The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 198: Great changes in the three realms, the decline of Buddhism’s destiny

Chapter 198: Great changes in the three realms, decline of Buddhist destiny

At this moment, in the chaos, the top masters of Jiejiao and Buddhism were inextricably killed in the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation", and the three realms were also raging with war.

Chaos Taoist Lord and Fairy Yunxiao did not return for a long time. Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole immediately understood that an accident had occurred, and immediately communicated with the great supernatural power users of Jiejiao.

Soon, the masters of Jiejiao were preparing to set off from their respective dojos and enter the chaos to rescue Chaos Dao Lord and Fairy Yunxiao.

Naturally, this kind of behavior cannot escape the surveillance of the Buddhist sect. A group of quasi-sages from the Buddhist sect immediately rushed out, not to defeat the enemy, but to stop the people who intercepted the religion and prevent them from participating in supporting Chaos Dao Lord and Fairy Yunxiao.

In an instant, quasi-saint-level wars were breaking out in various places in the Three Realms.

Although the combat power of these masters is not as terrifying as Chaos Dao Lord and Sakyamuni Tathagata, they are enough to destroy an party. For the sake of the safety of the supreme leader, the group of quasi-sages of Jiejiao naturally dare not relax and they all attack violently. Breaking down the world.

Fortunately, the Earthly Immortal Realm was re-sacrificially refined by Taoist Hongjun, otherwise it would not have been able to withstand the destruction of these quasi-sages.

The quasi-sage-level masters of Jiejiao and Buddhism went into full-scale war, and in the East China Sea of ​​Song Dynasty, the two sects Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian were also fighting inextricably.

This chaotic situation was quickly detected by experts from the Chan Sect, the Human Sect, the Asura Sect, and the Monster Clan. Soon, these people took advantage of the idea and started their own actions against Buddhism.

At this moment, the Jade Emperor regretted very much. He should not have complained to Daozu back then. At that time, life in Heaven was more difficult. After all, he was still under his control. He was the only master of Heaven.

This sharp blow made the entire Buddhist sect bewildered. In their opinion, the Chanjiao, which had been in decline for many years, would disappear sooner or later. How could they have imagined that the power was so powerful.

The first one to take action was Chan Jiao, a lean camel bigger than a horse. Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren, Lingbao Master, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Daodezhenjun and the six quasi-sages of Mencius each arranged their arrangements.

The gate of the "Bullfighting Palace" is tightly closed, and only in this one-third of an acre, the Jade Emperor can have the final say. Here, the Supreme Being of the Three Realms and the Queen Mother of Yaochi are speechless.

Starting from Dongsheng Shenzhou and Nanfangbuzhou, they launched a surprise attack on the surrounding Buddhist forces. The six great quasi-sages of Chanjiao and Erlang Shen Yang Jian personally took charge of the two major continents.

"Damn it! A bunch of bastards!"

In addition, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and Huanglong Zhenren personally stayed in charge for thirty-three days, sealing off the four gates of heaven, east, west, north, and south. No one in heaven who had a close relationship with Buddhism could go down to the lower realm.

"Who says otherwise! But that Chaos Son is insidious and cunning. He has never suffered a loss since his debut. Shakyamuni Tathagata may not be able to succeed!"

The Jade Emperor sighed, feeling helpless.

As for the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of Yaochi, their faces turned dark. At the critical moment, not only did Jie Jiao not give him any face, but even Chan Jiao did not pay attention to him, the supreme being of the three realms.

For a long time, the Queen Mother of Yaochi gritted her teeth and said, "I really hope that this time Sakyamuni Tathagata can kill Chaos Dao Lord and Yun Xiao in the chaos!"

He, the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, is really aggrieved. He intercepts, explains and controls government affairs. He is just a puppet.

Chanjiao's style has always been to kill without mercy!

The actions of the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor were seen by the Zhongtian North Pole Emperor Ziwei. He personally passed down the decree and fully cooperated with the teachings. Not even a single soldier from heaven could go down to the world to help Buddhism.

Now, those who intercept and explain the religion have all been granted the title of gods, and the "Fengshen List" is jointly controlled by the six emperors. He cannot mobilize the gods of the two religions at all, let alone punish the gods of the two religions.

At this moment, even if the Jade Emperor goes down to the lower realm, he must obtain permission from the Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao religions, otherwise, he will not be able to go down to the lower realm at all!

Four words, terrible!

The people below encountered difficulties. Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren, Lingbao Master, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, and the six quasi-sages of Mencius were not stingy with their methods. At least the Buddhist Daluo Jinxian fell in their hands. As many as ten.

Not to mention the six quasi-sages, there are more than 40 Daluo Golden Immortals, thousands of Taiyi Golden Immortals, and hundreds of thousands of immortals at other levels. Buddhism does not have quasi-sage-level masters to dominate the formation, and it is facing the teachings of interpretation. Comprehensive counterattack, only one word, miserable!

Invisibly, the power of the Jade Emperor was gone.

