The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 194: Kunpeng wants to establish the religion of worshiping God, and the Buddhist sect surrou

Chapter 194: Kunpeng wants to establish the religion of worshiping God, and the Buddhist sect surrounds the Taoist Lord of Chaos
"Lu Ya! Did you summon the ancestor to come over for something?"

Suddenly, the three people fighting felt a bright aura sweeping in, dispersing the chaotic air currents.

"Master Demon Master?"

The Great Sun Tathagata Buddha was shocked. The Kunpeng in front of him was completely different from the demon master he once was. There was no demonic aura in his aura. Instead, his whole body was exuding light and holiness, as if he was a completely different person.

Not only the Great Sun Tathagata, but also Lady Yunxiao and Guanyin Bodhisattva were in a daze. They looked at the visitor and saw Kunpeng, shrouded in a milky white halo, dressed in white robes, wearing a crown on his head, and holding a volume of books in one hand. , holding an exquisite scepter in one hand.

Although these two people have never met Kunpeng, how can they not know about such a famous person as Kunpeng?
He knew very well what Kunpeng looked like and how he usually dressed.

At this time, how does this image look like a demon master?
“Isn’t this the image of the Lord?”

Even when he was nearby, the Dao Lord of Chaos, who was hiding in the dark, was dumbfounded. He came from the later generations, so how could he not recognize the image of the leader of the God-worshiping religion?
Kunpeng has been hiding in Beihai for many years, could he just tinker with something like this?
What is he doing?
Learn from Patriarch Styx to establish a religion and achieve enlightenment?

Are those angels and birdmen created by Kunpeng?

In the future, I will find an opportunity to crucify you!

Anyone who has the opportunity to prove the truth, Li Yunjing will set up a trap for him, establish the cause and effect, or take action himself, or create an accident, let others take action, and personally eliminate the hidden danger!

At this time, the opportunity came. After listening to the words of the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, the demon master Kunpeng pretended to ponder for a while, and then said: "Forget it! I will just take care of the old relationship of the Emperor of Heaven and help you."

Seeing this, Li Yunjing's face darkened. In later generations, the God-worshiping sect was much more powerful than Buddhism, becoming the largest secular sect!
This Kunpeng seems to be one of his biggest enemies!

Seeing the demon master's expression, the Great Sun Tathagata said: "Today, my nephew is in trouble, and he asked the demon master to rescue him. This is just the way to end the cause and effect of the lich war."

But as long as this person is exposed, there will be no trouble. The demon master Kunpeng will slowly deal with him in the future. His God-worshiping religion is very effective. Maybe he will be the one to stab the Buddhists in the back?

Having mastered the Heavenly Court and Jiejiao, Li Yunjing's power was overwhelming. If he faced a decisive battle, he would be able to mobilize no less than fifteen people with great supernatural powers. As for the monks from other realms, there would be as many as Hengsha.

After hearing the words of the Great Sun Tathagata, Demon Master Kunpeng's eyes lit up. This was a good thing. If the Golden Crow Clan did not pursue his escape from the battle, the other ancient great sages of the Demon Clan would have no reason to target him.

At this moment, Li Yunjing saw Kunpeng laughing loudly and said, "Lu Ya! Don't you even recognize me?"

Even when facing the number one traitor of the Ancient Demon Court, the son of the Emperor of Heaven chose to be patient. Now, he had to rely on the hands of the traitor to resolve his crisis.

Thinking of this, Li Yunjing's murderous intention towards Kunpeng dissipated a lot.

Fortunately, the Great Sun Tathagata performed meritorious deeds this time, otherwise I would not have known that Kunpeng had done so many tricks behind his back.

The Great Sun Tathagata sighed, with a somewhat complicated expression. Slowly, everything in the ancient heaven disappeared.

In Li Yunjing's view, the Three Realms and Six Paths are still under his control. Except for those old immortals who are deeply hidden and cannot be dug out, everyone is under control.

The little kid Lu Ya in front of him was not weak. If killing him was not too important, Kunpeng would have done it secretly and eradicated it.

In this way, Kunpeng's life would be easier for him.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but I didn't expect that the demon master has changed a lot. If my nephew hadn't been familiar with the aura of the demon master, it would be really difficult to recognize him."

The demon master was silent for a while after hearing this, his eyes flickering.

Seeing this, Li Yunjing couldn't help but complain to Master Xinghe, why was such a big thing not discovered?

But if this matter has been delayed like this, if one day a top figure emerges from the descendants of the demon clan and can really compete with him, wouldn't he be in danger?

In his heart, the Great Sun Tathagata was filled with hatred, but the disparity in strength made him despair. The five Buddhas of Buddhism could not catch up with these enemies, and would not give him a chance to re-establish the demon clan and establish the demon court.

