The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 189: Love in the West Lake, intercepting the Buddha each has his or her own plans

Chapter 189: Love in the West Lake, intercepting the Buddha each has his or her own plans

"Fellow Daoist Styx, if you have something to do, let's talk about our affairs next time!"

Li Yunjing smiled after seeing the extremely nervous look on the face of Patriarch Styx.

"That's fine! Let's talk next time! I'll say goodbye!"

Ancestor Minghe responded, stood up and turned into a ray of red light, flying out of "Wuyi Mountain" and heading straight to Xiniu Hezhou.

"Interesting! I don't know what trump cards Styx has, so I dare to judge the main character's ideas."

Looking at the disappearing blood shadow, Li Yunjing murmured to himself: "The disciples under Asura's sect are all cruel and murderous. If the demon sect flourishes, it will definitely bring catastrophe to the four major continents."

"Brother, do we really want to cooperate with Ancestor Styx?"

A trace of worry flashed in Empress Yunxiao's eyes. Obviously, as an authentic Xuanmen sect, she didn't want the Jie Jiao and the Asura Sect to get too close.

Looking at the sad look of his fellow Taoist, Li Yunjing couldn't help but chuckle and said: "Fellow Taoist Styx entered the Tao through killing. The Asura clan he founded is cruel and easy to kill. How can such a person be a true ally of my Jie Cult?" ?”

Li Yunjing smiled slightly and said: "If he is more knowledgeable, he will naturally instruct his disciples not to move around in our place. Otherwise, let Kong Xuan go and play with him. I think Kong Xuan is enough to stop Fellow Taoist Styx."

"Friend Styx! The poor monk has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Evil! Suffer death!"

Moro secretly regretted that although he was also a figure from the older generation, he had never fought against the top figures. How did he know that the leaders of the church had the same title of quasi-sage like him, but in fact the gap was huge. It's simply unimaginable.

After hearing this, Yun Xiao smiled slightly and put down the big stone in her heart. As long as she was not getting close to the devil, she was relieved. As for how her senior brother plotted against others, she didn't care.

Outside the Lingshan Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu, after the two quasi-sages Moro and Wutian Buddha killed the Dragon Subduing Arhat, they were severely suppressed by Sakyamuni Tathagata. In just a dozen rounds, the two quasi-sages were defeated by Sakyamuni. Mani Tathagata was severely injured and dying.

Suddenly, the void shook, and the two evil spirits were condensed to the extreme, heading straight for Sakyamuni Tathagata!

"Tathagata! Take my sword!"

"Styx! You can't escape today!"

As for the two ridiculous attacks, the layer of Buddha's light that hit Sakyamuni Tathagata was shaken out, which was not of the same magnitude at all.

"Yes! Senior brother!"

Gently stroking Yunxiao's silky hair, Li Yun nodded and said: "I am an authentic Xuanmen sect, and there is still a bottom line. At least in my sect's territory, demonic ways are not allowed to wreak havoc. You teach me Order, in all countries and places, in all caves and holy places and dojos, all disciples of the sect should be intercepted. As long as someone from the demon sect sneaks in, they will be killed and destroyed, without mercy!"

This is the absolute suppression of power, breaking all laws with one force!

Anyway, in Empress Yunxiao's heart, her senior brother is the most powerful, and no one can count against him.

"I didn't expect to end up like this! If I had known that Tathagata was so powerful, my ancestor wouldn't have come here to provoke me!"

"But there's so much we can't control about this matter."

Empress Yunxiao was overjoyed at first, then she frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said, "What if this move arouses dissatisfaction from Patriarch Styx?"

Ancestor Styx didn't know how close his "allies" seemed to be, but at this time, he had no time to think about these things.

Looking down at the two tiny ants with disdain, Sakyamuni Tathagata's deep voice was filled with endless killing intent, and he slapped him down with a palm as heavy as Mount Tai. Despite all the magical powers of Mara and Wutian Buddha, he still wanted to be defeated by him. Crushed with one palm.

Sakyamuni Tathagata seemed to have expected the arrival of Ancestor Styx. The two clones of Duobao Tathagata and Taoist Duobao rushed out, each using their innate spiritual treasures to attack Ancestor Styx.

"That's it! Senior brother, just have an idea!"

Suddenly, from the Buddha light behind Sakyamuni Tathagata's head, two loud shouts were heard, and two Buddhas jumped out one after another, which were the Buddha of the Past and the Great Sun Tathagata.

"It turns out you were already prepared!"

Ancestor Styx sneered, cursing in his heart, Moro is a waste!
"Moluo, this time is extremely dangerous! Ancestor will buy you a moment of time. As for whether you can escape, it depends on your luck."

After transmitting the message for Moro, Patriarch Styx held a killing sword on his left and right, slashing and killing. For a time, the Duobao Tathagata, Duobao Taoist, Lantern Past Buddha, and Great Sun Tathagata were no match for Ancestor Styx. , one by one dodging left and right in embarrassment.

