Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 306 304 This is the conspiracy of other intruders!

Chapter 306 304 This is the conspiracy of other intruders! (three)
time comes night
"So, you mean, that is a goblin tribe that can make its own weapons and even war beasts?"

At night, in front of a huge bonfire in the village of Xixiter, tribal warriors and knights of the Iron Horse Cavalry sat around the bonfire. Villagers from nearby villages brought a large amount of wine, fish and meat to the victorious warriors.

Amidst the strong aroma of wine and meat, the soldiers were playing in front of the campfire, some were dancing, some were chatting, and some were fighting.

"Yes, but they are all dead." Marin held the bowl in one hand, drank a whole bowl of fruit wine, and then bit the leg of lamb in the other hand. "You don't have to worry about this problem now. I will let it go another day." Let’s patrol the entire territory again to see if there are any goblins that have slipped through the net.”

The flames of the bonfire cast a dark yellow color on Marin's face. He was holding a wine bowl in one hand and chewing on a leg of lamb with the other. Beside him was Pastopia, the head of the village of Sisiter.

At this moment, Marin is watching the fight between two knights in the cavalry. This is a very common entertainment activity in the cavalry, and it can also be regarded as a kind of combat training.

"Fuck him! Beat him! Majlinus! Cut off his head!"

In the center of Sisitel Village, in front of a huge cylindrical bonfire that seems to reach straight to the sky, two knights from the Marin Knights are wearing thin clothes, one holding a scimitar in his hand, and the other with bare hands, fighting each other. .

"Fuck, fight! Why are you dazed!"

"Klimas, hurry! Blast his heart out with your fists! Kill him, kill him!!"

"Magilinus! Magilinus! Behead him! Behead him!"

Of course, the people watching this duel were not only Marin, but also other members of the Knights, as well as the villagers of Xixitel Village.

The dead Milo actually once observed the human civilization in this world from a distance and saw some of their daily lives.

That was his only observation of human civilization in this world before he launched a large-scale attack on Sisitel Village. However, what he observed was not Sisiter Village, but the master of this land, Baron Marin's 'superior': Kata. Ter tribe.

It was a coming-of-age ceremony held by the Catatl tribe in the Basbatoya Forest. Only the tribe's youth who passed the coming-of-age ceremony could be considered a qualified 'tribal warrior'.

This coming-of-age ceremony consists of three major links: sports, hunting, and the final competition.

It was precisely because of the mental impact this observation brought to the dead Milo that he had the idea of ​​attacking Xixitel Village.

Because after that observation, in his opinion, this actual 'human being' cannot be considered a human being at all, and they may not even have advanced intelligence.

As for the reason, it is very simple, because the fight between them cannot be regarded as a 'fight' at all, but a massacre and death battle full of blood and violence.

Not only because of the bloody battle, but also because of the terrifying appearance of those people. Not all the tribesmen in the Great Dark Empire are so lucky to enjoy Emperor Wuyun's super treatment cabin to solve some of their congenital deformities. After all, such people are only a minority.

Moreover, after Earth's martial arts became popular in this world, the tribesmen no longer actually needed to use that stuff to treat themselves.

They only need to practice earthly martial arts. When they reach a certain level, they will naturally transform.

And today, tonight, the scene Milo saw that day appeared again.

However, the two parties who staged this scene were what Milo considered to be 'human beings', the group of humans who destroyed his tribe.

The sword flashed, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and with a muffled groan, an arm flew high into the sky. Knight Klimas took a few steps back. His right hand was still clenched tightly, but his left arm was gone.

'Click'. With a slight landing sound, an arm landed quietly on the ground. The fingers on the palm of the hand still maintained the posture of making a fist, twitching from time to time.

"Haha, Klimas is going to lose! He's so good, he can't even beat the newcomers who just joined the group!"

When Climas had one arm cut off, another knight who was watching the battle immediately laughed loudly. When Climas heard the mocking, he turned his head and glared at the other knight, but the other knight laughed even louder. .

"Haha, I'm in a hurry, are you in a hurry?"

"Knight Klimas, is he going to lose?"

While the two knights were sparring, Marin had finished a whole leg of lamb and drank three bowls of wine. He doesn't like drinking. He only drinks fruit wine because it's sweet. He drinks it simply as an alcoholic beverage.

When Pastopia's voice came to her ears, Marin turned to look at her. She was also holding a wine bowl in her hand, and her face was a little red because she drank some wine.

"No, Majlinus is losing."

"But Knight Klimas has already broken..."

"You'll know after you read it."

Marin didn't explain. He poured another bowl for himself and another for Pastopia. "Klimas has been in the regiment for twenty years, and Majlinus has only been in the regiment for three years. Although it is said that He is a genius, but..."

"Your Excellency, Captain, there is no need for you to look down on me so much, right?"

The conversation between Marin and Pastopia was naturally heard by Majlinus. Faced with the leader's comments, Majrinus also knew that they were very pertinent.

But how to put it, a fair evaluation is indeed a very fair evaluation, but if you ask whether you like it or not, you definitely don’t like it.

"Damn it, if you're still in the mood to listen to me, be careful of getting punched to death." Marin said with a smile, looking at Majlinus who still had time to talk to him.

"I don't recognize it..."


Before he finished speaking, with the sound of flesh penetration, Magirinus swung the scimitar in his hand forward, and looked at Climas with an unbelievable expression in front of him, who stabbed the only remaining arm into his chest. .

And his scimitar cut deeply into the opponent's neck, but it got stuck at the collarbone and could not advance even an inch.

The saber that can cut through nearly two meters of reinforced concrete can naturally cut through the opponent's knight's body like tofu, but for some reason, the saber got stuck, stuck in the opponent's collarbone, and lost all power. .

Immediately, Climas withdrew his hand from Magirinus's chest, waved his arm, and the blood from his neck spurted out toward the sky, like a fountain. A head soared into the sky, and then fell to the ground under the influence of gravity.

This is a common entertainment activity among the cavalry. The knights will hone their combat skills in this way that is no different from real combat.

(End of this chapter)

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