The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 315: Seeing through the trump card, all sects attack with all their might

At this moment, the ancient Bodhi tree appeared and flew towards the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou!

These are the three great spiritual roots of the creation of the world. Because of the sainthood of Cundi Buddha, they have been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years. At this moment, they burst out and actually blasted the innate treasure "True Magic Wheel" away in one fell swoop.

Unstoppable suppression of Luo Hou!

"Young Zhunti, do you have this kind of backup plan?"

The face of Demon Ancestor Luo Hou changed drastically, "Lawless, the Supreme Demon!"

Luo Hou shouted loudly, and his hands kept forming various magic seals. Soon, his entire demon body turned into a giant that filled the universe. His two arms were like two galaxies, pushing out towards the "ancient Bodhi tree"!


The two huge forces collided with each other, the "Ancient Bodhi Tree" stagnated, and the two arms of Demon Ancestor Luo Hou broke in half with a loud bang!

"Open it for me!"

Luo Hou shouted again, and blood and flesh splattered on his arms. His two bony arms exerted force again and bombarded the "ancient Bodhi tree"!


Luo Hou's two bony arms were completely shattered. He screamed and stepped back!

The "ancient Bodhi tree" was also severely damaged. Countless branches fell off and fluttered in the wind. Many twigs and leaves fell off, and even the main trunk had deep cracks.

This "ancient Bodhi tree" was almost knocked down by Luo Hou!
This scene made Cundi Buddha Mother very sad. This was her mother tree and she couldn't let it be lost. Without caring about anything else, she stretched out her hand and summoned the "Ancient Bodhi Tree" to her spiritual platform to nurture it.

"Little Zhunti, you have completely irritated me! Kill!"

Luo Hou was furious, and with all his strength, he pushed the "True Magic Wheel" to kill the Buddha Mother Cundi!


This attack was directed at the "ancient Bodhi tree" that was flying towards the altar of Cundi Buddha. At this moment, for the sake of the "ancient Bodhi tree", Cundi Buddha could not dodge at all, but instead took the initiative to fight back.

For this attack, Luo Hou put all his effort into it, using his innate treasure and condensing all his life's spiritual fruits to launch a powerful attack. Although the Buddha Mother Bodhi was prepared, she was still blown away.

The entire "Land of Nothingness" was shaking violently.

Infinite power was transmitted from the edge of the universe to the entire starry sea. For a moment, in the collision between the two top powerhouses, unparalleled power radiated out.

Countless planets, star fields, and star seas have been turned into dust and disappeared into the vast universe.

At this moment, having suffered a huge blow, Cundi Buddha Mother no longer had the slightest trace of the superior demeanor of a saint. Her clothes became tattered, her hair was broken, her hair was disheveled, and she staggered backwards.


The face of the Buddha Mother Cundi turned red, and a golden light flashed on her body, and then she returned to her previous appearance, but the hatred in her eyes was chilling.

Although it was an ugly scene that only flashed by, there were too many masters watching the battle. Even the saints and Hunyuans projected the battle situation for their disciples to watch.

It can be said that the scene of being beaten so badly by Demon Ancestor Luo Hou had been clearly seen by the vast majority of people in the four realms and above the level of Daluo Jinxian.


At this moment, Lord Chaos couldn't help but laugh.

A group of Jiejiao disciples and the gods in heaven also lowered their heads, their faces flushed red. They still had self-awareness and no matter what, they dared not laugh at a Hunyuan Wuji Sage.

Because, that not only offends the Buddha Mother Cundi, but also offends all the Hunyuan Wuji saints and Hunyuan Wuji Daluo Jinxians.

Even the second leader of the Jiejiao Sect, Lord Chaos, would be very dissatisfied.

No matter whether it is a saint or Hunyuan, they are all high above. They are at the same level and can fight and laugh at each other, but they will never allow those below them to be presumptuous!

This concerns the face of the saints and the Hunyuans!
Like the Taoist Lord of Chaos, laughter was heard from all the other saints and the Hunyuan Dojo. Under normal circumstances, these powerful people would not laugh at others, but when it came to the Saint Zhunti, everyone laughed at the same time.

At this moment, apart from Amitabha Buddha who looked worried, the only ally Hou Tu Niangniang who did not laugh at him.

In the "Land of Nothingness", a saint and a Hunyuan were both injured and retreated to one side.

After a moment, Cundi Buddha's face returned to normal. After all, he was a saint, and even if he made a fool of himself, it would only last for a moment, and he would not hold a grudge against it.

The battle ended here. After all, he had Amitabha behind him, so there was no need to risk his life with Luo Hou.

