The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 185 The Demon Realm is born, the Dao Lord of Chaos tests Hongjun

Chapter 185 The Demon Realm is born, the Dao Lord of Chaos tests Hongjun

This amount of merit was so great that the eyes of all those with great supernatural powers at the scene were red. This time, it was more than ten times more than the merit of the Buddhism spread eastward.

"If I have so many merits, I can kill three corpses immediately! Even without the 'Hongmeng Purple Qi', I am still sure to attack the Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian!"

Even Dao Lord Chaos looked enviously at the visible and unattainable merits in front of him, there were too many.

Luo Hou's one meritorious deed was comparable to all the merits accumulated by Taoist Primordial Chaos over the years. Not only Li Yunjing, but also the four sects and all the great supernatural power practitioners in the prehistoric era had red eyes.

No matter whether Luo Hou destroyed Xiniu Hezhou before and killed many primitive creatures, but this time, Luo Hou really made a huge contribution to the perfection of the primitive world. This contribution is so great that even if the ancestor Hongjun returns, Even if you are dissatisfied, the way of heaven is still impartial and selfless, sending down massive merits.

Where Luo Hou was, the merit was almost materialized. Luo Hou's injuries were all restored to their original state in the bath of merit, and he returned to his peak state again.

His cultivation has even improved again, reaching Quasi-Sage Perfection, and his cultivation has reached a point where there is no further progress.

This kind of cultivation was not even achieved by Donghuang Taiyi, the former number one quasi-sage in the world. As for the Taoist Master of Chaos and Sakyamuni Tathagata, who were among the best in the world, they were even less advanced.

You must know that the gap between quasi-sages is huge. The gap between a small realm is even more difficult than cultivating from a mortal to a quasi-sage.

I think back then, Empress Houtu opened up the six paths of reincarnation and established the tunnel. The Jiuyou Underworld was too oily. In order to leave a foundation in the Jiuyou Underworld, the major sects, the Wu Clan, and the Asura Clan went through so many cruel things. struggle?
Darkness and killing are the main themes of Jiuyou Underworld. Even with the momentum of Jiejiao, there are many masters who have fallen in Jiuyou Underworld in recent years, and there are even second-generation disciples of Jiejiao.

However, before Luo Hou could advance to a higher level, the void of the Three Realms burst, and a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the void, juxtaposed with the Thirty-three Heavens.

"That's right! We must fight!"

"It's hard for this poor Taoist to calculate, but no matter what, this demon world has a territory that I can teach."



Through the huge cracks, a group of great supernatural power users of Jiejiao carefully explored the changes in the birth of the demon world with their spiritual consciousness.

The endless "original true demonic energy" in the black hole seemed to be ready to come out, sweeping across the three realms and six realms.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Empress, Wuyunxian, Yuyixian, Kong Xuan and others nodded their heads in succession. All fools knew the benefits of the birth of a new world.

With a sigh, Luo Hou looked at the Three Realms and Six Paths again with nostalgia. His supreme demonic body collapsed under the eyes of the great supernatural beings, and a long river of blood was projected towards the black hole.

The entire prehistoric world was shaken by the emergence of the black hole. The endless rays of light from the three realms and six rays reached the end of the sky. At this moment, the major sects and the dojos of the great supernatural powers naturally erupted with huge energy to protect their respective states. of dojo.

As Luo Hou's cultivation continues to improve, he is even about to break the limit of quasi-sage and be promoted to Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian.

At the last moment, with the help of Heavenly Dao, Luo Hou had been promoted to the supreme realm of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian.

At this moment, under the movement of heaven, Luo Hou's improvement in cultivation has become a foregone conclusion. Fortunately, like Empress Houtu, she is trapped in one realm and it is difficult to have a chance to transcend.

"Alas! I don't know if I, Marquis Luo, will ever be able to escape the disaster in the future!"

The expressions of many great supernatural powers present were solemn. It seemed that the emergence of the demon world was inevitable. Maybe which world could have a chance for them?
At this time, everyone was scheming. As for Naluohou's fate, no one paid attention to it. Just like Houtu Empress, there was no threat.

The earth, water, wind and fire emerged, and in the black hole, it seemed that the world was beginning to open up. Luo Hou's demon bones became the world framework of the demon world; his demon blood turned into the vast lakes of the demon world; his body turned into the mountains and rivers of the demon world.
Every organ on Luo Hou's body was transformed into a new demon world.

"Brother, I wonder how many years it will take for the evolution of the demon world?"

Li Yunjing shook his head slightly. He had already begun to deduce the secret of heaven with the "Zhou Tian Divine Calculation". However, the Demon Realm was born and had not yet completely integrated with the main world of the prehistoric world. Even if he tried his best, he could not calculate the date when the Demon Realm was officially born.