There are eight major interpretation sects: "Kunlun Sect", "Qingwei Sect", "Kongtong Sect", "Yuquan Sect", "Tianxin Sect", "Shenxiao Taoist Sect", "Quanzhen Sect" and "Lingbao Sect" Led by the leader, and supported by dozens of small sects, Chanjiao launched an all-out attack.

"How about using the hidden trump card?"

The Queen Mother of Yaochi hesitated, but said: "I have raised those people for so many years and consumed countless resources of Heaven. Should I let them enter the chaos and help Sakyamuni Tathagata completely kill the Taoist Lord of Chaos?"

The words of the Queen Mother of Yaochi caused a silence in the palace.

After a long time, the Jade Emperor said: "These quasi-sages are our last assets, so it is not worthwhile to take action for Buddhism! Moreover, their cultivation has not reached the late stage of quasi-sages, so it is difficult to be of much help."

"In this way, we can only benefit the people of Jiejiao! I didn't expect that because of Chaos Dao Lord's actions, the entire body would be affected by the actions of Chaos Taoist Lord. Human sect, Chan sect, Shura sect, and monster clan would take action after hearing the news. It is simply incredible."

The Queen Mother of Yaochi said unwillingly.

"I saw that because of the actions of Lord Chaos, the great prosperity of Buddhism came to an end. From then on, Buddhism declined, the devil rose, and everything changed."

The Jade Emperor's eyes were dull, looking at the Immortal World and the Nine Nether Underworld in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

In the chaos, Li Yunjing naturally did not know the current situation, but these were all part of his calculations. If Buddhism's luck had not begun to decline, he would not have chosen this time to start a war with Buddhism in the Song Dynasty.

One calamity has ended, but a new calamity has not yet begun.

This is the best opportunity. If you don't fight or grab it at this time, when the demonic path flourishes and the situation becomes stable, Jiejiao's living space will be compressed.

But now that we have seized some territory, even if we are suppressed and lose some territory in the future, it is still possible to preserve the original sphere of influence.

This is the preparation that Lord Chaos Dao made in advance to deal with the great rise of the Demon Sect. The depth of his calculations has reached the forefront of all forces in the three realms.

However, what Li Yunjing did not calculate was that the actions of Renjiao and Chanjiao were so fast and violent. What was originally a benefit for one family turned into benefits for three families. There are experts in the three Taoist religions, and they took action immediately. In the Jiuyou Underworld, Taiyi saved the suffering Tianzun and received the help of Yun Zhongzi, the great interpreter of the teachings, and intercepted a group of Buddhist disciples in the "Hualian Pure Land" , the army of millions of Buddhists in the "Hualien Pure Land" is not allowed to take a step out of the Jiuyou Underworld.

In order to successfully complete the layout of the Chanjiao, Huang Feihu, the emperor of Jiejiao Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng, also secretly helped, and the gods of the three mountains and five mountains, the gods of the earth, etc. were all helping to block the Jiuyou underworld.

Of course, the power of explaining and intercepting teachings is far inferior to that of the "Hualien Pure Land".

Fortunately, in Jiuyou Underworld, various forces are mixed. There are many forces that offend Buddhism, and there are many people who add insult to injury.

In the sea of ​​blood, the Ancestor of the Ming River saw an opportunity, and even sent many great saints from the Asura Sect, carrying tens of millions of Asura troops, to surround the "Hualian Pure Land", waiting for the quasi-sages of the Buddhist sect and the quasi-sages of the Jie Sect from the outside world. The victory or defeat will decide whether to start a war against Buddhism.

The Human Sect has a close relationship with the Chan Sect. Seeing that the Chan Sect has moved, Master Xuandu is a little moved. However, limited to the strength of the Human Sect, they dare not make any big moves. They have only consolidated their sphere of influence in Dongsheng Shenzhou. And get rid of people in Buddhism.

The actions of the Human Religion were a little gentler. Mainly due to the influence of Confucius and Zhuangzi, they launched a movement to exterminate Buddhism in the secular world that affected hundreds of countries.

The ones who took action were the Eight Immortals of Shangdong, especially the "Chunyang Sect" established by Lu Dongbin. The "Shushan Sect" was in a dilemma because of its good relationship with Buddhism, so it only sent out symbolic personnel to control nearby Buddhist temples in hundreds of thousands of miles were demolished and Buddhist disciples dispersed.

In an instant, wars broke out everywhere within the sphere of influence of the Buddhist sect. The Buddhas who stayed behind to preside over Buddhist affairs were a little confused. Normally, the Lord Buddha was in charge of the overall situation, and everything went smoothly.

Everyone still couldn't feel anything. At this moment, each Buddha was in a hurry and didn't know what to do!
We can only watch the crazy counterattacks of the Renjiao and Chanjiao, demolishing temples one after another, killing and driving away the Buddhists. In short, the power of Buddhism in Dongsheng Shenzhou and Nanfangbuzhou has been greatly reduced. .