Then, the Buddha Mother Cundi said calmly: "Daoyou Luohou is indeed very powerful. In this battle, neither you nor I can win. I will take my leave now."

As soon as she finished speaking, Cundi Buddha Mother turned and left.

As for the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou, his face was gloomy and he looked coldly at the departing Zhunti Saint.

According to rumors, Cundi Buddha Mother is the last among all the saints.

Who would have thought that it was this last-ranked one who had endless tricks and almost completely suppressed him. If it were any other powerful Three Pure Ones, Amitabha, wouldn't he have no chance of winning?

Thinking of this, Demon Ancestor Luo Hou became a little worried. It seemed that it was impossible for him to defeat all the saints one by one and firmly control the position of the Lord of the Demon Realm?

When the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou left the "Land of Nothingness", war broke out again above the Demon Realm.

Chi You suddenly received the decree from Empress Pingxin and actually led his army to attack again!

At this moment, it was the Witch Clan that first launched the offensive.

On the Eastern Continent, the two sects of Ren and Chan, who had suffered setbacks previously, gathered their armies again and launched an attack on the demons.

Previously, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou and the Buddha Mother Cundi fought each other and suffered heavy losses, which made both forces feel relieved. The demon clan’s trump card has been seen through, so what else is there to be afraid of?
As for the Northern Continent, the Demon Cult and the Asura Cult are taking it slow and steady, not daring to advance as rapidly as the Central Continent and the Eastern Continent, because they only have the goddess Nuwa behind them, and they do not have much confidence.

Of course, they were not afraid of the demons, but were just being cautious, not wanting to be targeted by Luo Hou, and thus making fearless sacrifices. In the southern continent, with Chaos Daojun in charge, they could rest easy. The Jiejiao people had already begun to maintain order throughout the continent, and sent out experts to spread the Jiejiao teachings.

During this process, there were even large numbers of living beings migrating from some of the worlds of the Jiejiao, such as Jambudvīpa and the Thirty-three Heavens.

Humans, demons, gods, immortals, and all kinds of things were brought here by the great masters of the Jie Religion.

This southern continent is the territory of Jiejiao, and also the territory of the creatures of the three realms. How can unification be achieved without disrupting the current order and integrating it into one?

This kind of thing is something that is easy for Mencius, Mozi, Han Feizi and others. The disciples of the various schools of thought are very good at this kind of thing.

The former group of immortals from the Jiejiao sect had much less trouble and did not have to personally get involved in these trivial matters. One by one, they began to retreat and return to the Three Realms.

Of course, there were also some people with great supernatural powers and Golden Immortals who took the initiative to stay. They also wanted to see the subsequent battles between the saints, so naturally they were unwilling to leave.

Chaos Daojun doesn't care about such things and lets them do as they please.

In addition, Chaos Taoist's young disciple, Lin Lingsu, also joined in to accumulate merits, gain knowledge, and gain experience in the worldly world.

On the western continent, the Buddhist army near the Dark Rift Valley all entered the Demon Realm and gathered together with Sandalwood Merit Buddha and others to form a whole, build a defense line, and stabilize their position.

At this moment, Buddhism was completely angry.

The thirty-three heavens, the Pure Land, the Posa World, the Liuli World, the Vajra Realm, the Xiniu Hezhou...all the places where Buddhist forces are located have begun to mobilize troops.

Even the Zen and Tantric sects, which are regarded as treasures by Sandalwood Merit Buddha, have to select masters to fight for their sects.

For a moment, the masters of Buddhism, those with great supernatural powers, and the Golden Immortals turned into golden lights and came towards the Dark Rift Valley with their disciples.

Only one day had passed before the Buddha Mother Cundi returned in disgrace.

In that dark rift valley, the power of Buddhism has gathered hundreds of Buddhas and tens of thousands of Daluo Jinxian. As for Buddhist disciples in other realms, there are as many as 30 million!
In a short period of time, Buddhism once again demonstrated its power that shocked all the major forces in the prehistoric world.

As for the second leader of Buddhism, Cundi Buddha Mother returned to the "Paradise" with an angry face. Although the previous battle ended in a draw, everyone with a discerning eye knew that his real cultivation level was not as good as Luo Hou's, and he only relied on the power of heaven.

At this moment, Cundi Buddha Mother sat beside the "Eight Treasures Merit Pond" with her eyes closed in meditation, but no matter what she did, she could not calm down and the depression in her heart was difficult to relieve.

It was obvious that his Taoism had improved greatly through so many years of practice, and he also had a hidden powerful weapon, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even take down a Luo Hou!

