The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 190: The Beginning of the Decline of Buddhism, the Battle of Dharma on Liubo Island

Chapter 190: The Beginning of the Decline of Buddhism, the Battle of Dharma on Liubo Island
"Master Zhuangyuan, I forgive this poor monk for not agreeing. That Bai Suzhen is like a white snake turned into a spirit. She is full of hostility and refuses to accept education. She should be suppressed under the 'Leifeng Pagoda' to sharpen her character. In this way, she will not cause harm to the world. !”

At this time, although passive, Fahai still had no intention of surrendering. It took more than twenty years to subdue Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, and it was possible to completely transform them into Buddhism.

How can Fahai accept the outcome that the results he is about to get will fly away?

"You monster monk! You have done this to rob them. I think Buddhism is the place where filth and evil are hiding! If you don't make friends today, don't blame me for disrespecting Buddhism and destroying your entire temple!"

The more Fa Hai struggled, the more excited Xu Shilin became. He did not come from the lower world to recognize his relatives. This time he had a fight with Buddhism in the Song Dynasty. He controlled the country of the Song Dynasty and made the Song Emperor closely connected with Jie Jiao. This is what he is like The purpose of the sub-nether.

As the core area of ​​the three Taoist religions in the Song Dynasty, the Chan religion was the most powerful, followed by the Jie religion and the Renjiao last. However, in recent years, Buddhism spread eastward and the power of Buddhism has fully penetrated.

Nowadays, in all the states, counties and counties in the Song Dynasty, wherever there are people, there are basically Buddhist temples. In some places that are closer to the three Taoist religions, the Buddhist temples have no practitioners and are all secular. It is so disgusting. A master of Xuanmen.

Human religion naturally has no ability to deal with the methods of Buddhism, and everyone is pure and inactive; the strength of Chanjiao is weak, Dongsheng Shenzhou is too big, hundreds of countries have risen together, and the core strength of Chanjiao is strictly guarding their own country.

In a place like the Song Dynasty where the forces of the four religions are mixed, although they don't want to weaken the momentum, they are powerless and can only guard the court and some caves. As for small places like Jinshan Temple, they have no worries.

Originally, the situation of Jiejiao and Chanjiao was not much different. Regarding the numerical advantage of Buddhism, they were more than willing but not able to do anything. However, this time the incident was seen by Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole.

Each guard led a team of 100 people, some rushed directly to the gate of Jinshan Temple; some teams went around the back of the temple, blocking everything and not letting any monks escape; and some teams were about to stand at the door. Fa Hai and a group of monks and laymen from Jinshan Temple who welcomed the Imperial Envoy were captured.

With a "wow" sound, the eight guards on the left and right shouted in unison and stepped out in awe.

With screams of agony, many monks were roughly captured and locked up by the sergeants.

With a sneer, Xu Shilin didn't even bother to answer Fahai and directly ordered the army behind him.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Song Army were like wolves and tigers. The imperial envoy's words immediately caused everyone in the temple to panic. Not all Jinshan Temple are practitioners. Nine out of ten monks are ordinary people with a little bit of boxing skills. These people Where is the opponent of the imperial envoy's imperial army?

Some people may ask, if the two religions have many conflicts and just start fighting, why bother?
In fact, Buddhism, Jiejiao, and even Chanjiao and Renjiao are too huge.

Come on, I'll retaliate, and everyone will be finished!

The four major continents and three thousand kingdoms were mostly divided up by the four religions. These kingdoms ranged from large to small, and the small ones were thousands of miles in size. The top dynasties and empires even had a radius of tens of millions of miles.

For example, Empress Yunxiao lives in seclusion in the city of Hangzhou. Naturally, she comes here to watch the excitement. If the dispute between the two religions does not involve a person with great supernatural powers, it is impossible for her to take action.

Everyone has top-notch magical powers. If you fight undeclared and don't follow the rules, others will naturally not follow the rules. The big shots can move casually and arrive in the blink of an eye thousands of miles away. With a great magical power, the forces of hostile sects here will be destroyed. Instantly annihilated by flying ashes.


Everyone is a great sect, and their actions are based on one's origins. The lower realm of Wenquxing was triggered by Bai Suzhen being suppressed in Leifeng Pagoda.

Except for the top Taoist temples of the Four Religions, if all the people below are dead, then what kind of Taoist teachings are there, and how can we fight for the destiny of heaven and earth?
Gradually, unwritten rules were formed in the ancient times. Naturally, soldiers faced soldiers and generals faced each other. This time, Wenquxing lower realm represented one part of Heavenly Court and another part of Jiejiao, and went to war with the Buddhist forces in the Song Dynasty.

"It seems that the Number One Scholar is here ready to cause trouble!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

The emperor was interested, so he naturally intercepted the religion, and the Heavenly Court heard the news. They wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to carry out a large-scale cleanup, launch an operation to exterminate Buddhism, and wipe out all the foundations of Buddhism in the Song Dynasty.

"Yes! Your lord!"