Regarding this kind of thing, the demon master Kunpeng, who had just escaped from the disaster, his eyes lit up, and with a command, the group of demons and demons that had been attached to his "demon master palace" over the years immediately rushed out.

Kunpeng naturally did not dare to compete for territory with Chanjiao and Renjiao. He focused his attention on Beiju Luzhou, where there were also some Buddhist territories. The demon master bullied the weak and feared the strong, so he selected some territories and sent his men to attack and seize some territories.

He was not far away from establishing a religion, and Kunpeng also needed territory.

Kunpeng even secretly sent evil corpses into Xiniu Hezhou in the name of Satan, preparing to establish a hell, secretly fight against Buddhism, and recruit his followers.

In Kunpeng's plan, the light is him, and the darkness is also him. He uses light and darkness to evolve the yin and yang of heaven and earth, uses the two rituals to rebel against Tai Chi, condenses his true self, and kills the three corpses!

This runaway who has always been underestimated has actually planned his training route perfectly. If everything goes well, he really has hope of taking a step further.

And just as the demon master Kunpeng was preparing his ambitious plan, some little people also saw the hope of revenge in the current chaotic state of the earth and immortal world.

At this moment, a group of demons gathered outside Shushan. Ding Yin waved his hand and said coldly: "Attack! Completely destroy the Shushan sect!"


Demonic clouds covered the sky and the sun, shrouding this cave-like paradise in the clear sky. "Crackling" bloody divine thunder blasted out from the demonic clouds and fell towards Shu Mountain.

This is the "Blood Evil Divine Thunder" on the "Blood Nerve". Ding Yin and his group of evil demons were all recruited by the Ancestor of Styx, released into the sea of ​​​​blood in advance, and hidden in the earthly fairy world to measure the next calamity, the Demon Sect Daxing made preparations.

At this moment, the public weapon was used for personal use. Ding Yin paid a certain price and persuaded a group of evil spirits to launch an attack on the Shushan Sect.

"No! The demonic people are attacking our faction!"

The movements of the demons were so great that everyone in the Shushan Sect noticed the abnormality immediately. The mountain guarding formation suddenly rose up with a clear light, and the sword light formed a clear light, blocking the "Blood Evil Divine Thunder" from falling. fall.

The mountain-protecting formation was in full force, and the people of the Shushan Sect had the time to look into the void, and saw a group of demons dancing wildly in mid-air. Then, a river of blood poured down from the demonic clouds, pressing down on Shushan.

The strong bloody smell was so pungent that everyone in the Shushan Sect could not help but frown and cover their mouths and noses. This bloody smell was disgusting and absolutely unbearable for ordinary people.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang"

The evil spirits attacked the mountain gate and the alarm bell rang. Everyone in the Shushan sect gathered together and came out regardless of whether they were in retreat. At this juncture of life and death, everyone had a responsibility, so naturally they couldn't retreat.

"Quickly! Prepare the second formation and launch the 'Liangyi Mote Disillusionment Formation'!"

Just when the alarm bell rang, Qi Shuming, the leader of the Shushan Sect, came out and stood in front of the mountain gate. While observing the strength of the demons outside, he ordered everyone to deploy a second line of defense.

This set of formations was requested by Master Changmei from Master Xuandu just to deal with the evil demons' offensive.

This is the top formation handed down by Taishang Laozi, the leader of the Human Sect. Although the Shushan Sect cannot achieve the maximum power, it is difficult for ordinary Da Luo Jinxian to defeat it, which is enough to protect the safety of Shushan.

"Yes! Supreme Headmaster!"

Soon, many Supreme Elders, elders, and disciples began to quickly set up the "Liangyi Mote Disillusionment Formation" according to their usual drills. Within a moment, a clear light flashed, protecting the entire Shushan Sect in the formation.

The bloody waterfall poured down from the magic cloud, but it was blocked by the "Shushan Sword Formation" and the "Liangyi Dust Disillusionment Formation".

Seeing this scene, the head coach Qi Shuming finally felt relieved.

"Jie, Jie, Jie! Shushan Faction! The hatred between you and me will be ended today!"

When Ding Yin saw those familiar enemies outside Shu Mountain, he couldn't help but let out a sinister laugh. How could this river of blood in the sea of ​​blood be so easy to deal with?
This blood water is the most filthy water, worse than the "Yellow Spring Holy Water". At this moment, it is blocked by the Shushan Sect's two formations. It does not disappear. Instead, it merges into the earth and slowly surges towards Shushan. Destroy the ground veins of Shushan and damage the aura of Shushan.

Over time, Shushan, this cave paradise, will be completely abandoned.

"Damn it! We can't let the devil Ding Yin continue! Otherwise, we Shushan sect people will be fine, but the mountain gate will be destroyed!"

The ascetic Toutuo saw through Ding Yin's vicious plan and couldn't help roaring.

Over the years, the ascetic Tutu has been unable to understand why Buddhism treats the Shushan Sect in this way. This makes him have evil thoughts in his heart. At this moment, seeing the power of the evil way has greatly shocked his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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