The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 316: The 3rd River Mutation, the King of the Basnake

The vast army of tens of millions of immortals condensed into a group of auspicious clouds covering billions of miles, confronting the armies of the three demon emperors from afar.

This time, Jiang Ziya and his men not only had great strength in numbers, but Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun also personally bestowed upon them precious treasures.

The previous battle between Luo Hou and Cundi Buddha Mother had given the saints a clear idea of ​​the situation, so there was naturally no need to take it slow, and all forces accelerated their progress.

Amid the auspicious clouds, flags were waving, and the sound of drums could be heard, indicating that war was about to break out.

Jiang Ziya said to the group of great masters around him, "According to the decree of the saints of the two religions, the war in the demon world has reached a time when it must be resolved. Today, I hope that all immortals will work together to defeat the three demon emperors, the Red Abyss Demon Emperor, the Dark Demon Emperor, and the White Bone Demon Emperor, and completely complete the feat of unifying the Eastern Continent!"

All the immortals knew that this decisive battle was ordered by the two saints, so no one dared to neglect it. They all bowed and said, "We will obey the saints' orders!"

By the time the army of the demon world was organized and located on the other side of the "San Sheng River", they were confronting them.

Before Jiang Ziya set out to attack, he brought out tens of thousands of captured demon warriors, dragged them to the front of the battle formation, made them kneel in the clouds, and prepared to behead them in front of the battle formation as a sacrifice to the flag.

Be prepared to boost your side's morale.


On the other side of the "Sansheng River", the three Demon Emperors saw this scene and couldn't help but feel sad and angry. The two sects of Ren and Chan were so cruel that they even killed captives. Jiang Ziya was not a human being!

"Humph! Cut!"

However, Jiang Ziya was not moved at all by these insults. This is how he played it when he was in the human world. What do you demons have to worry about?

As long as you dare to wage war against the two religions, everyone is an enemy, and all enemies must die!

However, the immortals from both the Humanistic Sect and the Orthodox Sect all looked normal. They were the orthodox Xuanmen sects, with both compassionate hearts and thundering rage towards their enemies.

These demons fought against the two sects, and the two sects suffered heavy casualties, even core disciples like the Eight Immortals were killed. With such deep hatred, what's the point of killing some captives and offering sacrifices?

Following an order from the commander-in-chief Jiang Ziya, tens of thousands of swordsmen and axemen attacked at the same time, beheading the demon captives one by one. For a moment, the auspicious clouds were dyed blood red.

The murderous aura was overwhelming. The armies of the two sects looked stern, their eyes were red, and a fierce murderous aura filled the air.

On the other side, in the demon army, every demon warrior was furious to the extreme. If the three demon emperors had not given the order, they would have attacked long ago and fought to the death with the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect.

At this moment, the Red Abyss Demon Emperor was also furious. He drew his sword and shouted, "Jiang Ziya, if I catch you, I will make sure you die a miserable death!"

"Red Abyss Demon Emperor! Why don't you surrender quickly? If the army comes and captures you, it will be difficult for you to die!"

Jiang Ziya turned his head and looked at the immortals around him, and asked, "Who will go out to fight and win the victory for the army?"

"Uncle Master, I'm going to take a trip."

As he spoke, it turned out to be Yang Jian, the True Lord of Qingyuan Miaodao, the third-generation disciple of the Chan sect.

After the last military defeat, Yuanshi Tianzun was furious and issued the Yuanshi Pardon Order. All disciples of the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect, and even some people in the Heavenly Court, received the pardon order and had to go to the battlefield in the Demon Realm.

This guardian god of war of the Chan sect is naturally indispensable.

At this moment, Yang Jian arrived and was naturally the first to appear.

"Okay! Yang Jian, show us your skills and let the demon world see the might of our Chan Sect."

Jiang Ziya laughed heartily. This nephew of his could no longer be called Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun, but the new generation of Nanji Changsheng Great Emperor!


When Yang Jian was flying out of the camps of the two sects, the entire surface of the "Sansheng River" suddenly heard the sound of ghosts crying and gods howling. Countless black clouds covered the entire river surface, layer upon layer, and in the black clouds, there seemed to be countless demons roaring...

"Humph! The same trick you used before, trying to ambush me? There are so many demons in the storm. It seems the demon army is well prepared."

Yang Jian's expression was shocked and he let out a long roar.