The four major sects have huge power, and they cannot completely control everything.

"Enter the temple and search! Anyone who dares to offend the power of God will be killed without mercy!"

Slowly, Fa Hai also got a taste of it. It seemed that this person came here not only to rescue Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, but specifically to target Jinshan Temple!
"Somebody come!"

Xu Shilin ordered again.

Fahai was completely angry and shouted loudly. His body was filled with golden light. With a few "bang bang bang" sounds, all the sergeants surrounding the temple gate were shaken by the golden light and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Fahai still had some sense in his heart, otherwise these sergeants would have been massacred completely.

"Monk! How dare you fight against the Heavenly Soldiers of the Song Dynasty!"

A Taoist who followed Xu Shilin suddenly stood up, a ray of green light burst out from his body, and the sharp energy rushed straight towards Fahai!

This Taoist makes a killing move as soon as he makes a move, leaving no room at all. It is obvious that this is a method that has been prepared for a long time!
"Amitabha! That's it! You are coming to my Buddhist sect!"

Seeing the Xuanmen master take action, Fahai finally understood. His heart sank. He lifted the golden bowl in his palm, and the green light flew into the golden bowl and disappeared.

"Monk! Give me back my magic weapon!"

The Taoist was shocked. He didn't expect that Fahai had such a powerful magic weapon. With a "Clang" sound, a magic sword was unsheathed. The Taoist muttered words. With a "Roar" sound, a white tiger appeared from the sword. Attack Fa Hai!

"Pami, pami, coax, the secret treasures of the Buddhas, the pure land of great annihilation, Amitabha turned around, the past is immeasurable, immeasurable life, immeasurable light, immeasurable Saha!"

Fa Hai repeatedly made seals and chanted mantras, and actually cast the "Great Sun Curse". This method was passed down from the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha. As soon as Fa Hai took action, he summoned a fierce fire dragon and rushed directly towards him. , burning the white tiger spirit to a sizzling sound.

"This Fahai is quite capable!"

As early as the masters of Jiejiao and Buddhist magical powers took action, the people around him had already dispersed.

For a long time in the earthly immortal world, the immortals have been widely circulated. Even if they have never seen it, they have heard about it. The surrounding sergeants exited Sanli in an orderly manner under their respective commanders' arrangements.

Three thousand troops, each with their bows and arrows ready, are always ready to shoot "Po Gang Arrows", which is one of the crystallizations of human wisdom. The "Po Gang" magic weapon can be used to target immortals, demons, Buddhas and witches. At this moment, the three thousand troops are full of energy. , if the monk has not become an immortal, he really cannot act recklessly among the human army!

"Don't hurt my fellow Taoist! Fa Hai will catch Pindao Yi Lei!"

As soon as the previous Taoist was defeated, another Taoist immediately jumped out. This person's palm condensed, and with a "click", he shot out a palm thunder. "Hahaha! Little Xuanmen skills!"

Fahai sneered, and the golden bowl flashed again to absorb the thunder. Then he threw the Zen staff in his hand and struck the Taoist from a distance of one mile.

"Don't panic, fellow Taoist! I'm here to help you!"

Seeing the ferocity of Fahai, another group of people jumped out and killed him. The three of them surrounded Fahai. For a time, the outside of Jinshan Temple was shaken, and the temple gate collapsed during the battle.

"Which branch is this?"

Wenquxing Xu Shilin shook his head slightly and asked the successors of Jiejiao on the left and right.

"Reporting to your lord, this is the 'Fire Cloud Sect' which was passed down from Luo Xuan, the second-generation ancestor of the Jiejiao Sect. There are now thirty-three Yuanhui sects established, and thousands of disciples in the sect have achieved immortality. ”

A Jiejiao Taoist next to him explained with an embarrassed look on his face: "The Song Kingdom is not within the sphere of influence of the 'Fire Cloud Sect'. There are no powerful immortal figures here. Only these monks who have reached the realm of refining gods and returning to the void, and refining the void to combine with the Tao are here. That’s why it’s difficult to capture Fahai.”

"I see!"

Wenquxing Xu Shilin nodded, but he could not continue to accuse. After all, it involved the second-generation master of Jiejiao and his close friend Nanfang Sanqi Huodexingjun.

This time, Jie Jiao came well prepared. Although Fa Hai was powerful, he was gradually losing ground in the face of Jie Jiao's constant stream of monks joining the battle group.

Apart from him, in Jinshan Temple, there are only a few named disciples of his who have some magic power. How can they be the opponents of the "Fire Cloud Sect"!

"From the Huoyun Sect! Today you are outnumbered and the poor monk is no match for you! Do you have the courage? Let's do it again when the poor monk invites his friends from three mountains and five mountains!"

Finally recognizing the reality, Fahai roared angrily and flew his Zen staff, forcing nine "Fire Cloud Sect" disciples to retreat. Then he stood in the void in embarrassment and loudly invited a fight.

