The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 195: Chaos Dao Lord plots, coward Kunpeng risking his life

Chapter 195: Chaos Dao Lord plots, coward Kunpeng risking his life
"Damn it! People from Buddhism are here? They are huge! The chance of Dao Lord Chaos winning is too slim. Do I want to betray him?"

After being ridiculed by Nanfang Baosheng Buddha, Demon Master Kunpeng looked ugly, but he did not dare to speak at all. Instead, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to escape.

At this moment, Nanfang Baosheng Buddha and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva were sarcastic, and when they saw that Dao Lord Chaos and Demon Master Kunpeng were both silent, they burst into laughter.

When many Buddhist disciples heard this, they all burst into laughter, thinking that Lord Chaos Dao, Fairy Yunxiao, and Demon Master Kunpeng were cowed when they saw the Buddhist army all coming together.

Only Sakyamuni Tathagata, Burning Damp Past Buddha, Future Maitreya King Buddha and other people looked solemn. The others were nothing. The Chaos Dao Lord was really difficult to deal with. The Buddhist sect surrounded and killed him several times without any effect. Instead, he took advantage of it. Killed several great supernatural beings.

This time, although the advantage is greater than before, this group of Buddhas are really not completely sure that they will completely kill the Chaos Taoist Lord, leaving him without a chance to reincarnate.

"Demon Master, the people of Buddhism have been bullied to the extreme. What do you mean?"

Even though the army was approaching, Li Yunjing was still chatting and laughing. He didn't take the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas seriously at all. Instead, he looked at Kunpeng, who looked frightened, and asked gently.

But after seeing Kunpeng's performance, the Jie Cult leader couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. This man was indeed the number one escapee general in the world. He had gained millions of miles of his true body in vain, and his courage was not as big as a fist!

A complete piece of trash!
If it were his other ally, Patriarch Styx, the three of them would have started a war with Buddhism, and they would have to fight their way back to the Three Realms.

I just thought of the other party's identity and was relatively supportive of myself, so naturally I couldn't scold him and could only acquiesce to the matter.

Sakyamuni Tathagata shook his head slightly and glanced at the Great Sun Tathagata calmly. Doesn't this attitude towards Kunpeng push people to the side of the Taoist Lord of Chaos?

This situation made Kunpeng hesitant. In terms of strength, he was unwilling to join the camp of Chaos Dao Lord. It was too weak and could be said to have no chance of winning. However, joining the Buddhist side meant that he could see the Great Sun Tathagata. With that fierce look in the Buddha's eyes, this Buddhist would not kill the donkey, kill two people from Jie Jiao, and then clean him up as well?
"Hmph! Kunpeng, what else do you have to consider! Do you want to die with Chaoszi?"

At this time, it was not the time to reflect. Li Yunjing winked at Yunxiao and said to Kunpeng.

Seeing Kunpeng's hesitant look, the Great Sun Tathagata shouted loudly, finally letting go of the bad breath in his heart.

Having said this, Demon Master Kunpeng's face turned gloomy. It was true that he was sitting at home and trouble came from the sky. He thought that the trouble in front of him was caused by the Great Sun Tathagata, and he couldn't help but glare at this person fiercely.

First, he looked at the lonely Taoist Lord of Chaos and Yunxiao. Kunpeng then looked at Buddhism and saw Sakyamuni Tathagata, the Past Buddha, the Future Maitreya King Buddha, the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, and the Southern Treasure Buddha. , Dingguang Joyful Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Great Mighty Virtue Bodhisattva, ten quasi-sage masters!
As for the group of Da Luo Jinxian following behind them, they did not fall into the eyes of Demon Master Kunpeng.

"Okay! Demon Master, you are also the top supernatural power user in the three realms. Today the three of us broke through the siege of the Buddhist sect. As long as we return to the three realms, the Buddhist sect's plan will fail."

Moreover, this time, all the Buddhists sent out were capable of fighting. Another group of masters, led by other Buddhas from the Five Directions, quietly lurked until the thirty-third day, all over the Earthly Immortal Realm, to intercept the reinforcements of the sect.

Unexpectedly, the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha was also looking at him with fierce eyes, obviously resenting his previous performance.

Seeing the vicious Sun Tathagata Buddha, Demon Master Kunpeng completely gave up on Buddhism. If he joins him, there will definitely be no good end!



Ever since they learned about the grievances between Dongsheng Divine Continent Fahai, Xu Xian, and Bai Suzhen, Buddhism learned about Huode Xingjun's lower realm, and knew that this matter must have been instructed by Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole.

"Hmph! You Buddhists rely on the large number of people to bully the ancestor? Then let's see if you can do anything to defeat the ancestor!"

The calculation in this was just due to my own carelessness, thinking that the two sides were having a small fight in the Song Dynasty to grab a Taoist Taoist country. How could I have thought that Buddhism would use this to set up a trap and wait for me.

