Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 318 Chapter 316 You waste!

Chapter 318 Chapter 316 You waste! (one)

"Wow! Help me, help me, help me!!!"

"Your brother is going to die!!!!"

If you can't beat him, call someone else. This move has been Wu Yun's habit, or signature skill, since he was very young.

As early as when the human empire had not yet been destroyed and Wu Yun was still living in the empire's laboratory, he was already good at this.

As one of the demon kings in the laboratory, although Wu Yun crushes most of the children in the laboratory in terms of strength, he will still lose if he encounters a group attack or a few difficult targets.

At this time, as a born bad guy and a coward who can't afford to lose, Wu Yun will call his brother to come out.

Wu He at that time, like Wu Yun, were both extremely abstract and bad that they couldn't be considered bad, but Wu He was indeed very abstract at that time, and even worse than Wu Yun. .

Wu He is the strongest one in the laboratory, and coupled with Wu Yun, the two of them join forces and are invincible in the entire laboratory.

Of course, Wu Yun is also very strong, not the kind where the combined wealth of the world's richest man and I can crush the world.

It's just because of Wu Yun, a guy who protects his shortcomings, that it is unlikely to succeed.

However, after Wu Yun and Wu He entered the refrigerator and were frozen for hundreds of millions of years, they came back to the wasteland. Although Wu Yun was still the bad guy in the past, the bad and oily bastard, his brother Wu Crane is different.

At the same time, he also became much stricter towards Wu Yun. He no longer protected Wu Yun indiscriminately like before, choosing to protect him regardless of whether it was Wu Yun's fault or not.

The two did not stay together all the time after they came to the wasteland. There was a period of almost ten years in which Wu He traveled abroad. During this period, Wu Yun was not with him, and he did not know that he was old. What are you doing?

Anyway, among the heaven-level gods in Yunguang City, Wu Yun is indeed not the first person besides his brother Wu He.

According to his own statement, Wu He was said to have traveled to many places in the past ten years, including other galaxies, and saw various customs and customs in the wasteland.

Anyway, no more than ten.

Then after returning to Earth, he changed. He became very different from what he used to be. He became a bit "bitter and resentful", in Wu Yun's words.

As the city with the highest level of warriors in the wasteland, in Yunguang City, there are as many as fifteen heaven-level gods like Wu Yun and others, and the first-level masters at the city lord level of the nine main cities are in Yunguang City. There are countless cities of light.

In addition to him, there are also the first Tianwu, the second master of Yunguang City, and Luo Zhen, the third master, and...

Since then, Wu He has become the only man in Yunguang City... ah no, one of the few men who can hold Wu Yun down.

The laboratory will not interfere in the fights between these new humans, and it may not even care about the death of people. The laboratory itself will eliminate those 'unqualified' new human newborns.

Therefore, he still cannot be unscrupulous in Yunguang City. Although others have basically never taught him a lesson, most of the time this kind of thing is done by Wu Yun's elder brother Wu He.

Hit me if I'm not being honest, hit me if I don't like it, beat me if I don't work hard in cultivation, in any case, it's all kinds of beatings. It’s hard to say whether it has any effect, but it can at least allow Wu Yun to improve his strength through constant beatings.

However, although he may be the person who beats Wu Yun the most in "Heroes of the Wasteland", he even beats Wu Yun's nemesis Chu Liang. But in fact, he is still very protective of his shortcomings. At this point, he is no different from when he was in the laboratory before.

As Wu He's only relative, Wu Yun's status in Wu He's heart is naturally self-evident.

Throughout "Heroes of the Wasteland", Wu Yun experienced this situation several times as an adult, three times in total, and called Wu He three times.

But on two occasions, after Wu He arrived, he just stood there and watched Wu Yun being beaten. It was not until Wu Yun was beaten almost to death that he intervened to break up the fight and rescued Wu Yun.

As for the only time he came over to save people and nothing else, that incident has not happened in the timeline where Wu Yun is, because it happened after the story of "Heroes of the Wasteland" entered the universe chapter.

Therefore, after Wu Yun became a 'variable' and entered Dimensional City, his third call was also moved here, to the present.

The distance of this call transcends space and time, and even transcends the universe.

So, under such circumstances, Wu He can still...


In another distant universe, Wu He, the city lord of Yunguang City, is sitting in his office and busy handling today's official duties. As a diligent and extremely capable city lord, it is naturally impossible for him to fish in the office or deal with other matters. Official business'.

Yunguang City is not into this kind of thing. This is not one of those chaotic small cities in the wasteland. The city lord covers the sky with one hand and is a 'city lord' in the true sense of the word.

While Wu He was dealing with this year's city financial problems, for some reason, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind. The owner of that voice was very familiar to him, and the tone of the voice was very miserable.

You don't need to think too much to know who this is, even though this situation has only happened twice so far, if you don't count this time.

"Forget it, someone probably hit me again." Facing his brother's call and the telepathic message across the universe, Wu He just shrugged, and then planned to continue handling his official duties.

Speaking of which, it seems that his brother Wu Yun has not seen his shadow for more than ten days. I don’t know where this kid has gone to cause harm to others. It is estimated that his request for help at this moment may be because he was called again by that man. The boy from Chu Liang beat...


He was just about to continue focusing on the work in front of him, but the next second, a sudden throbbing feeling from the bottom of his heart made Wu He's body shake violently.

The originally plain expression on his face became a little solemn, and then he raised his head and looked out the window in the office.

Wu He's office is on the 250th floor, and he can see the distant sky through the window. It was evening at this time, and the sky was turned blood red by the setting sun.

And the blood-red sky seemed to indicate his brother's upcoming fate.

"Damn..." Looking at the sky outside the window, Wu He muttered. The next second, his figure disappeared into his office.

(End of this chapter)

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