All the essence of this body was instilled into the huge black hole. In the black hole, there was a loud noise of lightning and thunder, and bloody lightning continued to emerge from the black hole.

As for Luo Hou who is unwilling to be reconciled and wants to transcend, then he has to take a look at Daozu Hongjun's methods. This kind of thing is naturally not something that quasi-sages like them are qualified to participate in.

These private battles are not publicized, but they happen every day. Even if the Jie Jiao has good relations with the Asura clan, and the Bull Demon King even married Princess Iron Fan, which has strengthened the relationship between the two religions, there are still many difficulties.

The affairs of Jiuyou Underworld are also the concerns of Dao Lord Chaos, but he lacks a suitable opportunity, and even he has no better way.

Now, the demon world has appeared again. In order to develop, Jiejiao cannot miss the opportunity.

In fact, people who teach, explain, Buddhist, and other great supernatural powers are also very interested in the new world of demons, and they all want to be a part of it. At least until the world stabilizes, they can enter and search it to see if there is anything powerful. Innate baby.

When a group of great supernatural beings looked at the demon world and secretly made their own decisions, Dao Lord Chaos was ecstatic in his heart. Somewhere in the dark, he sensed the opportunity to kill the third corpse.

At this moment, Li Yunjing was casually answering questions from his fellow disciples while frantically comprehending the demon world in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Regarding the so-called demonic path, the Dao Lord of Chaos will naturally not shout and kill like other people in Xuanmen. The demonic path is not just the bloodthirsty and cruel way that some ignorant people think.

That would be too one-sided, and it would be too simple to think of the devil.

The supreme true demon does not suppress his spirit at all, his will is completely released, he obtains true freedom, great joy, and truly enjoys freedom and ease.

Through the birth of the demon world, Li Yunjing realized deeply that the third corpse is expected to be cut out of his own corpse with the Chaos Spiritual Treasure "Moshi Disk" and reach the realm of the supreme true demon.

"Perhaps one day in the future, I can compete with the Lord of the Demon Realm!"

Li Yunjing secretly pondered this matter, and it seemed that something was going to happen.

Now, his good corpse, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole, is the Lord of Heaven, ruling the thirty-three days; and the evil corpse of Xinghe has been walking in the dark land of the three realms, and has the idea of ​​​​taking over the Nine Nether Underworld in the future; and in the future The self-zombie is a strong contender for the Lord of the Demon World.

Coupled with the fact that Li Yunjing's true form controls a great religion, and all the arrangements are completed, the Taoist Lord of Chaos must be the most powerful person in the prehistoric world. Whether he becomes a saint or realizes the Tao as Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, he will become a member of the Three Realms A true chess player can compete with saints and even heaven for interests.

This matter was the biggest plan in Li Yunjing's heart, and naturally he never said it out loud. Today, the birth of the devil world gave him the opportunity to fully realize his wish. At this moment, a person appeared in the void, it was Daozu Hongjun.

Chaos Dao Lord and other great supernatural beings saw the Dao Ancestor manifested, and they all knelt down to greet him.

"Yin and Yang coexist, and there is a difference between positive and negative. There should be a demon world outside the fairy world. The demon world should have been born after countless calamities, but this time due to the battle between Buddhism and Jiejiao, Xiniu Hezhou's defense was lost. This made Demon Ancestor Luohou Born into the world, the devil was born in advance.”

Taoist Hongjun didn't care about the many great supernatural beings present, and talked about the reason for the birth of the demon world. Then with a flick of his sleeves, the colorful brilliance sealed the huge black hole crack.

Chaos Taoist Lord and other disciples of the Sutra Sect, as well as the Buddhist disciples headed by Sakyamuni Tathagata, were agitated at the same time, fearing that because of this incident, Taoist Patriarch Hongjun would be angry and punish the two sects.

In particular, Dao Lord Chaos is the most nervous. Recently, he has led Jie Jiao to stir up troubles everywhere, clearly suppressing all forces, especially Buddhist masters who have the qualifications to prove the Dao, which is the focus of the attack.

This time, the war in the chaos also broke out under his indulgence, and the decisive battle between the two religions broke out.

Having done so many great things, Li Yunjing is naturally not afraid of people of the same level. He is afraid of the punishment of the Tao Ancestor, or of releasing the saint again, in which case he will have to tuck his tail between his legs again.

This is what Dao Lord Chaos is most worried about.

At this moment, after listening to Taoist Patriarch's words, Li Yunjing was the first to admit his mistake. Sakyamuni Tathagata reacted and followed closely, followed by the quasi-sages of the two religions.

"You are equal!"

Taoist Hongjun didn't seem to be angry, he just calmly ordered everyone to stand up, and then said: "The devil world has just been born, there are no living creatures yet, and the world is fragile, so I have temporarily sealed it with my great power."