As soon as he arrived, Uncle Jiang Ziya explained to them the reason for the failure of the previous war and why the "Sansheng River" was difficult to cross. It was because demons were hiding in it and as long as they crossed the river, they would be attacked.

At this moment, a demon storm appeared on the "Sansheng River", and many demons hid in it and attacked Yang Jian.

This did not surprise Yang Jian.

To deal with these demons, Yang Jian used his "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" with unparalleled strength. As he swung the "three-pointed, double-edged sword", thousands of demons turned into blood mist and fell into the "Three Lives River" one after another.

Those demons have an innate ability to blend in with storms. They can walk and shuttle through storms and constantly attack monks. Unfortunately, this time, they met Yang Jian.

As soon as the God of War of the Orthodox Sect appeared, the storm that could blow away the physical body and shatter the soul was completely useless. In the storm, he was as calm as a mountain.

In the huge storm surge, the wind and clouds kept changing rapidly. Yang Jian fought for three hours, killing countless demons along the way. The Roaring Sky Dog was also released. This divine dog suddenly changed into a giant dog of ten thousand feet. It opened its mouth and swallowed thousands of demons, which turned into flesh and blood and were swallowed into its stomach.

Among the coalition forces of the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect, many people with great supernatural powers showed expressions of horror. Is this the Orthodox Sect’s guardian god of war?
Sure enough, it’s too powerful!
If it were them, it would be difficult for them to keep killing like this!

According to some of their calculations, during the three-hour battle, Yang Jian killed millions, almost ten million demons.

Yang Jian intended to establish his authority, so he did not dodge at all. He just kept killing, killing without using any magical powers. He crossed the "Sansheng River" and attacked the opposing demon army!
This kind of majesty did work. The morale of the other side, which had been boosted by Jiang Ziya's killing of prisoners, was suppressed again.

The faces of the three Demon Emperors all turned ugly, because the new Yang Jian was at the same level as them, as well as the previous Jade Ding Zhenren, Yun Zhongzi, Confucius, and Zhuangzi. It seemed that their situation was even more difficult this time.

It’s a pity that the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect are too cruel. They don’t even have a chance to surrender. They will not retain their current power at all. They will only become their cannon fodder and tools to maintain the rule of the demon world.

In this situation, the three Demon Emperors really had no choice.

Retreat, it is impossible to retreat, this is the largest natural barrier in the Eastern Continent. If they give up the "Three Lives River" and without the assistance of the countless monsters in the river, they will not be able to stop the armies of the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect.

The three Demon Emperors had no confidence in defense, which put them in a dilemma.

At this moment, we can only take one step at a time. Maybe if it really doesn't work, we will have to go far away into the outer space and wander in the wilderness of the universe.

When the four realms are unified and become the primitive world together, that will be the moment for them to return.

Just when the three demon emperors were worried about gains and losses, Yang Jian and his Sky Roaring Dog became even more ferocious, and the storm on the "Three Lives River" seemed to be against Yang Jian. Instead of weakening, it became even more violent. The water of the "Three Lives River" swept up, and huge waves surged. The water of the "Three Lives River" was not ordinary water, but the "origin water" of the demon world. For the demons, it was the source of life and the origin of the race.

But for those who practice the immortal way, this poisonous water is extremely poisonous and completely conflicts with their immortal principles. Not to mention drinking it, even if one gets contaminated by it, they need to use magic power to refine it.

Huge waves rolled one after another. Even if Yang Jian saw them, he had to carefully avoid them. The "Jade Purity Fairy Light" on his body did not stop at all.

After this war god of the Chan sect naturally attained the status of a quasi-sage, Yuanshi Tianzun praised him highly and rewarded him generously. Several treasures on Yang Jian's body were also taken over by the saint, who personally refined them and integrated all of them with extinct innate spiritual objects to create top-grade innate spiritual treasures and best-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Occasionally, even if the "Three Lives River Water" gets on the armor, it cannot leave even a trace on that set of "God's Silver Armor".

Another three hours passed, and a huge whirlpool formed in the "Sansheng River". The storm in the sky became more violent, and the demons in it became more and more powerful.

Some demons seemed to have the cultivation level of Taiyi Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal. When so many demons gathered together in groups and teams, even a quasi-saint would have to flee for his life when seeing them.

Faced with such a tragic scene, Yang Jian's forehead was covered with sweat. However, his cultivation had reached the late stage of Quasi-Saint after all, so he could handle it quite well. It was just that he consumed a lot of his magic power and was a little mentally exhausted, but it was impossible for him to be injured.