How could this make Cundi Buddha Mother happy?
Seeing his junior brother like this, Amitabha Buddha persuaded him: "Junior brother, don't be angry. After all, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou is not an ordinary Primordial Wuji Daluo Jinxian. When he was the Chaos Demon God, he was at this level. Now he has reincarnated and returned to the peak. He also has the treasure of the demon world in his hands. Even so, he has never really taken advantage of you."

"Alas! I didn't expect that Luo Hou, after going through so many hardships, could stand up again."

After hearing what her senior brother said, Zhunti Buddha Mother became much more cheerful and said, "Senior brother, but I have also figured out Luo Hou's trump card. Senior brother, you are more advanced than me, and you will definitely be able to defeat him in a fight."

Amitabha nodded and said, "Brother, with you and me joining forces in Buddhism, Luo Hou will naturally be no problem. However, this time, it will be difficult to fight for the ownership of the demon world."

"Humph! That Yuanshi Tianzun is very ambitious and has always wanted to be the master of the demon world."

Zhunti Buddha Mother sneered: "Then let him go and compete with Luo Hou! Let him get humiliated and see what qualifications he has to laugh at me!"

Obviously, during the battle, the Buddha Mother Cundi was keeping an eye on all directions and listening in all directions, and he remembered the appearance of Yuanshi Tianzun clearly.

At this moment, in the demon world, on the Eastern Continent, the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect began to launch a counterattack. They were previously blocked by the demon army and suffered heavy losses. However, with the subsequent reinforcements, the two sects once again gathered their spirits and started again.

In the previous battle, both arms of the Demon Ancestor, the faith of the Demons, were broken. This tragic scene caused the morale of the Demons to plummet.

Without the help of the "Ancient Demon Palace", how could the ordinary soldiers of the demon clan have the courage to stop the ferocious coalition forces of the two religions?
This time, those Twelve Golden Immortals who were still able to move, as well as those with great supernatural powers who were retiring in "Da Chi Tian" all came out.

Yuanshi's pardon is not fake!
The two sects did not pretend this time, and gathered a total of eighty people with great supernatural powers. In addition, they fooled some independent immortal masters, so at the quasi-saint level, there were as many as one hundred and twenty to one hundred and thirty people.

The army under his command numbered tens of millions, and the demons on the opposite side were completely terrified.

The three Demon Emperors, Crimson Abyss Demon Emperor, Dark Demon Emperor and White Bone Demon Emperor, strictly guarded the "Three Lives River" and looked in horror at the coalition forces of the two sects, Renchan and Chan, who were coming in an endless stream.

At this moment, the three Demon Emperors were helpless. On paper, their power was inferior to that of the two sects.

When the Xuanmen sect truly exerts its strength, all demons and monsters will be swept away!

"How to do?"

The Demon Emperor Chiyuan no longer had the majesty he had when he killed the Eight Immortals, and his face looked bitter.

"Alas! We can no longer count on the 'Ancestral Demon Palace'. The Ancestral Witch has almost reached the gate of the 'Ancestral Demon Palace', but they haven't made any moves. The Demon Ancestor is also dying. I'm afraid the Demon Realm is really going to change."

The Dark Emperor sighed.

"Damn it! The Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect are both outliers in the Three Realms. They simply cannot accept our surrender. If it was the Jie Sect, it would be fine. But the Immortal-Eating Demon Emperor surrendered. What a spineless thing!"

The Bone Demon Emperor also sighed, but when he thought of the Immortal-Eating Demon Emperor, he couldn't help but curse him.

"That's right! This loser is always so arrogant and domineering, but he turned out to be a weakling at the critical moment!"

The Red Abyss Demon Emperor was also cursing, but deep down, the three of them were still envious of the Immortal-Eating Demon Emperor.

Not only did this guy not die, he was also regarded as an example by the Jie Religion to demonstrate the religion's kindness. As a result, the war in the southern continent went much more smoothly.

In fact, the three demon emperors had secretly contacted the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect and proposed the idea of ​​peace.

But who is Yuanshi Tianzun?

The disciples he taught all had their eyes on the sky and did not even take Jiejiao seriously. How could a mere evil demon want to negotiate terms with them?
The only way out for the demons is unconditional surrender!
Only in this way can their sins be forgiven. As for wanting to maintain their rule and keep the power in their hands after the war?

Don't even think about it. Both of their sects are composed of many independent immortal masters. Why did so many people come to the demon world?
Isn't it because of your great contributions that you are being rewarded generously?
To maintain the status quo and only gain the apparent right to rule, aren't these people working in vain?

Just for this reason, not long after, Jiang Ziya brought the great masters of various schools of thought, the teaching of Chan, and the teaching of humanity, and tens of millions of troops to the banks of the "Three Lives River". (End of this chapter)

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