"Emperor Ziwei is careless! It seems that the supreme position of the three realms has been sitting for a long time and he has great power, which has also affected his basic judgment."

As for the other party having an extra Kunpeng, Sakyamuni Tathagata really didn't notice it. After all, the difference in numbers between the two sides was too big.

Since Jie Jiao wanted to compete in the Song Dynasty, Buddhism followed the trend and made full preparations, waiting for the Taoist Lord of Chaos to enter the urn.

"Buddhist bullying goes too far! The ancestor has to take action!"

At this time, Li Yunjing also figured out what was going on.

"Little brat! You are really looking for death! When my ancestor goes all out, I will make your three-legged Golden Crow extinct even with a little effort!"

Kunpeng looked at the Great Sun Tathagata coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

"Dead traitor! If it weren't for this trash like you, we, the Demon Clan, would not have perished together with the Witch Clan, causing this prince to live in Buddhism. Today, I will use the power of Buddhism to kill you completely!"

The demon master Kunpeng hates the Great Sun Tathagata, and the Great Sun Tathagata wishes to beat Kunpeng to ashes and annihilate him. The hatred between these two mortal enemies is no less than that of the Taoist Lord of Chaos and Sakyamuni Tathagata.

"Since everyone's hatred is irreconcilable, let's take action? I still want to go home for dinner!"

Dao Lord Chaos laughed, took Yunxiao's jade hand, and rushed forward, heading straight towards the Buddhist formation. The two mana connected with each other, and with a "bang", they fired a "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder".

"Hahaha! Dao Lord is really happy! Look at the ancestor's 'Heavenly Demonic Thunder'!"

The demon master Kunpeng was overjoyed when he saw how brave the Dao Lord of Chaos was. He quickly followed up and released a divine thunder.

Do you think Demon Master Kunpeng has the courage to risk his life?

At this moment, Kunpeng just hoped that Dao Lord Chaos would be more aggressive and attract all the firepower of Buddhism to him, so that he could take the opportunity to escape.

He is so familiar with this set of moves!

Back then, the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Jun, and Emperor Taiyi of the East were as fierce as the Taoist Lord of Chaos and fought their way into the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Today, the Taoist Lord of Chaos is the same, they are just brainless commoners!

Only he, Kunpeng, was the wise man in the ancient times. He knew how to protect himself wisely and could retreat in an instant when encountering unfavorable situations.

How many people were so powerful and powerful in the ancient world, and how many people were rampant in an era?

So what?
Haven’t they fallen into the long river of history one by one!
And he, the demon master Kunpeng, must be careful in his actions so that he can survive! Only alive can there be hope!

How many talented people who were more powerful than him died!
And he has been around since ancient times, and has slowly survived to the late stage of quasi-sage. From now on, he will have to survive until he kills three corpses and becomes Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian!

Dao Lord Chaos naturally didn't know what his temporary "ally" was thinking. Otherwise, he would have beaten the bastard Kunpeng to death first with the firepower of Buddhism!
At this time, Chaos Dao Lord and Yun Xiao were connected in mana, and the "Supreme Pure Immortal Technique" was activated to the extreme. The "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder" could only be used by Tongtian Cult Master.

Unless the Tongtian Cult Leader uses the power of heaven to unleash the fighting power of the Hunyuan Wuji Saint, it is really not much more powerful than the two of them joining forces!

To this day, every time Chaos Dao Lord takes action, his power is greatly increasing. Over the years, his Dao practice has been growing, and his understanding of the way of heaven has become deeper and deeper.

I have also become more comfortable with the application of "skills".

With the same blow and the same magic power, his magic power is several times more powerful than others. This is the power of a person who has profound knowledge and understanding of the Tao.

Previously, a "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder" bombarded the Buddhist people. With the roar, it shattered a large piece of the Buddha's light on the lotus platform.

All the powerful people in the Buddhist sect were shocked. Even Sakyamuni Tathagata, Burning Lamp Past Buddha, Future King Maitreya Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, South Precious Born Buddha, Dingguang Joyful Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Great Mighty Virtue Bodhisattva, and the ten quasi-sage masters were also shocked. They did not expect that Dao Lord Chaos would really dare to attack them.

They always thought that Dao Lord Chaos was bluffing, but in fact, they were still trying to break out. This misjudgment made them almost killed by Dao Lord Chaos.

If this person and Yunxiao break through the defensive formation of the lotus platform and attack in, countless Daluo Jinxian-level King Kongs and Arhats will fall in one move.

Sakyamuni Tathagata specially brought one hundred and eight Da Luo Jinxian, just to set up a large formation and play a supporting role in blocking the Dao Lord of Chaos and Yunxiao from breaking through at the critical moment.

