The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 196 Kunpeng fled, and the clouds spread the 9-curve Yellow River formation

Chapter 196 Kunpeng fled, and the nine-bend Yellow River array formed in the sky

There was a loud "bang" sound, like the creation of the world!
The body of Sakyamuni Tathagata swayed, and he almost took a few steps back; while the demon master Kunpeng was miserable, his huge claws were directly broken, and blood spattered like a bloody waterfall.

The huge true body was moved hundreds of miles away by the palm of the hand of Sakyamuni Tathagata in the chaos. With this blow, Sakyamuni Tathagata showed a crushing level of power and was severely damaged at once. The demon master Kunpeng.

"Damn Buddhism!"

Kunpeng's huge true body was originally going to use his magical powers to swallow up all the masters of Buddhism. Now that he saw the power of the younger Sakyamuni Tathagata, Kunpeng got cold feet again.

"Chaos Dao Lord, come out quickly! If you don't come out, our ancestor will die. You and Fairy Yunxiao can't withstand the Buddhist attack!"

Not caring about his face, Kunpeng howled, his body quickly shrunk, and he quickly regained his human body, and actually started to run away in the opposite direction of Buddhism.


The Taoist Lord of Chaos who was hiding in the Buddhist Kingdom was almost furious when he saw this scene. He then tried a few tricks with Sakyamuni Tathagata to attract his attention. He and Yun Xiao joined forces to kill him. A Buddha!

Now it's okay, this guy is timid again, and the chance to get it is flying again!


"Dingguang Happy Buddha! Steady your mind! Let's take action together!"

Empress Yunxiao couldn't stand it anymore. She had been practicing Taoism for so many years, but she had never seen such a cowardly quasi-sage master.

Sakyamuni Tathagata once again adjusted the task. The three Buddhas of the past, present and future took action at the same time to besiege Kunpeng. The other Buddhas, the Great Sun Tathagata, the South Precious Born Buddha, the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Dawei De Bodhisattva began to explore the location of Dao Lord Chaos and Fairy Yunxiao.

The six quasi-sages, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, Southern Precious Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Great Mighty Virtue Bodhisattva, secretly cursed in their hearts, "trash."

Dao Lord Chaos just sat and watched Kunpeng risk his life, trying to get a chance for himself to take action!

In an instant, when Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was delivering the message, Chaos Dao Lord and Yunxiao showed their true bodies from the dimensional time and space and killed them. The two swords merged and used the combined attack technique of "Yin and Yang Wuji" to attack Dingguang Huanxi. Buddha launched a killing spree.

However, it is still necessary to go all out. After all, one more quasi-sage brings more chances of winning. Facing a master of the level of Chaos Dao Lord, the quasi-sage is a valuable combat power that cannot be lost.

As for coming out on your own?
That is impossible!

"Back then, during the Lich War, the Demon Clan actually had some advantages. Once Kunpeng escaped, the Demon Clan's morale plummeted, and this triggered a chain reaction, and they died together with the Witch Clan! What a pity! What a pity!"

"Senior brother, this Kunpeng is simply not considered an ancient master. He has no courage to fight for his life!"

Even Chaos Dao Lord couldn't help but shake his head. This Kunpeng can only fight with the wind and run away when encountering setbacks. Such a character can cultivate to the late stage of quasi-sage. He wonders why God treats this waste so favorably.

"Give this Kunpeng to the poor monk, Burning Lamp Past Buddha, and Future King Maitreya Buddha. The rest of you will continue to search for traces of the Chaos Son. The 'Harmony of Light and Dust Array' consumes a lot of money. This person cannot always be hidden in the dimensional space!"

"Namo Sakyamuni Tathagata, save me!"

Even though the "Supreme Buddha Kingdom" condensed by Buddhism is not big, for the "Harmony of Light and Dust" that is as fine as a particle of dust and jumps in infinite dimensions of time and space, Buddhism still needs to search for it inch by inch. some time.

Before the look of surprise on Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's face dissipated, he saw two bright sword lights coming straight towards him. Suddenly, there was no "joy" on his face, only "surprise" remained.

The seven quasi-sages searched very quickly. Every space and every dimension was not fully explored. They had good intentions in order to kill the Chaos Dao Lord.

This weakling is no different from the demon master Kunpeng, and is even more timid than Kunpeng. As soon as he saw Chaos Dao Lord and Fairy Yunxiao coming to kill him, he immediately asked his master Sakyamuni Tathagata for help.

"Long-eared Dingguang Immortal! You traitor, Pindao originally didn't want to deal with a little person like you, but you jumped out on your own, so don't blame Pindao for cleaning up the family!"

Finally, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was overjoyed and exclaimed: "Here!"

As soon as Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's spiritual consciousness penetrated into the "Harmony of Light and Dust Formation", Li Yunjing secretly said, "Not good."

