The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 197 9 bends of the Yellow River, array within array

Chapter 197 Nine bends of the Yellow River, array within array
"Fight in! Today's opportunity is rare, no matter what, we can't let Chaos go!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata's voice was cold and firm. He was obviously determined to kill and was willing to pay any price.

"Then kill! The old monk sacrificed the 'green lotus flag' given by the leader, which will definitely protect us!"

After burning the lantern, the Buddha had just lost his face and let the demon master Kunpeng go. At this moment, he no longer cared about hiding his clumsiness. As soon as he took action, it was a top-quality innate spiritual treasure.

"Okay! There is no need for Daluo Jinxian to enter the formation! In addition, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was injured in the fight with Chaos Dao Lord Jiejiao. He will stay outside to take charge of the overall situation for the time being! The others will enter the formation with me!"

At this juncture, Shakyamuni Tathagata couldn't help but protect his loyal lackey.

"Really obey the Buddha's decree!"

The nine masters of the Past Buddha, the Future King Maitreya Buddha, the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, the Southern Precious Born Buddha, the Dingguang Joyful Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and the Great Majesty Bodhisattva received the decree.

As for what these people think in their hearts, Sakyamuni Tathagata has no idea.

This also paved the way for the future division of Buddhism.

"Hmph! What's the 'Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation'! We nine masters of Buddhism join forces, I don't believe we can't break your formation!"

Dao Lord Chaos once entered the battle to experience the embarrassment. Even today, Li Yunjing cannot bear to recall it. It was simply the most difficult moment in his life.

Chaos Dao Lord also said to the many masters of Buddhism outside with a look of disdain. He really didn't believe it. People in Buddhism are all monolithic. No one is afraid of death?

"Try picking up Pindao's 'Infinite Divine Sand'!"

Seeing that the Buddhists were preparing to enter the formation, Fairy Yunxiao sneered in the formation: "I have a formation here, which is the 'Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation'. As long as you have the courage, come as soon as possible!"

The nine masters of Sakyamuni Tathagata, Burning Lamp Buddha of the Past, Future King Maitreya Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, South Precious Born Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Great Majesty Bodhisattva sit together. On the lotus platform, the clear light of the "Green Lotus Treasure Flag" was tightly protected, and then he entered the formation.

As soon as the words of Dao Lord Chaos and Fairy Yunxiao fell, they triggered a counterattack from Ran Deng Past Buddha. As soon as the "Blue Lotus Colored Flag" was unfolded, the nine quasi-sages of Buddhism were ready to enter the battle.

The current power of this formation is that as soon as Daluo Jinxian falls into it, no matter how powerful Daluo Jinxian is, he will be immediately reduced to a mortal. Even if a quasi-sage enters the formation, one or two quasi-sages will definitely not be able to get out of the formation.

With water and fire working together, yin and yang joining together, the power of this formation is simply astonishing.

"Haha! Let's see how many quasi-sages in your Buddhist sect can survive!"

At this moment, both sides are full of confidence. One side believes that the formation is invincible; the other side is confident that there are many people and they can break through the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" and kill the two Dao Lords of Chaos.

Because of the changes made by Dao Lord Primordial Chaos, the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" did not show its power during the Conferred God Tribulation. Although people from the Buddhist sect were a little worried, they were not afraid of Fairy Yunxiao's formation.

At this time, coupled with the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" as the core of the grand formation, the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" is filled with endless karma, specifically polluting the spiritual soul of the cultivator and cutting off the mana of the person.

"Enter the formation!"

This "Infinite Divine Sand" was extremely difficult to refine for Dao Lord Chaos. He entered the outer starry sky several times, refined stars one by one, and condensed them into fine sand, enough to fill a vast sea of ​​stars, as many as Thirty thousand grains, once released, are as heavy as a starry sky and the universe.

At this moment, the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" not only has "Infinite Divine Sand" to increase its power, but also has "Red Lotus Karmic Fire" hidden in it, and even "Yellow Spring Holy Water".

Fairy Yunxiao sneered in her heart after hearing Ran Deng's words. After years of perfection, and Lord Chaos personally refining a set of "Infinite Divine Sand" for her, her formation has become extremely powerful.

This is the supreme formation deduced by Dao Lord Chaos and Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao.

"Hmph! You are welcome to come in and die!"

At this moment, Dao Lord Chaos and Fairy Yunxiao have arranged a vicious formation, confident that they can use the "Nine Curves of the Yellow River Formation" to kill three or four Buddhist quasi-sages. When the time comes, the two of them will not have too much pressure whether they break out of the encirclement or continue fighting. .

It has even reached the level of one of the strongest formations in Jiejiao. Even top masters like Chaos Dao Lord have praised it many times and said that this formation is difficult to break.