"Dao Daozu, I wonder when the Demon Realm will be unsealed? Are we, the Xuanmen Zhengzong, qualified to take charge of the Demon Realm?"

It was about his own path, Li Yunjing asked loudly.

Here, he also took a clever trick and did not talk about others, but only the authentic Xuanmen. Although Taoist Hongjun said that he was in harmony with the way of heaven, Li Yunjing absolutely did not believe that Taoist had no self-awareness at all.

Taoist Hongjun is the boss of Xuanmen. He is a third-generation disciple of Xuanmen with upright roots and is in charge of the Jiejiao branch. In this demon world, I have to be a part of Jiejiao, right?

Upon hearing the words of Dao Lord Chaos, the eyes of Master Xuandu and Guang Chengzi also shone, and they asked the same question one after another.

At the same time, all the disciples of the three Taoist religions are arrogant, too! They are the disciples of the Dao Ancestor. As long as the Dao Ancestor agrees, anything in this demon world will be a part of the three religions!
As for others, they showed envy, and the same was true for Sakyamuni Tathagata. He only hoped that Taoist Hongjun would be the way of heaven, be impartial and selfless, and not favor the three religions.

"In the next calamity, after the Tao eliminates the demon leader, the demon world will officially open. All Xuanmen disciples can enter the demon world to find opportunities."

Taoist Hongjun remained expressionless, but he still answered the questions from Li Yunjing, Master Xuandu, Guang Chengzi and others.

"Thank you Master for your mercy!"

Li Yunjing was overjoyed. Even his skin seemed to be thicker at this time. He stopped calling him ancestor and opened his mouth to call him master.


The other sect disciples cursed Dao Lord Chaos one after another, but everyone still followed the name of Dao Lord Chaos. After all, Dao Patriarch was not as close as the Patriarch.

This is why Chaos Dao Lord takes the lead. Normally, people like them would not dare to talk to Dao Ancestor like this even if they are too brave.

Suddenly, Li Yunjing felt a chill in his heart. He glanced secretly and saw Daozu Hongjun glanced at him, but Daozu didn't say anything and didn't seem to care what he called Daozu.

"Is it Hongjun at this time? Or is it Tiandao?"

In Li Yunjing's mind, this doubt had not been considered clearly for a long time.

"Taoist Patriarch is compassionate! I, the Buddhist sect, urges people to do good, but the creatures in the demon world must be murderous, and they need to be resolved by Buddhism."

Seeing that Taoist Hongjun seemed to want to leave, Sakyamuni Tathagata became anxious.

"That's right! Teacher, this disciple has been appointed by you as the Lord of the Three Realms. He should maintain the operation of the ancient world. This demon world will also be classified into the four realms of the ancient world and be controlled by the heaven!"

After finally seeing the teacher, how could the Jade Emperor let the teacher leave like this? At this moment, he felt uneasy, fearing that if the teacher ignored him, his status in the Three Realms would inevitably be further reduced.

On the other hand, if Taoist Hongjun gives him face and agrees with his words, externally he will still be the supreme being of the three realms whom Taozu trusts. When others want to target him, they should have some scruples for Taozu's sake.

"Since you are all willing to contribute to the prehistoric world, you can all try your luck when the demon world opens."

Daozu Hongjun waved his sleeves impatiently, stepped on a cloud of auspicious clouds, and walked towards the chaos, no longer paying attention to everyone.

"Let's go! Let's go our separate ways!"

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Li Yunjing stood up and led a group of Jiejiao disciples to disperse on auspicious clouds.

Afterwards, other masters from all parties also quietly withdrew from Xiniu Hezhou. In this battle, dozens of great supernatural powers were lost in the Three Realms, which eased the pressure on the world and at the same time led to the Demon Realm in advance.

The one who benefited the most was the Dao of Heaven, the second was naturally the Jiejiao, and the one who suffered the greatest loss was Buddhism. Not only did Sakyamuni Tathagata lose the "Zhuxian Array", hundreds of millions of lives died in Xiniu Hezhou, even the Earth Line City. He was crippled and the spirit mountain was completely depleted. It is not known whether he will be able to recover in the years and years of the monkey.

The others dispersed, and the busy time of the Buddhist disciples has just begun. The masters of Buddhism are using great magic to reshape Lingshan Mountain and restore the ground line of Xiniu Hezhou. Others in other realms are restoring the operation of various temples and rebuilding the secular country.

There are many things to do, and it will not be a matter of time to restore the prosperous age before the birth of Demon Ancestor Luohou. Without the cultivation of a few yuanhui, it is difficult for Buddhism to completely recover its strength.

At this time, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of Yaochi traveled for thirty-three days and returned to the "Bullfighting Palace". The two gathered together to discuss the future.

(End of this chapter)

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