After hearing this loud shout, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha finally calmed down and concentrated on dealing with it. The seven quasi-sages took action at the same time and launched the most violent attack on Chaos Dao Lord and Yunxiao Fairy.

Even if there are hundreds of single and eight great Buddhist masters around, it is still difficult to maintain the operation of the "Supreme Buddha Kingdom". In the decisive battle between the nine quasi-sages, the space is shattered and the chaotic air currents are surging.

"Take Pindao and hit the divine thunder!"

The Taoist Lord of Chaos chuckled, and Yunxiao opened the "Supreme Purity Immortal Light" and "Samsara Divine Light" to protect his body. He can output the "Superior Purity Divine Thunder", "Chaos Divine Thunder" and "Destruction Divine Thunder" with all his strength. The four divine thunders, "Purple Sky Divine Thunder" and "Purple Sky Divine Thunder" took turns to explode, causing a group of Buddhist quasi-sages to run away in panic.

As long as anyone takes a hit, half of his life will be lost!
In terms of attack power, Chaos Dao Lord considers himself second among the saints, and absolutely no one dares to call himself first.

What he lacks is a defensive treasure. Unfortunately, the only good thing, the "Rebirth Gourd", has always been left on Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole. Li Yunjing attaches great importance to the safety of this good corpse.

The Lord of Heaven must not make any mistakes!

For this reason, even if I encounter some dangers, it is all worth it!
One after another divine thunder fell, and the entire "Supreme Buddha Kingdom" collapsed long ago. Facing the divine thunder that could open up the world, some of the great golden immortals of Buddhism accidentally were annihilated by the aftermath, and their souls were all dissipated. In chaos.

These juniors from the Buddhist sect faced the killing method of Chaos Dao Lord for the first time. They were so horrified that their faces turned pale and they all dodged.

"Chaos Taoist Lord! The poor monk will settle the cause and effect with you!"

At this time, the future King Maitreya Buddha who was besieging the demon master Kunpeng returned and joined the camp that was besieging the Taoist Priest of Chaos. Kunpeng was so cowardly that he could easily handle it when Sakyamuni Tathagata Buddha brought a burning lamp over. This person.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they saw each other. Future King Maitreya Buddha no longer looked like he was laughing as usual. His face was gloomy. With a wave of his hand, a cloth bag was exposed. The opening of the bag opened, creating a spiral suction force. , like a black hole in the universe, it will suck the Chaos Dao Lord and Fairy Yunxiao into it in an instant and suppress it.

This treasure is a rare top-grade innate spiritual treasure in Buddhism. It was refined by Amitabha himself from innate spiritual objects. It contains mustard seeds and contains the Sumeru space, which can hold heaven and earth.

This "Ruyi Qiankun Bag" is a magic weapon awarded by Amitabha to the future master of Buddhism. It once showed great power during the Conferred God Calamity and saved three thousand mortal guests for Buddhism.

At this time, it was different from the past. In the future, King Maitreya Buddha not only improved his cultivation, but also had high-grade innate spiritual treasures to protect his way. There were also seven other quasi-sages to assist him. He became more courageous and immediately wanted to follow Chaos. Daojun avenged his death.

"Hahaha! It turns out it's you, the dead soul under the thunder! Back then, it was the poor Taoist's fault that gave you a chance to survive. Today, I happened to get rid of you. Let's see how Buddhism can prosper without its future master!"

Seeing the unsmiling Maitreya Buddha, Li Yunjing couldn't help but smile. This fat monk was really interesting.

"You are seeking death!" The Taoist Lord of Chaos said, and the future King Maitreya Buddha's fat face turned red with anger. However, he was not good at it, and the "Ruyi Qiankun Bag" that could swallow up the world seemed to be unable to absorb the Taoist Lord of Chaos and Fairy Yunxiao at all. .

"Chaos Dao Lord! Stop being so arrogant!"

At this moment, the Great Sun Tathagata suddenly offered up a bamboo stick. This bamboo stick was green and yellow, and seemed to be withered, but it was full of vitality. It was the portable magic weapon of Saint Chunti, "Six Pure Roots" bamboo".

With one blow of this staff, Fairy Yunxiao's "Supreme Pure Immortal Light" and "Samsara Divine Light" were instantly shattered, and they were knocked down on the head of Dao Lord Chaos.

"What a trick!"

Fairy Yunxiao was shocked when she saw that the Great Sun Tathagata had broken through her own defense. She wanted to use her magical power again to protect Lord Chaos, but she saw Lord Chaos pulling Fairy Yunxiao behind her.

Li Yunjing himself released Qingyun, used the "Purple Electric Hammer", and struck against the "Six Pure Bamboos".


In the loud voice of the Purple Sky Divine Thunder, the "six pure bamboos" flew away and were taken back by the Great Sun Tathagata.

"Let's see how long you can hold it off!"

Puxian Bodhisattva sneered, waved his hand, and the "Escape Dragon Pillar" on Guanyin Bodhisattva suppressed the Dao Lord of Chaos!