Each piece of "Infinite Divine Sand" can kill a group of immortals. If they are all used, even quasi-sage masters must be careful to deal with them.

At this moment, Yunxiao pointed at the jade finger, and a piece of red sacred sand blew up with a "whoosh". Immediately, it would blow up Sakyamuni Tathagata Buddha, the past Buddha who burned the lamp, the future King Maitreya Buddha, the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, The nine great masters of the South are Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, Bodhisattva Manjushri, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, and Bodhisattva Majesty, shrouded in a world of red sand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

That piece of sacred sand was condensed by the Taoist Chaos Lord with his supreme magic power, using the Mustard Seed Naxumi technique. At this moment, it was used by Fairy Yunxiao, and the "green lotus color flag" was suddenly shaken by the wind and rain.

If it weren't for the connection of the nine quasi-sage mana, the "Green Lotus Treasure Flag", a top-notch innate spiritual treasure, would have been blown away long ago!
"What a powerful method! This must have been refined by Chaoszi!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata raised his eyebrows slightly. After just one confrontation, he felt the extraordinary power of the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation". Unlike other Buddhists, he had heard of this formation.

At that time, Yunxiao had not yet deployed this formation. He often discussed it with his fellow disciples. Sakyamuni Tathagata also heard about it, but he never participated in such things.

At that time, he was the eldest brother of Jiejiao, so he naturally disdained the formation refined by a mere inner disciple, and he didn't think it was necessary to teach Yunxiao.

Seeing Yunxiao's powerful methods at this time, Sakyamuni Tathagata somewhat regretted why he didn't pay attention to it back then. In this way, it would be easier to break the formation today.

"Lord Buddha, there is no need to worry! This mere 'Infinite Divine Sand' can't do anything to us!"

Thinking that Sakyamuni Tathagata was worried, the Great Sun Tathagata on the side tried to persuade him.

"It's not that I'm worried about it. It's just that this evil formation will definitely change, so we should be careful."

Sakyamuni Tathagata explained lightly. Naturally, he could not express his inner thoughts.

"These bald donkeys are quite powerful!"

Seeing that the ordinary "Infinite Divine Sand" seemed to be unable to stop the nine quasi-sages of Buddhism, Fairy Yunxiao muttered something in her mouth, pointed her finger again, and saw that the red sand in the sky suddenly changed.

In the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation", it turned into a cosmic galaxy.

This galaxy is vast and boundless, just like the real universe. The nine quasi-saints of Buddhism feel extremely insignificant in it. The nine people feel guilty and get closer to each other, for fear that Dao Lord Chaos and Fairy Yunxiao will suddenly attack and attack them. They launched a sneak attack.


Sakyamuni Tathagata's expression changed and he shouted loudly. However, at this moment, with a "crash" sound, streams of "yellow spring holy water" suddenly appeared in the entire universe.

This "Yellow Spring Holy Water", also known as "Forgetting Water", is the "Meng Po Soup" of Meng Po in the Jiuyou Underworld. After drinking it, all memories will disappear, and you can reincarnate. At this moment, the "Yellow Spring Holy Water" was like a vast ocean, irrigating the entire universe. This really shocked the nine quasi-sages of Buddhism.

"What agreement has Jiejiao reached with the Wu Clan? How could Empress Pingxin send so much 'Yellow Spring Holy Water' to Yunxiao?"

I have to be alarmed, I have to panic. There is no "holy water from the underworld" anywhere else in the world. At this moment, there is no one knows how much "holy water from the underworld" is pouring down in the entire universe.

The speed is so fast that the nine quasi-sages of Buddhism have fully activated their magic power, holding up the Buddha's light for thousands of miles, and condensed an "Eternal Immovable Tathagata Formation" to resist the various changes of the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation".

"Hmph! Let's see how much mana you have to withstand the changes in the formation!"

Seeing that Buddhism seems to be resisting, Fairy Yunxiao and Dao Lord Chaos are not in a hurry. There will be many subsequent changes in the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation", which will inevitably weaken the strength of the saints of Buddhism.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Suddenly, the wind blew in the entire universe, gradually growing from small to large, and finally formed huge hurricanes, forming space storms. Thousands of black space blades struck at the "Eternal Immovable Tathagata Array". go.


As soon as the Buddha's light was broken, the "red lotus karma fire" burned from all over the universe. This fire was so powerful that Buddhism specially dealt with it. At this moment, Sakyamuni Tathagata and others saw it, and their faces were full of shock. .

Just from the beginning, the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" released several killer weapons in succession. Each of them is not easy to crack if deployed alone for a while, let alone so many?

"Gather thunder!"

Dao Lord Chaos smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pointed, "Purple Sky Divine Thunder", "Shangqing Divine Thunder", "Yuqing Divine Thunder", "Taiqing Divine Thunder", "Destruction Divine Thunder", "Chaos Divine Thunder" all Bombarded out.