"Fa Hai! Don't say that I am bullying you! You go and invite people. In one month, you and I will have a fight on Liubo Island in the East China Sea! If your Buddhist sect loses, withdraw from the Song Dynasty immediately, otherwise you will not be killed!" "

Of course, shrimps cannot satisfy Wen Quxingjun's appetite, Xu Shilin responded lightly.

"Okay! See you at Liubo Island in one month!"

Fahai looked solemn, nodded, and returned to Jinshan Temple.

That's it. The two sides have made an appointment to fight, so naturally they don't have to worry about sneak attacks within this month. The two great teachers still want to face each other.

"Let's go! Go back to Hangzhou City and wait!"

Lord Wenquxing got on the sedan chair and ordered his people to return to the city. There were only a few masters in the Song Dynasty, and there were even fewer high-profile people near Hangzhou.

In order to prepare for the confrontation with Buddhism in a month, hiring someone is inevitable.

Soon, Wenquxingjun passed down a decree in the name of Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole of Zhongtian, recruiting all the famous masters of Jiejiao in the Song Dynasty, especially the immortal figures. No matter where they are or what they are doing, they must gather together. "Fire Dragon Island".

The "Fire Dragon Island" is also on the East China Sea. It is the dojo of Luo Xuan, the Immortal in Flames. Ever since Luo Xuan was on the list of gods and became the Lord of the Fire God, Huode Xingjun, it has become the "Fire Cloud Sect" he established. "Dojo.

The gathering of various schools of Jiejiao naturally cannot be placed in Hangzhou, otherwise the Buddhists will see it clearly. Didn't they directly find out the truth and make corresponding countermeasures?
As Wenquxingjun passed down the emperor's decree, like thousands of waves rising on the water, all the masters of interception in the Song Dynasty packed their bags and left across the sea with awe-inspiring expressions.

There are a lot of Celestial Immortals, Xuan Immortals, Golden Immortals, and Taiyi Golden Immortals, and they are rushing to "Fire Dragon Island" in a steady stream, but there is a lack of Daluo Golden Immortal to take charge here.

This makes Wenqu Xingjun a little helpless. Without Daluo Jinxian-level masters to support the formation, how can it be accomplished?
Soon, Wenquxingjun wrote the memorial, passed it to Thirty-Three Heavens, and sent it to the desk of Emperor Ziwei in the North Pole of Zhongtian.

This matter is related to the Yunxiao lineage and the Luo Xuan lineage. Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole thought for a while and passed down the decree first, inviting the great Luo Jinxian such as Bixiao, Qiongxiao, Caiyun Fairy from Sanxian Island to come down to earth.

Later, he summoned Lord Huodexing, Luo Xuan, and explained to him the situation in the lower realm.

"Emperor, if it's possible, I'll go there myself!"

Luo Xuan was very excited after hearing this. This errand in heaven was boring, so it was important to take the opportunity to have some fun in the lower world.

"Luo Xuan, you can go down to the lower realm! Don't delay the business, let alone be careless when fighting against Buddhism, otherwise this matter will fail because of you, just go and guard the edge of chaos!"

Knowing Luo Xuan's thoughts, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Arctic couldn't help but issue a warning.

"Don't worry, Emperor! I will never delay the official business!"

Hearing about guarding Chaos, Luo Xuan was frightened. Over the years, one of the important responsibilities of Heavenly Court was guarding the border, slowly opening up Chaos and increasing the prehistoric world.

Chaos is not a good place. All forces in the heaven must take turns guarding there. Once there, it is like a Yuanhui. It is extremely boring and no one wants to go there.

And over the years, large armies and organizations have often fallen on the edge of Chaos. It is not known whether they died in Chaos Storms or encountered other unknown dangers.

"Well! You are also a veteran Da Luo Jinxian, and you have several innate spiritual treasures with you. You also have Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao to help you on this trip, so it won't be a problem. You go!"

Suddenly, remembering all the strange things that happened in the edge of chaos, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Arctic looked a little ugly. He is the Lord of Heaven, and the safety of the three realms is his unavoidable responsibility.

Tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals have disappeared over the years. Although this number is a drop in the bucket compared to the army of heaven, things happened so weird that even Zhou Tianzhengshen of the Daluo Jinxian level went to check and found nothing wrong.

This matter became a concern for Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian Jiji. He successively invited Emperor Zhenwu and Sa Zhenren, the great neutral supernatural powers of heaven, to come forward to investigate. However, the two great supernatural powers spent hundreds of years investigating in the chaos. , but there is no clue at all.

This result is worrying. Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole has even decided that if this happens again, he will go to "Yu Yutian" to ask the teacher for help in making calculations.

At this time, under the orders of Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole of Zhongtian, four great Luo Golden Immortals, Bixiao, Qiongxiao, Caiyun Fairy, and Luo Xuan, were sent to the lower realm, as well as Zhu Zhao, Gao Zhen, Fang Gui, Wang Jiao, and Liu under Luo Xuan's command. The five members of the ring, Taiyi Golden Immortal Peak General, accompanied him.

(End of this chapter)

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