's great ambition was a foregone conclusion and could not be changed.

Rolling golden heavenly merits fell on Luohou like pillars.

(End of this chapter)

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