"Hahaha! Where were juniors like you when our ancestors were roaming the wilderness?"

Suddenly, Patriarch Minghe's body glowed with blood, and his whole body was like a bloody sun. Endless blood splashed everywhere, and "Jie Jie Jie" and sinister laughter spread throughout the vicinity of Lingshan.

Four hundred and eighty million Blood God Sons suddenly erupted from the body of Ancestor Styx, covering the sky and the sun. They were all his clones. In an instant, even the "Great Thunder Sound Temple" was affected.

Although the people of Buddhism had already taken precautions, they still inevitably got into a panic when so many Blood God Sons appeared.

"Blood Escape Technique! Let's go!"

When the opportunity came, Moro and Wutian Buddha each spat out a mouthful of blood. Their faces suddenly turned pale. Before they had time to think about it, their bodies suddenly moved, and their speed reached the extreme. In a flash, they were already gone. Millions of miles away.

"Where to go!"

After killing tens of thousands of Blood God Sons with one palm, Sakyamuni Tathagata saw that Moro, his personal thorn in the side, was about to leave. He couldn't help but became furious. He once again struck a million miles away and blasted Moro away!

"Hahaha! Sakyamuni Tathagata! In the next calamity, you and I will have another fight. I'll say goodbye!"

Seeing Moro escaping, the arrogant laughter of Patriarch Styx spread throughout Xiniu Hezhou. Without waiting for the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to surround and kill him, and taking advantage of the opportunity of the destruction of the 480 million Blood God Sons, this Ah The leader of Shura Sect also escaped.

"Lord Buddha! What should I do? Should I pursue him or not?"

Very dissatisfied with the result of the battle, Buddha's face turned gloomy when Ran Deng passed by, and he couldn't help but want to pursue him.

"Forget it! Namoluo is seriously injured and has burned his essence and blood. He can't come out to make trouble for a long time! Let's arrange the next thing to measure the calamity for the time being."

After a while, Sakyamuni Tathagata said this.

Just when Buddhism and the Asura Sect once again broke out in a war, something tragic happened in the Song Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

But it was said that back then, after Bai Suzhen transformed into Lishan Mountain, she came to the human world to look for her savior. Huangtian paid off and finally met Xu Xian, her savior who had been reincarnated several times.

On this day, Bai Suzhen and her maid Xiaoqing transformed into humans and came to the West Lake in Hangzhou. According to the calculation results, they finally met a handsome young man, who was Xu Xian who had been reincarnated for many lives.

As the saying goes, women chase men like a gauze, and Bai Suzhen is superb in both character and appearance. Soon Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen got married, and they also opened a medicine shop by the West Lake, treating diseases and saving people, and were deeply respected by the local people.

This Bai Suzhen was completely different from ordinary monsters. She had good intentions, was taught by Mother Lishan, and had the character of a Taoist scholar. The couple and their maid Xiaoqing hung a pot in the human world to help the world. "Interesting! Chuanwen Quxing!"

Unlike me, who has always understood the Three Corpses Avenue, and unlike Master Xinghe, who has been walking in the Three Realms and Six Paths for a long time, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole has always paid attention to the situation of outstanding disciples in his sect.

On this day, he monitored the three realms and saw the love between demons and humans, which is an extremely rare thing.

After some calculations, it was concluded that Bai Suzhen was destined to Jie Jiao. When he entered Jie Jiao's sect, he saw that Bai Suzhen was in danger, so he thought of using Bai Suzhen as a chess piece to play with the Buddhists in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"Wenquxing pays homage to the emperor!"

Soon, Wenquxing came to "Ziwei Palace" to meet him.

"I have something to ask you to reincarnate in the Eastern Victory of the Divine Continent Song Kingdom. What do you think?"

Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole asked.

"Emperor, please give me your orders!"

Wen Quxing thought to himself: "You are the Great Emperor, the Lord of Heaven, and my immediate boss. You have already said so. How can I still have the right to choose?"

"Very good! This matter is easy to say. You go away for a lifetime and this matter is accomplished. I will mark your contribution!"

Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Jiji told him about the reincarnation of Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen's son, Xu Shilin.

"Don't worry, Emperor! I will go to the six realms of reincarnation right now."

After listening to the emperor's introduction, it was really a trivial matter, and Wen Quxing readily agreed.

After this matter was completed, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole passed down another decree and told the matter to Empress Yunxiao.

"Didn't you expect that something like this happened to my family?"

After receiving the news, Empress Yunxiao learned that her disciple, Mother Lishan, had accepted a registered disciple and passed down some Jie Jiao Taoism.

"In this matter, since Emperor Ziwei wants to take advantage of Buddhism, you just ask Lishan to cooperate fully."

