The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 193 The Law of Six Dao Wheel Chapters

Chapter 193 The Law of Six Paths of Reincarnation
"You bitch! Give back my senior brother's life!"

At this moment, three Buddhist arhats were killed in a row, and they could not care about the previously determined battle formation between the two religions. A huge melee broke out instantly.

"The Laughing Lion Arhat, you dare to say those dirty words, I won't let you stay today!"

Qiong Xiao was furious when she heard someone scolding her second sister. She mentioned the innate spiritual treasure "Qingyun Sword" and killed the Laughing Lion Arhat.

"None of you will survive!"

Empress Qiongxiao also had an ugly face. Who in this life would dare to call her a "mean maid"?
This simply touched Empress Qiongxiao's back scale, and she slapped "Hua Lingniao" on the head. This was comparable to Daluo Jinxian's mount, and it suddenly became three times faster.

The "Golden Dragon Scissors" were released continuously in the hands of Empress Bixiao. Every time she was killed, no one could resist. Except for Daluo Jinxian of Buddhism who was prepared and could dodge in advance without dying, other powerful Taiyi The top masters of Golden Immortal were all captured by Empress Bixiao almost instantly.

"Sacrifice formation!"

The big shots were all killed. Huo Yun Zhenren waved his hand, and the immortals who intercepted the teachings immediately joined forces to launch the "Water and Fire Tongji Formation". Since the melee has broken out, let's start a decisive battle directly.

At this moment, the Flame Immortal Luo Xuan, Empress Bixiao, and Empress Qiongxiao showed their invincible style. The Buddhist sect had already lost four Daluo Golden Immortals. The morale of the immortals who intercepted the teachings was high, and they all went all out to sacrifice the grand formation, releasing water and fire. Two giant dragons blasted away at the Buddhist army.


"Amitabha! Yunxiao! You are doomed now!"

Thinking of this, the alms-raising arhat feels a little uncomfortable. Their Buddhist sect is powerful, but they don't have many innate spiritual treasures. Most of them fall into the hands of a group of people who defected from the sect.

How could the Arhat dare to block him? He quickly cast a transformation spell and suddenly appeared at the other end of the void. Then he looked towards the original position and saw two golden dragons with a "click" sound, cutting on the place where he was just now. Location.

The Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva were both quasi-sage figures in the later stages, and each of them cut off two incarnations. Only the Crouching Tiger Arhat was weaker, and cut out a corpse. He still cut the corpse with the golden body method, which was the least powerful.

The Great Sun Tathagata smiled sinisterly, and his good corpse Luya Taoist walked around behind Empress Yunxiao, and smashed her back with the "Devil Subduing Pestle".

"No! This evil woman is really hateful!"

Before this ball of dirty blood came, Lady Yunxiao felt a chill in her heart. Just as she was about to retreat aside, she saw Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's face was sinister, and with a shake of her hand, she released the "Escape Dragon Pillar" to block her route.

It is a pity that these people are all direct descendants of Sakyamuni Tathagata. They all enjoy the best cultivation conditions, but rarely appear in the outside world to help Buddhism expand its territory.

The good and evil corpses of the Yunxiao Empress have already been released, and the two good and evil corpses of the Tathagata Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Crouching Tiger Arhat have also been released.

Suddenly, Empress Bixiao looked at the Arhat holding a bowl, and released the "golden dragon scissors" in her hand again. She saw two golden dragons flashing in the void, entangled with each other, and sheared towards the Arhat holding a bowl.

On the other side, Fuhu Arhat also sacrificed something, which turned out to be Saint Zhunti's "six pure bamboos". This object was the saint's magic weapon. If it touches it, it will not kill you, but it will also hurt you.

A total of eleven quasi-sages clashed in the chaos. Buddhism seemed to have a large number of people. In fact, the peak combat power was insufficient to effectively kill Yunxiao's three bodies. Instead, under her counterattack, the quasi-sages of Buddhism were defeated. Defeat and retreat.

"You scream the loudest! It's you!"

The Arhat holding a beggar, an Arhat holding a tower, an Arhat riding an elephant, and others did not care to fight against Luo Xuan, the Immortal in Flames, and shouted loudly that if they could not stabilize their formation, the army would collapse, and all four to five thousand Buddhist disciples would perish.

"It turns out you had a plan for a long time!"

Just when Jie Jiao and Buddhism went from single combat among monks to group fights, to large formations, and when the formations were broken, the battle between the four quasi-sages became more and more intense in the chaos.

Suddenly, a few drops of cold sweat fell from his forehead. The "golden scissors" in this woman's hands were so powerful that anyone who touched them would die. She couldn't resist them at all.

The Great Sun Tathagata shook his hand and released something, which turned out to be a ball of dirty blood. With one strike, it aimed at the body of Empress Yunxiao and poured towards her delicate body.