Suddenly, the "Sansheng River" exploded, and countless mountains at the bottom of the river appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, not only the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect, but even the armies of the three Demon Emperors were shocked.

As the "mother river" of the demon world and its place of origin, there are too many secrets here.

It can be said that apart from the Central Continent and the "Ancestral Demon Palace", it is the largest mysterious place, far surpassing the other continents. Here, even the demons find it difficult to sneak into the deepest part.

The three demon emperors, Scarlet Abyss Demon Emperor, Dark Demon Emperor, and Bone Demon Emperor, had tried to go down before, but after diving thousands of miles, they could no longer continue. The pressure here was too great, and ordinary quasi-saints would be torn into pieces.

Unexpectedly, because of Yang Jian’s arrogance, the "Sansheng River" began to move unusually, and actually revealed the scene on the riverbed.

In the eyes of hundreds of millions of creatures, they saw huge ancient cities built in the mountains at the bottom of the river.

Deep at the bottom of the river, countless giant snakes with pitch-black horns swim around. It is a complete demon world and a kingdom of monsters.

“They are all Basahs!!!”

In the void, Yang Jian couldn't help but exclaimed. At this moment, the war god of the Xianjiao began to retreat.

He was going to head towards the army on the other side of the river!

No matter who it is, seeing this scene, one cannot help but be shocked.

This is a legendary existence from the time of the beast disaster!
It’s really too long ago.

Long before the Lich War, this race had rarely appeared. I didn't expect that there would be such a large number of Bashang snakes in the "Sansheng River".

The snake in the story of snake swallowing elephant is the Basao. In the days when ferocious beasts were rampant, even these ancient divine elephants would be swallowed by the Basao!
Now, this legendary species has appeared, and it seems to be very dissatisfied with the human religion and the orthodox religion in front of it?
At this moment, in the riverbed, in the kingdom of the Basashi, a thick and dense demonic aura emerged. This demonic aura seeped outward and actually formed a huge light shield, enveloping all the armies of the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect.

In this kingdom of Basahedrals, from inside to outside, there are Quasi-saints, Daluo Golden Immortals, Taiyi Golden Immortals, Golden Immortals... the hierarchy is strict, layer by layer, and all the Basahedrals roar towards the sky.

This demon country hidden in the deepest part of the "Sansheng River" has reappeared in the world.

One demon city after another rose from the ground and flew towards the void. In the core area, there were millions of Basahs. Besides the Basahs, there were also hundreds of millions of demon beasts and monsters.

These creatures are all water creatures, each one is extremely powerful, and none of them are below the level of celestial beings.

When all eighteen demon cities appeared above the "San Sheng River", they burst into green light, and a huge city broke out from the ground under the riverbed of the "San Sheng River".


What a huge city this is!
The huge city, which was billions of miles in size, formed a huge shadow in the void as soon as it appeared. It seemed that most of the Eastern Continent was covered by this shadow.

The armies of the Human Cult, the Orthodox Cult, and the Demon Clan all retreated.

They retreated hundreds of millions of miles and were almost reaching the border of the Eastern Continent.

In front of this huge city, everyone is insignificant and pitiful.

"What's this!"

"The King of the Basai?"

"How can there be such a large creature?"



Everyone was dumbfounded and stunned, because there was a huge python coiled in the huge city, and each of its scales was equivalent to a city.

The scales were glowing with a deep green light, which looked extremely strange and terrifying.

This guy is hundreds of millions miles in size!
No one had expected that Yang Jian, who slaughtered more than 20 million demons on the "San Sheng River", would actually attract such a terrifying thing!

"After so many years, someone actually disturbed the ancestor's slumber. Who is it? Who gave you ants the courage to cause trouble here?"

A rumbling sound came out of the mouth of the Basah King, and every word was like a bolt from the blue, making everyone's ears buzz.

Even the three great demon emperors, Yun Zhongzi, Jade Ding Zhenren, Yang Jian, Confucius, Zhuangzi and other powerful people were deeply frightened.

"The Primordial Supreme Being!"

This was their only thought at the moment. When they thought of this, everyone trembled and dared not speak.

Several masters from the Human Sect and the Orthodox Sect looked at each other and began to pray with secret methods, preparing to ask the saints of the two sects to come forward. This was no longer something they could handle.

As for the three great demon emperors, they had already knelt down and bowed deeply, not daring to resist at all. (End of this chapter)

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