Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 319 Chapter 317 You waste!

Chapter 319 Chapter 317 You waste! (two)

"Luoxia, I have something to do and need to go out temporarily. I will leave the work to you."

"Yeah, yes, help me handle it, thank you. You can discuss other matters with Qi Tianwu, and leave some work to him. I don't know when I will be back. If it's quick, it will take a few days. If it's slow, I will I don’t know how long it will take.”

"There is a possibility that I won't be able to come back. I don't know the specific situation. If everything is fine by then, I will call back."

"Yeah. Okay, okay. It's okay, it's okay. It shouldn't be a big deal. Thank you. Please work harder during this time."

"Hey, okay, okay. Um, treat you to dinner? Um, okay, I will treat you when I come back."

"Yeah, hung up."

Wu He, who was sitting in the taxi, put down his cell phone. He looked solemnly at the street scene outside the window without saying a word.

Just like the way Wu Yun goes to other universes when he is not performing missions in Dimensional City, the way Wu He goes to other universes is by taking a taxi.

Although he is very strong, he is still just a human being after all, and he has not yet reached the state of transcending the universe.

Just like other parents in the wasteland who use nuclear weapons to blow up their children at every turn, this is also an expression of "love".

Everyone is a heaven-level god-man, but sometimes, the gap between a heaven-level god-man and a heaven-level god-man can be wider than the gap between a human and a dog.

Although it is still 0.3, it has reached this level. The gap between 0.3 and 0.39 is very big.

They have been dependent on each other since they were young...well, actually they have a mutual affinity. Years of getting along have already created a deep bond between the two.

In space, his flying speed can reach zero point three times the speed of light, and this is without turning on "True Martial Arts".

The difference between 0.05 times the speed of light and 0.03 times the speed of light is 75,000 kilometers. This 75,000 kilometers distance seems very short, but in fact, the gap between them is...

And if he turns on his true martial state, his top speed will be able to reach nearly 0.4 times.

Wu Yun's maximum flight speed in a vacuum is 0.05 times the speed of light. Because his math scores were not ideal, it was previously calculated as kilometers per second, but it was actually kilometers per second.

That's it.

Although the two are not biological brothers, the relationship between them has long been closer than real brothers.

With his current strength, if he didn't use any other means and just rely on hard flight, it would take decades to just go to the galaxy closest to the solar system.

Wu He, who was sitting in the taxi and looked out the window for a while, retracted his gaze and urged the driver next to him.

Wu He was much stronger than Wu Yun, not just a little stronger, but far beyond.

It just hurts a little.

As for Wu Yun's older brother Wu He, he is much stronger than his younger brother.

At this moment, with every second that passes, the uneasiness and throbbing in his heart will deepen.

"Master driver, please hurry up. I'm really in a hurry."

Although he beat Wu Yun all day long and beat the boy to death at every turn, in the end, "beating him to death" was not really beating him to death.

At this moment, sensing that Wu Yun's vitality was rapidly fading, Wu He, who was sitting in the passenger seat, felt as if he were sitting on needle felt, feeling extremely heavy and worried.

"Don't worry! I will definitely get there as fast as I can!!!"

The driver sitting in the driver's seat responded solemnly, and then stepped on the accelerator. The taxi instantly turned into a stream of light, directly tearing the universe, penetrating the void, and disappearing in this world. This is a speed that far exceeds all the cross-universe taxis that Wu Yun has ridden before. It is full power that blocks the driver's professional dignity. It is a mission that is enough to transcend the boundaries of time and space.

And all of this was because of the driver's respect for Wu He and his love for the lord of Yunguang City.

Wu He is a very good city lord. This does not require him to boast or any media publicity. The residents of the city have their own judgment in their hearts.

His reputation is probably the highest among the citizens after Sun Yunguang, the founder of Yunguang City.

Yes, Sun Yunguang is the name of Yunguang City's first city lord in the wasteland era. It has the same name as one of Wu Yun's current subordinates and his teammates from his first mission.

The two are even somewhat similar in appearance and temperament, but unfortunately, Wu Yun's historical performance is not ideal. He no longer remembers what Sun Yunguang, the founder of Yunguang City, looked like eight hundred years ago.

Even everywhere in the city, you can see statues built by later generations to commemorate this great city lord.

The taxi turned into a stream of light and traveled through universe after universe, tearing apart void barriers one after another.

It travels through the multiverse in an extremely rough way, speeding across the dimensional sea.

Finally, after spending half a minute on the timer in the car, Wu He arrived at his destination.

As for why Wu He could directly ask the driver to drive the car to Wu Yun's location, the answer is that Wu He and Wu Yun's mobile phones are specially designed for parents and children, so Wu Yun's mobile phone has a child anti-lost tracking device.

Wu Yun, who is now in his fifties, is of course still a child in the eyes of his brother Wu He, who has just turned sixty. This has nothing to do with the age gap between the two, or their ages.

Furthermore, in fact, this guy Wu Yun is indeed a giant baby. To say that he is a giant baby is actually a bit flattering to him.

"Here we are, Lord City Lord!!"

The taxi stopped in the boundless void, about hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, where countless high-energy rays were flashing in the dark universe.

"Thank you." Wu He nodded vigorously towards the driver, and immediately got out of the car after scanning the QR code to pay.

"Am I waiting for you here? Lord City Lord?"

After Wu He got off the car, the driver also rolled down the window, stuck his head out of the window and shouted to Wu He.

The driver was just an ordinary person. After opening the window and shouting, he realized that he seemed to be unable to breathe in space.

In an instant, his face turned purple from suffocation, and he quickly rolled up the window. The air filled the car again, and he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Wu He had already disappeared beside the taxi.

The short distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers does not require Wu He to use his "Yunhe Instant Technique", and it is not used in this situation.

The displacement technique he used was called "Huntian Shifting Technique". It was not a technique from the Yunhe Sect, but from the Xingyun Sect.

At this time, Wu Yun, whose body was in tatters, was dying, and his fire of life was on the verge of being extinguished.

But at this moment, just when these sneak attackers were preparing to give Wu Yun the final blow, an extremely huge pressure appeared.

At the same time, it was also accompanied by a voice that could freeze a person’s soul:

"Damn it!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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