Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 305 303 This is the conspiracy of other intruders!

Chapter 305 303 This is the conspiracy of other intruders! (two)
The types of these mineral veins may be considered abundant for Goblins, but in Marin's entire territory, they are relatively insignificant.

"Do you think these muskets and the equipment in the factories that produce these muskets can be sold?"

At the entrance of the weapons factory full of goblin corpses, Marin held an anti-equipment rifle in his hand. He looked at it carefully and asked the subordinates next to him.

"I don't think it's good, captain, ah no, captain." The answer to Marin's question was Turias, the captain of the Iron Horse Cavalry Regiment. He is one of the few people in the cavalry who has more business acumen, because he is City people, and pure-blooded city people.

Before becoming a knight in the Marin cavalry, he was a small businessman living in the underground area of ​​New Pompeii.

His family was in business, so after his father retired, he inherited his family's business: a hardware store selling all kinds of practical hardware tools.

His body has not undergone any mechanical modifications because he has enjoyed daydreaming since he was a child. Unlike most city people, Turias envied the wilderness people.

Of course, they were not those wilderness people with congenital defects and deformed shapes, who were still called foreigners at that time.

What he envied were those extraordinary foreigners who were born normal, looked no different from ordinary city people, and were born with powerful extraordinary powers.

He envied this because he read too many fantasy works when he was a child, causing him to daydream all day long.

But he is not a squad leader, just a very ordinary knight. Because his brain is not very good... no, because his tactical literacy is relatively average and he cannot take on the big responsibility of command.

There is a tribesman in Marin's cavalry. The opponent's name is Bottle Cap. He is a young man from the Catattel tribe. He is very strong and is the strongest man in the cavalry after Marin.

"This kind of weapon..." Turias looked at the anti-material rifle in Marin's hand for a while. "This is just a crude gunpowder weapon. It has no meaning."

"Then give it to the tribe...well, forget it." Marin originally wanted to sell it to the Catatl tribe and use it as toys for the tribe's children, but he gave up the idea the next second.

Or they can receive foreign cell transplantation, but the success rate of this transplantation is very low and requires a large amount of preliminary culture, which is extremely expensive.

A gunshot rang out, followed by a loud shout from a knight. Replacing Marin is a good example of why this kind of thing is not suitable for tribesmen.

But now, his dream has come true. Of course, because of his background, his business skills are still much higher than those of other knights in the cavalry.

It's not that I don't want to, I'm just afraid that something will happen to the tribesmen if they use these things.

"Damn it, don't play with this thing!"

The martial arts talents of the tribesmen are very good, but again, such talents need to pay a price, and this price is...

Anyway, Turias definitely has no money, and he can't afford any of the above two methods.

They are relatively innocent.

Even if ordinary city people undergo transformation, there is no way to obtain superpowers like the extraordinary aliens. If urban people want to obtain the same power as those extraordinary aliens, they will need to undergo some mechanized transformation.


It's not that the tribesmen can't use this kind of weapon that uses gunpowder to propel projectiles, it's just that it's not suitable for the weapons made by these goblins.

Thinking about such weapons, there are weapons in the city that are much better than these. They also have safety locks and can be used by even fools.

Instead of using this, it is better to buy it in the city, although this thing cannot actually be sold in the tribe. "woo woo woo woo!"

"Whoa!!! Whoa!!!!"

After the gunshot, a strong roar followed, and along with the bottle cap cheers of the tribesmen, Marin turned his attention over there.

Immediately, he spotted a giant beast covered in steel armor driving out from behind the gate of the factory opposite.

Marin, who is well-informed, certainly knows what this is. It is a tank. When Marin went to hunt down the Goblin leader, the four remaining knights encountered an armored tank that had been temporarily pushed out of the Goblin Valley Automobile Factory.

Even from the perspective of humans like Marin, this armored tank can also be called a 'behemoth'.

It is twelve meters long and five meters high, and its overall shape resembles a large water tank.

"What the hell, what are these goblins doing building such a big thing? What's the point?" Marin looked at the car driving out at an extremely slow speed. Both the steering and various data could only be described as tragic. , a behemoth with a confusing number of turrets, asked another Knight of the Order on the side.

"Well... I think it's pretty good-looking, leader."

"It's really pretty." Marin looked at the multi-turret cult faithful practitioner for a while, then nodded, agreeing with his subordinate's words.

"This can be sold for money, captain." Turias, the business elite in the team, said, "This thing should be able to sell for some money whether in the city or in the tribe."

"Can this thing be sold?" Marin looked at Turias, a little surprised. "Who will buy it?"

"The war beasts created by Goblins are quite rare. As long as the news that there is a Goblin clan here that has entered industrial civilization is released and officially verified. The collections in New Pompeii People will definitely be interested in this.”

"In addition, we can also enclose the area where they live and preserve the buildings and debris. This way we can also use it as a scenic spot to charge admission tickets!"

"How much money can be sold?"

Turias walked up to the war car and looked up and down for a while. There are several holes on the front of this tank, most of which are concentrated in the cockpit. It seems that the goblin driving the tank must have died miserably, having been pierced like a hedgehog by the javelin.

After looking carefully, Turias turned around, returned to Marin, stretched out five fingers towards him, "At least fifty dark gold coins to start with."

The Great Dark Gold Coin is a high-value currency issued after the founding of the Great Dark Empire. A large golden eagle coin weighs thirty-five grams. As for purchasing power, it is a lot of money anyway.

At least fifty Great Dark Empire gold coins, each weighing thirty-five grams, and gold in the hometown of Wu Yun, the founder of the Great Dark Empire, costs four hundred yuan per gram, and here it is even higher. .

"So valuable?" Marin didn't believe it when he heard Turias's quotation. "Isn't this just a fucking multi-turret tank? It's still so abstract..."

"But it was made by goblins. No matter where the goblins got this technology, their brains can create this. This is the biggest reason why it sells for such a price." Turia Stall.

"Damn." Marin smacked his lips when he heard Turias's offer, "Rich people are really rich..."

Even in Wu Yun's great dark empire, the gap between rich and poor still exists. Although today's Great Dark Empire is definitely a paradise in the eyes of people from the lower-class cities of the past like Marin, some dark sides still exist in this empire.

Because it was related to the final mission score, Wu Yun did not go on a killing spree. Therefore, in his country, it is inevitable for fish to slip through the net.

(End of this chapter)

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