You must know that because of Kunpeng's behavior of escaping from battle, some ancient great sages have issued hunting orders for him. These people are not his opponents and do not dare to come to the "Demon Master's Palace" to fight with him.

The Great Sun Tathagata was overjoyed when he heard this and said, "Thank you so much, Master Demon, for your help."

The two of them talked about their old relationship as if no one was around. Although Empress Yunxiao felt that she was despised by the two of them, she still waited coldly and said nothing.

For one thing, Kunpeng was not comparable to Lu Ya. He was a master of the older generation and had killed Hongyun Patriarch, who was also a quasi-sage master. Secondly, their words had delayed time, and Yunxiao was confident that her husband would definitely succeed. Will come to support you.

It's just that Yunxiao's plan to delay time failed. Kunpeng negotiated terms with the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, and immediately looked at her and said: "Jie Jiao's junior, I thought it was not easy for you to practice, so I quickly collected the magic weapon and captured you without any help, otherwise Don’t blame the ancestor for not giving face to the Sage of Shangqing.”


The Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked at each other, and with a sway, the clouds surrounded them again. This time, although they were still surrounded by three quasi-sages.

But it was completely different from the battle just now. The demon master Kunpeng's strength was not comparable to that of Fuhu Arhat. The gap between the two was so big that Kunpeng could kill Fuhu Arhat with one move.

At this time, the three people surrounded the Yunxiao Empress. The Tathagata Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva were much more energetic than before.

"Hahaha! Demon Master, why are you becoming more and more successful? Have you learned to bully a poor wife?"

Suddenly, a loud laugh came from a distance, and the three people, Demon Master Kunpeng, Great Sun Tathagata, and Guanyin Bodhisattva, felt cold in their hearts. They knew who was coming.

"Chaos Dao Lord!"

Sure enough, he saw Li Yunjing flying slowly from a distance.

The Guanshiyin Bodhisattva happened to be blocking the way of Taoist Primordial Chaos. At this moment, when he saw Taoist Primordial Chaos coming, he made a "whoosh" sound and hid behind the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha.

In this scene, not to mention Kunpeng, Chaos Dao Lord, Yunxiao, even the face of Great Sun Tathagata Buddha is twitching. Where are you hiding? You choose to hide behind me?
Are you afraid of the Dao Lord of Chaos?
Am I not afraid?
Thinking of the tragic scene of falling into the hands of Taoist Primordial Chaos, especially the top-quality innate spiritual treasure "Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife", thinking of the pain he had suffered, the body of the Great Sun Tathagata couldn't help but tremble. .

I don’t know if I’m scared or angry!

"It turns out that Lord Dao has been here a long time ago."

After calming down, Kunpeng secretly complained in his heart, but his face was calm and calm. He was about to establish a religion. As the leader of a religion, naturally he couldn't lose face at a critical moment. "Brother, you are here!"

When Empress Yunxiao saw Dao Lord Chaos coming, she felt happy in her heart. With a sway of her delicate body, she had already come to his side. She once again returned to the appearance of that little woman, and no longer looked like the murderous female war goddess she had been before.

"Of course I'm coming. If others want to bully you, I naturally can't just sit idly by."

Li Yunjing chuckled lightly and looked at Yunxiao. Seeing that she was fine, he took Yunxiao's jade hand and continued to fly towards the Demon Master Kunpeng, the Great Sun Tathagata, and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The two sides were ten miles apart, and Li Yunjing stopped and asked: "The demon master is not in Beihai to receive blessings, so why are you in trouble with me, Jiejiao? Could it be that I, the demon master, have offended the demon master?"

"Hahaha! It's just a misunderstanding! Daojun's words are a bit too much. There is no enmity between you and me. Just now Pindao was just rescuing Lu Ya and had no intention of embarrassing Fairy Yunxiao."

Demon Master Kunpeng laughed loudly, acting like a good friend to everyone.

But in his heart, he was extremely wary of Dao Lord Chaos, and was always ready to fight to the death.

Kunpeng was deeply impressed by this younger generation. When he was still a little person, he dared to use the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" to block Beihai and asked for two top-quality innate spiritual treasures, "Hetu" and "Luoshu".

Over the years, Dao Lord Chaos has taken action several times, showing his invincible style. The number of great magical powers who have fallen in his hands is almost two slaps in the face. How can Kunpeng not be afraid of such an extremely dangerous person?
He was not a brave and fearless person to begin with, but now facing this ruthless man, he naturally knew how to adapt to the situation.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding! Very good! Pindao couldn't understand how the demon master could take the initiative to attack the person I taught? Don't you think so?"

Li Yunjing smiled, seeming to agree with Kunpeng's words, but still pressed the question.

"Master Dao is joking! As long as Jie Jiao doesn't come to provoke Pindao, Pindao will naturally not take the initiative to take action against Jie Jiao's disciples!"