"Don't panic, everyone! Come together quickly and use the 'Arhat Subduing Demon Array' to deal with the formation of Jie Jiao!"

There were dangers on both sides. Empress Yunxiao looked calm and stepped back. She made a imaginary move with her bright jade hand, blocking the path of "superior immortal light" in front of her to prevent the dirty blood from flying to her body.

This "Demon-Conquering Pestle" is not a treasure made by Buddhist disciples themselves.

This treasure was passed down by Amitabha himself and obtained from Taoist ancestor Hongjun. It is the best innate spiritual treasure and an important treasure for Buddhism to protect the Tao.

With this blow, even a quasi-sage would be killed on the spot.

"Sure enough, the calculation is very deep!"

Empress Yunxiao was calm in the face of danger, and with a flash of golden light in her hand, she released the top-quality innate spiritual treasure "Hunyuan Golden Dou". The treasure's light flashed, and it was not directed at foreign enemies. Instead, the golden light flashed, and she was involved in the fight.


A loud bang!
The "Devil Subduing Pestle" hit the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" heavily, and actually sent the magic weapon flying towards Fuhu Arhat.

There was another "bang" sound, and the "six pure bamboos" were knocked out by the "Hunyuan Golden Dou", and then, a white light suddenly flashed out.

Astonishingly, in a ten thousandth of a second, Empress Yunxiao came out of the "Hunyuan Golden Fight" and attacked the Ambushing Tiger Arhat.


This attack had been brewing for a long time, and the "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder" bombarded out. The Fuhu Arhat's Taoism, magic power, and magic weapons were all under the control of Yunxiao Empress. Faced with this sudden attack, there was no way to escape.


With a scream, Fuhu Arhat's entire body exploded and was torn apart by the "Shangqing Divine Thunder"!
"how is this possible?"

Completely stunned, the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva trembled in their hearts, never expecting that their plan, which they thought was foolproof, would be broken by Yunxiao.

"You want to plot against me! You're still a little short of that!"

With one successful blow, Empress Yunxiao smiled and said, at this moment, facing the "Demon Subduing Pestle", she hit it with her hand, used "Hunyuan Golden Dou" to display "Six Paths of Reincarnation", and slapped "Reincarnation of All Heavens" with one palm. "The power of the weapon actually made the "Demon-Conquering Pestle" move, deviate from its orbit, and pop out.

However, Empress Yunxiao was definitely not feeling well. Her whole arm was sore and numb from the strong force, and she activated the "Superior Pure Immortal Qi" to suppress this violent force.

"You can actually knock away the best innate spiritual treasure!"

The Great Sun Tathagata and Guanyin Bodhisattva were dumbfounded. They knew that Yunxiao Empress was powerful, but they did not expect that she was so powerful.

Just now Yunxiao exerted the power of "Six Paths of Reincarnation"?

Isn't this power in the hands of Empress Houtu? Where did Yunxiao come from?

No matter how hard the two of them tried, they still didn't know that there was a law of "six paths of reincarnation" in the "Hunyuan Golden Fight". In the future, this treasure would be used to perform meritorious deeds for Empress Yunxiao in the Jiuyou Underworld.

This is Empress Yunxiao's trick to suppress the situation. This time, if it weren't for the vicious calculations of the three quasi-sages of Buddhism, she would not have been able to expose this trick.


With a cold shout, Empress Yunxiao threw the "Hunyuan Golden Fighter" at the two of them and suppressed them. She just took this opportunity to take a breath and recover from the pain caused by the collision with the "Devil Subduing Pestle".

"No! You can't resist!"

The Great Sun Tathagata knew how powerful the "Hunyuan Golden Fight" was. The two men's bodies suddenly shook, and blood spurted out from their mouths. The blood turned into two long rivers, burned fiercely, and poured into the "Demon-Conquering Pestle".

The "Demon Subduing Pestle" buzzed for a while, and suddenly its power increased, and it directly hit the "Hunyuan Golden Dou". The aura of this innate spiritual treasure was so powerful that it locked onto the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" and actually made it It cannot be moved.


The two top-grade innate spiritual treasures were bombarded together again. After all, the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" was not a holy weapon of fighting, so it could not withstand the power of the "Demon Subduing Pestle" and flew out again.



The Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva took full action, one on the left and one on the right, using the power of "Nirvana Buddha Dharma" and "Bodhi Dharma". These two most powerful Buddhist Dharma represent two Buddhist saints. The perfect embodiment of the system.

Facing this god-given opportunity that the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" was knocked away again, the two quasi-sages shook their bodies and punched through the air. There was no vision or momentum, but the chaos immediately filled the air. A kind of "death" and "rebirth", completely opposite forces emerge.

The combination of yin and yang between the two powers actually evolved. The innate Pisces diagram condensed the energy of chaos and formed a sharp blade of chaos, which was directed at the Yunxiao Empress!

"These two are really amazing!"