"Just little Doyle!"

Ignoring the bombardment of the "Escape Dragon Pillar", Dao Lord Chaos struck out with another divine thunder at Dingguang Huanxi Buddha.

With a "boom", the cassock on the Dingguang Joyful Buddha was shattered, like a beggar, with dense scars on his body, and the whole body seemed to be broken.

With a "dang" sound, the "Escape Dragon Pillar" also hit the shoulder of Chaos Dao Lord hard, but it did not cause any harm to him. Instead, the "Escape Dragon Pillar" was bounced out.


Dingguang Huanxi Buddha screamed, and pieces of fat on his body fell off, instantly turning into a skeleton, with only some internal organs hanging on the skeleton, which was bloody and terrifying.

His body was shattered by the Chaos Dao Lord's "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder". This good-for-nothing could not help but cry out in pain, his voice was sharp and he was extremely frightened.


The six quasi-sages, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, Southern Precious Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Great Majestic Bodhisattva, saw the timid appearance of the Dingguang Joy Buddha and couldn't help but cursed again in their hearts.

You're not even dead yet!
What does it matter if a quasi-sage master takes a blow and his body is shattered?
Whether it is to go to the "Eight Treasures Merit Pool" to re-condensate a true body, or to reincarnate and rebuild, it is not a fatal thing. As for wailing like a girl?

The loyal followers of Sakyamuni Tathagata are really useless!
Not even as good as a woman!
Seeing the cowardly appearance of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, several Buddhist quasi-sages even looked down upon the Buddhist master in their hearts.

Those who can cultivate this kind of trash can also understand how unfair Tathagata Sakyamuni is!
The three thousand guests of Jie Jiao were transformed into Buddhism. Except for Sakyamuni Tathagata and Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, the others were all in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. They were all useless and could not bear the heavy responsibility at all.

On the other hand, these traitors of Chanjiao are all great masters in the late quasi-sage period, and each one can stand up to the group. These traitors of Chanjiao are so powerful that they have gained high respect in Buddhism.

Each one has a great status.


At this moment, Taoist Primordial Chaos was going to add another "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder" to completely turn Dingguang Happy Buddha into ashes.

Shakyamuni Tathagata finally couldn't help but take action. With a roar, the "Pagoda of Many Treasures" flew towards the Dingguang Joyful Buddha and covered him in it. The "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder" hit the "Pagoda of Many Treasures" and shook violently.

However, it is still difficult to break through the defense of this top-quality innate spiritual treasure and kill Dingguang Huanxi Buddha.

"Hahaha! What a great opportunity! Let's go, ancestor!"

Seeing that Sakyamuni Tathagata, who was putting the greatest pressure on him, was distracted, the demon master Kunpeng was overjoyed. With a sway, he transformed into Kunpeng's true body again. With a huge fish body and a twitch of his tail, the burning lantern passed by unexpectedly. He was whipped out hard.

The huge wings vibrated again, rolling up layers of chaotic air waves. With a "rumbling" vibration, they actually broke through the siege of Sakyamuni Tathagata and the Buddha who burned the lamp, and headed towards the prehistoric world!

"Damn it!"

Not only Sakyamuni Tathagata, Lighting Lamp Past Buddha, and Great Sun Tathagata made this sound, but even Dao Lord Primordial Chaos and Fairy Yunxiao couldn't help but curse.

At this scene, Li Yunjing was so angry that he almost rioted. He wanted to break through the siege, catch up with the demon master Kunpeng, and kill this coward directly.

"Forget it! Kill Dao Lord Chaos first!"

Shakyamuni Tathagata suppressed the displeasure in his heart and gave instructions to the burning lantern. The two masters immediately turned back and joined the siege of Chaos Dao Lord and Yunxiao Fairy.

Immediately, the ten quasi-sages started a decisive battle with the leader of Jiejiao and Fairy Yunxiao.

"Great Destruction Divine Light!"

With a cold shout, Li Yunjing looked solemn, and with one strike of his palm, he was about to set up a large formation to prepare for the Buddhist offensive.

Seeing the movements of Chaos Dao Lord, Fairy Yunxiao immediately understood. Taking advantage of the attention of the ten quasi-sages of Buddhism on Chaos Dao Lord, she threw the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" and immediately set up a large formation.

This formation is the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation". Once this grand formation was completed, Taoist Chaos repelled Sakyamuni Tathagata's attack, turned around and dodged into the formation with Fairy Yunxiao.

"How to do?"

Seeing the sticky yellow smoke in front of them, the color began to change from yellow to red, and finally turned into a strange formation filled with countless red sands, all the Buddhist masters looked at each other.

Everyone knows that Jiejiao is good at setting up formations, and Fairy Yunxiao is a master of the late Saint stage. At this critical moment, this person has set up a large formation that is constantly churning in chaos, which must be full of infinite dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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