Kunpeng's face looked a little ugly, knowing that this was Dao Lord Chaos putting pressure on him to make him express his attitude.

However, people were under the eaves and had to lower their heads. Seeing Dao Lord Chaos coming, Kunpeng's bones softened by three points. Faced with Dao Lord Chaos' questioning, how could he dare to disobey?
To be able to say that as long as the disciples of Jie Jiao did not take the initiative to attack him, he would not take action against Jie Jiao's disciples was something he had the courage to say for the sake of his own dignity.

"This waste! No wonder he ran away without a fight!"

After seeing Kunpeng's cowardly appearance, the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva almost jumped out of anger. Where did your previous appearance of being a worldly master go?
Meeting Dao Lord Chaos is like a mouse meeting a cat?
"By the way, Demon Master, I haven't seen you for many years, why are you dressed like this?"

Now that he had met Kunpeng, Li Yunjing had just the right idea.

"Uh! I have been cultivating myself over the years, and I don't like killing. I changed my mind to the path of light."

Kunpeng didn't want to tell his secret at all, so he responded casually and immediately asked: "Master Dao has become more and more sophisticated in his cultivation over the years. Is he not far away from attaining enlightenment?"

"Hahaha! In the ancient world, crouching tigers, hidden dragons, what does a poor Taoist's cultivation mean? How can he be qualified to realize the Tao? He is still far from it!"

Seeing that Kunpeng didn't want to say more, Li Yunjing laughed.

Kunpeng, you're such a brat, do you think that if you don't tell me, I won't know your true identity?
You can never escape the clutches of Pindao!

The two old foxes looked at each other and smiled. They both knew that it was difficult to get a truth out of each other, and they lost interest in the conversation.

"Demon Master, why don't you take the first step? Now that I have nothing to do, why don't I go and sit in your 'Demon Master's Palace'?"

Losing interest in the conversation, Li Yunjing immediately spoke out and drove them away.

"Master Demon Master?"

Upon hearing the words of Dao Lord Chaos, the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked eagerly at Demon Master Kunpeng. If you want to leave, at least take us to retreat together!

Looking at the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, a trace of hesitation flashed in Kunpeng's eyes, and he glanced at Dao Lord Chaos. He saw that the leader of the Jie Cult was still smiling and kind, but there was just a fierce light flashing in his eyes. Kunpeng was See clearly.

"Damn you little brat from Jiejiao, you are so ruthless, how can you let Ancestor still mess around?"

With a sigh in his heart, Kunpeng turned to look at the Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and said, "It's not just the poor Taoist who doesn't care about old feelings, the poor Taoist is helpless! I hope you have good luck!"

"Kunpeng! You."

Seeing that Kunpeng was about to run away, the Great Sun Tathagata was furious. He could no longer suppress his inner anger and cursed the traitor.

"Hmph! Lu Ya, you have to respect yourself!"

Before the Great Sun Tathagata could curse, Kunpeng's face turned cold, and his vast breath calmed down the Great Sun Tathagata.

After thinking about the current situation, a thin layer of sweat appeared on the forehead of the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha. He was really angry at this traitor just now.


Seeing the cowardly look of Lu Ya's son who was afraid to express his anger, Demon Master Kunpeng sneered and turned around to return to the Three Realms, ignoring the grudges between Jiejiao and Buddhism.

Suddenly, huge waves rolled in the chaos, the melodious chants of the Buddha were chanted, and the Buddha's light burst out, "Namo Amitabha! Namo Sakyamuni Buddha! Namo Buddha of the past with burning lamps! Namo future King Maitreya Buddha! Namo Baosheng Buddha of the South!" ! Namo Medicine Buddha! Namo Joy Buddha! My Buddha is compassionate!

Buddhist Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Vajra Brahmas sang in formations, golden light flashed, and strange fragrances floated. In the blink of an eye, numerous lotus seats held the Buddhas into chaos.

The lotus dais are connected one after another, and there are six Buddhas with high status and authority in Buddhism. Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Great Mighty Virtue Bodhisattva and others also came.

A total of nine lotus platforms gathered together to form a large lotus platform array. The huge lotus platform was filled with Buddhist masters. In the Buddha light that filled the sky, the Buddhas pressed their breath towards Dao Lord Chaos, Empress Yunxiao and even the demon master Kunpeng. go.

When Nanfang Baosheng Buddha saw the scene in the chaos, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "I thought the demon master Kunpeng was such a great person? It turns out he is just a capricious villain! At this moment, the Buddhas of my Buddhist sect are coming, and you are going to deal with it together with my Buddhist sect. "Jie Jiao, to end the karma with the Great Sun Tathagata, or to go against our Buddhist sect and seek death?"

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the number one Bodhisattva, also smiled and said: "Today the Taoist Lord of Chaos and Yunxiao are alone, and there is no large group of people to intercept them, so we can completely eliminate them!"

(End of this chapter)

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