Empress Yunxiao's face condensed, and she once again used her supreme magic power to activate the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" magical power. As soon as the blade of chaos entered the reincarnation, it was immediately extinguished by the six forces, changing from nature to nurture.

"How to do?"

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva once again sacrificed the "Escape Dragon Pillar" to refine Yunxiao Empress to death, and at the same time sent a message to ask the Great Sun Tathagata.

"This person is too powerful! Unless my ball of dirty blood can hit him, there is no way we can kill him!"

Facing Empress Yunxiao's "Six Paths of Reincarnation", the Tathagata Buddha also frowned.

This time, he set up a conspiracy and invited Guanyin Bodhisattva and Crouching Tiger Arhat, and lent out several top-quality innate spiritual treasures. He originally thought that he would be sure to deal with Yunxiao, but unexpectedly, accidents happened frequently, and Yunxiao was actually so powerful. Even the "Six Paths of Reincarnation Great Immortal Technique" can be performed.

What to do in this case?
But before the Great Sun Tathagata could think too much, Lady Yunxiao moved, and in an instant, she attacked the good corpse of the crouching tiger Arhat. Before the good corpse could react, it was hit by a "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder", and the entire body was struck. The golden body was beaten to pieces.

The only relic was also slapped by Yun Xiao and turned into powder!
From then on, there was no such person as Crouching Tiger Arhat in the world, and all his marks were completely killed by Empress Yunxiao!

"Yunxiao! You are so cruel!"

Seeing this scene, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva were greatly shocked and shouted angrily.

"Hmph! If you don't come up with such a sinister plan, I will naturally not get angry and kill you all!"

Looking at the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with disdain, Yunxiao looked cold, like a female war goddess with murderous intent. With a flash of her palm, she flashed an immortal sword and stabbed the good corpse of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Cihang!

"You dare!"

The Great Sun Tathagata suddenly shouted loudly, and a talisman suddenly appeared in his hand. He muttered something in his mouth, and the talisman suddenly ignited without fire, and was completely burned in an instant.

The next moment, a stream of light flew from the chaos into the Three Realms and headed towards the Beihai, the Earthly Immortal Realm.

"Lu Ya, you are such a shameless person. You can't defeat the enemy even if you fight with more people. Why do you want to invite people again?"

Seeing this scene, Empress Yunxiao yelled and cursed. At the same time, she looked alert and kept using killing moves in her hands. She wanted to kill another quasi-sage to share the pressure when their reinforcements arrived.

"Guanyin, hold on! As soon as reinforcements arrive, this evil woman won't be able to be cruel!"

Unable to let Guanyin Bodhisattva, a teammate, die, the Great Sun Tathagata also tried his best. While dealing with the good and evil corpses of the Yunxiao Empress, he separated the evil corpse Wuchao Zen Master to assist Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"This kid Lu Ya is so shameless!"

In Wuyi Mountain, Li Yunjing chuckled, stood up, and ordered the golden boys and girls around him to get his magic weapon.

His woman fights with others to hone her combat experience, not to be bullied. Since Buddhism no longer pays attention to rules, as a man in Yunxiao, he will naturally step forward.

When the Dao Lord of Chaos was slowly heading towards Chaos, Kunpeng from the "Demon Master's Palace" in Beihai received a distress message from Lu Ya'er.

"Damn it! This little beast actually used the ancestor's talisman! Back then, in order to leave a good impression on Di Jun and Taiyi, the ancestor promised to protect the descendants of the Golden Crow clan for once. It seems that this cause and effect has to be ended!"

Kunpeng, dressed in white robes, walked around the palace, but he had to go out once to save the little beast Lu Ya.

Over the years, Kunpeng has not been born often, but it does not mean that he has no power and does not care about external affairs.

He knew very well that Lu Ya entered Buddhism and beheaded the good and evil corpses, becoming a quasi-late saint master like him. Lu Ya was able to use this life-saving talisman because he had obviously encountered a powerful person. Opponent.

Kunpeng was unwilling to come forward in his heart, but because of the karma, he had to go there in person. He could only comfort himself that after taking this trip, the karma between the two of them was over, and he would no longer have any trouble.

Almost at the same time, Kunpeng and Dao Lord Chaos each headed towards Chaos.

The two of them are not worried about going in the wrong direction. On one side, there is the Great Sun Tathagata to guide the direction; on the other side, Yunxiao is the Taoist companion of Chaos Taoist Lord. The two of them have their own means to sense each other.

These two were both great supernatural beings in the Three Realms. They were traveling very quickly. In a moment, they entered the Thirty-three Heavens, and immediately stepped into the chaos, each rushing towards the place where the three quasi-sages met.

After a long time, the Taoist Priest of Chaos felt the explosion of Chaos Energy in the distance. The air waves were rolling, and from time to time there were streaks of light shooting out in all directions from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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