Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 334 332 Let’s light up the galaxy

Chapter 334 Chapter 332 Let’s light up the galaxy ()
When night turns into day, when a bell-like sound rings in the ears of everyone on this planet, people will see blood and tears left in the sky.

It was torn out with red cracks, and countless blood and tears flowed from the cracks, turning into raindrops and falling to the ground below.

Those were blood-red tears, scalding tears that would ignite the earth, melt the mountains, plunge the whole world into a sea of ​​fire, and set off huge waves of fire.

After the sky shed tears of blood, it was the residents of the earth who shed the same tears again.

They were hit by the rain of scalding blood, burned by the fire, fell down with shrill wails, and were burned into balls of molten slag.

Howling and screaming, the world became a hell on earth.

Paul, who was old and frail, was also hit by the scorching rain of fire. When the first "raindrop" hit him, he felt his soul burning.

The severe pain caused him to even exceed the limits of his body and jump out of his flying wheelchair.

The severely atrophied legs actually supported his body and danced on the ground.

Unfortunately, this did not relieve the pain. In the end, after dancing for more than half a minute, Paul could not hold on.

But this technology is only available to those who have made contributions to the federation, such as officials.

Thanks to the rapid development of life science and technology, people have the technology to extend life span, delay aging and delay the onset of genetic diseases.

His son is an officer. The life span of federal officials will be much longer than that of ordinary people, but it is not unlimited.

Despite the brilliant progress in life sciences in recent centuries, the secret to longevity has yet to be discovered.

She still has a long life to live, but as soon as her fiftieth birthday passes, she will die soon.

It's just a pity that his son is not so lucky.

Paul was a very lucky man. Although he looked very miserable, he probably passed the screening and survived.

His eyes rolled white, black smoke came out of his mouth, and he collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

Steve’s wife Anne is also an officer. She is thirty-four years old, has never been sick for a day, and looks no different from her fourteen years ago.

Steve, Paul's son, was a great son, a great brother, and a great Federal Air Force pilot.

But now, he had turned into a puddle of molten slag next to Paul who was lying on the ground and passed out.

His son is only twenty years old this year, has a bright youth and a bright future.

Everyone knew it, but no one was sad about it, and no one saw it as a tragedy.

But now he is dead, but Paul, who is in a coma, doesn't know it yet.

It is a small miracle that he has survived till now. Few ordinary people can live beyond the age of forty. In fact, most ordinary people's lives will end much earlier than him.

But now, Paul is not dead yet, but his son is gone.

It could also be worse, being sentenced to death in front of television cameras for breaking some laws.

He may have died in an accident at work, or he may have contracted a genetic disease while still in old age.

According to the laws of nature, Paul knew very well that he would die this year if he could not get out, and he would die of something that most people have to face at the end of their lives: radiation sickness.

According to the data, the oldest Federation member died at the age of fifty.

Of course, this refers to the oldest ordinary people, ordinary people who have not received genetic defect removal surgery.

The current head of state, Altdorf, is an energetic centenarian, while his predecessor lived to be over 380 years old. No one can give an explanation for why Altdorf and his predecessor survived so long, but that's just the way it is.

The reason why the Führer becomes the Führer is because they live longer than other people.

And they lived longer than others because they were born to rule the Commonwealth.

That's what the manual says.

But now, the Federation is obviously going to change its owner.

"Now, this galaxy is mine."

As a rule, Wu Yun would say a declaration of conquest every time he went to an area to be conquered. Today, Wu Yun did not make a long speech, but just said a very simple sentence.

First, Tutu will launch a wave of power, focusing on attacking the ruling class in the galaxy, beating and killing them.

Then, it is to declare its ownership of this galaxy.

The social form of this galaxy is very abnormal. There is a description of the social form of this galaxy in the target information Wu He gave to his younger brother.

Before being controlled by the interlopers there, the KGr23 system was controlled by a federal government called the "Federation of Hope".

Of course, this political system is still the same now. It's just that there is now another group of people above the country's supreme ruler, the "head of state," or the "presidential commander."

They are the new highest ruling class in this galaxy, that is, the "intruders" from other universes.

These intruders did not make any changes to the original social form of this galaxy. Therefore, the original superiors are still superiors. The social classes have not been reshuffled because the intruders came to the galaxy through peaceful means. of supreme power.

As for whether the intruders in this galaxy will take action against the original ruling class in the future, it is no longer known.

Because this galaxy has a new owner, and that owner is Wu Yun.

He doesn't cooperate with anyone or negotiate with anyone. He only comes to rule and kill.

Facing his arrival, the incoming ruling class of the galaxy has only one way to go, which is to surrender completely, or--

But this time, Wu Yun did not intend to give the planet's ruling class a chance to surrender.

Therefore, there is only one fate left for them.

"All of you will become the subjects of my great dark empire and will be ruled by me."

"From now on, I will control your life and death, your emotions, and your destiny."

"Hail now, cheer for your new emperor. You will usher in a new future, and it will be a paradise compared to the world you lived in before."

"In such a paradise, sing and cheer my name!!!"


After saying the last sentence, Wu Yun also crushed the head of the last intruder in this galaxy.

His headless body floated in space, and was soon burned out by the flames, turning into tiny dust floating in the universe, and completely ceased to exist.

The KGr23 galaxy conquest battle ended perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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