Dao Lord Chaos chuckled, not expecting that Shanshi would pay attention to such a trivial matter, but he just took advantage of Bai Suzhen's love to publicize the ugly face of Buddhism.

"Okay then! I will handle this matter myself! It just so happens that I also want to see if this disciple's character is really what Emperor Ziwei said."

Empress Yunxiao smiled, obviously he also wanted to see if there was really a white lady who was admired by the world under his sect.

"That's fine, you take this opportunity to go out and relax. I think this matter will be worry-free. Of course, if you encounter trouble, don't hold on, I will still be by your side."

Li Yun nodded and told Yun Xiao to be careful.

"Don't worry! I hold the best innate spiritual treasure in my hand and killed two corpses. No one in Buddhism can be my opponent except Duobao, the traitor!"

After hearing Li Yunjing's concerned words, Empress Yunxiao couldn't help showing a happy expression and said coquettishly.

The young couple who were loving each other didn't know the big shots' plans, nor did they know that their beautiful days were about to come to an end, and that there would be countless miseries in the future.

The peaceful days have disappeared, and some people can't stand the sight of the demon and the love between people.

Since the spread of Buddhism to the East, there have been countless Buddhist disciples in Dongsheng Shenzhou. These disciples have established many temples to spread Buddhism in this country that is mainly Taoist.

Hangzhou naturally also has Buddhist territory. There are Buddhist masters with profound magical powers stationed in Jinshan Temple for a long time.

As Xu Xianjiu walked around the city, he inevitably came into contact with Buddhist masters. Someone discovered a faint evil aura from him. After some investigation, they found the source of the evil aura.

Buddhism invaded the other three continents with the slogan of "killing demons and eliminating demons". At this moment, it was discovered that monsters are resident in the human world, which naturally attracted the attention of Fa Hai, the abbot of Jinshan Temple.

Although Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing did not do evil, the demonic aura on their bodies was difficult to hide from the experts. Fahai, the abbot of Jinshan Temple, was extremely surprised when he discovered the love between demons and humans.

Then he began to think of breaking up the loving couple. The two sides had many conflicts and fought secretly several times. Fahai also used Fahai's means to cross into Buddhism.

In order to snatch Xu Xian out of Jinshan Temple, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing used their magic power to flood the Jinshan Mountain. However, they were eventually defeated by Fa Hai and Bai Suzhen was suppressed under the Leifeng Pagoda in Jinshan Temple.

Only Xiaoqing escaped and carefully raised Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen's child, Xu Shilin, the reincarnation of Wenquxing.

"What a shameless Buddhist!"

Ever since she heard about this incident, Lady Yunxiao's interest increased greatly. When she arrived at Lishan Mountain, she took her disciple Lishan Mother out of the mountain gate and lived in seclusion in Hangzhou City. The scene of water flooding Jinshan Mountain was clearly seen by the two of them.

"How shameless! Teacher, let's rescue Bai Suzhen!"

Mother Lishan was also furious. This Fahai bully came to her door. If she dared to attack her disciple, she was simply seeking death!
"Wait a minute! This sea of ​​​​dharma is used to sharpen Bai Suzhen's will and strengthen her Taoist heart!"

Empress Yunxiao sneered and glanced disdainfully at the golden Jinshan Temple.

"That will be cheaper for Fa Hai!"

When Old Mother Lishan thought of her disciples suffering, she suddenly felt depressed.

Fahai naturally had no ability to detect the masters of Jie Jiao who entered the city. At this moment, Fahai had the intention to suppress Bai Suzhen and let her convert to Buddhism.

Although Bai Suzhen is a monster, she has a clean life and has never harmed anyone. She is an outstanding talent in cultivation. If he is captured, it will definitely increase his merits and virtues, and at the same time increase the strength of Buddhism.

It is precisely because of this that Fa Hai suppressed Bai Suzhen under the Leifeng Pagoda. Otherwise, with his behavior, he would have beaten her brains to pieces with a "Devil's Pestle" and she would have been dead!

Twenty years passed. On this day, Xu Shilin took part in the imperial examination and won the first prize. He returned to Hangzhou and led a group of sergeants to Jinshan Temple.

"Amitabha! The poor monk Fahai has seen the number one scholar!"

Seeing that Xu Shilin's visitors were unkind, Fa Hai was upset. These people were all mortal soldiers. How could he use magical powers in front of mortals?
But if you don't use magical powers, how can you stop Xu Shilin from saving his parents?

Haven't these twenty years been wasted in vain?
"Fa Hai! You should know the purpose of my trip. Why don't you lead the way to Leifeng Pagoda?"

Xu Shilin looked at Fahai coldly and gave direct instructions.

He is Wenqu Xingjun of the "Ziwei Palace" and one of the confidants of Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole. He holds great power. At this moment, he has restored his memory and has the aura of a big shot. Fahai dare not disobey.

(End of this chapter)

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