But they can't kill their subordinates at the beginning, otherwise without the blessing of the great formation, these Da Luo Jinxian will be like sheep meeting tigers when facing quasi-sages of the level of Chaos Dao Lord and Yunxiao, without any protection at all. resistance.

"Let's take action together! Stabilize the formation!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata roared loudly, and the past Buddha, future Maitreya King Buddha, Mahavairocan Buddha, South Precious Born Buddha, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Great Mighty Virtue Bodhisattva and others were busy and crazy. Using magic power, the nine lotus terraces were once again condensed to form a complete Buddhist kingdom.


A trace of regret flashed in the eyes of Chaos Dao Lord. If the magic power of the two of them was more powerful and directly broke the formation, then what would greet the Buddha would be a massacre.

For Daluo Jinxian-level masters, it is easier for Dao Lord Chaos to kill than to kill a chicken. What a group!
"Reincarnation of heaven and earth!"

Yunxiao sneered, and slashed the sword in his hand in the air. The gray-white energy of reincarnation surged more intensely. There was a loud "bang" sound, and a small crack was cut through the Buddhist kingdom. With huge power, Some Buddhist Daluo Jinxian were swaying on the shaking lotus platform.

"good chance!"

Dao Lord Chaos saw that tiny crack, his eyes lit up, and in a thousandth of an instant, he quickly activated the "Heguang Tongchen Formation".

He and Yun Xiao suddenly disappeared, passed through the small crack, and appeared in the Buddhist camp.

"No! Chaos, that bastard, ran away!"

Suddenly seeing that Taoist Priest Chaos and Fairy Yunxiao were missing, Demon Master Kunpeng almost jumped. At this time, he was following Taoist Priest Chaos towards the Buddhist camp!

At this moment, the two people in front disappeared!
Then didn't he become the main force in the charge?
When he thought of this, Demon Master Kunpeng was so horrified that he almost lost his soul. He was just an ordinary late-stage quasi-sage master. He was still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from killing three corpses. How could he dare to attack ten quasi-sages and hundreds of golden immortals? The formation?
"Be careful! The Past Buddha, the Future King Maitreya Buddha, the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, the Southern Precious Born Buddha and the poor monks have been suppressing the five directions of the Buddha Kingdom! The Chaos Dao Lord and Yunxiao must have broken in through the 'Harmony of Light and Dust Formation' Come in!"

Seeing this familiar scene, Sakyamuni Tathagata hurriedly gave instructions loudly, and then looked at the demon master Kunpeng who was charging towards him regardless of life and death, and ordered again: "Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Great Mighty Virtue Bodhisattva, you lead the Buddhist disciples and use all your strength to kill Kunpeng first!"

"Damn it! My ancestor was tricked by Chaos! This bastard!"

Kunpeng's face turned pale when he saw the ferocious faces of Dingguang Joy Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Great Power Bodhisattva. Then, he saw extremely bright golden light sweeping towards him.

In the chaos, there was a vast expanse of golden light, and it was impossible to see anything else. Even Kunpeng's divine eyes felt a little stinging, and all the demonic power in his body was wrapped around his body.

"Heavenly Demon Dafa!"

"Bright Holy Light!"

"The devil swallows thousands of miles!"

At the critical moment, the demon master Kunpeng could no longer give in. It was important to save his life. This "wise man" from the ancient heaven finally learned to risk his life.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The rays of protective divine light shattered, and Kunpeng let out a miserable cry. The white robe he wore had long been torn to pieces, and his whole body was covered in blood. His true body was almost shattered by the combined blow of the Five Saints of Buddhism.

"Keep killing!"

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva are three masters in the late quasi-sage stage. Their expressions are indifferent. They are not surprised that Kunpeng can block this attack. This master is a veteran after all.

However, faced with the help of three Buddhist Bodhisattvas who killed two corpses, and two masters who killed one corpse, Dingguang Joyful Buddha and Great Powerful Virtue Bodhisattva, the demon master Kunpeng, no matter how powerful he is, cannot make trouble!
"Ancestor Qi Sha! Kill, kill, kill! The sky demon slaughters the Buddha!"

Finally, the demon master Kunpeng became angry, and Laoyoutiao became angry, and suddenly revealed his true form of a million miles away. Kunpeng was so big and boundless that the chaotic air current was completely dispersed.

"Kunpeng's Claw!"

As soon as the huge claws came out, a magic cloud was formed, and it headed towards the Buddhist kingdom below!

"Huh? You don't know how to live or die! Tathagata Divine Palm!"

Originally, Sakyamuni Tathagata didn't care about the demon master Kunpeng, but when he saw that Kunpeng seemed to be showing off his power, he immediately stretched his palm out of the Buddha's door, forming an extremely huge golden palm, and struck at Kunpeng's claws!

(End of this chapter)

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