Under the continuous bombardment of "Infinite Divine Sand", "Space Storm", "Yellow Spring Holy Water", "Red Lotus Industry Fire", and "Sky-wide Divine Thunder", the "Eternal Immovable Tathagata Array" had already collapsed.

The nine quasi-sages of Buddhism appeared in the universe and endured tremendous pressure. Suppressed by the evil energy that filled the sky, the combat power of these people was reduced by 30% out of thin air.

"You are the one!"

Suddenly, Fairy Yunxiao's figure shuttled out of the formation. Manjushri Bodhisattva, who had just been slightly separated from the others, felt an inexplicable suction force tearing him apart, trying to send him into the "Hunyuan Golden Dou".

"No! Lord Buddha, save me!"

Manjushri Bodhisattva panicked, and without thinking, the first person to ask for help was the most powerful Sakyamuni Tathagata.

"Let go!"

Sakyamuni Tathagata is worthy of being a being with boundless power. The repeated attacks in the "Nine Curved Yellow River Formation" did not affect his actions. In an instant, the master of Buddhism slapped the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" Got out.

"Duobao, let's fight first!"

Dao Lord Chaos chuckled, and with a flicker of his body, he stood in front of Sakyamuni Tathagata. The palms of the two of them hit each other with a "snap" sound. Their figures shook each other, and then they were killed in one place. .

In this moment, Manjushri Bodhisattva was trapped by the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" and pulled in. Every time Fairy Yunxiao shook the "Hunyuan Golden Dou", Manjushri Bodhisattva's cultivation level was reduced by a thousand years.

"Let go of Manjusri!"

The three masters of Ran Deng, Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, arrived instantly and attacked Fairy Yunxiao while carrying the killing move of the "Nine Curved Yellow River Formation".


Fairy Yunxiao smiled, and her graceful figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"You come too!"

The next moment, the figure of Fairy Yunxiao appeared from the side of the Great Mighty Virtue Bodhisattva, and the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" once again produced a suction force. The Great Mighty Virtue Bodhisattva only felt that the soul was throbbing, and he was inexplicably Was sucked into Jin Dou.

Those who have not killed three corpses will be caught by the "Hunyuan Golden Dou", and the five qi in the chest will be closed, the three flowers of essence, energy and spirit will be cut away, and the years of hard work will turn into running water.

The quasi-sage who beheaded three corpses was trapped by the "Hunyuan Golden Fight" and had to lose a thousand years of cultivation every moment.

The so-called losing the spirit of the immortal, eliminating the soul of the immortal, trapping the shape of the immortal, damaging the energy of the immortal, losing the origin of the immortal, and donating the limbs of the immortal are exactly the power produced by the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" combined with the "Hunyuan Golden Fight" .

At this moment, when Fairy Yunxiao showed her power, she immediately used the formation to suppress and the "Hunyuan Golden Fight" as a means to capture people. The magic power of Manjushri Bodhisattva and the Great Majesty Bodhisattva was reduced by 30% out of thin air, and they were defeated by the "Hunyuan Golden Fighter". "Dou" was taken down.

"Damn it! This formation is so powerful!"

The three future Buddhas, Lord Maitreya Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, and Southern Precious Born Buddha, were furious. In such a short time, two quasi-sages were taken away, which caused a shadow in the hearts of the three of them.

"How capable are you Buddhists who dare to enter the poor Taoist formation? Now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

Fairy Yunxiao trapped two quasi-sages in an instant, which made all the saints of Buddhism ashamed.

"Come together! Yunxiao, this bitch, can't possibly hurt Manjusri and Dawei De in a short time! Get rid of her first and rescue the two of them!"

After the burning lamp passed, the Buddha saw the situation clearly. Sakyamuni Tathagata could withstand the attack of the Taoist Lord of Chaos, and nothing would happen in the short term. In this case, let's concentrate our efforts and save people first.

"You guys need to find Pindao first!"

Fairy Yunxiao sneered, swayed, disappeared into the universe, and returned to the core area of ​​the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation".

The entire "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" is comparable to a universe. How easy is it to find her traces?

By the time they came to find them, the magic power of Manjushri Bodhisattva and Great Majesty Bodhisattva had been reduced to almost all.

"Duobao, you don't seem to have made any progress in your Taoism. If it weren't for your strength, you would have fallen by now."

Seeing the six masters of Ran Deng, Past Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Future King Maitreya Buddha, Mahavairocan Buddha, and South Precious Born Buddha, coming to attack them, Chaos Taoist Lord did not fight for long and turned around to leave.

In this "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation", he is also the master. He is fully aware of the changes in the formation. He can come and go when he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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